CAMERA CLUB TOURS MOUNT jttntt Uuprrt Dailp i-imt LtU. Wednesday, April 14, 1948 Hotel. . WOULD WED FOR SHOES Snap Shooters Bevel in High Altitude Scenery Arrivals the group when they arrived at the peak at noon and there they waited until 1 p.m. to let the ehaHnnra loriffthpn hpfnrp ncrflin City nifMunu In ari future h.. If the clitk of a camera was loud the crack of te I as as a flf maklng the desCent. On the way townfolk might have imagined back tQ tne lodge od(Ue Eids. TT. t rnin that mountain men were feud ..rrtf TH - Prince Rupert I B. Hobbs, Hazelton; F. Crack, Vancouver; A. Larsen, Hazelton;' W. Deer Lockport, Nova Scotia; L. MacDonald, Lockport, Nova Scotia; A. S. Ward, Port Cle Wf I VI M vik was persuaded to put on a skiing exhibition, permitting some of the members to make their publicaUon. ing up Mount Hays way last week-end. But there weren't any This en., OTTAWA Mrs. Elsa Gold-schmidt. Swedish worker for the 'Save the Children" movement In Europe, is In the city to meet the local organization. She related a few incidents. She olcfof a boy and girl who asked if arrangements could be made for their marriage. They were aged ten years. "Are you sure you love one another enough for that?" asked mountain men or feuding, just'acUon shoU,t ... . wl log, healing fume of M1NARD S. and feel tk quick relief. Get bottte giilM. ( it handy. ine uivic centre camera ciud shooting scenery and models to the tune of some 30 films. Nine members of the club, including Miss Joan Miller as chaperone, left town Friday Before leaving for home the party sat down to another meal and made things ship-shape at the lodge, obeying the unwrit-' ten law of the outdoors. By co-incidence, this camera nsf tcoNometsiM ments; Mr. and Mis. H. Reld, Port Essington; J. P. MacDonald, Kamloops; R. Tweedle, Van-, couver; T. H. Stevens. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. C. Burrows and family, Ketchikan; E. 8. Chandler, Hazelton; Mrs. F. W. Powers, Smlthers; Mrs. L. North, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin; O. J. . .Mrs. Goldschmidt. , . . . . V "We don't love each other at round wandering in his ; bare : feet heard mr night loaded down with food, tour wai made just one year to clothing and cameras. Saturday Moscrip, Vancouver; Smithors; Mr. and Mrd ton. Smithcrs; W Male-dale, o. McGregor, Bu M. Dockrill, Telkwa. i in the snow with the thermome T S I'. ' the day since the club made its rled coifples get a new pair of ter below freezing shoes," the small boy said. afternoon Mr. and Mrs. M. R. R. Van Meers, accompanied by two nthpr mpmhprs of t.hp rlnh Inin- initial hike up Mount Hays. The day was clear and bright but a , f w In 8 Roumanian village w. ai itun, -e" hh,pment of pyjamas arrived at Hazelton. was transferred to e . .V' -1,JhmlJf ed the first party at the Prince haze over tne city a"? fdjacent mountains it from be- prevented Rnnort ski pi,,h t.nrt ww, TONITE, 8 P.M. -"HENRYV the treasury depar.- government on found many of tn ln eal the of was generously loaned to the fr01? fP01"1 meiu at v.ui.a. ""V""' them for youngsters wearing B at Hazelton was S. H. Hoskins. .f . - - f PRINCE RUFFKT j YEARS AGO i April 14, 1923 Lai Is Minister T. D. Pattullo, in a speech before the Rotary Club, charged that the federal !ovcriiment was responsible for Prince Rupert's development through its ownership of the railway. "If the railway were in the hands of a private company, it would be fighting for business and would go out and make business." a photograpner. Among inose taking part there were all makes of cameras ranging from Zeiss Ikons to Brownie Boxes. camera enthusiasts for their use during the outing. Excitement and the high altitude apparently generat there made :S -Miiiiffiii) . , . ... ,.' "They did not know The rifle at McNicoU range M b(J ,a, clolhM Creek was declared open for the season by Capt. R. W. Cameron. BUSY VANDERBILT Member of the fabulous Vanderbilt family, Cornelius Vanderbilt is shown bringing ice to the ed early rising qualities in all j A vote (jf thanks was express-for everyone was up and ready ed by the club for the assistance for action which in this case rendered by the Prince Rupert SAILED "BLIND- kitchen of his auto-trailer at Judge F. McB. Young went across and fired tne first shot. A Hate LONDON, WH A British a Las Vegas, Nev., trailer camp. I meant breakfast. The boys at- Ski Club and Mr. Valetin in He stopped there enroute to tended to the fatigue duties making the outing a success. . steamer, the "Topaze, now on Steamship Movements North Sea crossings, claims to be For Vancouver the rirst shlP to maintain regu Unleashed vq" ? - a newspaper assignment that will take him to the Alcan Highway. Vanderbilt, who writes a roving reporter column for a New York newspaper, leads a gypsy life as he j while the girls did the cooking. George Furnlotls, Bruce Mills, ,By 9 a.m. the whole party was Bobo Dolron and Don Saunders n the way up the mountain, were the executive members in with Oddie Eidsvik acting as ' charge of tour arrangements. guide. The long shadows cast on They report that, although time .the snow by the trees in the, is short, a number of the cam- Monday-ss. Princess Adelaide, lar sailings by radar. Recently jq p m . ' the captain decided to cross T.irt from in thick and a v rarriPr,n i an Antwerp a fog A Love HIaia First class passenger fares between Prince Rupert and Vancouver were reduced from $26 to $24, it was announced by the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific steamship companies. Fares to Ocean Falls were reduced $1 to $12.75. i with - visibility zero,' docked at p.m. Tilbury using only the radar equipment. ; travels the continent. He does ( morning sun created innumer- era studies made during the trip all his own cooking and parks .able studies for the camera will be hung among the photo-ln trailer camps during stop- w ielders to work on. graphic exhibitions at the Hobby overs- j A light lunch was enjoyed by Show. You read It in the News! man The Hills! j E. C. Gibbons, S. J. McLeod, C. H. Orme and Hon. T. D. Pattullo left for Ottawa to place Prince Rupert's development case before the federal Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. j Friday ss. Catala, 12 midnight. April 27 ss. Princess Louise, i.m. I From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardena, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, 10 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. April 22 ss. Princess Louise W ft a.m. April 14, 1913 A demented man was brought from Stewart to ihc Prince Rupert General Hospital aboard the Prince John. He had thrown his money to the winds and was 3 For Alice Arm, Stewart, Starring m Port Simpson L3DMUNDfeJPEEt Sunday ss. Cardena, mid-light. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Cardena, a.m. From Ocean Falls GJtf McCALLISTER GWENN Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, wiDi REGINALD 0WN Charles Irwin on rh Nov.! "Sob, Son of oiil" by Allied Olloonl p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, v mm Toncnaow 10 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. From North Queen Charlotte Islands ELECTROLUX April 18 ss. Coquitlam, a.m.- mm FLOOR WA BRUSHES SHAMPOO FILTERS DUST BAGS CRYTALS -AT THE- For North Queen Charlotte Islands April 16 and 30 ss. Coquit-am, midnight. From South Queen Charlotte Islands April 16 and 30 ss. Coqult-am, a.m. For South Queen Charlotte-) Islands April 18 ss. Coquitlam, midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 8 p.m. April 27 ss. Princess Louise, K RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC BOX PHONE 641 Low As $35.25 ; None Over $58.95' I BOND SUITS MADE TO YOUR J MEASURE ' Sold In Rupert At S RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE p.m. or Alaska Hollywood Cate FRINCE RL'PERT'S NEWEST AM) MOST VP-TO-IMTE ItKSTAITtANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:3d A.M. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, nidnight. April 22 ss. Princess Louise .m. Special Dinner Every Sunday, 5 p.m. loM CHINESK DISHES A SI'M ' ' CHOP SUEY CHOW MKIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS rilONE 133 To increase the life of your bedsheets, occasionally place the narrow hem of the Sheet at the head of the bed. t.AMI KMilHTHY ACT Kr: Certificate of Title No. aii77(i-l to v. yf r " y if1! 4 i Lot Twenty-line :!!. Illoik One (I), of Ulstrlct Lot Three Hundred and Hlxty-one (361), Village of Terrace. Map 972. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of mm A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Inlaid Linoleum with Burlap Back and Printed Floor Covering Table Oil Cloth, all colors Carpets Phone 775 327 3rdAve. loss of the above Certificate of Title tsued In the name of Thomas W. Ross has been filed In this ,"'if, "i " ' YOUR BES' It all starts with ingots... . f I t. EATING PLA w ... . MU HXL-COl'BSB 11 a.m. to I P notice Is hereby given that I r.uall, at the expiration of one -month from the date of the publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. this 16th. day of March, 1948. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON Deputy Registrar of Titles. (90) -SB BANQUET Htfi'J rIVl i COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed fresh Made ' VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Dally 1 ( ALL-WEATHER SERVICE LUNCHEON. 1 nAOTlfS I h's AMTICO for Durability and Lasting Beauty THIS RUBBER TILE IS IDEALLY SUITED FOR KITCHEN AND BATH ROOM OR ANY FLOOR THAT TAKES THE IMPACT OF MANY FEET. Saanich Plumbing and Heating CHINESE DIS Mf. Goodwhl S shiny new aluminum wheelbarrow 1$ the envy of the neighbours, junior is' as proud as a peacock of his miniature version. Mrs. Goodwin dotes on her . y ,(oew luminurd trowel . V" and her smart new garden tv;"" ' 'chairs, sitting so invitingly in the shade. Yes, aluminum is a natural in the garden so light to handle, so perennially rustproof, so enduring. Little wonder it is finding a lot of interesting new uses in rakes and brooms, lawnmowers and ladders ? '.' ". Little wonder the Goodwins' neighbours arc determined that from now 00 their garden tools are going to be aluminum, too. BROADW For Sale Ingots of pure aluminum from fr ' world's largest aluminum smelter at Arvida, Canada, form the raw material for more than a thousand Canadian manufacturers. They tur this versatile metal into on almoit endless variety of articles used by the transportation, electrical, construction, packaging and other indus. tries . . . and by you in your own home. CAFE 608 3rd Ave Cor. 4th and McBrltle-Bluc 840 i!iii!aiwilli!i!iiH Long established furniture store business on Third Ave. The price for the slock and business is very reasonable. See the owner today, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. GREEN 504. IN THE SUPRKME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATK In the Mutter or the "Administration At'T" And In the Matter of the h-tulr or 1'homaM Window Ko!h, lleceuHed, InteHtate , TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 6t!i day of April, A D. 1948. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Winslow Ross, late of Terrace. British Columbia, who died on or about the 14th day of November. 1947, at Vancouver, British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate arc required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15tn day of May. 1948. failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. I DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. tills 7th day of April. A.D. 1948. GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince upert, B.C. FOB THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE See Your cr DEALtH r.,rnli n-rnRS Chevrolet Bul k ,Ci imfl Pontlao Oldsmnn.n ,.rrw A SPEW ALT INCOME TAX COMPANY OF CANADA, LID. RETURNS PREPARED SEE Terrace Machine Shop & W It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) TERRACE. v Producers and Processors of Aluminum for Canadian Industry and Worlo Markets ' MCKTIIAl C'JEIEC ICtONTO VAKCOUVEE VINOECIT