5 w Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 19, 1950 BlfTQICT River for Columbia Cellulose. She , ately to the Outpost Hospital at continued"" by plane today to J Terrace before being taken tj Vancouver with the patient, who j Prince RuPert '- " spent overnight in Prince Rupert r? HATER 0s the Hurt at Terrace, Is Flown South Mrs. S. G. Mills of 'Terrace arrived in the city on yesterday's train from the interior. She brought in a patient, Allan Green, who sustained a double fracture of the leg and other severe Injuries In a blast while working as a driller on a new logging road west of the Kalum name General Hosp! tar. ,It is belieyed that the Terrace Has Boxing Card TERRACE a fine exhibition of boxing was given by some of the local boys on Saturday night at the Civic Centre, and the crowd of spectators thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Due to the closing of the Prince Rupert highway, the card which was to have taken place with Prince Rupert boxers lined up against the local lad had to be called off. However, two Hazelton boys showed some fine boxinrt about... derives from 'Kupfer- Bussinger President In the course of blasting rock 'Nickel on the .roadway Green started Nickel," to drill one rotk which had been i Copper, mcning "Oid Nick's given to the metal by i SHAMES EVACUEES ;NOW IN TERRACE j TERRACE Several of the families from Shames have WHISKY early-day miners in Saxony because It was difficult to smelt and work. , ; loaded with dynamite but not t discharged. An explosion occur- j red. He was removed immedi- Terrace Has BURNS LAKE The annual meeting of the Omineca District Liberal Association brought a large gathering from all points between Vanderhoof and Tclkwa and crowded the Community Hail here, some eighty delegates with their full quotas oi proxies be-. WWW Seagram's : "83" and equal to their Terrace opponents and were well received. wW lest. For water (ploin Nick Schmeline refereed the bouts. oarkling) it your most Warmest Day j TERRACE Frrday was the 1 warmest day of the year here with the mercury going up to 92 degrees in the shade. Despite this, the Skeena River doc not appear to be rising further", and moved into, Terrace until the near-fljsod waters of the Skeena River have subsided. These dre, Mrs. Fred Leake, whose husband is C.N.R. steel gang foreman, and who with her three children, is the piuest of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jackson; section foreman 'and Mrs. C. DeGrasse and two boys who are living in a section house here; and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eckerman. Advertise through Classifieds rfioble guide to th. whob ' lng in attendance. Retiring President John Berg ine bouts were: - j Ronnie Earl and Robert Cote. I Louis Tetreault and Francis' obout ony whisky. 'occupied the chair and was as-j sisted by Secretary Jack S. Brown IFrascr ami Payne; ARE FEATURING LADIES FINE MAN TAILORED SLACKS IN PURE WOOL GABARDINE. PLEATED FRONT;, CONCEALED Z I IP P E, R, SNUGTEX WONDER WAISTBAND, NEATLY CUFFED, BEAUTIFUL FITTING GARMENTS. Assorted Shades and Sizes to Choose from - Lofeudo. Wch nothing, but r.veol n a r v e y Hooensnieid ana wru) despatched all old business, whisky's true, naturpl Wayne Statham. ' 'and called for nominations of on Saturday morning It was re-I ported to have fallen about six (inches at Braun'g Island where, ion Wednesday, it had been (thought the residents might have ess lavour ana Douquer. SEAGRAM'S . Kenneth Earl and Peter Mag- new officers, which resulted as nus- .follows: Rusty Gordon and Lawrence ' Honorary President.. Rt. Hon. L. uruwn oi nazeiion. end be lUKt . i j of ihe fineif Chuck de Kcrgommeaux and to be evacuated. 1 The haze of a forest fire covers the Lakelse Mountains area. Towards 6 o'clock on Saturday S. St. Laurent. Hon. Vice President,. Hon. B. I. Johnson. ., Presidents, E. T. Applewhaite, Leonard Morgan of Hazelton. by Walter Holmes of Topley, Mark Connelly of Fraser Lake, and Jack Andros of Vanderhoof as vice presidents, and J. H. Sew- Mike Ratzo and Pat Johnson. I afternoon a short thunder show- Georga Murray, M.P., and Cecd Price $14.75 . . . . . Th!- advertisement ii not published or displayed by ell of Vanderhoof as secretary- 1 er hardly dampened the parched pair jqgor Control Board or by the Governmnt of British Columbia. Steele. Clarence Bussinger of Telkwa, treasurer. ground and dusty rpads and the Burns Lake Milk Strike will be air remained thundery and close all night - was elected president of the org- i Next annual meeting anization and will be backed' up held at Bunrs Lake. jjay or -Hock Tuesday---tond Tuesday after East or, i traditional English fe.iti-j Hazelton Is Hot Alarmed BURNS LAKE The village of Burns Lake is threatened with a milk famine, as the local dairymen, Magnus Anderson and Leonard Radley, threaten to go U Flood Crest of Skeena Believed Passed Safesmenlnow Why- UTIFIED PIPE AND HAZELTON The weather has i Y of business owing to tne acr boen extremplv warm h,nc ih 1 tion of several prominent citl- ILER W ELDERS AND IPE FABRICATING S - 1 - past week which has been an in- ! zens. There is no herd law In direct cause of the rising Skeena ' this district and farmers must River. However, it is but a little fence ln order t0 protect their above normal, not enough to . cops. The village passed a by- h build dump boxes, steel 4 : ' cau.se much anxiety as the snow law pronimung siock irom Storage. r . . . ,. . . 1 romhiinir t.hrnueh the village fire escapes, tanks, trailers out of Ural welding and repair nil tlir giuuuu aiiu uu L-u iuiuci- i o " " line had disappeared several but, so far has no pound, nor weeks ago. ! official pound-keeper. The dairy ' adJolns the village -bound-ment The Public Works Depart- arles- and the work horses fre- and some citizens spent 111 Work Guaranteed ft ' '' J " A ' - f t ' i I ' 'f ' w 1 ' queniiy come in ui iuwu. uw citizens Impounded them, fed Free Estimates SWITCHED TO and watered them and presented the owners with a bill. Notice has been given that there will be no milk deliveries after July 1. severla hours Tuesday evening hauling rock and, brash to keep the river from washing away any more of the bank . As far as a flood is concerned no one in Hazelton Is alarmed. The river, it is thought, has reached Its crest, so there is no danger this year. The Public Works Department has spent two days hauling sand and rock to build up the bank. . INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. ; Ul Ave. Rant Green 884 iil Work Guaranteed FROM SOME OTHER BRAND TERRACE TOPICS Herb Spencer is around aain after a period of confinement to his home with a bad case of influenza. "Aftr twitchini to H.F.G's, i I s I've driven 2').4 0 miles ' without a flat. 7 host tires are still in very good condition." D. M. McDonald, Calgary, Alta. , 1 11.4 i i In the course of a business trip throughout the district, T. M. j Gibson of Vernon, regional super j intendent for the B.C. Power j BOULTER & WELTER- (Formerly B & W Transfer) Concrete, Gravel ond Cement Phone Black 774 (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue Commission spent Thursday in town. kN c5 ' ' "A frtemi urged mm f twitch ) I F. Goodrich n4 enjoy Ktra blowout protection fhonkt )o B.F.G.' stronger tidvwafl coAstrut- . ia and ihiek, rood-erippiiiB, Jroad." . W. Ml, Vtctoria, S C.; Brightening A nathn-uUIe survey of the tire customers of B.F, Goodrich dealers from coast to coast shows that 3 out of 5 B.F. Goodrich tire buyers switched from some other brand. 7 Why did they switch? Salesmen can tell you why they switched. They wanted trouble-free motoring . . . wanted to make their calls on time . . to cover their routes on schedule, in safety, and at low cost per mile. Mileage, safety, comfort, economy aren't these what you want, too ? You can have them I You can get the superior performance made possible by B.F. Goodrich manufacturing and engineering Ud Terrace L rrrrt Manv Improvements In Business Section Work is going ahead with the corner buildinc, next to the Sliver Tin Cafe, which, when "1 wonttd moro miicago for my nonoy, I twitched to M fiood-tWk. I'vo drivon M 000 miiti aod my P.O. tiros took good for at many moro.' f, H. iandon, fort , ftotigo, Man. V! fekill. You can enjoy the benefits ot B.tAr. research cooler-running, longer-lasting rubber compounds, improved tread and body design and advanced tire building methods. When you switch to B.F.G., they are all yours ', There's a friendly B.F.G. tire dealer j v , i si' I V 11 i( A completely renovated, will be occupied by Den Dodds Drug Store. It is expected that the move will take place about July 1. Another store which is soon to have a new location is the government liquor store which is to be moved to Lakelse Avenue near Kalum Street, as soon as the new building there is completed. In line with the general smartening up of the business section of the town Mr. and Mrs. Carson "I appreciato tho vo)u ol 1 t f . Goodrich rubber rosenrch. Sine I twitched to Ii O. Tiros I've hod completely trowblo-freo drivmf." P. I. Brown, Ottawa, Out, Q near you. He's one of the B.F Goodrich ' family of 5,000 trained tire specialists and service experts. He'll help keep your tires in first class condition, the year 'round! Ask him to show you the new B.F.G. Silvertowns and the famous Seal-o-matio safety tubes that seal punctures instantly . , . permanently, as you ride! See him today! III j Jackson have renovated the building on Lakelse Avenue i which was known as the Sundal Apartments and Its bright, brick ! finished exterior is a decided im-! nrovement on the former build-! lng. The interior has been ! changed and decorated with liv "I fot record milo9e from my last set of M- Goodrich tires, se net rally I beuahl I F G 't Oiata' Mt K. Henderson, Winnipeg Moo. V LOOK FOR THE PENTAGONAL SIGN that identifies your friendly B.F. Goodrich Dealer Fashion Footwear MaiHifactMWi, Tea, Cheese B.F. Goodrich If your new car, truck or tractor ii equipped with B.F. Coodiich tires, take, advantage of your dealer s free tire inspection ervic. Tliin will assure vo of ti'tina Sia lon, ntPtN or Complete Range of trouble-free mileage that is built into all B.F. Goodrich tires. ' " j THE FAMOUS B.F.G. L , N' ..,.,4 A7 "Seal-4-malit bought in 1939 or still in dependable service in my IF G. tire, giving me 9reaor safety, greaier economy, iu freedom from pwnctwres-" H. Gdly, Courtenay, .C, nfanl & Babv Wear iatterlet Automattvt Accessorlot Industrial Rubber ProduOt and KoreseaJ ing quarters f or the Jacksons. on Saturday thev opened their new restaurant "The Home arill." Further along the same block nn Lakelse Avenue the Smahas have transformed the building next to the Canadian Legion Hall into a neat appearing construction which will house their dry-cleaning establishment and Jiving quarters. On the south side of Lakelse Avenue the new home, on the former Halliwell place and the new United Church are improvements which are seen from the centre of the town. Such lmprovments and building are going on all over town but the beauty of the lovely trees along Lakelse Avenue and the other streets in the town is marred with the grey dust which rises in clouds every time a vehicli passi ve lt- Goodrich Dealers In Prince Elupert' Qnd Baby Gifts BABY BOOTIES DIAPERS ROMPERS DRESSES Everything for the Baby at DOM'S DEP'T STORE Phones 566 and 866 cd Avenue At First Stieet