the iocal Pot., n 111! Prinrc nupctt Dailp mius ttB. Wednesday, April M, 1913 1 4 '" i p.m. and nated toward the ALASKA TOWN GOES ALL OUT There are 221 persons Hvinp :i who rv caed m-.. t Baseball Scores I'acii'ic toast Seattle 5. Oakland 3. San Diego 3. San Francisco 2. Los Angeles 8. Sacramento 4. Hollywood-Portland postponed. SHORT SPORT TO ROIL YOUR OWN WITH I ;ffim?rn iw I WINNERS OF IT PA YS n aur. iu-tiliriuf 'VPS far t STANLEY CUP resident sold hls E' the time bed' 'lie total fund of raised. in Crni;, near Ketchikan, and one fear.s he is threatened wi'.h tuberculosis. Others think the same. Craig is a fishing village on the west coast of Prince of Wales Island. On a recent evening every establishment In town shut down World's Professional Hockey Championship By The Canadian Press Holders of the Stanley Cup CI a. lASllrtrQ Cigarette I ooacco l-S since it was donated in 1893 by jLord Stanley of Preston, then j governor-general of Canada, 1920 Ottawa Senators. 1921 Ottawa Senators. 1922 Toronto St. Patricks. 1923 Ottawa Senators. 1924 Montreal Canadiens. 1924 Victoria Cougars. 1926 Montreal Maroons. 1927 Ottawa Senators. 1928 New York Rangers. 19J9 Boston Bruins. 1930 Montreal Canadiens. 1931 Montreal Canadiens. 1932 Toronto Maple Leafs. 1933 New York Rangers. 1934 Chicago Black Hawks. 1935 Montreal Maroons. 193ti Detroit Red Wings. 1937 Dclroit Red Wings. 1938 Chicago Black Hawks. 1939 Boston Bruins. ,1940 New York Rangers. 1941 Boston Bruin. 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs. 1943 Detroit Red Wings. 1944 Montreal Cana,dierjs. 1S45 Toronto Maple Leafs. 1946 Montreal Canadiens. Manager Jack Adams of Detroit Red Wings was suspended ! Indefinitely by President Frank Calder of the N.H.L., and Red Wing players Eddie Wares and Don Grosso were fined $100 each six years ago after a fistic assault on referee Mel Harwood during the fourth game of a Toronto-Detroit Stanley Cup series. Adams was reinstated the next season but the piiotless Rod Wlugs lost the' series. . j Boxing was legalized in Chicago 22 years ago after city , fathers balloted in ratification of the state law. Boxing had 10A7 .. Trti-rtnfrt Mnnlp T.nfs ,, iMf. , nMtt.bcen prohibited in the Windy 1893 Montreal AA A. 1894 Montreal A A A. 1895 Montreal Victorias. 1896 Winnipeg Victorias. 1897 Montreal Victorias, lftff. Montreal Victorias. 1899 Montreal Victorias. . 1900 Montreal Shamrocks. 1901 Winnipeg Victorias. 1902 Montreal AAA. 1903 Ottawa Silver Seven. 1904 Ottawa Silver Seven. 1905 Ottawa Silver Seven. 1906 Montreal Wanderers. 1907 Montreal Wanderers. 1908 Montreal Wanderers. 1909 Ottawa Senators. 1910 Montreal Wanderers. 1911 Ottawa Senators. 1912 Quebec Bulldogs. 1913 Quebec Bulldogs. 1914 Toronto. 1915 Vancouver Millionaires. 1916 Montreal Canadiens. 1917 Seattle' Metropolitans. , 1918 Toronto Arenas. 1919 No winner. City since early In the century. I MILD, SWEET, .BRIGHT VIRGINIA """""V ' . entre j :tvtiw;i';v " 9:00-Bo-Me-Hi gym class.. , vSf v A f V 1:00 Bo-Me-Hi gym class. - f t ,2 2:30 Borden Street gym class. , 1 7 1..' : ' $ " 3:30-Badminton. , v ;, 7:00-Badmlnton. - , , 4 -j? v&Smmf (, w . . . 8:00 Rup-Rec men. "J wpv ' Special Events 1 ; ' . 7:00 N.F.B. FUm (children). L ... i -'N I F r v' 8:00-N.F.B. Film .adult. ftV't "'1 J SJ J A!' 8:00-Co-op Members Rela- r - ' t f yT 't Is5'" J tion Meeting. TjfTl "CTW 'f " you saw It in tne Dally News! : xrjl C '.,' i Red Wings. 1919 final 'series between the' The name "tank" applied to Montreal Canadiens and Seattle by epidemic of in- was halted fluenza. tracked, armored military vehicles, was given to disguise the true nature of the machine when it was being built during the First World War. BRISTOL, Eng., 9 City police have warned clergy here to keep their churches locked following activities of a gang of carpet thieves who have raided churches and hotels. . . . that for a mild, cool, sweet smoke . . . ihm'v tn match a tobacco expertly blended from high p Burlcy leaf. He knows that Burlev is a tobacco packs easily . . . burns slowly, leaving a clt. sh ... a tobacco that stays lit! He knows tint km the .-! J test of mildness he can smoke it all iL Isn't this just the tobacco you are looking fur'Trj , w Sir ATTENTION FISHERMEN! z coma Wffi Minora Blades Forcomforr and speed, you can't equal Minora in its doss. It's th quality blade in the low-price field! rat YOUR DOimi-CDC AZO AhDEN iNOTEBO I INSTALL LAWN IS CENTREPIECE vines. There is all sort sof planning material available for this All " informal garden layouts, purpose and found listed in any: and the informal type is almost . n,p Derennil! frriJYA! nil oca u' o 1 1 irnnun. iviiiiiv . - rsf II y J people do not realize that one I yw. can get quite good and quick A i . . r- . . 1 ' invariably the best, are built around a piece of lawn. Even in the very tiny city gardens, this makes the most effective treatment, the level tretch of green grass setting off the flower, shrubs, vines and trees whicii surround it. If at all possible one should i avoid straight lines in these results from annuais iuu. yuw ias, ornamental sun flowers, cosmos, spider plants are only some of many things that will I Officii u Marine Muffler ON YOIR BOAT ENGINE AND AVoru HARMFt'L BACK PRESSIKE WE MAKE MUFFLERS TO SUIT YOUR. ENGINE THOM SHEET METAL LTD. The Pick of Pipe Toboe CAPTURE MOUNTAIN LION IN SASKATCHEWAN Robert Tyre, Sask., newspaperman, -.o .vaown here with tne irozen carcass of the 150-pound cougar, or mountain lion, which was recently caught in northern Saskatchewan. Mountain lions are known to have existed in the Cypress Hills area of Saskatchewan at one time, but they have been extinct in the province for the past 35 or 40 years, it was learned. The cougar is to be mounted for display in the Regina museum at a later date. reach three or four feet In t ' height in a few weeks. And RUPERT MARINE RE! surrounding beds of shrubbery 1 and flowers thou'h rigid feme (IS LIGHT awl AIRY Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS J. CI.AI SKN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHAR mtOKKHS IN BOATS, MARINE AM) FISHING EQI TRY Classified Advertising Pays! Advertise ir the Dally News! 253 East First Ave. Black 884 lines and driveways .sometimes make this difficult. Experts advise, however, a curving front to the flower beds rather than a straight one, and both flowers in this and any shrubbery should there are quick-growing vin?s too, like scarlet runner -beans, I sweet peas, hops and morning glories. GROW FAST FOR TENDERNESS The only secret of tender vegetables is quick uncheckjd growth. This means planting at the proper time, not too early with tender things that frost or cold weather may check, and they must be harvested when this new i 1. What is wrong with I sentence? "This hat is a i creation." I 2. Wrhat is the correct RUPERT MARINE REALTY is a Spring day! Cenuhe PlaaHthn CUE I'll pro. be planted in clumps rather than I in rows. Generally small flowers Business and Professional jnunciation of "handsome?" FOK Ql'K'K 8AI.F.S OK ( IIAKTIKS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfronti Box 548 . rhonf (. pnd smaller shrubbery are brought to the front, though there should be a little variation in this rule just for variety.' 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Ignominy, iceing, illegitimacy., 4. What does the word "absolve" mean? 5. What is a word beginning SOLES, just right. One is advised to push growth along with plenty of cultivation, some fertilizer, PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 1361 Overlook Street SCREENS- At the back of the flower beds, nc! wat"!ig ?fn of!""1 possible. It is o a good .long the fences or in place After we ! DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 SMITH & ELKTNS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers coiidl the "Mrii with ho that means "the killing of one human being by another?" Answers 1. Omit now. Creation is the presentation of a new conception. 2. Pronounce han-sum, fences one can use growing screens. These may be in the form of permanent hedges, . Vm.Kc lnaa rv Vl 1 (rV, TS (T ' at least several weeks so that ! young stuff Is coming along con- linuously. Another is to plant on your car yuu JOHN MOST AD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 fur many mil" 1 7 ' -eral dif ferent tpes-an ear.y as. En f wall in good condition will look mofe the d is silent. 3. Icing. 4 nintorins- You P.O. Box. 274 Phone 174 XllllluriUg nui b, i liiciuuui aim a. 'late. PATTIS AND . To set free or release, as from attractive if partially hidden in fi-oo vi i ill a ' DRIVEWAYS Even where paths are not ab some obligation ,or from the 1 this way, and as for the more consequences of guilt. "He was common type, which is not to absolved from all blame in the attractive it can be completely transaction." 5. Homicide. I screened by annual or perennial trouble. solutely necessary they will adi interest to any garden. But they is ust wne mis Bob Parker U FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed JOHN F. L. HUGHES HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavlig Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 should not be too obvious, and if one wants a curve or two in them then there should be some excuse fo? that curve, such as FOR - M ON ARC 1 1 l FA l.KHS Princf M 'The Home of Friendly Service" La tree or group of shrubbery. Many GRACE LINE Numbers s, See them at ;BR07tl'J00DS HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS TRY What the path will be made of will depend upon how much traffics and what materials are available. Good firm sod will take some wear and if dry will carry an occasional car. For more permanent results and heavier traffic, flag stones, Chiropractor - 21-22 BESNER BLOCK P.O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY Rex Ca Building and Repairs of all kinds FOK TASTY M Rooft, Chimneys and Oil Burners fh Chop Suoy OPEN oi k sil I ' PHONES: 'Green 486 Red 894 ....uri: 6 A.M. TO 2 A.M. CHINFSt im" bricks, crushed cinders or well packed gravel are all suitable. Where these act as driveways as well and carry heavy traffic, some foundation and drainage is advisable. Coarse gravel or cinders will do very well. To keep down dust and weeds & MESSENGER . Prompt Service Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 269 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 OTT-TT PPTNCE Bl'fw1 SECOND AVENUE, urruou ,':1. ' r. '!' 'Of! DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing Maternity Wear a Specialty Be smartly dressed with hidden expansion features PHONE BLACK 687 84 GEORGE McWHlNNEY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING P.O. Box 1428 In driveways there are many good weed killers on the market. Common salt is also used for this purpose and It has the additional advantage of binding' the gravel or cinder and discouraging frost. mm 831 Bacon St. Phone Green 394 HEWM HOI Fr A Home Art , PRINCE Phune J'll LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning nd pressing and sleam pressing while you wai GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled . . Besner Block Phone 387 STEPHEN ERICKSON PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 " 411 West 7th Ave. PHONE 649 220 Sixtb Street mm vt7 -an i LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. SECOND AVENVE AND FIRST STREET Service Department Now Open for Business FLAT-RATE LABOR QUOTATIONS Sl'PPI.IED ON R EOT EST V. GREER & 'I'll raise with a package of super-delicious JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 SUPERIOR DECORATORS PAINTING :: PAPER HANGING Phone Blue 952 or Black 245 Len Hitchins Bill Thornton ' Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes" BUILDERS AND CO Reuairs - Construction Ur "OK, pal. That's a blue chip if I ever saw one speaking deliriously, of course." . "And these -malty-rich, honey-golden Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes are a whole stack of good nourishment." , "A spadeful of carbohydrates for energy." Serrinr the Fisheries Industry growth and rich blood." "Using two grains instead of one in making Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes is a pair that really pays oft in double breakfast enjoyment and rosy-cheek nourishment." "Fellahs I think I'll pop over to the grocer's right now and buy up enough Post's Grape-Nuts Flnkrs fnr n full honro" Floor Sanding a Well. (P.R.) Ltd. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL " i i f i ft-r. PHONE 866 p,o. CftrUf. Libelling, Welhlnf Phone RED 561 '