I-O i-BTSr- 9 Wednesday. July 6, 1949 s k s n in i m r rm ,CT,rT' -i baseballers ' bring back Hoop trophy Pfhsce Rupert's all - star baseball team didn't do any- i 5.n l ' A rv(VV iTm tmzj yiu Li ' eta ! thing lo embarrass their Ket 1 t s.U )ir ar3 9S X" VX if fi s!.l : l ,i ?r i 'Wj &y-4 P t& IT could ,alK ned Jrijr l I .l-llL" K i: f ,he satiifymg gooiinesi of , , ifiUT k:t yurseir now rne f . v f V P Jtri7 AiAKLi toocn satisry I J&C For best re,ul,s m" only OK. I f4 11 ' f 1 1 iT'm.lll 'ie t'nnt' Champion or fe.-fM'JsSfTfWffl i FREE! XH? 3- iptfffdltJt 'tTf Itl Solid metal doq tag . . . enq HARRISON WINS Dutch Harrison, the ambling gM.it f:wn tittle Rock, Arkansas, won the Canadian Open Golf championship by the simple process of clipping strokes off par. Harrison shot 271 for the 72 holes over St. George's golf course, Tyro'J.o, to win $2,000 top prize money and the Seagram Gold cup. F ir-rison, for the full distance was 17 strokes under par (which is 72 1 and four better than Jim Ferrier of Chicago. Ferrier finished with 275 for second prize of $1,400. The best display by a Canadian was that of Bill Kerr of Montreal, who ended up in i thre-way tie at 277 for third place. X Nt.r-i; ?,,, and address lor ANY 1iaj4'M"t Mailing instructions on rath "Row, Bertrum! Row!! - We're going over th falls!" CONFESSES TO DUAL SLAYING SONOivf ,V Ca. 0 -henry Brun Gulbrandsen, an ex-convict, DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS Sport Shots Fapa Bear: Somebody's been drinking my whiskey. Mama Bear: Somebody's been drinking my gin. Baby Bear: Hie! v V. 1 4, . " Modern Etiquette Q. When wedding sifts are Q. Is it imorone U) eat the lettuce upon which u. salad i( served A. Inclination may guide a person in this. He may or may not cat his lettuce, as he wishes. MINERS' COAL ALLOWANCE GLASGOW. Scotland Scottish coal miners wi,! receive a free allowance of rine tons of coal a year, the Scottish Coal Beard' decided. That Is, unless they Ret free bat'.'ji at the pithead. In that car. they'll get only seven tons of coal. FLIGHTS QUEEN surrendered last night and ad- j displayed, should tht cards of mitted to t-e police that he the donors be attach, d? killed two inon yesterday in $ A. No. The bride-elef '; or some California's idyllic Valley of the , member of her family should Moon country. ! make a list of the gifts with the He denied however, that he! names of the persons sending raped a woman who accuse,? them before removing the card him of that crime. The woman, This is to enable the bride to screaming and hysterical, ran acknowledge them. 0 course, a group of picnicers clad only the best procedure for the bride In a blood-spattered shirt .to tell tr follow it to write l.er note of them of the slaylngs. j rhsnks as each gift is received. Gulbrandsen contacted the , Q Which is the men formal editor of a Sonoma newspaper . closing to a letter, "Vmrs very who sent a reporter to a saloon truly" or J'Vours very sincere-where Gulbrandsen told hls'ly"? story. He later repeated it to.; A. ' Yours very trulv." DAI v.xrv.wr To Masset, Justkatla, funis l'or Information or Queen Charlotte ADVERTISE fN THE DAILY uie cuuor aim uie reporter wiw eajleQ me p0Jlce . BASEBALL SCOitES National St. Louis 2, Chicago 1 I Philadelphia 7 Brooklyn American Boston 4, New York '2 Chicago 5, St. Louis 9 Cleveland 8, Detroit '1 Western Internatfnnal Spokane 6. Yakima 4 Vancouver 5, Tacoma 1 Salem 9, Wenatehee 8 Bremerton 13, Victoria 0 Plumbing Troubles? CALL BLUE 846 SAAN1CH Plumbing & Heating Salt take Ferry Daily Service Except Monday SCHEDIXES Tuesday,.. Wednesday ..a n d Thursday Leave Cow Bay floats, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. (Extra trip Thursday afternoon, 2:30) Saturday Every hour starting at 11 a.m. Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. ' Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS OUR STEEL STOCKS ARE NOW IN GOOD SUPPLY AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO FILL ORDERS FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS. For Estimates Contact Thorn Sheet Meta LIMITED Phone BLACK 884 53 FIRST AVE. E. chikan opponents during their Independent Day raid on the northern city, but nevertheless, team manager Alex Bilr brought bark a memento. It was a huge gold-plated trophy, said to be valued at $150 and It had nothing to do with baseball although it did have a personal meaning for Mr. Bill. The trophy, donated by the First National Bank of Ketchikan, was for the Booth Mem-, orial High School Rainmakers' Basketball team which won the annua! hoop series from Ketchikan last spring. The trophy was not ready after Bo-Me-Hl won the series, so it was sent with th basebali team which returfwd here Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Bill's connection with It? WeLL he happened to be coach-manager of the Bo-Me-Hl hoop team, too. , The return of the local ttam from Ketchikan . permits a resumption of the city league schedule tomorrow night with th fixture between- the first place Savoys and the runner-at Commercials. else takes ap five mmutes at home. A circle Is drawr about efght inches in diameter, with lines across it marked A-B, X-Y, D-E, to or any similar combination. The "patient" then takes a per or pencil and ties a string nine inches Jong to it with a smalt weight on the enJ say a 18- t"1' vvcw. me weigm is neta &ver the centre spot without a res' for the arm. If a line, say A-B, is thought of. the coin is supposed to move directly along It. The same goes for any other !' combination, Including around the circle. The theory is that the excereise may affect sub- conscious as well as conscious control of golf strikes. As for the coin, it did move for one reporter, but it failed, tor two Others. But then, whatever, the converse, golfers aren't report ers. 1 OSlAXD MAX (Continued Irom Page One) and four sons and one daughter. The sons are Barney, Arthur and Daniel of Prince Rupert and Jonas of Vancouver. The daughter, Mrs. Johanna Adelstein, lives In Iceland. Deceased had been 111 for several months and had spent the last six months In hospital. While livii.p; In Manitoba, he had been an stive member of the Good Templars Lodge. Funeral arrangements will be announced laUr FISH INFRACTION CHARGE DROPPED A charge laid under the fisheries regulations was dismissed by Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court- after he had ruled that the court had no Jurisotction over me case because the Infraction was alleged to have occurred outside Canadian territorial waters. The charge was laid against Walter Lundigan, skipper of the halibut boat Oosnell, who was accused of fishing in a restricted halibut nursery area off Tow Hill last May 25. The place was about nine miles off the northeast coast of the Queen Charlottes and, therefore, beyond the territorial limits. The charge was dropped at request of defence counsel, T. W. Brown, who claimed that the case was outside the jurisdiction of the court. Rod MacLeod appeared for the Department of Fisheries, which laid the charge. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morln returned to the city today from Vancouver where Mrs. Morin has been recovering from an injury received several months ago in the sou fa. Mr. Morin went south last week to accom pany her home. Transferred to Regina after having been stationed here for the past two and a half years, Alan Mathtson of the Canadian National Railways city passenger office Is leaving, on this evening's train for his new post on the prariies. His successor here will be T. J. Gorman who Is expected from Regina Saturday nijhfc. Heres a cure for nervous golfers. A British specialist says he has a process to eradicate golfers' Jitters not just for a week or two but probably for pood. He says that sinking feeling a player gets as he approaches a four-foot put is as easy to beat as finding a bunk- er. The treatment doesn t take much time just twice a week for 45 minutes a time. He says that although there's no hyp notism or psychiatry attached it's based on the old Coue business. The nerve-wracked golfer lies down comfortably on a couch. For a short spsee he gazes at a dim light to ia- duce drowsiness. Then the "master" takes one of the golfer's hands. Without a word spoken he works on the subconscious mind for about 30 ; minutes. An additional excer- urns"" k a i DELIVERED FREE Phone 654 SSc per doitn paid lot tmptl labeled by any B.C. Brewery Thi tdytrtittrntnt it not published a displayed by tht Liquor Conbol Board by tht Govtrnmtnt ol British Colymblv OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Play Ref resiled Have A Coca-Cola MARGARET McLEOl) OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BU1DINO PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Bojc.774 .. Second Ave. GEORGE I, RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East Dry Kindling Wood ' 50c Sack Delleved Scrap Wood Random lengths $10 per load PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 186 j ) - ( W A Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders A Culinary Failure IS ONE THING OUR JL7Hy CHEF IS IGNORANT -ni : ABOUT ... UwSitV Our Luncheons 3t3i Dinners and I J JQ7''yJ , Chieken-in-the-Kough . ''v0- Take-Home Orders are mighty fine ! Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations afid Chicken In-The Rough Phone Red 70S , x Ask far it either way , , . botti ' t "side-marks mean the same thing. Authorized bottlrr Coea-Cola ' under conli a with Coca-Cola Ltd. North Star Bottling Works- Phone 132 PRINCE RITERT, B.a TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East . Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From tbe East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:30 p.m. ft. CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL HRIttQ RESULTS