i'&s-r -.prinrf Ruprrr Dailp fictos Letterwrfting Hey j Amas Giih Hen & By Can Be Fun Frt p-jprt I-.y S L'o . Aim Pr:rr Ruirt fcri Kids! o a trsnv Mane.rf Foiww. H O fti-KY Mnac:n irtMEFP OP CANW4S fprl AfirT B'.'PFAl Of rj.CT"L-ATIO9 cv."rus DT.'.r nf"wpapf a'-mx-iatio.n fc! B.Vp:PnOS RAITS Saving Pj THAT ENOINE DEAL her 17, 11-49. Daily News . it is Edtor. Daily Nes: very p.is;b:e for us to have a Further to the purcp deal Oi-ce ierijus file here and I am sure it utvf twmar. it i-nt 2V Pr Mrsi tn. rsc: Yrr Te, oo By Violet Irvgalls" Le'tfTwriUiig nd not be a 8J MiU. Per Month. tOc. Per Trw. 5 00 are a few aspects to this matter wouid be quite a ;on vo extitiftin chore. It can be fan ... if you Men's SUITS woo! worsted gain, perfect v" c Taki ensus just iet yourseif go.''At times that I think should be brought to It with a unit that puss-;Diy wou;a . I've gone too far.. the attention of the tax payers not supply water to the domestic One ought not to be too panic- of this city, some of which I was taps on tne higher levesi. e.-pe- n'lir ih.iit nre'i nonmintn n vi a re of at the Timp of Trir csiiy if the unit had a 4-ir.eh CIS- ing DURING the next two year virtually even' And an occasional mistake in ray first letter and some of which charge. Country country under under the the sun tun will Will be be cenUS-takirg. cenus-takir?. English is quite in keeping with have developed since. On the Aid. Rudderham goes or. to say "TELL YOUR MOM IT'S THE LAST CHANCE TO GET THE CHIMNEY CLEANED FOR SANTA'S ARRIVAL Phone lilack MK I T H OM SflKKT MKT.H. I.TI1. 'vteoiurrt ,Vi-!' smart! tc hrj bargain , Men's DRESS !H big selection frr. M"' TIES In f'annda the rejrular decennial sensus will be taken in lk"7. The next censuses will be of more than routine a free and relaxing style as in morning of December 4. 1W9. that Mr Lane, who is the sales-spontaneous conversation.' Par- vhen I first went up to the Cry "'an- 8av assurar.ee that the ticuiarly if ones tongue makes a HaU for the pump specificati r.s unit would do the job but he habit of marathoiiir.g with one's 'he engineer must aave had most does not say how they are going rr.md. That is my trouble . . . at or a.'i of his tenders in from the to make the gaiior.aee or head times I find rr.y limited voeabu- south as he found it easier to pressure test with pepie drawing larv exhausted . .. tnrins to catch brine some of them out and show eff along the line as the test is ir?'ryrtance wnce there have been so many changes in international boundaries, abodes of people and gts. Lctet ,1 from ' I Men's SWEAT! The United up mith mine. rne what he wanted from sorr.e being made and which would economic circumstances due to war. The blots too. oft times give a f the correspondence he had on nave to be done wr.hout the Xations is establishing training centres for enumer- ajjprs in I ai l and lairo, particularly for LUrope ,e,r mjiJ M ouT o toncerns ,ere jUst gating ours! m.e they wanted a plant to handle Htjl Aia. place as a spot' of tea spilled in But when the figures are pub- it alone in ca.se ar thing hap- AlthoUL'h Cen.-U.-taking originated Centuries TOUr P t instance. Ushed they are all lower than Pned to the booster unit lo- , , ... . , , . , , . 3at, oh jh naiuai if you are -xi:pt lor an alternative eirti ir tirtfian Atm. a.j More Chnt, it was used for simpler and different at al .Gone With the Win(J. Ln bv one of the compaJlies. he does not state, m cas- it does IN TORONTO SYMPHONY Donna Grescoe. Winnipeg -born girl violinist, who charmed a Civic Centre audience in Princ Rupert a few r eeks ago, is completing he first Canada-witie tour ihi Friday when she appears with tile Toronto Symphony Orchestra. She will pla Mendelssohn' "Violin Concerto in E Minor" which was one of her featured numbers here. ounover and l styles wools, ' ci f,om Men's TROlK dress, oil woo! . Perfect gift, goo' ment frorn Men's oil wool heoyy SHIRT-JA riim0Se, than it is tOtlav. In Babylonia, 5000 years temperament. It would be interesting to know tot do the job, who would stand larger unit sot, and latnr in Persia. Km nt and China, the men I " never forget one ink blot on what specifications thejr had to the expense Moving, racking, ( rating. Shipping and Onera! Cartace and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd.. for Oxygen. Acetylene and al! welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Es 1510 Phone, W) and Ct . u very Pial friendly letter I quote on. Then the figures were which, would necessarily mean a published m tne paper and I new pump and engine, cost of heard the Public Works Board freight and handling, foundation oi ine country were coumeu ly uie numnu mTo(e tQ my husband I? an idt-a of their military and labor resources. Cen- "was more like a beautiful snow- t good shades bargain SUS-taking Itfiran to develop into the complicated ake turned royal blue'-I was had decided to recommend the changes, pipe connections etc. I ..... . . . . . so nrouH of it I - roirfv t B C. EcuiDment's tender of am inclined to think this woulC . rr ; . . 1 . I . f u ' , i I. m 1 1 1 cii - f ' - - Men's SOX 4 .ajiir ii i- in uie ud ui uie i.unuw. i-i.i,i. had undeveloped talent for at Roman families, and their property, were counted ieast depicting scenes, in fact, i James Sheldon a!led this afternoon on tltt Coquitlam fv! Vancouver. $7.28600. happen cr we would remain as Board of Works Chairman Al- we w?r before --short of water derman Rudderham was not in when pumping from Shawatlans favor of that unit I understand. The chairman has, apparently. I talked to Alderman Harold chosen to ignore the figures pu every live years to determine civil siaius ana 10 ii. "J ui;"6 sutn ingen- btiecrion, new god quality fro Boys' SHIRTS shades, from t i r-- r - ii. r- ui.y uui i menuonea my poten- taxes. In the vear Five B.C., the Emperor Augustus , , . extended census - taking throughout the Roman and asked if he believed what I Whalen anc sugefsted to him I UP by reputable pump rr.anufae-EmnirO w hich then included all of western civili- believed might be true . . . And dn t think the city could pur- tur-rs of the power required U Boys' SWEATER!. assortment fronn O SPECIALIZING In Designing and Remodelling Boys' SUlii dine c.oth, d breasted ti ed, bc.-v-! n for t Russ" Galzke CONTRACTING Boy worstet. vuiu y immeoiaieiy to begin t-msc i.r p;i:iioi me capacr.y i JU ao n "i.-- thinking in terms of an advanced c iocal concerns were, allowed required to te done cr he is no' course in Pine Art ABROAD? to tender on at the price tender- giving us the proper set-up on the I awaited his reply with great d. that would operate continu- specifications interest. When it came, I read: ously. and that, if they had de- As far as con'racts are cor. "Don't sail. 'And save your c'ded on a smaller plant, we cerned, I seem to recall the coun money ... if you still have some. should be allowed to re-tender cil some time a?o complaining Just keep on with your ink blots. on equal ground. about not doing so well on : In my opinion: The successful Hence, as published. Decembei gravel contract which th! y mus artist is the one who accidentally 15. 1849, Alderman Whalen had have neglecic-d to go into th-- upsets his paint brush or 'buc- the courage to get up and say at preparation of themselves, ket.' When you have learned al! the council meeting that we The taxpaye.s mould remem you can with ink. buy yourself should all have a chance to re- ber they will have to pay thei an easel, brush and paints if tender: as it looked like we were share of the shot in this matter you wish. But if you change not ail extended the same spec- Surely there are enough ir.fr zauon. -- . In the seventeenth century, the periodic census 2 staiteJ right here in the New World, in Quebec "aTiil Xova Scotia. In the next 100 years Germany, CSiveden. Denmark, Spain and the Uited States fol-"Ived suit. --.Censuses were still being taken for purposes of military recruitment, fixing taxation and apportioning representation in national government.. It ..aias not until recently that the great social value of cerius-taking on a world-wide scale was realized. Box 15.11 Thone Itlark 2:f smartly to ? from Bovs' INGS from 0UR IENDLY WELLER -Since one of the world's most vital problems your mind if you have one to ifications. Well the upshot is 1 ested to see this through as ' !1H c'hange hy not consider am supposed to before the should be. a more appear Wlav ! Jts Xlh 1A ii.rvlv Men- mean means that tnat maj mav beln neip Tla )r UW: eNe7 practica, ar,. which would Board of Works the next morrring The editor of our paper seem.' -SOlVe it must be investigated. One Of the most ap- require Scrub Brush and at 10:30 with a complete revision to be a fair-minc'.ea person anc EBY SONS Contractors KtTAIKS - Kf MODf l I l; HHMIATIONH I jet us help j on plan thai new lunnv undt r the N'.H.A Pfconi- Grrer J Kox 518 Don't Miss the Christmas Broadcasts CALL Blue 992 i jurent is a census of the populations in relation to Pail ..." of price which I did but only af.ei I am sure would net mind pub- Jhl'land thev live on their capabilities for produC- Lettrwrttlr.g Can Be Sucl, a lot f expensive phone calls lishlng constructive eriticU::.' EST.I ! REAL. UUfood for themselves ami iheir neighbor?, wno had occasion w absent from' deal ha'd boUed dowTi'to the Fin- of corr;or.rnre.' this mattei migllt Ie thousands of miles away. And as United home seven months 'he's mas- nin Tractor company's lowest has been cLscus.-. with th INS'JRANi INCOME Ta RETURNS PRE! yrijiP RADIO riC,' CLINIC For Satisfactory Service 718 2nu Ave. W. Itlue 992 - Xationt Investigations have shown, millions Of l,r Ularjr!". i wrote mm a letter lencer ana mysen. i suggefiec standee M?chme VVoiks and 1 t' each day. And once. I wrote him to them a tender for a unit of the'- are entirel" in accord will: people do HOt enjoy d. the advantages i in education, twice the same day. He wrote me what I considered about equal thevUv: expressed hrfin. medical treatment and housing that they deserve regularly ust once a week. (After capacity as the Caterpillar plant BYTOWN v..CHINE WORKS K. E. MOUTI'l: 324 2nd Av N ;i: U h,, r.inr V, censns-takinsr is a Start his afternoon nap and Tea . . . now ordered. But I was again Per W. . T.ichard.s. ' ' nfi thprp u.-riK ci !(?t!o t A r InfrirnipH hv the fitr proiracr at w m miii tm CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D C, Ph C 21-22 Besner Blw k rhone Kf.l'R 442 for Appuintmrnt HOI rh 10 ao a.m. to la .in p m irm I to 6 i m I.MM.H toward dealing with' these tremendous problems. chandl: The census-taker's methods are still "primitive." He must go from house to house, careful not V miss the smallest shack or most hidden hut where people may le living. It is a slow painstaking work, but by actually appearing on the scene the .taker can gather more information then would be IE GIFT Monday nd Krioar. 7 ' pm rORTKAlT ST 6 Film I'ini'.hinr 1 ' Flash Photo Takfr! $ 1 Phone Green 389 i PRINCE RUPKH ip MHse unAt!e u citn a urn u M' lu)r RfcCKFI ION 1ST In u-ii1 fancied but to while away the this meeting they required i time.i Sometimes, he forgot to plant to handle 1200 US. gallons mail the letter until the follow- a minute at 400 feet head which ing week and then he just added would finish the matter as far as a footnote. I was concerned, i.nd ever bod; The most delightful advantage else for that matter on that ba.'i-of writing one's spouse each day of competition. I discovered, was the sharing of Chairman of the Board of all one's moods with him ... I Works, Aid. Rudderham state? had no idea I had so many. In Daily News, December 17, 1940' fact, I had no idea there were so that one cannot always depend many to be had. upon the rating of an engine but I found it no 'trick' at all mak- Caterpillar was known to deliver lug my husband fee! 'at home' its rating. I would like to kn (supplied by the simple filling-out of forms. The statistics collected by 1050 and 1057 census- takers will lie of vital importance to governments and consequently to the peoples of the world then selves. But most important perhaps, the full census ,rom nome- in truth, he the basis of his assumption . . . ,. . . , , . . "'it so much 'at home' that even Aid. McLean asked three times will enable statisticians to draw a clearer picture nov , bHieve he for an at two meetlrgs .f lhe powe 9 Stationery ranging from 90c to $3.50 I Leather Writing Cases in both Letter and Note sizes $4.50 up t Pocket Wetlcts by Tillie $5.75 up All Above Leather floods Golfl Stamjied Free of Charge of the world's fond and resources extension of time. factor curve chart of the variout As for myself: Instead of sing- pump engines had been examined ing "Home Sweet Home" I was as he understood it required 160 amazed to find myself sineine brake horsepower to do the lob CHRISTMAS SHOWING FOR HER Cosmetic Sets, Perfumes cn ognes, Dresser Sets, Compacts on. Manicure Sets HKRK are some people SO admirably equipped "Home, Home on the Range" for satisfactorily. But the question a w . with nriul.-nfP and common sphsp that thev 1 nave never llvea on ne.i I was answered by the chnlr- 1' ' i . , . !Was simply so carefree I couldn't man. He either did not knot. do. their Christmas t October even or shopping in , ;S0 mucn as whi(!per. Don.l Fencf what Ald McLean was talk;ng Sept ember, Stf 4jMe In." becp.ase I didn't feel about or chose to ignore it. ' Curing on a deal of this kind However, the earl v-Christmas-shopper is very T , . . . . - u , , "i ui . v ' , , 1 a he day 1 wrot my hus- is not good enough for, as Mr." mill I P-lllil.CTrnHIH MT. III l m-t. r.ESNER KI.OCK, SRI) AVE. PHOXF. 231 n ,ui '""it; piaoauiy sne) musi ne m peril .band: In the morning, when my Rodger of the btandard Machine FOR HIM Shaving Sets, Shaving Drtr.h lets, Pen and Pencil Sets, Ronson Lighters WITH COIDRFUL XMAS WRAPPIN" ItlaUarr Piarman 1 Sixth St. & Third Ave. .OP-smUffnes? as he watches the moh of those less , heart was as warm as the earlv W'orks said in his letter iDerem- rwesighted .'elbowing, jostling and doing every- T.T'"8, unshine and then - - Order your MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS HAM From your Dealer Now! tg bu trample one another underfoot. ! reflected the darkest blue m the ZZ:Tr.ZA dreadtul contagion afflicts the last-minute changing sky . ... that was the shoppers. 1 hey are convinced that wherever they are Z Z there are letter bargains elsewhere, and more desir- neglected mailing his weekly let-able goods which thev could only secure bv beine in .tr) i i ii iiMaitiii'nii i" 1 ' ' i c - r I five difffren i.Iupps at nrK TW Time Parsed (fast, time ithen came my husoand's letter. It was " w 31'ief. He apologized for his ardiness. But so completely n. -UiUIIllMU- it" I wim iff ff iifi x y RPEC'IFY THE NATIONS FINEST MAPLE LEAF Product of Canada Packer Ltd. JI'lLts to the'theory that might is right and that to the victors belongs the spoils. They buy stuff they . . dqri't want, because the quantity is limited or be-i 'cruise the ierson lx;hind them is frothing at the .i mouth for it, Worst of all, they are tempted to think of. their "fellow-men as merely rival shoppers a thought that stiffens the back and hardens the heart, f: - :Every year ve resolve do we not? to abjure 0 their company in the future: every year we vow --'that next Christmas we will be prepared in advance. I- Any every year we find ourselves again one of the '""mob.. Well, who wants to be superhuman, after all? t' -Vancouver News-Herald. astounded at my moods on that particular day. he wrote: "Whj : didn't you Ju.-t write Ishmael and : sign your nme?" j I hastened to answer his let- ! ter I sent It Registered Mail to j he nearest poslul lie. It meant , almost two days teave of absence ! for him ... But what a Sur- i prise, when he opened my letter ; and read its only content:. Ish- 1 mael. (There ws no need to ! sign my name.) j VANCOUVER VICVORI.4 SEATTLE Sunday. 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam A ICE ARM. STEWART AND PORT SWPSON Sunuay, 11 p.m. FOR SOCTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun Dec. 16 and 30 10 p.m. ' FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, Dec. 9 and 23 and 23 FRANK I. RKINNEP Drop ln and Inspect our stock of dishes, kitchen electrical goods, power and hand tools, spoiling r cutlery. Sold on Easy Budget Terms MARCIIANI) OIL HEATERS y y y y y y y y y "j y y y VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKIHS LTD. George Griffith of Campbell-and Bennett contracting firm sailed Sunday night on the Ca-mosun for Vancouver to spend C. E. Starr, manager of Pacific Due to late connections at Jas- fisheries, sailed this afternoon I per on account of prairie storms, sio the Coquitlam ,for Seattle en- (tonight's train, due from the "route to California for the win-! East at 10:15, is reported about ... ter holiday season three hours late. Prince Rupert Agent the Christmas and New Year Ayene Pnone 5W 1 PHONE 174 rhone Sll f BOX 274 McRrlile Street J '.tkl.,MMM.jMttilil,kMMI,Mil.liil.l,t,ki'"1'