Prinre Paipert Daily News Tuesday, November 21, 1950 piONm! NntTiroT.onTP.T The first chair" 6f neurology in the world was founded at Park in 1882 by Chai lot, pioneer nerve .specialist. EXPAND TRAFFIC LANE THE PAS, MAN. fc Work is proceeding rapidly U) build a second traffic lane on the bridge spanning the Saskatchewan River here. Increase in traffic on , - I Pf y rJC J , TEACHERS HELPED ORangeville. okt. n Teachers helped build Orange-ville's $350,000 high school to be officially opened on Jan. 1. Principal tt. Clins and four teachers ; worked as laborers, bricklayers and electricians to help out during a shortage of labor. Anniversary of RUTfS IN SECTIONS Australian railways use. four different gauges, from f feet 8' inches In the north to 6 feet. 3 inches in the south. , the highway from Flin Flon made i the present single lane Many Gather at Church Wedding Wedding Party Celebrating the twenty-sixth wedding anniversary of Mr. and One Of the largest -wedding congregations ever to assemble in St. Paul's Lutheran Church as sembled there at 7:30 last Wed nesday night for the candlelight nuptial rites of Miss Evelvn Skos. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0!af Skog of this city, and William Frederick Checkley, son of Mr. Mrs. V. Bratt, a party was held at their home, 1356 Overlook. The evening was happily spent in community singing and dancing with W. Parker as master of ceremonies. Mrs. D. Bertram contri Ipnd Mr Robert Checkley of buted to the enjoyment of the evenihg with acceptable vocal Solos. Refreshments were served Prince George. Rev. Ear! SuSl- "3 , ..(m.. t,n. i al rnianignt. A The guests were Mr. and Mrs. 0r M. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. B. McStay, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mosley, Mr. and Mrs. W. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. D. Bartram, Mrs. Schwab, D. Dennis, J. Ewen and W. Towers. as ton. With Petef Lien presiding at the organ to play the Wedding March, the bride entered the church upon the arm of her father by wtiom she was given in marriair. She was charmlni? tn hrf wedding dress of heavv Help your fa mil)1 keep steady nerves Thirty Couples at Valhalla Dance I white satin with lace Insertion, I long train and veil. The brldai bouquet Was Of red roses. Man is known by the Whisky he serves The matron of honor was the A satisfying grand flavor The whole family enjoys Postum's fine Vigorous rich flavor - the more they drink it the more they like ill Music - by Gunnar Varfeldt violin, and Mike Colussi, accbr- bride's sister, Mrs. Ivar Wahl, The dion, entertained 30 couples at wearing greert taffeta. Edna the regular Valhalla Hall lodge bridesmaids were Miss Serve Postuml Serve your family Postuml it's the ideal beverage for grown-ups or children who may suffer nervousness, irritability or sleeplessness from the caffein in tea and coffee. Postum contains no cafein ' cannot possibly harm anyone I Kirkham and Miss Astrld Swan?, dance Saturday night. Knut the former wearing yellow tat- Hallberg was at the door. feta and the latter mauve taf Save up to 60 of your beverage costs Postum savs you up to l a cup compared to other hot beverages 1 couver. New Westminster, Nan-almo and Prince George feta, both with shoulder veils and all carryih? colonial bouquets. Robert Foot of Prince George Many beautiful wedding gifts testified to the esteem in which the happy couple are held. Music for dancing was by Mike POSTUM """" I was groomsman. ' During the signing of the reg-llster, Mrs. Pat Wicks sang "Be-I cause" With Mr. Lien CONTAINS MO CAFFEIN 'Postum Colussi. ' today Buy A Product of General Foods Thursday night the couple sailed on the Prince George for a honeymoon trip to Vancouver, r tan vanillic Lb ui t ji uulu iiiiu Ivar Wahl were the ushers. Seattle and Prince George, the bride travelling in a navy blue RECEPTION OLD CULTURE Following the church cere- .c man aw icmpies in in- monv. a rpCeDUon was held at done.sia attest tq the spread of , the Sons of Norway Hall where Fire Destroys Alaska Hospital FAIRBANKS A hosDital at r : ,ly Hawaiian I Service 0UVER During the r'ihe CPA is to run weekly I ) Honolulu and return, gent the service Is on a filly basis. i the occasion was dulv elebrated Hindu culture in the ninth suit and top coat with grey accessories. On their return trip the couple will reside in the Summit Apartments. The groom Is a member of the staff at the Canadian National Railway station ticket office. COMPARE THE PRICE ... THE FLAVOUR-. . . DISCOVER FOR YOURSEIF THE BEST BUY, n FINE CANADIAN WHISKY Calvert MOUNT ROYAL . The couple were assisted in rc ceiving best 'Wishes and felicita 'mothers of the bride and the groom. Mrs. Bkog wore a black Bethel was destroyed by fire last j tal sta" was lniured-night. There were seventy beds, Bethel recently suffered a ty-and all patients were safely re phold fever epidemic with 300 moved. A member of the hospl afflicted by the malady. ond sliver street length dress. jriion use News classifieds. Mrs. Checkley wore golden crepe. ! STEP i B Y S T with E P Toartmaster of the evenin?; Was Peter Lien. Toast to Lhe! bride was proposed by George Hills and responded to by the groom. Toasts to the mitron of honors end bridesmaids were proposed by Robert Foot. Hall and tables were attra"t- i ively decorated. The bride's table was centred wrth a handsome: Help keep the CANADIAN ARMY Tanactcait KIDDICRAFT "SENSIBLE" TOYS THE STORK SHOPPE Blue 810 303 3rd Ave. W threetier wedding cake which I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or FIGHTING-FIT was duly cut by the bride. Telegrams of -congratulations were received from Victoria, Van- i i . by the Government of British Columbia. . -' 11 " " " 1 - i TOY TOWN!! -"i - . & . i .om i iL TT rnC7. iiH J , - ; ktUic A, I Once Again Ve Lead IN TOYS THOUSANDS OF TOYS lor tM.. 0 fv.. K -1 '7,", " W "Vr ' J THE LITTLE ONES AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Sene Canada in the c 3 A II 1 -; ' 0 IS iA . 1 rrA i IS! mm ROYAL. CANADIAN ARMY MEDICAL CORPS The Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps needs men to help meet the great task of the Canadian Army Active f orce in that it faces now the job keeping fighting trim and tip-top physical condition. Theirs is the respons.bihty of caring for the sick and injured, maintaining health, preventing disease. There's a place for trained and untrained men in the Army Medical Corps You will be trained in one of the following skills: X-ray or laboratory technician instrument repairman, or in one of operating room assistant, medical assistant, many other specialist trades. You can acquire this specialised training and make a place for yourself in the Army Medical Corps now. Art now! on ,h. Royal Canodion Army Medical Corp. today. U .nlrt VW .-. 1 B. a Canadian ckiien or British subject. 3. ingU. J. B. b.,w..n 1 7 and 29 of ago. 4. Army I... r.,lr.m.nt. 5. Volunteer for service onywhero. wa A REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO: No. 1 1 Personnel Depot, 4050 West fourth Av., VANCOUVER, B.C. MTMK Make Your Choice Now Aft ,AtJiffUS He.P make Canada strong THE SPORT SHOP CAfJADIAlJ ARMY ACTIVE HMW mm i i W.dne.da, evening. D.mbiM Network, ll.t.n t. "Th. . Ih.rmy"