1 Prfitrc Huprrt Dai'Ip nctus UD. Wednesday, April 14, 1948 Dyes For Cancer; Doctor, Goes Blue PHILADELPHIA Chemical dyes may prove a powerful weapon in the war against cancer. STARTS twp j w 1 sctonds jsroo... i Reminiscences ByW.).' and Reflections An Independent dailv hewsuaner devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comp-ising northern and cemn.l British Columma. (Authorized as Second i :ass Mail. Post Office Department. Ottawa) PuWished every afternoon except Simdny by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 8rd Avenue. Ptince Rupot. British Columbia. G A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION A doctor risked his life to be of service in an experiment. He SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cltv Carrier. Der wee. 15c: Per Month 65c; Per Tear, t7 00; BEBt. By Mail, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 4.00. swallowed synthesized dyewtufl known as Nile Blue 2B, It was in sufficient quantity, to see if such a substance was poisonous enough to kill a human being. It had no ill effect, although the gallant doctor turned a handsome shade of blue. 10IS1 UltH XI MMets ... Ik tfNu,, ?UbkU ..1 Dodge Cove, over on the shores j tying up with the new port lives of Digby Island, reminds one, In Victoria but many have a from the harbor, of how Prince suspicion his heart Is in the far Rupert looked about four de- north. He roamed the Klondyke cades ago. About the only dif- ahead of the strike and was ference is that not a soul, in familiar with Peace Rive be-Dodge Cove has the nerve to ask fore farmers took a fancy. in $20,000 for a two-by-four, mus- that direction. Cornwall has Daily Train Ditched keg-carpeted lot. gone back. He was in wmtehorse NORTHERN A.ND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA 3 J a iew weeits ago. Ana now, ne s Harry Price, probably the somewhere in Arctic . regions RUPERTS daily train service, which,' PRINCE long before any press announcements on the 1 orlds chief authority on psy- perhaps till deep summer. matter were made, we heard had been recom chic research, died in London Fashion News last week. Though many do, he 1 Prince Rupert had a few days did not deny the existence of a of what was called dust, last future state. Yes, there are week. But did it breeze around ' scoffers but there are few who in the pantry, or try to go to bed will spend the night, alone, in a with you, or throw gritty ven house believed haunted, and nut over the butter, or get to your ; be in a highly jittery state. Que hair and eyes, or Wow day and ' may try to read a novel but one "tent, for weeks, or nowi instead trunks of something else. of sighing, or sing jaze instead of Chopin? If it did aU this, or ' Prince Rupert is to have signs more you must have dwelt on mended, ha.-, been ditched somewhere along the line and yesterday we reluctantly carried an official statement that we are not to have it after all. Of course, this is something that thf people of I'l-mee Rupert and district are not goinp to be very happy about. We had also heard that officials of the western jurisdiction of the railway were heartily in favor of the improved service and had been confident that it was going through. However, it was turned down somewhere for the reason that the revenue would not justify it. Possibly, even the railway company itself is not all to blame, since it seems to be so rigidly governed . . by a set policy, on some occasions . '. i e -.1 -1 - 11 1 XT-:r.l You will be proud to wear this new style coat with its new distinctive appearance. Note the face-framing collar and soft bow. f reeulatine motor vehicle traf- lne 'n prairee. fic. This will be all right if some of those who go driving succeed Un slowing up sufficiently to be able to read them. as they pass. CRUDE BUT EFFECTIVE PIETERMARIT2BURG. South Africa, it- Police, suspicious of a wounded native's story that someone had shot him, searched his house and found a homemade .22 pistol. The gun was CHEREV BLOSSOM TIME General and Mrs. Claire Chen-auit are shown admiring the Japanese cherry blossoms that are now in blossoai around the tidal basin in Washington. The Jefferson memorial can be seen through the trees at left. 1 Charles M. Hays possessed a 1 lot of self-control. He would have needed all of it had he Quality Merchandise U a lastln pleasure, long reniem-bered after price Js forgotten. erf opper o metal ai lea.si, m waiving uyiwia been told in 1909 aUhougn trains made from a piece development or spending money to make money had hppn runnin oul of prince pipe, various pieces Rupert since 1914, they had not ni elastic. It apparent- does not seem to enter mucn into me picture now. Oone in Montreal and Ottawa is the spirit in which around to service JV wornea. yet got a daily this railroad was conceived. ' Instead we seem to 'in 1948- ANNETTE mm Jim Cornwall, who spent a stormy Sunday afternoon in Tram Schedule For the fs Monday, Wednesday. Friday 8 p.m. I -3t Ula' k CM nim brr Ovfor.l, J. 1 I XX. iilw ill Urowu fair. yfSS "J I WALK UPSTAIRS IN STONE Bi ll. Prince Rupert years ago and remarked no one would err in have a rigid policy of dollar in sight for doflar spent. It is a policy which, if pursued to its logical conclusion, could conceivably lead to further curtailments not only of this but other services. Alas and a 1 a c k that Lauriers, Hays's and Thorntons, are out of style, that national vision and broad development ideas have given away to actuarial bureaucracies with their rigid economies which are so easy to apply when the" spirit moves and the resistance is weak. ic r KiUuE SlvATlNG ROIXKR HOCKEY Dust-l'roof Floor Schedule: 7-U Every Night Wednesday JJIjjlit Bi'ginners Only Thursday 1-4:30 pm. Saturday -12 a.m., 1-4:30, 7-11:30 Rupert Roller Rink PENALIZING STI DENTS? CITY FINANCES Editor, Daily News: Editor, Daily News: When the prices went up at May I correct a statement at- m iy ' 5 J y x You too will prcfe.- I.ecLte' for J local theatre, adults paid 2c more tributed to me which appeared and High School students bore in your issue of April J 2. a boost of 6c. This is a consid- i The reported statement was: erable item considering most of "However the Bank of Can-:the students are trying to earn ada has withdrawn its support .their own spending money and from provincial bonds causing 3 certainly don't have a chance tnem to drop to 94 per cent of to earn much in a few hours af- their par value." ter school. , I This should have been: ' Considering all the extra ' "However the Bank of Can-money the theatre has made in ada has withdrawn Its support the past from our students one of quotations on Dominion of would think they could afford Canada bonds (not provincial to put on the current play at bonds) and this was one factor the regular prices in the special watc-h contributed to the drop matinee they put on for the in value of provincial bonds." High School students. j Another reason was also This is not only my idea- but of given, everyone I have heard speaking THOS. B. BLACK of this. They usually add thak Chairman, Fiuance the quality of the shows in gen- Chairman, Finance Committee ' C-A '' " A and leather ... their long wear ' "s'tvi the way tney J"eD yoB ' v - ly Vi striding along in comfort ' '' , foot-fr'!,h' Ask f,,T them at I (- I your shoe dealer. " 7 I Consult us for your needs in all types, of pritnlng work. Everything in high-rcUs stationery. . . Cards for .every occasion. Fountain pens. MMl Two sailinn net H OF CONCERN TO HEALTHY BOYS LYMAN DUFF, who was .the commissioner Sill reporting on the Hong Kong inquiry, said that military officials responsible for getting vehicles and other equipment to Vancouver in time for shipment with the troops, were "somewhat lacking in energy." An interesting example of restraint in language. Likely most people in Canada are willing to forget the whole sorry business. It may be questioned if there is any political dividend to those who enjoy seeing Mr. King squirm. The men who were lost cannot be brought to life. The men who came back from prison are trying not to remember. The most important phase of the affair should be non-political. It is feared by many that another war is coming. What is the condition of the department -of defence? Are the four hisrh officers who still argue as to their respective duties on the job yet? If so, have they learned something of military planning? Have they the energy to see that sound plans are carried out promptly? Or are they still "somewhat lacking in energy?" Are they still of the type described by Stephen Leacock ones who in the event of war would mount their decks and gallop off in all directions at once? On the proper answers to these questions may depend the survival of healthy Canadian boys now of the age of 15, or 10, or 5 or 1. VANCOrVER - v SfcATTLI Tuesday, l.au p.m..i City of Prince Rupert eral is very poor in comparison Friday, 12 midnigr STEWART and All Sundavs. 12 midnis. Ot EKS CHIRU l i nt lIKkl'TT PriittiiM a m. jl mrnwm. BBM with the service we have always had in the past so the public opinion seems to be that we are not getting satisfaction for our money. A STUDENT'S MOTHER. CLEMENT'' MEMO TO ADVERTISERS BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE AprU lb anc FOR SOl'TH IS! April 18 1 .3 FRANK I. RWj Prince Rupert 1 For the information of our advertisers, A.B.C. auditors make a complete, annual audit ol our circulation Advertise m tne iiaily News! Classified Advertising Pays! Third Ave. H It's Here Now! THE NEW S-QUART PRESTO Meat - Master I ft 1 Audited Distribution for your Advertising 5W I Pressure Cooker UNITED STATES SLEEP WELL OF THE RIGHT KIND is one of the most SLEEP important essentials to health. "This is the time Nature chooses for the re-creation of strength' and energy, and the restoration of the body, brain and nerves. Deep, peaceful fleep brings fitness for the duties and tasks of the following day; it starts you off on the right feet every morning and keeps you in step with the activities of the day. So work well by day and sleep well at night. Will took n -b- romplftf niMl (or 1 In order that our advertisers may have this information and thus be able to invest in advertising in The 1 Daily News on the basis of known, verified facts, we are members of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. family. S19.95 Jbone 211 Mt Bride Street Morim, rwkW j t: ind l,fl advertising copy and attrac-ive GOOD layouts are, of course, essential to the success of your advertising But from the standpoint of final results the answer depends upon the "'distribution of your advertising. When you buy newspaper advertising you are paying for an opportunity to talk -to people about your merchandise and service. What you eet for your money, therefore, depends upon how many people there are in your audience, where they are, how this audience was obtained, and many other facts that indicate the value of the circulation as a market for what you have to sell. s i SAVOY "Easy to take home" Cartare nd for complete, R Efficient service. The Bureau is a national, co-operative association of publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies. .Every year one of the trained auditors em-1 ployed by the Bureau makes an audit of our circulation records. This audited information is issued in official A.B.C. reports covering each member publication. You avoid guesswork and speculation when you advertise in an A BC. newspaper. I HOTEL Carl Zare Ui, PrM- Undsay A StorK Existing regulations moke it illegal for any Canadian resident to retain in his possession more than $10 in United States cash. You are required to turn in to your bank, for exchange into Canadian money, any amount you have in excess of $10' in United States -funds, without delay. THERE'S A REASON The reason is that Canada must have the U.S. dollars tpent here by tourists, in order to moke them available for the payment of imported goods and services needed to keep production and employment at a high level. j nark 4 Phone ?7 J,.0. oM FRASEB STREET 1 Prince Rupert Phooes B " S00TLESS FOOTHILLS STOhT fOG N,T Prince Rupert Daily News AIM - This newspaper is a member of the AikIU Ruri'au of Circulations. Ask for a icopy of our latest A.B.C. report giving audited cimilal ion fads and figures. COAL - 1 BULKI-EY VAUEt PHIIPOTTEVITT & CO. Lj -Fcts as a measure of advertising value A.B.C Audit Bureau of Circulations 0 ' ? PHONES fi!l-632 fOREIGN EXCHANGE COMTftOL I0MD 0TUW