1 Timely Topics from Terrace ,TEWART NEWS pat from 1'orllandCaiml Mining Cxntrc Pffnre Vluwt f?etop Itn. , ;5 ' Wednesday, Aprij 14, 1948 Classified Advertising ; Alf Attree Is a medical patient in the Terrace hospital. FOR SALE '"TOR-SALE . V Candidates taking part in the Kinsmen's May Queen on May 24 are Lorna Melvin, Orango Lodge; Marie Lindstrom, Canadian Legion; Vera Frank, Women's Institute; Rosemarie Tet-reault, Catholic Women's League; and Joyce Cote, Oddfellows' Lodge. FOR SALE Tuxedo suit, 36-37., Is VPry backward this which will long be remembered t will be some time by the old "Vets" who took part . nnrifss will be made in the First World War 1914- i,1J'f,ls Robins have been 1918. J. P. Garlick was In charge w (eW, hwever, and of arrangements. He was asslst- srouse have been heard ed by Ernest Love, Jack Bou- the woods. While the- zek, G. Anderson, W. S. Orr, J. ,'hf roads have been J. McKenna and Donald Norton. Mrs. J. McLeao and infant son left on Saturday for Prince Rupert wheie tbey will make their future hoai, H-r. McLean haying Joined the staff of the deal Cleaners. FOR SALE OK REM r Walk-IB ReWgerator, 18 ft. by 34 ft., in fow compartmenU. Red 441. (tf) $30.00. New condition, phone Red 885. (88 FOR .R of snow, m-i; nr ium ui nie auxiliary sup- t!r thre to four ieei piwa delicious beans and coffee. rnrn FOR RENT a-bj, 2 rooms,, furnished; newly painted, close o stores an hospital. Phone Black 000 613 8th Ay2. i&ut. i88 I in the garden plots and FOR 6ALE Sisopie pngine 1 Yz to 31 HP. air cooled; 30 to 8S HS. Marine Straight Reduction Drive; also Station' ry -industrial. Mortbeiva B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. t) Eis'.e MoUtor and Moreen Oliver .returned to Terrace on Thursday after having spent the past six months at a Bible school George Zager had his arm broken above the elbow whea it was caught in the live rollers on the edger at Little, Haus?-land and Kerr's lumber mill on Wednesday morning. of the roads. SMITH EKS - sides in North Bat Lief ord, Saskatche- .l Big Four has Smithers and District Cham- the FOR RENT Cabin, partly furnished, for single man only. Apply to 315 6th Ave Wsst, wan. Two- other students. Bud Molitor and George BAt, will be returning by ear this week. FOR SALE White enamel oil range, also oil heater. Phone Blue 913 after 5 p.m. (39 Mr." and Mrs. George McAdams left on Saturday for a few days' visit in Prince Rupert. 'eiarcied somewhat by the ber of Commerce had been en- ' snowfall and repairs to deavauring to Import a dentist m?r. from England but, owing to the 'regulations of the British Col- s;oart braneh of the umbia Dentists' Association, will an' Legion held a very be unable to do so, the monthly ,'i Klondyke Night" en- meeting of the Chamber last ' . ...j i-,tt , . FOR RENT Nice, warm furnished. clean ' and three and four room suites. 1142 Park LocaJ talent supplied the music for the Viujy Ridge iance held last Friday night In the Oddfellows' Hall. Frank Morris FOR SALE Here's a Good Buy. Used Underwood Typewriter in first class condition. Room 3 Stone Building. friione 593. . . (tf) Alf Yoxall went to Prince Rupert on Saturday morning' freight train to attend the box if: :f-: ' ffe! via 4 " 1 1 yt ' - ri ft- ( Jj 'i 1 i . ' 1 M H , S HA'-'" 'Cat! Ave. Phone Green 224. ont on saturuuy wees was aavisca. r"' . Cnni'lh (881 after five. .. "it. ruflnis uu v.. ing tourney in Civ.c Centre tii2i e. ywwidfed at the door. The affair sponsored tiy the f!aaadian Le He returned on Monday's train. This celebration was m ,!Watwii of "Vimy Day" gion was pot largely attended. 4 r. FOR RENT Furnished cabin 1142 Park Ave. Phone preen 224. Call after five. ;(.88 FOR RENT Warm Comfortable room, reasonable. 806 Fraser St. (91i Members of the Canadian National Railways section crew at Morieetown had an exciting time for a while with a moose last wet'k. The anima.1, evidently, chose to charge them as the men came along in their speeder but, finally, made off but was pursued for two miles along the track before finally making oif into the bush. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle , i . FOR RENT Nice, clean, warm furnished suite. 1142 Park Ave. Call after five. Green 224. '.91i Pat Johnson and Charles de Kergommeaux returned home on Monday from Prince Rupert where they were contestants in an international boxing tourna-met. Having won the decision from his Ketchikan opponent, young de Kergommeaux was one Of the feoxers presented with a silver cup and a banquet given at the Civic Centre lunch room by the Canadian Legion on 3 " "1 mfamp's 1 iyianHSlylt jf A MEAL IN jj A MINUTE I FOR SALE Tenders will be received hy the undersigned for the purchase ot the Xollowlng described . properties, together with improvements and effect, etc., located theron, up to noon of Monday, May 3rd. Lot 1355, Queen Charlotte District containing 42.7 acres N.E. Lot 2374, Queen Char-lotte District Terms: Strictly cash Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. -GORDON, p. FORBES, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Karl Morris Severson, deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, B. C. (88 FOR RENf 3-room furnished suite. 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. 88i A Junior Rod and Gun Club for Smithers was organized at a niaetinjj on Saturday afternoon in the public school. Parents and clergy were also in ROOM AAU BOARD , NAMED "BEST DRESSED" OF 1518 .. , Among the 12 "best dressed", women in America for 1948, selected by .the Fashion Academy of New York, are the three women above. They aref left to right: Maprgl McNeills, commentator; ,Mrs. Walter Thornton, fashion promotion, and Mrs. Lauritz Melchoir, opera set. The other winners of the gold modal awards were: Loretta Young, screen; Mary Livingstone, radio; Hildesarde, supper clubs; Dolly O'Brien Dorells, society; Ann Dolafield, business; Joan Tetzel, stage; Sonja Henie, sports; Mrs. James V. Forrestal, public life, and Virginia Leigh, debutante. 1 iSuGJeet.to change) WEDNESDAY .M. 4:00 EUuiuli hockrl.rt 4:lo Stock Quotations and .Int. 4.80 Especially For You 4:45 Maggie Muggins 5:00 Rendez-vous Room 5:30 Rosa Linda 5:45 Concert Miniature 6:05 National Hockey-Broadcast 7:30 Distinguished Artists 8:00 Citizen's Forum 8:40 Citizen's Forum News 8:45 Talk by Robert Gard 0:00- CBC News ' 10:15 Why Laugh? 10:20 Mendelssohn Octet 11:00 Weather Forecast and ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. i ineropuiar IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In thr Mutter of thr "Administration ACT" And In the Mntter of the F.stat of WORK WANTED FOR SALE 2'i h p. 4 cycle air-cooled "L a w g o n" outboard motor with 14 ft. skiff. Telephone Red 609. (88) Carl (Karl) Morrlft SfVfrson n- Miss Veril Paul became the bride of Danny Jours at a quiet ceremony last Tuesday evening in the parsonage of the Vnited Church with Rev. L. C. Joh-i-ston officiatfng. The marriage took place In the presence of iBiuiMli&te members of the family. A reception at the home o Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Outon followed. TAKE KOTICE that by Order of guf PRINCE fF RUPERT r bails For His Honor Judge W. O. Pulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of Bri REMEMBERED ON HIS BIRTHDAY Fred Olsen, incapacitated for the time being and unable to leave his home at 610 Sixth Av WORK WANTED Young Jady, experienced secretary-stenographer, requires position. Free, end of May. Please state salary offered. Reply Box 328 NEW HAZELTON The Wt'inch Memorial Hospital has been a busy place of late. There hove been as many as fifty patients in the institutio.i at one time. tish eolumma. I was on the 6tn aay FOR SALE 28 foot cabin' cruiser "Rudon" fully equip-1 ped, at Yacht Club. Phone 422. 1 of April, A D. 1948. appointed Admin- lttrator of the Estate of Carl (Karl) Morris Sevorson. late of Queen Char (88) Daily News. - (88r lotte City, British Columbia, who AHCOUVER died on or about the 19th day of FOR SALE 4-roomed modern bungalow, furnished. Apply December. 1B47, aj Queen Charlotte City. Bcitlsh Columbia. All persons vuuULU-a&ea. woman wltl look after childies vnings. Phon. Greea 88. ' .(tf' IVTCRMf DIATE PORTS Important business was dealt with at meeting of the New Haz-eltcn Citizens' Association 0.1 215 9th Ave. West. (88 Missionary Spurns Extensive Bequest CH THURSDAY FOR SALE Trucking HU WANTED business. (89) Indebted to the stud estate are re-i quired to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of May. 1948. failing which distribution will be made BRACEBRIDGE, Ont Rev W I " . u , t enue West, has, however, not been forgotten by his friends and, on the occasion of his birthday, they called with offerings of gifts which were greatly appreciated by himself and his son, Paul. Among those kind friends, whom Mr. Olsen would thank if he were able, were Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Hanson and son, Carlo. Mrs. T. Lavigne and fam Phone Blue 810. AT 11:15 P.M. HELP WANTED Experienced .l.iuui, ib, win uuk UIUUU tlln I ,,,1, l ..I, n.r. a highly successful FOR SALE truck. Phone Blue exteiisive estate left him by his! aIrail. ' sister, at Sinnington Manor, 810. . 89) having regard only to such claims ot jor KETCHIKAN EUKF.SDAY MIDMOUT underground Diamond Driller required immediately. Apply North West Construction lAd., 2nd Ave. (90) which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this FOR SALE One 80 Bass Honar ' Accordian. Also one "Kay") Mrs. Moberley of Cedarvale has been spending a few days In Hazelton. 7th day ot April. A D. 1948. CORDON PRA3ER FORBES. Official Administrator. formation call or rlte Sign Off. THURSDAY-AM 7:30 Musical Cloc.r 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns' 8:45 Little Concei t 9 00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concept 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit ,iO:15-Morning Melodies 1C. 30 Roundup Time 10:40 Recorcied Interlude iO:45--Scand:i:.-.v:ai ' nits 11:00 CBR Presents U:15 Son as of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recoraed Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert P.M. -12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News Auditorium Spanish Quitar. rfASnOl f rpnt Ticket Offiwv i'rince vpett, B.C Both with case and in first Yorkshire, Eng. I Nearly half a century ago he arrived In Ontario as a missionary student, locating in the Muskoka Indian Reservation. I He chose an Iroquois girl for his wife and they found hao-piness. She died in 1946. She (96) ily, Mr. and Mrs. Nosum and son, Mr. and Mrs. Arsenault and family, Mr. and Mrs. Odell. Evan Neilson and nephew, Robert Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. Atkins I5IXCE Rl'PF.RT, n.t, class condition. Apply The Salvation Army, Fraser Street or Phone Black 269. 89) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanson ver? In town far a few days duiing the week, Mrs. Hansan being here for medical WANTED 12 ft. or 14-ft. clicker built rowboat in sound condl tion. Please reply giving price and particulars to Box ,789,' Prince Rupert. ' (tf ) BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III I lie Mutter of t hr Jt.stule ol Hill and children, Mr. and Mrs. A Evens. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson mastered the English language, .aided in missionary and educa land Mr. and Mrs. Halverson and children. FOR SALE 7,000 feet 2x6 fir flooring, 4,000 feet corrugated galvanized roofing, doors, windows and timbers. Apply R. C. Mutch. (tf) WANTED TO RENT 4 OT 5-roomed house;" urgently needed. Phone' 865. '91 K Ming otuemlse kBiiun an Hoy Ming and In the Mutter of the 'Administration Act" TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton, made the 2nd day of AprU, AS. 1948. 1 was appointed administrator of the Estate of Hui Mill, otherwise known aa Hoy Ming, deceased. AU parties having claims against tional work, and distinguished herself as musician and choir leader. His sister in England lived as a recluse for 30 years. He will live out his days on the reservation. FABULOUS ANIMAL The unicorn, a fabulous animal with one horn protruding from the forehead, was The Wil'.an sawmill has been noved from Nine Mile Mountain to the old wagon road just abavs town where logs will be sawn. At a later dts the mill will be moved back to the Nine Mile country. described by ancient Greek and 12:25 Program Resume WANTED Ola copper, brassy aluminum, tin, zine, babbit, lead and old storage batteries. Northern Eenterprizes next to Enterprize Grocery, 14 1 3rd. West, one block from McBTide.' Phone 343. (.91 Latin writers. i 12,30 B.C. Farm Broadcast the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 14th day of May, AD. 1948 after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which t then had no knowledge. I'rince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For AU Occasions Allen Benson, president of the Hazelton and District Chamber 11 LL All parties Indebted to the snld METAL WORK FOR SALE New and Used Furniture. Used 5-piece kitchen set $12.50; twin beds, beautiful design, complete; electric Hoover $7.50; radios from $10; chinaware; newkichen ranges; camp stoves; used chesterfield bed $17.50; 7-pce. dining room suite $17.50; chesterfield chairs $12.50; cups and saucers 25c; all kinds new and used hardware; new fishing gear. For good bargains see B.C. FURNITURE CO., 3rd Ave. Black 324. , (It) Estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. of Commerce, returned to Hazelton at the end of the week, ac-j companied by his daughter, l Gloria who will visit at her ! home. PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL DATED at the City ot Prince In the Province of British Columbia, this 2nd day el April. A. ''n Nxin" to build m a fence." 'Kl supply of PICKETS. WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau ti Sons, 629 tastes good Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf! D. 1848. GORDON FRASER FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince llupert. B.C. (91) jnd TWO-BY-KOI BS vailable at LOST LOST On Eleventh Ave., 14 STOOPED SCHOLAR EXTINCT Days are gone, say health authorities, when men of learning were distinguished by their stooped shoulders. Today students are trained to maintain their health, physique and Hell & Currie limited PHONE 3G3 fs nd Contractors FOR SALE 5 -room house, full concrete basement, furnace; good location on corner lots. $3750 takes it. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. (91) Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST IN NEW OFFICES ROOM 10 vf pr STONE r BUILDING I J PHONE ' -? BLUE I 't 593 J . Karat gold diamond engager ment ring. Finder please re turn to Daily News. Reward. (90)" QiVesyou tfcat IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA 111 the Multer of the 'Ailniliii-itraHon ' - Art" Ami In the Mutter of the Estate of Soren fari-li Koiner. fewaeri. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Hdnor Judge W. O. Fulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia.. I was on the 6th day of April. A D. 1948, appointed Administrator of the estate of Soren Parch Romer, of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, who died on or about the 23rd day of January. 1948. at the city of Prince Rupert, British Bed FOR SALE Phone 54. chesterfield. (91) N-0MNG pniNTINQ MACHINfcKI FOR 6 ALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vaucouter, B.C. Mi ORIGINALLY IRISH Throwing the hammer, a sport in which the athlete throws a steel weight attached to a wire and a handle, originated in Ireland about 1928 B.C. WPERPAN PRESS FOR SALE Simmons 4-foot ' metal bed, complete as new; 5-drawer chiffonier; bird cage and stand; electric fan; desk lamp; pictures; mirror; 3 walnut chairs. 1104 8th Ave. East. (83- NlOME and KODAK Columbia. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to FILMS me forthwith and all persons having claims against the saldVEstate are KAIEN CO-OP required to file them with me pro Hler & rmvo-ui So easy NOTICE hSt' Box 645 FOR SALE Household furniture. Piano; chesterfield, garden tools; cross-cut saw; 30:30 Winchester rifle, carbine. Apply 116 Hays Cove Circle. Phone Green 396. (89) fBNCB Rupert D to serve HOT.' la. 1 x Everything For Your Garden VIGORO - GARDENITE LIME RONE MEAL LAWN SEEDS GARDEN TOOLS perly verified on or berore the lata itay of May. 1948. foiling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 5th day of April, AD. 1848. OORDON -FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B C. (92) : ,t -m tv-i GARDEN HUSK GARDEN SEEDS FOR SALE Studebaker sedan, i '30; work trailer and decking ! 1 A CEAM VIEW The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified sad transient advertising Is payable In advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise In this manner In the Daily News are asked 1 to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified ffehiseo WEED NO MORE 2-H-D Just Phone We Deliver Phone 179 Box 1127 2x12" and 3x12". Apply 1401 Frederick St., Highway entrance. (92) 251 3rd. Ave. ;n thk supreme court of british columbia In Die Matter of the "Administration Art" 'And III the Matter of tbe F.ofcUe of William Thomas Powers, itecraod. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of V .."X I HOrSES FOR SALE Sluedded Wheat HOTEL (Fmerly Knox) A Pleasant llac to Live His Honor JudRe W. O. Fulton. Local Section 26 room bungalow n.n 'That Spring Feeling' When you plan your Spic and Span CampaiRn see us for Cleaning Supplies. Orchids to Mrs. Jones - for serving her family delicious, energy-giving Nabisco Shredded Wheat! This wonderful whole wheat cereal has a isty, hearty natural flavour. Pure, sun-ripened jyhole wheat -it's j i iK3TJ. MYSTIC FOAM SOIL-Or b judge ot tne supreme tourt ot British Columbia, I was on the 1st day April. A D. 1848. appointed Administrator of the Esuite of William Thomas Powers, late of Prince Rupert, BrlH.sli Columbia, who died on or about the 6th day of January. l48. t the City of Prince Rupert.' British Columbia. All persona Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims aealnst the said Etate are required to file them with me properly verified on er before the 15th day of May. 194S, falllnir which distribution will be .J Bursting w-Kll vital itKiu elements tor glowing energy! Serve it fresh from the package or HOT (dip in hot water and drain) . . . hut serve nourishing Nabisco Shredded Vl'heat every day! Boom ft. , 9 LIQUID VKINlirt rui-aon "ecorated rp'int.riii. SCRATCH COVER POLISH t(l Mattresses style house; sun porch; view; very attractive; reasonable. Seal Cove 5 room house on Seventh; two corner lots; part basement; sun room; good family home; moderately priced. 5 room house with view; two lots; good condition; priced to sell only $2400. Close In 5 room house with furnace near Valhalla Hall; reasonable terms. 6 room house with basement near High School. Also others priced from $850 to $9000. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES WAXES GLASS CLEANER 0 BRUSHES AND MOPS JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue - cw Management 'etor Boded by THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, ITD. NIAGARA FAUS, CANADA You will never tire of tHt Natural Flavor made bavins egard only to such claims qf JitqJi I shall have beep uotllied ATED at Prince Rupert, BC tuls 6th clay of April. A D. 1948. pU0NE 7i sw-n GORDON r'KASEK roKBEO. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, BC. (92) Phone 342 (93) i