prutr U'urt iit (-"'in l ui'sUay, December 20, 1949 tUrnlar fcintist " S.S.' Xmm Trt t.J '....' A if - , ... !1 Dr. Harry Daggett, son of Al-! derman and Mrs. H. M. Daggett, i if is in Prince Rupert for the Christ- 1 W Women of thc,Moosc .regular ncutlng, Wcdncsdav. - .h. I for --Ji.'. M mas holidays. Arriving by plane Monday, this is Dr. Daggett's first yuletide at home for eight years. ORDER- Icod River Coal. ... NOW! For This Week's Delivery r0jes in Stock Lump, Egg, Nut, Stoker (tt will be closed from noon Saturday j Until Wednesday Morning He is on the staff of the Univer at 8.15. Initiation and Christmas party. . . . (297) Joseph ridden" of the Fisheries Department sailed Sunday night on the Camosun lor a trip to Vancouver. sity of British Columbia. i n a li 1 A I A 8 A Prepared Lutclish and Norwegian Salted Herring lor sale beginning Monday, December 19. Prince Rupert Fisherman's Co-op Store. (297) Girts of gooa used clothing for needy persons are solicited by the Salvation Army. Please call Black 2G9. We do the rest. (298) Ted Forman arrived In the city by yesterday's plane from his naval officers training at Royal Roads, Victoria, to snend the Miss Mary McMillan of the Columbia Cellulose Co S!.iiH iw. Nj - HOTEL ARRIVALS - Prince Rupert Miss M. L. 8. Monckton, Metla-katla; K. K. Vognlld, Sandspit; Mr .and Mrs. W. Nybloom, Sand-spit. .'' . " afternoon on the Coqultlam for .-..couvcr, to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday sea iert & McCaffery LIMITED 1'IIONE 116 son. J- I Sweet, teletype mechanic Christmas and New Year holiday for oca.iun wnn nis parents. Mr. and Lauadian National ti.i. (l,I.lMBKIt-BllLDING Sll'I'llES r i Mrs. James Forman, Westview. I1 raphs, after u visit here on official duties, sailed Sunday night by the Camosun on his return to Vancouver. j Miss Audrey Hunter is in the city on the Prince George tomorrow morning from Bright Panel Neckwear in new designs and shades $2.00 White Silk Scarves $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Men's Fine Pullover Sweaters, Priced from $6.50 to $10.75 Men's Fine Wool Cardigans in a wide variety of shades. Priced from $7.95 to $13.50 Linen Initial Handkerchiefs 50c to 75c Hickok Fine Leather Wallets $4.50 to $8.50 Leather Belts with Initial Buckles $2.50 to. $4.50 Don't Forget A Hot Certificate Makes A Pleasing and Practical Gift 8 ; mc Civic Centre Dining jRoom will be OPEN on New The barber takes the red hot towel . As though he;w'ere Just learning, And drops it quickly on your lace To keep his hands from burning. Housewife:. "Marie, what happened to the canary?" Marie: :"I can't imagine, mum It was there when I cleaned out the cage with the" vacuum cleaner." her nurses' training duties at Vancouver General Hospital to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hunter. Rev. C. A. Lomas of the Angli uay ior reservations. Phone Red 705. There is an excellent supply of Christmas chocolates now on hand. (300) Ray siade, teacher at Booth Memorial High School, left for Please refrain from Hjvcru.sinK is payaoie in advance A H can mission boat Northern Classiiirus, per wora per Insertion, minimum Birth Notices 50c. Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, Cross sailed Sunday night on M Announcements the Coqultlam to conduct Christmas, services at Alice Arm. i. j wwn.u bite Xscl- SI'tl'lAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PH1CE i mosun to spend Christmas holi- : l days with his parents in that 'fliU .LOST AM) l-Ol'ND 'City Oddfellows Rebckah Christmas Trc, December 20. Canadian Legion Ladies' Aux . . PrklTWM n-.... . t.-.i -..n.. ci.ulin lolimie auU 'v"'" uin till., ncu cu lar JUu' r , ni.Tmp with belt. Phone Green 3(1(1 Miss Laila Husoy arrived in the city last week from her tudiis Northland Dairy wish all their customers a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. As their employees wish to spend Christmas with thetr ; . illary bridge, cribbage and whist December 21. Regular, Cards', ..Catholic Hall, LOST Glasses m tnc sllth to spend Uic Christ- for sale . k-fv1". Star with case and nil a in ...... nine n,as on. and xrAH. xr - For the Whole Family Small ,' KiilL.111 SI families, there will be no deliv name A. Tove. Please return New Year holiday sea-to Dailv News Oflicc. Reward, son at her home h 1 Peter Polos is arriving in the city on tonight's train from Halifax to spend the Christmas and New Year season with Mr. and Mrs. George Chresty. lku une until Christ ery of milk Monday, December , Ja"u . rw.n. . I'l 11 -"- V W.O.T.M.. Card" Tournament 20. Milk delivery will be made January 12'. All, Welcome. mirdirsST lOWamln.- """cl" that Dlck : Syl" A'"brosi Ave. vc-sr, Jack Caron and Ei-lilli or sixili li. E. "Dca-(21)8ii Finder siotit v K. Wood- con" Llnney formcrlv of fi; r Sri of AlWlV IBO-i Tuesday as usual. Kindly order enough milk on Saturday to Ik? 5 until Tuesday morn- 0 ,,V mTi, 'r ?abs arc w under the name of ' asl keep. Place your cream orders early for Christmas. (300) H Cililuc colivrrtrd "m mhmIiii'-; rifles; ii,,urb; .mx and ten MiHs. -ley-back I From Mom ond Dad to Junior ... a Com-S plete Selection of Gifts that will be g Truly Appreciated y on Christmas Morn- y df) SJ Cabs. For fast, courteous and erriclcnt day and, night service mcjT LOST Black m. t, wallet .i. on Fifth phone ' 53 Hiirh School. Phone ' .' (tf) Green 707. (299) ' ,, isort- vr. ana Mrs. owen L. Murray y iiii' ijiis. lc. Write I sailed Hits afternoon on.thn CO' TMiSONAI, M1KK MKSSKNC.KU j Phono. Hhirk WJ or ' MONTREAL, Dob. 20th .. . MERRY CHRISTMAS, mothers! Here's a SPECIAL OFFER that prot;c there's a "Sant a Claus" I For weeks now, the folks at Heins Lave been working on these handy "food-'n'-monny-savera" for you . . . plaslic cap covers sprcially dnsiRned lo ft over the lops of HEINZ BABY FOOD tins when huby donsn i eat 1 a full tin at one mealtime. Simply leave the bulan'-e f.ihn Babv Food in the tin. cover it with this SKRVICK. UlarK !I37. I2i(il lr, lnliliTS anil S ih s C.. 'A'i U.I.I'A.l Unl. 'j.n i , (III ' N.S. (' ., S, rs, win- m IIHI.P VVAMTLU Biggest Selection of TOYS in TOWN oiiiiliim for Vancouvrr. Tiirv will be Joined at Bella Bella. by'lheir son. Lloyd Murray, of tlbc fishery patrol service., , Routine mectlni? of 'the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union was hold Sunday In the organization's or-fire in the basement of thei Roy- al Hotel. Aetln? as chairman was 'M' V.VJ ST EN Of i R A I M I KR with sliort- V : as cviurniT ! V Radios, Records and Albums ' Electrical Applia:.. ; - 1 case tu v' NAMiwi Fvciv iilr Ii.iikI and IVDinu. Medical cx-ixTirnrr an a.ssrt but not lirrrssnrv. Aoiilv Prince Ru-iHTt Mi ;itUi linil, i)-12 mid 1-5. Ph. Uluc 12Z. 2'JD plastic; cover and store it in your refrigerator I 1H11EE plastic rap covert and, TWO plastic Baby Food Savers (or uvopina out the kirt food mvnck'ol llcini Baby food from every tin) are YOVilS if you'll timply vrite to me Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent tit., Montreal, F.. Enrtose only 10c in coin or postage stamps and S labels from llcim Baby Food 'tins.1 And be sure to tell mo whether your baby is a boy or a airl ao I'll. know whether to tend these five "food-'n'-moncy-savcrs" in pink, or blue? . , . So Much To Do At Chrtummuimo and so little time to do it inl Well tumbled ou i:l jiuil nrii.. iiilriianri iV"5 b I'ianishel and i . . . W VICKERS m.mmmtf London "Dry ma . . ,ji lir.ii)is. ' here a gala ' time-saver for your Clinsinias um- Ui CuiuTi'lr Mixers, rmill iiii' K.s; Nol.sim jijtipi.-- I r Stockpile rA " j- ner . . . GLEMVOOD FRUIT COCKTAIL! Cheery i.; 1 nn.l o--,.'. n. b eiiM.lm,LtraA WANTED.- Reliable woman or nil to ml with children New Yrurs Eve. I'liono Black ri2!l afler 0 u in. (2'J(i HELP WANTED F7malc:A vacancy exists for a Junior sirnof i aulicr at the N. B. C. Power Co.. Ltd. Auulv In person to Room 15. Besncr Block. Uf) president Helnier Mork. ,' Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Norton and Miss Rita YosUm sailed Sunday night on the Coqultfcim for Stewart where they will .'spend the Christmas holiday season with their son and daughier-in-lav, Mr. and Mrs. Don Norton. J ...mrl.' M.mmm! You see. Glcmvood X nut ! 3cnir"ai; Kico porl- ', VA Cocktail is packed in natural fruit juice and pure itiilunal Pumps; Sa- i.iiiic hi-r.ipers ana ' cane eugar it contains more finest quality PPle an(1 Maraschino cherries the ingredients that VICKERS IS DISIIIKD IN CANADA and is Diimiuito it Calvrrl All SloOl H-int.s. National Smill:.. National This .iilvc rtisrmi iU is nol publiK-d or div IS,?.',! VrnTa6:' i ,cf rscn- who attends ht-irT are so important, lor superior navour auu giu ui -wood Fruit'j Cocktail its fido-itisn'ous taste! Wliat's more its rich withrthcrtuW goodness of Canadian peaches and pears I Order from ' rour grocer tlow in time for Christmas dmnerl It comes in three tin-erfosrfJieincwlO ounce the ;13 oiince that serves four and the economical 20' ounce tuw-, ' O li M E S D R V G S pluyeil by the- l.uiuor Control Hoar.i or b' die Government of British Columbia. Jjdiinerv Cu. Ltd.; WANTED TO RENT Yomm , "- -""'l'" uonvent ncre, sauea, DRUGS b (J mi mauled rouole. no children, bunclay night on the Coqultlam wisli to rent two or three room! rnr aiu .i .t '. if Christmas bring! l.urkr You Aot or house - furnished. I IT , , lu "tJV"u "lc Phone Green 014. ( 2 i Christmas and New Year, holi yoll ; a ne ; "Nt & Used Furnl-: ia.r( i Ulticc Fix- toasters. Cups FRIG1DAIRE day season with her ' parents. A LOVtLY DISH REFRIGER- . .. ! 1 1 T .1 O WANTt.D TO RF.NT-Furnished , , Mr Mr- anu nd w slrs- Jcns aiscn. suite or hoiisokeruinu room. , jri. Mimer Sowing 35 " Chinii Cabinets. 'mm. Cribs, Disston: A T O R o r ' . 5f'ki; FRIGIDAIRB JjTl electric i.vlrn R A N G E t A W PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ; J STORE HOUP5 WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO PJ4 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS--12 NOON TO t Til 7 P M. TO 9 PM Sos. Nr'V lOKUillg : Heavy 3-1 ly Roofing' You'll be readv rr Youivi rouole. no cliililicn. , . Aimlv J Johnson Box woo, Choir concert at . the Lutheran , Citv. (2i)6i Church Wednesday evening at 8 WANTED TO RENT Married o'clock. Social following. (297) counlr. no children, wish to rent two or throe-Mim; i Miss Ann Brown, Mhojis at-Jainiarv 1. Box c.35 Dailv News tending girls' school In Vtoncou-. li vcr. arrived in the city on the I N" Tci. WaKons, j Riu's. Tvpowiitrr, .u. B.ittlcshii) i. Simhilv umhI Ra-; at I lie loA est prlers, 1 Dally car Qeiivery service . from 9 am till 6 ptn amergenoy bicycle aeilvor. ' from 7 p.m. Mi t).. and Sunday1 i niilutc Co.. Black 324. WANTKD - Girls' bike and, ,bovs Coiuitlam Sunday evenli: from condition. iricvrlo. Good Vancouver to spend the Christ- (238) Phone Red 421. t -Tn 1!H!) .Sliidr- r.iiiimiiiiY Aimlv Ar- ttfl t PEKSO.NAI mas and New Year holiday season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown. ri rswil IThat till Latt 'A LifrtimH '.' You'll be giving years and veals of pleasure il you give a RADIANT 3 MIXLTE KKTTLE for Christmas! It boils wherever there's a frail -plug handy! Think -ol the comfort of a cheery cup -of tea "on the spot" in, your .sUting room your hote, room or your office! The "Radiant. 3 Minute Kettle' is so safe and easy to use! It shuts off automatically by thermostatic controls so it never boils over. AND it shuts off at once if it's plugged in without atcr. And it'a eaunomical for it saves power be-rause it hcaU faster. In less than three minutes you can boil enough water for four cups of teal lor a happy, tiappy new year that will start wonderfully with your Christmas and New Years and panics. If your Frigiil-aire gift is a refriserator, you'll marvel at the speed with which the Isuper-Freezer makes ico cubes and frozen deserts. You'll prai.'e the help your Frigidairn Refriger-stor gives you in keeping your budget within reason nt toilay's high food prices. If your Frigidaire gift is an electric range, you'll be roasting (hat king-fize fowl in an oven that will easily tako it with room to spare for other oven dishes, too! Yes, you'll be. a lucky ?al if your Santa's assistant is a 'rigidaire dealer . . . and if not, better start hinting early when birthday or' anniversary time comes around. - - IH'jIi power fier-1 Slasses. Auulv L. A NEW HOME Plan to Build NOW p'Ures Hotel. i2J(ii PLUMBING and Heatlnir --Short Metal work, lar and travel iooIiivj. Phone :43 or run i.2!. Spall Ave. West. II. Lcloiiinrau and Sons. (in H)ll It KMT I U i EC O'iWht raiiiio with The Civic Centre Dining Room will Not Be Open on ; Christmas Day or December 26 but will be open on December 27 Fur Plans and Fstimalc It's i ' aiid I'uard. Plume MOTOR OVERHAUL ; as usual. The management aiKi staff wish one and all a Merry ! Christmas. ; (.300) ,21)7) ; Be, ehestrriold fii'iiie nine u;0. 741 ,l (2!)7) One hrj buv chalr . and two rrw'Wimr Busy Chrhlmmt Shopping Days, I like to spend as little time in the FOIt KENT Sleeniiv! room or; : board and room. 1'iionc Hr.ieK 000. ... ,t(' i tin .i.e FOR SALE G.iraire In good condition between Sixth and ' t':... ,i i, I., vnst. in 300 block. GREER & BRiDDEK The Men Who Know CONTRACTORS ANU Bl'i: r.EKS FI Sl J-.U. BOX 721 Pan Gift. Khun (2!)8l O Having Us Overhaul Your Engine is Like. Turning the Mileage Indicator Back, to Zero, for your car will hum along the road as if it hod just p left the assembly line. ' DRIVE IN NOW! TO OUR GARAGE kitchen as possible. And yet, it s important to eater o ifri, JfoN rold-weathw appetites! That's when a plate of HEIXZvrt(y.a V COOKED SPAGHETTI is the answer to a woman's K?' prayer! It's cooked as it comes from the tiu and takes sl a minute or two to heat. And it's a real friend to rlrflated Dec-ember budgets, tool For it makes a truly W ' economical meal, taking the place of heavier, more ex- ln.'f 'rf'fk burnlnir oil Phone Red 5D3 during office Dieto $20.00. Phone V (3011 Pete Postuk arrived In the city on the Coqultlam Sunilay night from his studies at thrj University of British Columbia to spend the Christmas land New Year holiday season at his home here. j leavhiL' L. W. teller Is on Friday's pliinc hir Vancisjivcr and hours. pensi o loous. Alioincr unic-u-iiiuuvv nvvu inut. win wwf lie a family favourite is Heins Cooked Macaroni in Cream Saute wilh Cheese. Stock up now for busy, busy days! CKER PLANT Ring Out Th OU ,., Ring In 53 53 For Speedy Safe Si The nem ...wun iheso gay Greeting Cakes! So feather - light, ' moist, exquisitely tender, these little cakes are lit s d e with SWANS DOWN ntNIi; sryui;..,,",; iv P PIIKMIUM l'er 1 I Per ih r i Service 53 Day & Night Phone 53 will spend the Christinas .nndj few Year htdKlay season tticre and nt Tranullle where Mrs. lrr Is taking sanitarium trciit-nient and is doing well. The following stores will closcTlinrsday aftcjnoon as usual, but will stay open Friday, December 23, until 8 p.m. Fra-scr & Payne, Wallace's Dept. Store, Universal, People's Store, I l0(1c A I urkcys, Ducks and Gccsc 53 ! I, RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD. I ' v riKinr Red 3(17 I Stand York Hotel 3rd Ave. Thtrn't Still Time to buy your man a Christmas present, he'll ht proud to own anil uc! Jii?t tub right ikmh to your favourite rfnig or department store ami get, him a GKNUINR lU'KKKHSl' T SHAVING lUll'.SH! Look for Rubberset's "Barber Shop Quartet" display . . . anil get liiiw oni of these, 'lhe heail of tlie container is hollow ami slotted to rr-eeive used razor blades. A pcrfcel Christmas presrnt, from any man's point of viewt You see, wlien nifii use a Rubbered Shavimc Uru.-li, tliey know it's easier to Ret a smoother uliavc! The brushes in bristle, nylon and badger $1.00 to $15.00. ' Rupurt Men's and Boys'. Store, V.V .-..".--v-.--.-.--.-.v-."--.v CAKK FLOUR. Bake the Favourite To-Ecg Cake on the Swans Down package, using loaf cake instructions. hen cool, cut in 2-incli square?. Spread each square with green-tinted mint-flavoured boiled frosting. With red-tinted butter-type, frosting and pastry lube, decorate each cake with one letter of Happy New Year. Arrange suitably, on serving plate. Novel . . . and to delicious because Swans Down is mado by cako fluur specialists to4 give cakes with letter, finer texture, more satisfying in; every way. Abcl& Odowes, Wm. F. Stone, , j (298) Walts and Nickerson. 1 I! ttf Torchiere Floor Lamps , $T4.10 3 Light Trilight Lamps with silk shades $16.10 Tabic Lamps $4.95 and $6.95 G.E. Mantle Radios, pssortcd colors $19.95 G.E. Washers with pump $149.50 Floor Model Glad Irons $1 29.i0 Noma Tree Lights .'. - i from $1.40 Noma Bubble and Bird Lamps 25c Noma Extra Lamps 08c to 15c Electric Irons $4.20 to $23.50 Waffle Irons - $10.95 Electric Toasters $7.20 to $32.50 Caily Tied In Chritmm$ Wrap pin g$t a box of hoinc-mntjn ftnlgo is A most welcome sift I Especially if it's fmliro mmlo Mrs. E. P. Stone, Miss Maur-' J ecu Adclurd .uid E. R. Sliiie, lo-. cal .-chuol t';u'hers, wxuv puss- Ij ciijicrs sjlliiiK Una al tcruum on J I lie Coqultlam for Vancouver to V Micnd the Christmas and New , Year holiday season in t he south. ! I; James Forman. tm of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Forinaii.andlKin Hart- j v ig. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. I.. liartwlg, arrived Jn the city on the 1 CouiUain Sunday evening from j $ ; ; ' rirh-flavouml, froamy-smootU wilh J A K I'. I i S CHOCOLATK. When you use taker's t'lioool.Uft you get the full. lrlieiou real pliocolatc flavour. - TUTTI-FRUTTI FUDGE X squares Eiker's Un 4 Uuicapuuns (cdcii) fine-sweetened tiiocolat ly cut candied cherries, ,i cup milk candied pincapplft, iiga Z cups sugar -and nutmoats. Bash of salt ' A tablespoon5 raisin.i Cdmmodore Cale "Helh r Th-n Ever" i NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LID. itiic r studies jdies at ar, Easwrn taiA.'iu wua..- 3 tiblespoons butter (rinsed, tharouslily dried I teaspoon varulla and finely cuW. Add chocolate to- milk; place over low fiame. Cook until mixture 1 Miioollx and blended, stirring constantly. Add sugar and salt; stir until lupar is dissolved and mixture LoilsA Continue boiling, without stirrinff, until a imall amount of mixture forms a very sft, ball in cold water I232a F.). Kcmove from heat. Add butter a:id .'ar.ill... Cool to lukewarm P.); then beat until mixture begins to thicken and loses -is gli$. illO ,dd fruit and nuts. Turn at once into greased pan, 8x4 inches, Decor-ate with additional fruit. When cold cu; in squares. Makes 18 lai-jre. piecfi. wasn-i-i Best Food and Service , ,. Clti -iM Collie at Cheney to j li'Kton l'hone Kid . j .i ri.ii.imn. nnd New ' Phone 17 for !cnd-uul uroor. Besncr Block PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. STEWART, B.C. David Chow. Mgr. f : 1 Ave. Year holiday season at. their Thlrd !You remitted to the Prince Rupert WDtir;ri l i IO honics here. viud ror your st-ui-