Prince Rupert Daily News hanks men The Melbourne Cricket grourH in Australia has had a capac"v crowd of 90,000 on several oec,. Five Thousand TB Seal Letters llfPt of the seals mnv send back to the Soroptimifit Club for transmission to the Tuberculosis Association is entirely optional but the average Is $2. Some may not ! feel themselves able to send that Tuesday, November 21, 1950 LETTERBOX MR. FAI RE CORRECTED !M3rd iJrM An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince I Hupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations j Canadian Dally Newspaper Association j O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director ! SUBSCRIPTION RATES " j Editor, Daily News: A letter signed by Mr. Fatire l ?V! I AX See Ul II WARM WllJTr. In the November 18 Issue of the Prince quarters, Rupert Sorop- having obtained a 08 percent re-Daily News has caused this timist Club is this week sending turn from the seals sent out, branch of the Canadian Legion out five thousand letters con-, raisjng some $2500. Special rec-some concern, with particular tainlng the familiar TB Christ- ognltion was voiced at the con-reference to certain remarks mas seals from the proceeds of , vention of the Association on this contained hi the penultimate : which the British Columbia Tu- ay carrier, Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, f, $8.00; By Mail. Per Month, 50c; Per Ytcr, $5.00. ES? With the rumpus room of Mrs. Alex Mackenzie's home on Fourth Avenue East as dispatching head- oercuiosis derives mucn 01 me revenue for its various good works including the x-ray facilities at the Prince Rupert General Hospital which are available at all times. The amount which the recip- nxp",.e..wol.Tre,5. Men's Pure Wool Outino c;u;"f Regular $9.25, now Q?S tS' Boys' and Girls' All Wool iTi ' Coats. Quilted lininnT iQckets ond Nehru May Be Sorry BOVS' Bombpr Inrt :UTSt0m Regular $10.00, now .. . t0 vy Chelsea Bun Loaff ' A treat you can make easily with li! J A QMRTEt t'ENTl 0F MDIO I.WDr.R Rogers Majestic! Nw on Display! THE DELUXE SET OF THE MAJESTIC LINE CHINESE Communists, even with the backing of Soviet Russia, will have their hands full in trying to occupy Tibet and impose a Communist government upon the Tibetans. Genghis Khan invaded the country and formally annexed it to China, but the Tibetans have Iked an isolated and self-contained life for centuries, shut in from the outside world by the circle of high mountains. There is everything within that circle to sustain the life of the inhabitants, which is largely primitive. There are two great rivers and extensive chains of fresh and salt water lakes. The inhabitants of the vast barren stretches of central and northern Tibet are nomadic, and those of the fertile southern agricultural valleys are settled in towns and villages, the most important of which is Lhasa, the seat of the Dalai Lama. The latest hews is that India has sent a note to Peiping expressing surprise and regret at the invasion, but the Reds claim that the "liberation" of Tibet is "an internal matter," and declare they will not tolerate any outside interference. It is one thing, however, to take the country by force and another to transform the Tibetans into loyal Communists by the same method. The Chinese Reds no doubt realize this, and they are not so much concerned with converting the people to Communism as they are with what they term the "consolidation of China's own borders for security reasons." Which, in other words, means the securing of a fortress jumping-off place for an invasion of India from the north, while Russia moves in from the west. Mr- Nehru may now regret that he was so insistent upon the British pulling out of India. new fast DRY Yeast Now you have Fleischmann's Fast Dry Yeast, forget about the oldtime hazards of yeast baking! Always at hand always fuH-srrenfrH and fast rising! Keep a month's supply in your cupboard! Make this delicious thelsea Bun Loaf cut in slices for buttering, or separate the buns. -Y Jft V3 r ir" 9 Tubes 3-spe?d Webster Record Changer 3 Bands including the ex clusive Duo-Sonic Sound System Gel Your . . . Xmas tares Ruperi Radii Eleclfi e ; J J unci CHRISTMA5 ml J id By ELMORE PHILPOTT ROOKS AND ODD BITS IN THE 28 YEARS I have been ' writing for Canadian newspapers a lot of books have come my way. Some have been chores assigments to write about. Many I have bought, with my own nurd cash. Others have been gifts, often from readers whom I have never seen. But the postman never brought a more welcome surprise than three brand new volumes, each containing fifty full color reproductions. They cover the works of Van Gogh, El Greco, and Renoir, respectively. ' oOo I IT IS NOT POLITE to look for a price tag on a gift. But I can't help passing on the information hat these volumes sell for $10 each. I can't imagine anything that would make a lovelier, more beautiful Christmas gift. For I just can't imagine anybody not 1 keeping these books for a whole lifetime and geting pleasure out of their beauties year after year. They are published in Cana1;t by Thomas Allen. oOo IF YOU REALLY want to know the background of the war !n Korea get "Korea Today" by Georee M. McCune, late of the U.S. State Department It is a pretty terrible story it tells fully backed rv facts and statistics. You are left wonder- l ing whether the Koreans were j j uii uiiun cue IltllU uuiiru I Communist police state, north of j I the 38th parallel, or under the j i harsh, reactionary notice state presided over by Svnemnn Pn. One thins; stands out cl"ir"v in this book. There was nothinT remotely resemblin" denrvTcw in either South or North Krrea. Neither part of the country wa given the chance to eet what ih-overwhelmins. maioritv of t people naturally want that Is junity of their nation a"-" ! chance to rebuild the country I i in peace. This book is tniblished bv the i institute of Pacific relation1!. "u oOo A. FULL, fledged doctor writes jne about recent remarks o'j pains from "Phantom Limb". He claims that if the amputated limb is cremated the r -son will suffer no "phanto--limb" pains. But if the limb ! buried, there may be pliant')-"1-limb pains for awhile. Dont as!: me to explain it A quite different comment comes from Frank Storm of North Vancouver who is in th artificial limb business. He says that William Grey is right, an ! j that the amputation cases may escape "phantom limb" pains by proper self-education. oOo. WILLIAM L. LAWTON Writ-? that Deloe's caricature of the Englishman Is hot to be tken too seriously because "Defoe likJ all political heelers before and since wrote what his bosses asked for". "The inhabitants (of England and Southern Scotland) are S3 mixed, hare bred from so manv noticnalities they are the sam? as the rest of Europe. Climate i ; largely responsible for the characteristics of the English; the insular position of England for ethers". oOo A FORMER R.C.A.F. man, for m Now! - IS , NEW HIGHWAY DEAL .DISTRICT has SKEENA and assistant engineer. to the new officials and the :t .1 j 1 a new district engineer However, in all fairness men who they succeed, i ii i ! Plum. iM 3rd Street Prince tn PRINTERS STATIONERS OFFICE St Pit r much while many send more. Last year Prince Rupert topped British Columbia for its showing, $ i Mrs. C. G. Ham Is convener of the effort this year with Mrs. P. I M. Ray, Mrs. W. Bushaw, Mrs. J. j Edmundson, Mrs. Ralph Smith, i Miss Muriel Vance and M.S. J. G. Alexander other active members i of her committee. 1 i CHELSEA BUN LOAF Make 3 fans of bunt from this nfie trcipt dttmih trill fr J in refrigerator for a tteek. Scald Vt C. milk. '4 r. irrnpul-.t.-f! MiKar, ', K. salt ami Ij c. sluirtrimiK ; ronl to lukewarm. Mi'Hiiwiiilc, mra-nre inin a lare l)"vl '1 c lukewarm water, I tp. giaitulated Migar; stir until Miyar i ili-snlveil, .Sprinkle with 1 rn- yelope Mi isriniiaim's Koyal last Hising I 'ry Yeavt. Let slaml It) linn Til IN' stir well. Ada r.v,lt,t milk tntximt am! Mir in 1 well fw.itrn faK. Stir m It. omc-siliftt brraij ii.,tir; wAt umit MtHHjth, Wmk in A'j c. (mcr-sittr-rf hrrart Hotir. Kuejul u liNd'tK. fl"iirH hiAtf itnhl nif)!h ami f';isiic. ( tit off j at H'nirh, ltnr-al into a im.htili tnll. nl.-ir m Kfravi, bow!, f.e e. i "eitfch, rover amt turr in trin. i.iior mint wantnl. Ship? rfJJMintiiK ''j tA !' Hiih into a moih place in tfir:ierl br-wt anM urease top. ( over mul vrt m warm j.lnrr, lire fr-titt ffratmht. ,rr Tid until dt.nllr. m luilk. Oram ) i!-l bniirr or iriaiRanne and Itlrml in Vj C, br.ii irar ftwJuly prr.c! lfn), t-'. Kriiimd citinsitun ainf tb. rnt vntp: s'rc,- .tlwittt V3 of thu mixture in bMfoni i-( a iri-a.t'l lonf pn ( x n.i rriiiklt wiih pf-ao h.ilv-4. I'unch rtrn H-.tiph wi roll r-nt into an g i ttitiarr; ln ttnvh. Sprrait itli rf-niiinmt: mature att pmkie with !! Vj e. r.Tinits. Lintel? mil tip hkr a ji-itv Ti.rl, i nt n-H turn 6 nhrr, 'nre in prf-t-arfd pan. t.rfave p,ps. I "ovrr am! let mettntil!rrf m t.nlk. lUke in mttht-ale own, ft l$-t mmi lrt st;itiil in pan lor 5 min, bWortf tiittiiitu ot. i 1 DRY tit'" rTt " w W. 1 I I I I I Jack Clmti 14I.J0A, paragraph thereof, Mr. Lien, together with the members of his Band, were invited to join with the parading veterans as guests of the Canadian Legion immediately fol lowing the Armistice Service on j November 11th, as has been the j practice in former years. It was regrettable, indeed that, due to certain restrictive laws who prohibit our Native friends from joining with us in licensed prem- j ises. we were unable to extend a i similar invitation to Mr. McKay I an dthe members of his Band. We considered it only right and fitting, therefore, in order to ! eliminate as far as possible this obvious gesture of discrimination which policy the Canadian Le- gion wholeheartedly deplores to invite Mr. McKay to the banquet held after the Armistice recep tion as a measure of appreciation of his Band's participation In the Armistnce program. Certainly there was no intent to slight Mr. Lien personally, or the members of the Shrine Club Band, whom we hold in the highest regard. and whom we are proud to have financially assisted in its early formation and prior to its present sponsorship. Rather it was our desire to extend as far as possible to Mr. McKay, courtesies commensurate with those offered cur local band. Fut.hermore, we are confident that Mr. Lien did not interpret our actions In the light that was indicated by Mr. Faure's uninformed comments. In view of these circumstances, we have considered it necessary to reply publicly to these uncal-j led for remarks in order that the public may be correctly Informed as to our course of action In this regard. May we suggest to Mr. Faure, also, that he confine his criticisms to matters with which he is comparatively familiar, rather than to maliciously mislead, intentionally or otherwise, the public of this City. W. H. MURRAY, Manager, Branch 27,. Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Business In South Slow Speaking of business conditions as he found them in Vancouver, ; J. D. McRae, M.L.A. for Prince! Rupert, who returned to the city at the week-end, states that September and October were, good months in the southern city. However, November was not so good and 1 hefe was some uncer-; tainty as to what the Christmas season would bring. There is a dofinite tendency to tightening on. whom I have great respect, nart- ly disagrees with -my comment cn Korea. He does not believe that it is "a far fetched theory" that the U.S.A policy more or less invited the attack from the North. His main argument is that "ve are striving for something th;v is :m!o ,s;ble of attainment ; lust j no-'- ,hat Is, the idea of f'orle world". ? We had better face the fact thot the world IS divided into two now-ir-econciliable blocs, he says. For only if we do so agree to live-ftnd-let-live can we survive without a world destroying war. towns are human places , . , and at your Commerce branch BILL SCUBY FU PAY TOP PRICES For RAW FURS 2 Ways to Sell -Rre l's Yourselves -Ship all your skins EXPRESS roLl.rXT ... you ai'knowlrdgment in 21 I""'" CITY OF TRINCE Rl'PERT Public notice is her? by given to the electors of the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert that I require the pesence of the said electors at the City Halt, Fulton Street, on the seventh day of December 1950, at ten o'clock a.m., for the purpose of electing persons to represent them as Aldermen, School Trustees and Park Commissioner. The mode of nomination of candidates shall be as follows: The candidates shall be nominated in wrilin;;; the writing shall be subscribed by two electors of the municipality as proposer and seconder, and shall be delivered to the returning Officer at any time between the date of the notice and twelve o'clock noon of the day of nomination; the said writing may be in the form numbered 3 in the Schedule of the ''Municipal Elections Act," und shall slate the name, residence, and occupation or description of each person proposed, in such manner as sufficiently to identify, such poll shall be rpencd on the fnirieenth day of December, 1950 at the Civic Centre, corner of McBrlde Street and Sec'ind Avenue, of which every person 1 lwreby required to take notice and govern himself accordingly. Given under my hand at Princ; Rupert this 21st day of November, 1050. H. D. THAIN, Returning. Officer. PRINCE RI I'I KT, B.C. PHONE 071 we uiuiK. n snouiu maae ciear tnai me cienciencies which have been felt in the district for so long ara not due entirely to local circumstance. In fact a very small part of the blame for lack of a comprehensive rdad program in the Skeena can be placed on works officials of the district. The head office for the department at Victoria holds the solution to the uture of roads in Skeena and the Central" Literior. Requests and pleas for some definite program in conjunction with that set out by the Hart government to provide the province with a first class highway system have been to no avail, and Mr. Carson has been adamant in his dictatorial policy of providing Vancouver Island and the southern interior with good roads while doing nothing for the Central Interior. ; Taxpayers and organizations in Smithers community have sent brief after brief to Victoria regarding the lack of a highway policy, not only for this area, but for the entire district from Prince George through to Prince Rupert. Apparently they all ended up in the waste basket. . We wonder if the change of officials might possibly mean a changed attitude at Victoria? It would be welcome, especially if the district were to receive the machinery necessary for an adequate road maintenance job. 1x4 us hope the department will at least rectify the ridiculous situation that existed this year, when public works crews had to load gravel trucks by hand to patch up a road because the head office refused to OK the purchase of a new shovel to replace a 25-year-old relic. We asked for a new deal in public works for this district. We have bad the shuffle, it's up to Mr. Carson now for the new deal. Interior News. Lay - Away Y CHRISTMAS Gil C Le5D NOW!! 55 frr onlyhwJ GEORGE COOK JEWELLER YOUR COMMERCE BRANCH Keystone of Main Street SCRIPTtRE PASSAGE FOR TODAY "For all have Sinned and come short bf the glory of God." Romans 3:23.. PHARM The towns of Canada are human places. In our town you go to your banker as naturally as you go to your grocer. No banking service is too large or too small to expect of your Commerce manager ... The child with a dollar, learning to sav . , 4 a young man starting in business . , . the old folks ready to retire ... all are welcome at The Commerce. ; w ALLACE P H WEEK 0 N E SUNDAYS: 7 9 You will be delighted with this fragrant tea 1, the men and women are good people to know. DAYS: HOURS: to" 9o ,m. OrJoon to 2P 7D.rti.t,f J . Ves, our Canadian SIXTH STRF.P.T AND The Canadian Bank of Commerce Ml "Tlje Commerce"