0 t?tiiuc Uupcn iui,, r.JtUl Tuesday, December au, lwj tuc-h tl.-r discourage com- Q panics coming in and drilling,. ! Mr. Kenny says: "The govern- . i mcnl wants to find oil as much m - Victoria Report TRUE! DREAMS DO COME us anyone else but we're not ; giving away half the province I to do it. The people nave a share in their own natural re by J. K. Ncsbilt Now You Can Buy m Getting Nancy Ready Hershey Resignation sources and we re gome 10 see they share in anything that's found." If oil should be found, It would be a great bonanza for the government, which would take in millions a year In the 12 and. a half per cent royalty.' Happiest man In B.C. about Rocks Parliament Buildings VICTORIA Speaker-elect Nancy Hodges has brought a lot of publicity to this province. News of her appointment made the front pages in London, Wed. Thurs. 7 p.m. n 9 q, Our Price 40c, Govt. Tax 10c. Total Sim All other Prices Include 25 Provincial G vt T 1 iNew iorK, iuonireai ana many oiner ci ues. u as D0Ssible di.SCOvcrv of oil is featured by international news services, highlighted former Premier t. d. pattuiio.i ... , . i When When hp he wns was head head nf of the irov-; eminent he spent more than ' WINTERS1, turn rt Mrs. Hodges promptly got - - busy on her costume. She will nimuri I anrp nlnn h:is been nimblllll! the regulation Speaker's f, t,. wear DAN UUKUHJ V&ZZZZ&a (If roDe ana tricorn rial, tsui inc $600,000 drilling for oil In the Peace. He was strongly criticized and . when he left the premiership drilling stopped. "I'd have spent $10,000,000 if necessary and we'd have had oil today," he says. "I'm as cer-. tain as I'm sitting here that there's oil in B.C. and lots of It." GIVE BOOKS OF THEATRE TICKETS THIS XMAS AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES Rupert Peoples Store are pleased to announce drastic reductions on formals and evening wear in all sizes through size 44. Now you can buy the dress of your dreams for the Xmas and New Year's affairs. doubt, has been inefficiency. It was bound to happen in the early stages of so gigantic scheme. In time the wrinkles will be ironed out. There has been criticism of the scheme from some of the public. No one, however, who has been to a hospital has any cause for robe has no sleeves so Mrs. Hodges will have to fashion herself a long-sleeve blouse with some kind of neck ruffle to take the place of the wing collar, a male Speaker wears. The Government pays for the robe and hat nearly $300. When the Speaker leaves office he takes 1 I ... 2 II l""ii..n.jC iur aii m i iila nit U'hnn hn livivns il i I h - iiio luijco miiii Ainu. uiycaikct o a bill. robes have been an expensive children love. The affair was under the direction of the Ladles' Auxiliary of the local branch. Mrs. Rose Morrow laded a convener of a committee responsible for buying toys, collecting names wrapping parcels, etc. Others were Mrs. J. S. Black, Mrs. J Wallace, Mrs. H. Klllin, Mrs. J. Croxsford and Mrs. M. J. Kcays. Dr. Hershey has given his very best. lie has broken his health to some extent. GROUP NO. 1 Sizes U V 14 Regular $20 - $25 rangemcnts was the Cai Legion Christmas Tree co tee consisting 0f Chu. Charles Anderson, Dmi-h. Gillivray. Douidus E. Guy,. Anderson, Bob Monti;' Lcn J. Ilitchcns, Peter "i A. Holbrook and Mrs. Ma Smith. Christmas tree a vided by Arthur King. GROUP NO. 2 Sizes 16 Through 44 Regular $26 Your Choice $14.95 Your Choice St. Nick Visils . Legion Children Three hundred children were treated to presents, candies, si.ft drink. Ice cream and riuts from the hands of Santa Claus himself Sunday at the Canadian Legion Christmas Tree In the Naval Drill hall. 1 Commencing the program with a movie, shown by Rowland Miles from the civic centre, the children had Just witnessed the conclusion of the reels, when old Kris Kringlc appeared and began distributing pills off 'h tree and bags of delicacies $16.95 item in recent years. In three sessions there have been three Speakers. The Speaker may also take home the oak chair In which he presides over the Legislative assembly. Th' Is a massive, throne-like affair, more than six-feet high. Its straight back and seat of. dark blue leather. The last three speakers haven't taken their chairs so carpenters in the Legislative Buildings are There is excitement, too. in tho Legislative Buildings over the possibilities of oil in the Peace River district and the Queen Charlotte Islands. Sandstone, with oil showings, has becnl found in both places. "We're going to strike oil and plenty of it," says Lands and Forests Minister E. T. Kenney. Answering those who say B.C.'s oil regulations are so A Gift the Vhole Family Will Enjoy EXTRA SPECIAL Sizes 1 2 14 16 Regular $26 $35. Limited Quantity .. $9.95 i making replicas for Mr. Justice I Norman Whittaker, R. H. Car-ion of Kamloops and John Hart of Victoria. wood RUPERT PEOPLES STORE m w iiriai JliiillHiiimmim m i at ii FINE PRINTING at Moose Hold The Rodio-Phonogroph of the Yeor 7 Different Models to Choose From with 3 Speed Automatic Record Changers The Legislature will see many new faces when the session opens February 14. There will be 17 new members elected last June 15. There will be two new faces In the cabinet benches Hon. John Cates of Labor and Hon. Harry Bowman of Agriculture, r There will be an Indian In the House for the first time Frank Calder of Atlln. m t r mm Xmas Tree REGAL PRINTERS rThe C.C.F. will have its slimest! PHONE 21 222 Second Ave priced from $119.50 to $239.50 A.sk kIxhiI. our "J "i n r Torment I'Un uiUi life iiiNtiraitcc at no extra cd.iI At the Moose Temple Saturday afternoon about 150 young children were treated with gifts candy ,nuts and soft drinks by Santa Cbus. The event was the : annual Moose Christmas tree. Assisting St. Nicholas In distribution of gifts was Mrs. H. f V group In years only seven members, compared with 11 last session. The cabinet will be the! largest In history 11 members, j It will be Premier Johnson's i third session as head of thel NOBLE & WICK Uxcln.sive Di'aler.s rt..?-.. ;l tr Ave. W riimir I -A- v Muncey, Mrs. C. Collins and Mrs. ifovernmeni,. mere win oe a f'V AC new-iound sureness about him. P. Brown. Bags of candies were I r given to the young toU by Mrs. R. B. Skinner. ine Legislative Buildings were In the kitchen dishing out soft rocked the day Dr. J. M. Hershey drinks and ice cream an Per i resigned as commissioner of PAPER TOWELS PAPER CUPS TOWEL CABINETS LIQUID, SOAPS SOAP DISPENSERS DISINFECTANTS DEODORANTS and FIXTURES LAMP.SlPASTE and LIQUID WAX DUSTBANE and SISAL Iniliislrial Janitor Supplies at Vancouver Prices Manufacturer's Representative Bond assisted by J. Holllston and Useful Gills Lunch Kits 9 Pyrex Wore Percolators Pocket Knives . Covered Roasters ft Thermos Bottles THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD Malcolm Blair. v The event was successful and the children enjoyed the hospitality of the members and Kris Kiingle . B.C.'s hospital insurance plan. I He walked into the Press Galiery one morning and handed out a, statement to say that, since, the I Minister of Health and Welfare had ignored his recommenda-! tions, he had no alternative but! to resign. The internal administration of the hospital insur-j c jv m m. ar mmm It" PRIHCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE ro'i saw it in the News! i P.O. Bo T72 712 Second Ave. , Photic C32 I ; ; : flftlffrfitwifffffrrfffrr-rffffi,,! HMWKHMHHMHBHalffHBPaiaM ttt'icce'!tsit'is',s,"ef','e,c-c'x'ctsfs't BROADWAY CAFE Handsome ! Practical ! Gillette Rocket Gift Set ) In Gay Holiday Package YU C;m 1C SUr lo iicasc any man W1'1'1 this I attractive gift set - one of the greatest shaving I values ever offered. Contains a Gillette Rocket I One Piece Razor and 10 blade Dispenser two - regular size tubes of Gillette Shaving Cream uinl an extra Dispenser holding 10 Gillette h B!uc BUhIcs. Best Food 1 5 rtrKEBS"' Finest Cooking ' Hours 7 a.m. tc 1 a.m VICKtRS'lS DISTILLED IN CANADA AND IS DISTRIBUTED BY CsWttl FAMILY IS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 lliis aJvcrtiseuicnt ij net puHlishctl of dUplayol by tlic I.iquor Control llorJ w " by the Government of Hriti .h (Columbia. X At MANSON'S YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER 2l 2nd Ae ;rren Hi i THE SEASON'S J The "What Shall It Be?" 4 r Gifts For Motorists! Credit Note for Gusolm': Lubrication Contract Ijook it'T icat L-cvers Kadio tirai VV'.JT" - V. 1 "' M'tl. l''r lb. $1.01) " l l'v. ..... . Iri,, i , v It, -""- . """t Ainas j a K e .. ' Nut deeoill left imr lh -. Spot Lamp Fog Lamps Bumper Guards Fire Extinguisher Cigarette Lighter Skirl Chains Tires and Tubes Spark Plugs and numerous other auto accessories. THIS STORE IS PREPARED TO ANSWER IT The occasion may be what it will it's our duty to be ready to supply you and we can do it, too. With pleasure to you because of the size ; of our display. With profit to you because of our ability to sell close. , When the gift problem presents itself, let us show you how, easily we can match 1 ' your ideas. - : Could Not Be More Thoughtfully Expressed To Your Friends and Family Than With Lovely Remembrances From Our Gift Collection , , - Lovely To Give .... Lovely To Get Week Day Pantie Sets One for Every Day in the Week nni " ' y LIbUI Fruit Cake, decor- Light Fruit Cuk'i.', not decorated per lb. 50c Christmas Puddings, l's each 15c Christinas Puddings, l'2's each $1.10 Christmas Puddings, 2's r each $1.45 Motors 7,1 MIT ll AT 'fl WE WILL BAKE AND COVER YOUR MEAT PIES FOR A NOMINAL CHARGE TARTY Mf-AI- y v v v By Popular Demand We Now Hare the Third Shipment and They are Going Fast For the Ladies on Your List SHOP AT ANNETTE MANSELL Don't forget the Co-op Xmas Show for child Rex Cafe, Oiiii.-s- ln.li.- SirclIUj sis ren Wednesday, Dec. 28, at 2:30 p.m., Capi- 3 tol Theatre. Tickets available at your Cow 3 CHOI' SUr.i mow MKIl r. 3 v 3 y 2 r. Phone DIES WEAR 3rd Ave. . Bay store, and Bakery, for children of members and employees of all local Co-ops. Tickets will be given to parents ONLY upon request. isn IT y Second Atn.iux ii'iiL.'.ii i'riin'o RiiinTt Hotel SJ1 (207) 7:00 mjn. to $:50 .m. Phont 173 tor OuUlde on'" fc3..ili13.l.s...s,s,.',,i,,1At,i,aAafcfcAk(i