4 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, November 21, 1950 Pretty Rile In 'Anglican Church PARTY TO STAY (Continued From Page 1) with a view to enacting legislation to aid in such TERRACE TOPICS i 1 it ( Provincial and federal govern-; meots were ureed to do everv-: Miss Shirley Pearson Becomes Bride of Perry Mork Appropriate qualifications. Another resolution favored the supplying without charee of thing in their power to aid in ' 9L Line-ups For "Bob and Sally" Line-up audiences attended the Capitol Theatre last night for the showing of the sex problem picture "Bob and Sally'; which is being shown to women and men separately. As the women streamed out of the house at the conclusion of the first show at 9 p.m., a line-up of men around the Fulton Street corner awaited admittance. The picture is being shown to adult audiences again tonight and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doll left on Wednesday's train for the establishment of a steel in- An interesting and beautiful dustry in this province. - marriage took place Saturdav Removal Of nrirp rA.ctritinn3 AVpnintT at 7 tn c .. ADULTf their home in Prince George af te on distribution of petroleum i drew's Anglican Cathedral wh' n ' a two weeks' holiday here at the SEPARATE AUDIENCES ONIYI home of Mr. Doll's parents. Mr. WOMEN counsel to people of small means in all courts higher than the county court. DECENTRALIZATION . Decentralization of population and industries in the interest of sounder economy, happier way of life and in the interests of national security and survival in modern warfare was strongly urged with the recom MEN AND ton U AND OVil products was urged by the execu- Shirley Patricia Pearson, dauijh-tive in the interests of develop-, ter of Mrs. Mabel Pearson and ment of oil in British Columbia.! the late Oliver Macleod of Coal In regard to the present ex- Lake, Alberta, became the bride emption of government prop-! of Perry Christian Mork, only erty from municipal taxation,; son of Mr. and Mrs. Hllmar AND OIU 1 AND OVEI 7 P.M. and Mrs. Harvey Doll. Mrs. G. Hudson left on last Tuesday morning's train for her home in Prince Georee. havlns 9 P.M. spent a short visit here at the the executive held that boards, Mork. Seventh Avenue East. nome 01 01 Dr. vr. and and Mrs. Mrs. S. 5. Mill! Mills RCf.o .v, , ,v, w-.-Znome commissions and companies of DOOS tPIN V, HOUI MFOli IACH PEIF0KMANCJ TODAV TO WEDNESDAY MATINEE WEDNESDAY 2 PM WOMEN ONLY mendation mat tne lederai ana provincial governments consult with industry and labor unions government cmeratinz as jom-L..... t.- t " Mrs. Hudson operated a hair AIR PASSENGERS mercial organizations should pay! dressinS establishment in Ter - t j;urauuiui beautiful organ organ selections selections, 1 Men- their just and proper share of t icinhn', -utaa, v.,, wvitii ;.nio agu, was i .... I u.ioovju o HUUUillK IVlCl.Uli . municipal taxation by grant. j played a the bride entered the The government was ursed in.rh Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones travelled recently where another resolution to expedite! brother-in-law, Barry Scollen to Prince p'nce RuP Rupert the the completion completion of of the the main main : : by hv .hnm whom she v, . i ' Mr. Jones had . I To Masset (today) Mrs. E. Giles. To Port Clements (today ) W. Leslie. From Sandsplt (Monday) x-ravs medical was given in mar I highway program in the Drov attention following a spell in the hospital here. Buy . vuuiicuus service Late tor Work ) Qki I U n m Kiddies to School hills by s i Now Save riage. The bride's attendants were her sister, Mrs. Betty Scollen, as matron of honor, and Miss Dorothy Marshall as bridesmaid. ince and make better provision for the improvement and maintenance of secondary and lateral roads throughout the Mrs. F. Lascette, B. H. Craft. R t Benjamin. j From Vancouver (Monday) j O. Hale, J. A. Newsom, Mr. Mor "Eventually, Why Not Now Mr. and Mrs. James OBrlen drove to Prince Rupert on Friday returning to Terrace on Sunday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. Pache. AND The bride was a lovely picture i M B rison, M. May, J. Wilson, E. R. Carswell, F. E. Ladner, G. Lud-denham,. A. H. Elliot, R. Hale, J. Bourne. Mr. McTier. Mrs. , lA,r6,M,tin a Princess mode gown of w of the two teach.ng official lan- whiu satin wRh swBeetheart guages or English and French Neckline and long sleeves form-everywhere in Canada was ap-,ing tBhe polnts over backfthc proved by the executive. hand The bride ? ...Th! PJnc aLgovern,ment! Pearls clouded with a veil of X Frank Watcrhouse freighter brouaht th. m( Island King, Capt. Walter Holm- ,r"8 , berg, was in port Mnnlay hui s n it salmon for Vancouver. frozen halibut Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vallee and two small children arrived at the weekend from Vernon, and residing temDorarilv uMt.n McTier, Q. E. Raley, J. Ross. To Vancouver (today) R. L. Johnson, L. Johnstone, W. R. Clerlhue, O. B. Ralston, T. Mac- HOTPOINT was cuimiieiiuea lor lis eilorw!of a .., . . . ; aie are :; '' Monday on her retumir , o Cant rKmmifl iTM'iri,.i,n . ..... m i., n ucuuaue uuu earrings 01 jjr and Mrs. W. Osborne. Mr. K. Simkus, A. A. Mc- Eastern Railway from Squamish iuuico ujriiucu ueauuiuny witn vi. i. n. , Intvre Intyre, her J,, shower bouquet ui of dep " red the If B.C. Power Commission, Sfflf S S.) 1 I Shirts by Tooke mean as J always "the peak of shirt g performance" in style, i quality and value for your money. Tooke's reputation 5 for being the best in their I field is faithfully guarded ( by the. factory . . . See the I newest in Tooke shirts . today. , to the Peace River. ......,Lu.i licau ana Ketchikan, TH FINE PRINTING AT.,. Kinsmen Veep Visiting City . pi upusai 10 approve legisia- "owieu naving been transferred Th matron nf hnnor tion of hospital sweepstakes in charminTIn a eown of lk 7 to Merritt' They wlU occuPy thc British Columbia was rejected. thouse Vacated the Howletts. feta with shoulde tenrth Setting up of citizenship com-! It . snojiiaer length veil,; AND Illegal Printers , THEY DON'T COST M .OO mittees in each riding with a MrS' H' K'nf? and Mrs' Gould " ' P view to acquainting future citi- n. paid a brlcf to j , KridMmaH nt'tn trlP Prlnce Ru- U ens. of the duties and responsi-! t .bf ln desm,aid wa PreUllvlPert last week going down bv y"ow taffeta with TuesdayUaln ibilitiesof fw,d citizenship was urged.' , ys m' i A more equitable distribution; sh,oulde,r ength veU' carrying a! 4J National Vice-President of the Kinsmen Syd Welsh Is expected on today's plane from Vancouver. He will instal the new slate of Kinsmen officers elected last June. I ANYMORE. FROM CROSLEY ' schoo school costs costs than than mere mere tax tax tu'"' oouquei ui 01 yenow yeiiow ana and. ; of . covorD M ,, . lanrt a T: :i mauve chrysanthemums. 1 "v V"" :"MT""tu m,s- ties byTOOICE: o ."..umaicu UJ, 1 J "nngton to her home Followine "ln thP PPrpmnnv emony ot at tH the . the executive session. durinK the ast k b wauicui di. a, rerenrinn iiiri Try a Daily News Classified. m ,,0W ReUln? fllon wel1 '- an at the home of the mnn,'. nr. I CHRISTMAS IS COMIN soon be getting around again. ents where nearlv 100 friends If you want 10 sell it, advertise it. tjews classifieds. OIL HEATING at its Best tt Yes, I I Tooke i " l Ties s U tO gQ a f i with I I Tooke f 3 Shirts. B ' 1 w From , gainerea to extend their con-graulations and best wishes to the young couple, who stood under a large white bell in a pretty arch of pink and white embanked by lover's knots of tulle and tall tapers. REFRIGERATORS 4 l B I " 1 B 1 B B x B was made by the groom's mother and duly cut the bride and groom in the traditional manner. KprvHpnr urorp tn iuHqcao your OROERpQNOW CAKE C4 RUPERT BAKERY LID. I RYE fiT Is tnpommii The bride was assisted in re hi 1 jbm. m. a. I ta B BROADWAY it MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS Convenient, Economical High mechanical efficiency. VORTEX Automatic Burners 307 saving in heating costs. TERMS ARRANGED Srni!h & Elkins LIMITED Plumbing and Healinjr Phone 1V-. P.O. Box 274 Ruperl Men's 1 and Boys' Store: 5 Year Guarantee Terms to Suit You ceiving the guests by the groom's ' Elizabeth Martin, Joyce Pottle, mother, Mrs. Mork, who wore a Jean Gibb and Jean Sharp. Mrs. becoming gown of pink green Alex Mitchell assisted in cutting crepe with hat to match and a thj wedding cake: corsage of pink roses. . ; Many beautiful gifts were on The toast to the bride was pro- ; display which signified the popu-posed by Rev. Canon Basil S. larity of the young couple. Prockter and responded to fit- The bride s street costume was tingly by the groom. a neat suit of plaid tweed with The toast to the bride's at-' matching accessories. The bride's tendants was proposed by Alex bouquet was caught by Miss Mitchell and responded to by the Donalda Letourneau. groomsman, Peter Macleod, bro- Numerous telegrams were read ther of the bride. j from relatives In Norway, Nan- The bride's table, centered with : aimo and Victoria, a beautiful lace cloth and six! Mr. and Mrs. Monk will take silver tapers, was centred with up residence at 108 Seventh a three-tier wedding cake, which Avenue East. B M n B B tfAiehii t?muh Best f; uaiiiifliiiiiiinaR McRAE BROS. ,j;sj t: ri;J to Hours:7.m.to! I Thlt dvertlimcn( It not published diiplvd by th Llqwjf Control 8ord w or tfc GovcriuKM el Britiiti Coiibi, I 1 For take home orders Phone 200 Extra corrfort ond less wort you with 0 Coleman Oil Heater Low in Cost Efficient in Operation "''ggST! ' ALUMINUM HAS GROWN TO m -C Y BE A LARGE PART OC- v5' yjp .. ' vk ' f " 0y' ' . , , 1 1 1 C fl' CANADIAN LIVINO 6)Ull' " S- f ",, 1 t'l l Cr.lA:... . ' - . ( Wtv "Hcspitolity and Good Food" That is Our First Aim 1'lione 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Mortimer X, i.'A 2nd Av c. 'Near CFPR) PORTRAITS 'I'm.s Dt vtlopcd and Printed PROMIT SERVICE C II.WDLKK S STl'DIO T IG - 4ih Street Box 645 1 :vjne Given 339 Prince Rupert SERVING THE B.C. COAST QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FROM riUNf'E KlTtKT TO: MASSKT PORT CLEMENTS CITY QUEBH CllAW-OriE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST -.W (7,;, morf,ff It wa, n,, bcf)jre j waj born, anil when Arvi.la u... , , , John Bulger Ltd. Ljsavk: prince rupert i-";:r,T . 'Except Thursday -and FROM PRINCE Rl'PKKT TO: ALICE ARM . . RTKWART Third Avenue LEAVE: PRINCE RUPERT THURSDAYS - a city to Canada a place where 12,000 people like me live and work and enjoy ourselves. My neighbours who have lived in other places tell me this is the nicest city in Canada Certainly I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.-' The smelter at Arvida, the powerhouse at Shipshaw close by, the wharves at Port Alfred a few miles away these are only pans of what Alcan has planned and built in Canada during the last fifty years. The Company is still planning, still building. Its growth makes Canada a bigger, better, richer place in which to live and work for every aluminum ingot produced in Canada makes Canada that much better off. - "wa itiiiiiianu. Vet I ran show you on it just where our house . and the streets along which I come to work, or go to the itores, or to church, or to play cnn.1 or ski. And I can show yu the alumi-oum smelter where my father work., and the powerhouse where my boyfriend works-nd he hoUK in which we,te when we're married. "It's all here. This is a miniature'" an p to-date city, a city that ha, everything -nd wa. born full-size. That's why I call it. d p,ecg of future Canada in a glast case'. You see. an engineer', dreilrn haj aMei LtSAVK: ETEWART FRIDAYS F"r... .rsEBVATIO- Q TAILORING for Ladies'and Gentlemen TICKETS INFORMATION PHONE 476 . QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRUN" L!KGf (he TAILOR Killas& Christopher B llJWSr Sixth St Phone 649 ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD tofeM and trocuon o, Muminum , -,,,. Plant, a, Showmia. Folk Aid,, ,,U Ma!i,.. Ship.!,,, Port Md. ,11 Flig A!r Frcighr on o