PROVINCIAL LIBRARY,, ONE A ttfl IlL-K VICTORIA. B. CATORES OGS Daily Delivery - NORTHXIFitf AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TARCA53S rublibiicti at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 156. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1949 ' PRICK FIVE CEHTS POLICE SEEK SLAYER OF i (Sanada Involved Dn Prime Ministers To Wish risis; Bet Together u I I NATIVE MOTHER LILLOOKT o?- Police today Itish Ships In United ites Ports Boycotted Measures Taken Against Dock fprisal Workers' Refusal In Old Country MONTREAL (CP) Hal C. Banks, international tentative of the Seafarers' International Union ,.), said today that all British ships in eastern l States ports will be boycotted starting tonight Lprisal against refusal of British dock workers g k Canadian vessels. - "V sought the mysterious slayer who shot down Mrs. William Hhom, 45-year-old mother of 13 children as she worked In the garden of her home on an Indian reserve. Vf The unknown killer pumped a bullet, believed to be a .22 cal I i ill ft icy want desperate ac-t i. y'll get It," Bunks said. Statement By Sir Stafford Further Commitments In Dollar Areas Banned LONDON (CP) Talks betwreen finance ministers of Canada and GreatBrit-ain here on Saturday may be more important than the meeting of Commonwealth finance ministers on ibre, into her head as her 10-ycar old son, Francis, worked near her Tuesday niorning. Two ot the Indian woman's children rode seven miles on horseback to report the slaying lu police here. f f ,irc mors than 3.000 Brlt- lir X" Vf PENAL GUINEAPIG This Sinn Sing prisoner, recently gave 18 pints of blood in a futile attempt to save an eight-year-old girl from dying of leukemia. He Louis Boy, 49, native of Sicily. He is now being tested weekly, to determine if he 'contracted Jjis clocked along the At- .soaboard and the Mari- Police are investigating two ades' Council have as-ic Seafarers' Union that ycott will be observed," iifficial of the Canadian possible motives robbrey and a dispute over irrigation reserve property. Mrs. Thorn may have had as much as $5,000 in the house, TROOPS UNLOAD SHIPS the dread blood disease in his li s Union dubbed the boy- LONDON Ministrr of Labor ' voluntary effort to save the child who died June 10. Boy i an "attempt at dictation American Federation of June 13. Canada and France relatives said. She was plan- are the two countries most mt.vmik a n.e sentence lor I ning to purchase a farm complicity in tne death of fi wb v, 'aV5 nsi iK- - i-'- jrrl'.- ".-"w- 'v -'. "!? J7 precariously balanced between the sterling and United States dollar areas. In the present crisis Great ath Is Britain could immediately re GOV'T BLAMES C.S.U. EXECUTIVE Official SUtmccnt Made at lieve her dollar plight by de John T. Moore in a garage robbery. His death sentence was commuted to life Imprisonment by the late Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ihen New York governor. In. 1942, Boy helped medical experts test the effectiveness 'of atabrine as a malaria treatment, and In 1943 he volunteered to test an Influciua medicine. - Isaacs declaring t h a t the move was necessary to "guard rssrntial food supulie," troops were ordered today ny the gov-r-iufnt to unload strikebound ships at London docks. CRASH NEAR EDMONTON EDMONTON An Alaskan plane, with three person on board, crashed at Wildwood, ninety miles north of here on a hop from Fort St. John to Edmonton. None were killed but all were hurt. DEMANDS CUSTOMS HOUSE NEW WESTMINSTER Tom stery y Ottawa in Regard to Seamen it BULGARIAN"YOUTH PARADE IN HONOR OF TWO " BROTHERS Some of the best physical pecimens of Bulgaria's youth were on parade recently during a national holiday held in Sofia Bulgaria, honoring two brothers, Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius, who were founders of the country's alphabet. The young physculturlsts, are shown singing during the parade. They were reviewed by top officials of the government. ' . - Strike faulting her Canadian bulk contracts for wheat, cheese, bacon and timber. She could then get these 1 goods from the United States with Marshall Plan dollars Instead of from Canada with her own dollars. , apanesc Railway Chief red or Did He Commit ide? I the weather jf ADFFQ AS AIRLINE STEWARDESS IYO r? Did President V Til I IIS 14 I a Synopsis fcnorl Shlmoyama of the n Railway Corporation Reid, Liberal M.P. for New OTTAWA Vh The deputy! minister of labor, Arthur Mc-Namara, yesterday made public an official letter to Harry Davis, president of the Canadian Seamen's Union, and T. G. Mc-Manus, secretary, placing on them and their "associates" responsibility for the "disastrous" scamens' east coast strike and suggesting that, since the strike TAKES AUSSIE GIRL TO FAR PLACES Westminster, sent a message to suicide or was he mur- TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D Jotinstcn ft. Ltd.) Vancouver Bayonne ,. .06 Bralornc : 9.50 Sir Stafford Cripps, British Chancellor ot the Exchequer, today banned further commitments for purchases in the dollar area except where "urgent national Interest" is proven- He reported that the sterling area's reserves are down to $1,624,000,-000 after dropping radically in A mass of cool moist air which early tills morning moved Into the south coastal area from the central interior necessitated a revision of this mornings forecast for the south coastal reg iuesti(ia today brought I opinion. Flying may be. a convenience or a pleasure for most people but to 21-year-old Elizabeth Brewis, stewardess on Canadian Pacific Air Line's Prince Rupert-Sandspit flight, it is a career which she has pursued half way across the world and one that Ottawa today demanding the immediate construction of a $300,000 customs house at Blaine to relieve the congestion there in tourist traffic across the border. VANCOUVER LAWYER DIES VANCOUVER Gordon Grant, ions. Skies were clear this morning only in the central and had failed anyway. It should be called off at once. Mr. McNam- the most of occupation .lpanese authorities felt hlmoyama was slain. I railway chief disappeared eastern interior sections of .... .03 .07 .. .. 1.15 I ara promised that. If this was done, the department would still she hopes to continue lor many years., , the province though some clear B. R. Con B. R. X Cariboo Quartz Congress Medley Mascot ". irderlng the first 30,000 of A brunette with a smile that ing is expected alonr; the south railway workers to be 03 u, use its good offices 'With the ciu coast this afternoon. - wcU knowjv Vancouver barris- j 22 employers on behalf of thenea-j Is not only a personal character-1 July, 1947, it was to join Pan Istic but a definite company J American- Airways on the Ffench asset. Miss Brewis is cn tern-1 Island of New Caledonia. She -He was following an or-by General Douglas Mac-ir, Supreme Allied corn I Forecast Mr. ,.. McNamara charged thei ..... Pacific Eastern 04 ',i Pend Oreille 4.10 Pioneer 3.20 porary duty at Prince Rupert chose to work in the company's ier, ease the cost of occu- the last six months but he said Britain has "not the slightest Intention of devaluating the pound. Existing contracts ior dollar area purchases will stay In force, Sir .Stafford told the .House of Commons, but the treasury will permit further spending only "where a clear case of urgent national Interest is established." The Chancellor said that Britain must reduce the prices of her products to encourage exports. He said that this call be traffic office there so that she B to the Americans. I N()r(h Coast Regjon cloudy C.S.U. with endeavoring to place , aa(, Tnursday wlnds the for the strike responsibility hl Rnd highs Salurday elsewhere than where it really loWS hRnt .Contiuumg cooL belonged. ... , ' At Port Hardy' 42, 60; Masset, waiting the time when she can Join that select group of other Australian and Canadian girls lyama's dismembered body Premier Border ... Privateer Reeves McDonald Reno .02 14 1.80 .04 "j (mnd scattered along a rail- ter, died today, lie was born in Victoria in 1883. ABBOTT TO LONDON OTTAWA Finance Minister Douglas Abbott departed from Montreal by air today for London to help in solving the United Kingdom's economic ills. "Canada will co-operate in seekta-,; a solution," he said in an interview. ' who will attend to the safty and track. Its condition was . ine letter pmiiiiii; toe iu- 45, 58; Prince Rupert 42, 58. could learn French. "I wanted to. Improve my French because I thought that all Canadians spoke French. It seems that , they don't,", she smiled. , With Australian National Khe that it was difficult to Sheep Creek 1.09 Lin whether he had been sponsibilitv for the strike on the "red-tinged" C. S. U. executive, was dated June 27 and was in reply to one from the C S.U. executive offering a four-point nd the body placed on Silbak Premier ........... Vananda Salmon Gold .29 .13 .14 OSLAND MAN I comfort of passengers on C.P.A.'s I future scheduled trans-Pacific flights. She had no idea when she started as a stewardess with , Australian National Airways in fcek, was leR there uncon- or had ended his life bc-thc wheels of a train. Oils proposal for settling the strike. flew domestic routes touching orle, throl,eh efficiency of pro-Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane'" and'we have n.1de-and Adelaide and later to Dar- V?6 T , ' T toe dollar win on the tropical northwest ,tf"" coast with Guinea Airways. The , dered will continue at least un EET CAR planes were DC-3's, Lockheed 14 and DC-4's. TO PROTECT SHIPPING TORY O British' warships will defend any British ship attacked in Chinese waters wherever possible, Admiral Sir Patrick llrind, commander-in-chief of the British Ear Eastern station, told a press conference here today. "Neither side is t.'ititled to Anglo Canadian 3.00 A. P. Con 16 Atlantic 61 Calmont ; 30 C. & E .. 4.35 Central Leduc 60 Home Oil 9.00 Mercury 09 Okalta 1.25 Pacific Pete 2.45 til September. By then E.R.P. (European Recovery Plan I funds for the coming year will have r; I BOOST April, 1946, that she would wind up in Central British Columbia but, if she had known, she would not have been disturbed. "To me; flying and seeing the world meant the same thing. I find this part of the worlij very interesting," she says. The differences between her native Australia . and Canada been distributed, and a new scheme of payments among COUVF.R The British ' When she took advantage of an offer from Pan-American and wound up on French-speaking New Caledonia, she found there that her ability to speak English was a definite advantage. GAS CONTROL IS CHALLENGED EDMONTON U Hope of a quick and easy passage of the Alberta government's legislation to control of export of natural gas dimmed yesterday as Opposition members served not-lee that they will fightt it to the last ditch. The six-man Opposition yes iliia Electric Railway Co. European countries will , be in SUCCUMBS HERE The death. occurred in hospital here Tuesday of Frederick August Kristmanson, a resident of Osland for almost 30 years. He was 78 years old. Born at Dalsislu, Iceland, Mr. Kristmanson came to Canada In 1903, settling at Winnipeg where he lived for four years. In 1907 he moved to Lundar, Manitoba, where he took up farming. He remained there until 1920 when he moved to Osland with, ' his family. At the Skeena River settlement, he was a salmon fisherman. Married in Iceland shortly before coming to Canada,, he is survived by his wife Mrs. Ellin Kristmanson, in Prince Rupert, (Continued on page 4) effect. i-j, 'y applied for an In-! attack British shipping by in street car and bus fares sea or air and British war- .06 .13 The Chancellor said that dim are considerable but, in one re-; three tickets for 25c. to 10c' l,i uill ..n Ilmt ahrrnrr T became something of an in- spect, they are a distinct let- Cl" cr fr 8! P f e I I cash fare. Dal Grauer,! nnssihlr." Itrind said. inishing xpqrts to the United States were the main reason for down. One of her genuine thrills "Mutton. I was known as Mada- the drain on Britain's reserves. last Christmas was to see the i-.." . cut of the company, gavej " -ygy.-rr-sms losses Incurred by the s .-.i "illation section of the HFAVY T'iTI F Royal Canadian . .South Brazeau Toronto Athona Aumarjiie Beattle Bevcourt ; Bobjo Buffalo Canadian TO FRISCO terday staged a three-hour marathon of criticism as two rny. accentuated by recent! nr-vi it- io cp"T increases, as the reason LjUU 1. lo JL. I .13 .14 .52 .21 .14 .09 Vx major export bills came up for Filled with the hope of being a Pan-American stewardess she flew by easy stages to San Francisco, visiting Canton Island, and Honolulu. It was at Canton that she had her last view of first snow in her life at Vancouver, knowing that her countrymen to the south were sweltering under 100 degree heat. It was the language that was the let-down. When she left Australian National Airways in her fares being requlreu. second reading In a special session of the Legislature. NEW YORK -Announcement I was made last night -that Ez- increase does not apply toria and New Wcstmln-r the time being at least. Led by C.C.F. Chief Elmer Roper, the Opposition attack the Southern Cross. United States immigration quotas got in the way of her was climaxed by a proposal from J. Harper Prowse, Liberal leader. LIBERAL WIN v.. IS CONFIRMED ' : VANCOUVER Election of Thomas Goode, Liberal, as member of Parliament for the new riding of Burnaby-Richmond was confirmed today when Returning Officer. M. H. Reigh made his official count. Burn-aby-Richmond was the one British Columbia constituency which was left in doubt follow zard Charles had been matched to meet Gus Lesnevich in Yankee Stadium August 10 in defence of his world's heavyweight boxing title. that the . government submit VISIT vVK LH h 'fd?. 7yo- career with Pan-American, however, but she remained in the States for more than six months. "The immigration quota for ERSEAS the question of natural gas export to the people. FRASER LAKE MILL BURNED & Mrs. Mark Gormely and two Australians was only 100 a year and it was already filled," she pKEALR. c. Vaughn. V. o. s, m' . t ii.. ..V. .v.S (Continued on Page 2) children stilled last night on1 the Prince George for a holiday trip to Vancouver, accompanied, by Mr. Gormcly's father, W.j chairman and presl-Canadian National here last night Great Britain and the - v 1 ing last week's election. On election night Mr. Goode - was shown to have a small majority. The next day it was indicated that Mrs. Dorothy Steeves, CCF, had a small margin. Then an- Gormely, returning south alter liont. lift ,.,ni n 4 ft ..v will null iiiiiii ...... SPECIAL FARES TO EDMONTON Consol. Smelters 85.50 Con west .82 Donalda .52 Eldona .' 68 East Sullivan 1.95 Giant Yellowknlfe 5.90 God s Lake 31 Hardrock .192 Harricana 05 Hcva .06Vz Hosco 16 Jacknife , 05 Joliet Quebec 33 Lake Rowan 07V'2 Lapaska 08 Litte Long Lac .63 Lynx j 14 ' Madscn Red Lake 2.87 McKenzie Red Lake 44 McLeod Cockshutt 1.04 Moncta , .42 Negus 2.25 Noranda 54.00 Louvlcourt 10 Pickle Crow 2.05 Regcourt 04 t Sun Antonio 4.25 Senator Rouyn 38 Sherrit Gordon 1.65 Steep Rock 1.33 Sturgeon River . .18 Silver Miller 35 Ynru u , , .. 1 a month s visu neic ork on Thursday In the 5 u Mary." 'f to leaving Montreal. Mr. FRASER LAKE A $60,000 fire almost completely destroyed the Fraser Lake Sawmills Ltd. plant here yesterday. Only a couple of small buildings remain. It was the industrial mainstay of this community. WINNIPEG Special railway other count showed Mr. Goode fares to Edmonton for the Ed- to be back in the lead again. 4 PRODUCTION 'an said that he will give II HP allnnti.. .A .1. utum,iuii to tne . . . . . ...Aii "d changes which have oc- AT MP W H llH HI I1L1T IIIVii 1 In the field of transport & F in those countries, in- Ottawa (P Canada's pro monton Exhibition from all stations in Saskatchewan, Alberta and In British Columbia, Vancouver, Prince Rupert and East are announced today by R.'H. Powers, vice chairman, Canadian Passenger Association. The low rate of one way fare and one half for the round trip will 'si t g Improved methods for POLICE PROBE MONEY LOSS I'ihg Import and exnort' duction set a peace-time record in April, the Dominion bureau of statistics announced today. The inrinY for wrotluctlon hit 187.2 He will discuss immlgra-ad other matters with lilny officers abroad and City police are investigating a report of the disappearance of $700 from the sehicboat Island The final count confirmed ' his election. Victory of J. A. Byrne, Liberal. In Kootenay East was also finally established by an official count. His majority Is 92 over Rev. J. H. Matthews who held the seat for the CCF in last parliament. , Official counts also changed the results in two Saskatchewan ridings. In Regina, J. O. Probe, CCF candidate for re-election, won over E. A. McCusker, Liberal, whom first count indicated had scored a victory In Mel-fort, P. E. wright, CCF was reelected over T. R. McNutt, Liberal, who was at first believed to have defeated him. be good in all classes of accommodation. Tickets will be on fall on the leaders of in- for April, compared with the previous peacetime record high In December, 1M8 of 185.8. The index is based on the 1935-39 level of 100. sale from July- 16 to 22 and on lcs with which the Cana-Natlonal docs business on f 5e scale. ! 3SJS31 . TK.. ft 4 HALIBUT SALES Point while It was moored last week at a dock at Cow Bay. The complaint was laid by John Waver, owner of the boat. The money was reported to have been kept in a cash box aboard the boat and to have disappeared during a brief absence of the owner. , LOCAL TIDES July 23 for trams arriving in Edmonton not later than 5 p.m. standard time. Returning, tickets will be good until July 25. However, if there is no train service on July 25, tickets will be honored on the first available train. 17.1 feet Increased production oi curable goods is primarily responsible for the increase, with the sub-lndtx ior transportation-equipment moving from 252.5 in March to 266 7 in April, said the bureau. EAVESDROPPER A television camera, top centre, recorded the scene for delegates of the Canadian Medical Association convention at a nearby Saskatoon hospital as medical history was made in the first operation ever televised in Canada. (CP Photo) Canadian I, 24,000, Black cod, 11:29 23:06 5:10 17:04 20.9 feet 3.5 feet 8.5 feet Balsac Co-op.