IS BETTER HERE princc Unpen Daily rirto Ltd. Wednesday. AprU 14, 1948 Local News Items . . . Coal ! Coal ! THAN VANCOUVER Museum Members To Be Admitted Without Charge Persons taking out membership In the Prince Rupert Museum Board will be entitled to free admission to the Museum of Northern British nninmhia Come to Varden's Concert, Oddfellows' Hall Thursday, April 15, 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c. ments are arriving regularly. We can again Observation of Local Business Man After Brief Trip South Prince Rupert business DeoDle (89) Alderman George Rudderham sailed Monday night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver and Port Alberni accompanying the city's all-star basketball team to the Island town where it will play for the provincial senior "B" championship on Thursday and Friday nights. MOOSE ELECT NEW OFFICERS Prince Rupert Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, elected its 1948 slate of officers at a well-attended meeting last night. The new officers will be installed at the next regular meeting Mrs. c. C. Mills returned to v the famous McLeod River Sootless Lump, jr gtoker. Egg coal is expected this week. the board executive decided at a meeting Tuesdav aftemnnn U,. . may be thinking that it is a bit dull just now but one should go to Vancouver to find real auiet Tr. u - . Kvuaj jiuiu a. viml hj vauuuu- Instead of a luncheon meeting, the Prince Rupert Oyro Club is having its monthly business meeting at dinner tonight. Activities for the year and other important business matters are coming up for consideration. The executive was In session Mom day night In preparation for the general gathering. R. F. Davey, Inspector of Indian schools for this province, is spending a couple of weeks in this agency on official busi- ... uic uasi, mem Derail n rarri r u.u . . nuiutrs nave Deen charged or and uncertainty, says Jack Mc Mr. and Mrs. Theo Collart re dinary admission fees when PHONE YOUR ORDER NOW turned to the city on the Prince Rae who returned to the city by yesterday's plane from a brief visiting the building. ine move Is desiened t.n stimn . Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. AND McCAFFERY LTD. trip south. Some small stores are closing up altogether, although there are reports of Die late popular interest In the museum and to Increase the lag of the organization. They are: Governor, C. H. Collins. Junior Governor, Herbert Junior Governor, Herbert Whiffin. Prelate, Jean Hollister. Trustees, D. G. Wood, Frank Parlette. Chairman of the meeting was W. B. McCallum, retiring Inspector of Schools E. E. PHONE 116 BlUDERS' SUPPLIES ging membership list. Hyndman returned this morn expansion plans by the large departmental stores. Kenovatlon of the UDDer flnnr tag on the Prince Rupert from T "f 7 Port Essmgton, Port trin tr, rw., .!,. , Edward, of the building has been com PASSENGERS Mr. McRae paid a brief visit at Duncan with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae: who now pleted with the exception of decorating, which Is to be car ... , .ucwaMua aiiu Dull- Canadian Legion regul- nyside and, with Indian" Agent lar monthly meeting, E. Anfield, left today for Young Folk Send Clothes Abroad Recent campaign of the Young People's Society of First United ried out by Junior Chamber of reside Is the Vancouver Island today Mr. Flnnle, it J Sutherland. A. w Vancouver; W. Legion Hall, 8 o'clock to- Hartley Bay after which he will a. ml . iri town but are planning to come here about the middle of May MEN'S SLIPPERS for this week only commerce volunteer workers on Sunday. The board plans to have the walls of the UDDer nnm if night. Important busi-! proceed to Port Simpson and the 0 Burgess, and r. its. Naas River. ness to transact in for a month's revistation. Church, under the leadership of Santispit. Maurice Brydges left by air yesterday for a trip to Vancouver, going south to receive treatment for his eyes. done In pastel green. The lower Tuesday-O. J. mos- eluding election of President vice V. G. Houston resigned on account ox m-nealth. (It) walls are light blue. Arrangements for the ereetinn l Harris. J. P. Mac- In Victoria Mr. McRae, who is president of the Prince Rupert Liberal Association, met the minister of lands and member for Skeena, Hon. E. T. Kenney, who expects to be here soon of the two large totem poles at D McRae. from Van- Berry, A. S. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Young returned at the week-end from Prince George where Mr. Young attended a Cariboo district conference of agents of the Stan- me iront of the building are tne energetic pastor. Rev. R. A. Wilson, on behalf of suffering people" abroad took finalized form at the first of this week with the shipment of 27 cartons containing 620 pounds of clothing. The articles were of wide variety for infants, boys and girls and adults and were dis jdspit. oeing completed and thp ih should be under way within a after the session closes. .... Mr. ....... Ken- ........ Clarence Salter, manager of Carlisle Cannery, arrived in the city today on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver to take charge of summer operations of the Canadian Fishing Co. plant. Monday L. Cramp-Sandspit; Mr. King- uam vjh to. oi eriusn uoium-l iew days. j. Townley, Mr,. Mc- bia. In addition to 15 district ney wm als0 vlslt nls constitu-agents. there were present at!ency- Dr- Jack McDugall, new iha xinf.n,... o t-v r.i. i Liberal oreanizer for British Mr. Thomson and from Vancouver. patched to Toronto whence they HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY uad i Tuesday) M. P. ofLIFE? Are you goirtfr; through the functional 'middle &k' pertiid jwculiar to women (iiS in fi2 yra.t? ioet this make you Biifief from hot flashes. forl w nerumt, high strung, tired Then no try l.ydia E. Pinkhain'a vetetahle Compound to relieve uch lymptomii Finkham (Compound Iflo has whtH Doctors call mUhuacIuc tonic effect! win be shipped to ultimate destinations by the Canadian Church relief organization. Columbia, Is taking over his of-. pany president; C. G. Whiteman, U1 ui sales supervisor; E. A. Bence in'fice in Vanuver and expects Provincial Chapter, I m pe r ial charge of marketing, and Ivan,t0 also vlsU Prince RuPert and Order. Dauehters of the F.m. Trnncdnio i r j... this part of the province before N. Tremens, J. Mor- A. A hot oil shamnnn Is dtBusy, Miss Endea for dry hair. Heat pure olive oil D Lee and Mr. Rum- , l.i ... ah vuatg u. ttUVCl-l. pire, meeting in annual session Using. long. m .-.dspit; G. R. Townley, ana apply to the hair and scalp thoroughly at bedtime Bind th. at the Empress Hotel Victonu xigers, George Dawes, VLYDIA E. PINKHAM'S K Among them are Mrs. R. J. hair with a towel, to nrevpnr. For your Furniture Kequire- Classified AcvefuiiJig Pays! Announcements All MTertlMmtnw in this column will be charged (or k full month at 25 cents a word iildson and Mr. and 1 aitm, w Vancouver. staining the bed linens, and then next morning wash with a mild, liquod shampoo. Use this treat Sprott, organizing secretary, and t ments Buy at Elio's. The entire Mrs. Jens Munthe, Prince Ru-j stock is Greatly Reduced for pert Municipal Regent. At the Quick Selling. Dinette Suites, opening ceremonies Monday Ranges, Odd Dressers, Chif-evening guests of honor includ-'foniers, Beds, Beautyrest Mat- Jfor "Chicken in the Rough' j: Varden's Concert, Oddfellow's ment about once a week. 25 PAIRS Romeo SLIPPERS with zipper. Reg. $6.00 TO CLEAR 16 PAIRS Romeo SLIPPERS with zipper. Reg. Price $4.75 .TO CLEAR Q(" 20 PAIRS ' Hard Sole SLIPPERS with elastic insert Reg. Price $5.25 TO CLEAR j2 5 32 PAIRS Romeo SLIPPERS with elastic sides. Rpg. Price $6.00-- TO CLEAR 95 36 PAIRS Soft Sole Everett SLIPPERS Reg. Price $2.95 TO CLEAR j2 5 Q. How can I make strine Hall, AprU 15. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 15. beans retain a bright color after Wolves Run One Is Shot :01S LAKE Bud Lord ark wolf last Thursday at Tchesinkut Lake. It cooking ? eu i.t.-uuvernor ana Mrs. u. a. tresses, Battleship Linoleum, Banks, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Congoleums, Luggage, Baby Car-Rollo Mainguy, Premier and riages, and many other goods to Mrs. Byron Johnson. Rev. Wm. 'numerous to mention. Elio Fur- Call the J CIVIC CENTRE A. If a pinch of baklne soda i u Annual Masonic Ball, auspices Is added to string beans while they are cooking, it will soften them and also ireserve thpir Hill spoke on "The Threat of niture Store, Third Avenue West Tslmpsean and Tyee Lodges Civic Centre, Friday, April 16 Sojourning Brethren invited. r. six leet 10 inches fS. I? PHONE 231 Communism Upholstering Prince Rupert. to tip. Earlier in the be had watched some color. Q. How can I prevent the C.N.R. Carmen's Dance, Odd i deer across the lake fellows' Hall, Friday. April 16 thread from curling and kno as unable to shoot be- 9:30 p.m. Good music, refresh - ting while sewing? h had gone. However, ments. A. Before cuttintr thp thread Med to trail one and Lutheran Ladies Aid Tea and from tne sdooI. thread "This family's always in HOT WATER!" a He shot at another ded It in the foot but Home Cooking, Saturday, Apr. 17. j needle and make a knot at the freshly cut end of the thread. Orange Tea, April 21. ay Later in the day x saw the same wolf FURNITURE REPAIR TRUCK AM) AUTO CUSHIONS RECOVERED fur PLASTAIIIDE available .NOW! Oul-of town orders givtn special attention LOVI NS Nest to CFPR) I'HONE RLI E 818 bleeding and lame Women of the Moose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Rotary Minstrel Show, eve nings April 22 and 23. Chil NEW AUSSIE AUTO CANBERRA; O Federal ministers inspected a new Australian automobile recently which the manufacturers hope to mass produce and sell for $1,300. It is powered by a twin-cylinder engine and travels 35 miles on a gallon of gasoline at about 30 miles an hour. ' Skipper, J. Hitch-Harry Burrows, lnspec-iie local Department es office returned on Rupert this morning i dren's matinee AprU 24. Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter Devonshire Tea, Civic Centre, April 24. Card Parly, Catholic School Kouver where they ; attending a derjart- Hall, April 29. wference. Mrs. Bur- apamed her husband. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. Motfler's Day Tea, Salvation You saw It In the Daily News! gem Etiquette Army Native Girl's Home, May 4, 3-6 p.m. iBJtJ&K j LEE (i Covering . . . . . . of Ik'unly IN THIS COWL-COLLARED WOOL r Shorty Coal WORN OVER YOUR BEST OR MOST ORDINARY DRESS .en it U necessary for ; to Wow his nose in ihould he apologize? b" try to make the When Yom Eyes Are Tired DO TE-ISS MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY Prince Rupert District Music and Drama Festival, Civic Centre, May S and 6, afternoons and evenings. St. Peter's spring sale, May 6. Gyro Klondyke Nite, May 7. Mother's Day Tea. Home Cook le as quiet and lncon- w possible. Do not lml- ;norn. m calling upon an ing. Sonja Ladies, May 8, Sons W. and snmp crrvont '"door for you, is It nec- tYES TIKEOr Sooth and refresh them in "y, Thank you?" is merely a matter seconds with two drops of sale, 39n.Ua is not exactly nec- i In a RAELKK1NA SUIT you will feel like walking hand in hand with Spring. Murine in each eye. You jt QUICK RELIEF. Instantly your eyes feel refreshed. Murine's skilful blend of 7 ingredients cleanses and soothes eyes that are tired from overwork or exposure to wanks" but It Is ' fauz nas in o of Norway Hall (IOD.E.) 5th Ave. East, 2 p.m. ' Registered Nurses' Ass'n Tea, Nurses' Home, Wed., May 12. Piano Concert by John Joseph Franky, sponsored by Job's Daughters, Civic Centre, May 19. St. Andrew's Anglican tea at the home of Mrs. W. S. Kergin, 324 4th Ave. West, May 27. Eastern Star Tea. June 3. ;J" lor any courtesy. 7 one write letters announce the birth sun, wind and dust. MURINE FOR YOUR EYES F i USunllv ... ' """c uy ark Use Sweet lG's personalized BUDGET PLAN to purchase your Shortie Coat, Ballerina Suit or Complete Ensemble. No Interest No Carrying Charges An Electric Hot Water Heater gives 24-hour service .... . . . hot water all day long: for shaving and bathing, for laundering and cleaning, for dishwashing and the numerous other needs of any modern family. A thermostatically controlled heater maintains a tankful of hot water constantly, so that hot water is always available at die turn of the faucet. 0;r C.-L We Have Taken Over Considerable Stock vur UStOmerS. from a Pioneer Local Electrical Firm. "e Offer Many Quality Articles at Attractive Prices. SEE OUR WINDOWS While Thcv Last : CLE BURNER HOT PLATES ... 8.50 TO, 5.95 HEATING PADS 6.45 UMATIC IRONS ...9.95 AIR HEATERS 7.95 Af TTE LIGHTERS 1.95 FLASHLIGHTS 1.95 rwl I A MTrr., ck HEADQUARTERS FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES Aom? Availablel HRTBES; .?5 ) Ormes Drugs PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WKEK-DAVS, 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M., 7 PM. TO 9 P.M. Typewriters (Portables and Standard) Staplers Box Files Ledgers Blank Books Favorite Files - ' File Folders Carbon Paper FOR YOUR OFFICE, REQUIREMENTS SEE LlTr i r IA 1 URES 1.43 Dcf , MPS' comP 19.95 !DoVAMP 9.95 TABLE LAMP 13.45 irs-J - in issT1dvLamp shades"..". .35 to 5.95 IE ta J Sockets - .35 APS .15 two-way sockets .20 PRN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Daily car delivery service, from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE PHONE 81 GOLDJEAUABEL PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT