prfnce Rupert Daflp T?fo$ Wednesday, July 4 1949 , I II' ikS Hsmnor news It's so iifXereiii to2ay i Sill a - i wR nf News of Francois Lake Terrace Timely Topics from CEDARVALE'S FIRST TEACHER IS BACK-AGAIN J. A. Wilson, globe-trotting Mri. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Phillips attend to some matters of buxi- school teacher, who started the f rirmL Miss Evelyn AntUla spent a few days with her brother, Wallace, and Mrs. Antllla. at the forestry residence at Southbank. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thain, George Rudder-ham, and C. E. Mayo, and Mrs. Winnie Black, all ol Prince Ru and two children arrived on Fri-1 day from Vancouver to spend the next two weeks on holiday with Mr. and Mrs. George Mo Adams, brother and sister-in-law of Mrs. Phillips. Mr. and if f The High School picnle was first school at Cedarvaie thirty held out at Lakelse Lake last' years ago after World War I Sunday, the students going out and is back there again tn a there by truck. I similar capacity, is a visitor In I the city to receive minor surg- Miss MeMillan, 'who is with leal treatment at the Prince r a A- Mrs. M,Adamg drove to Prince Rupert to meet them and took them oii to their cottage at the Celanese Co. at Prince Ru Rupert General Hospital. A vet- Lakelse i nke lor a few days, pent spent the holiday weekend . eran 0f two world wars in both pert. Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Fahrni and young Christopher are spending a few days at the Landing, also Alex Kean, all of Vancouver. at the home of Mrs. W. Osborne. : l 1 x ". " of which he served with the Imperial forces, Mr. Wilson, af Mr. Mrs. W. Robinson ; drov no ' country on Sunday Post'i Orape-Nut Fl.iket have that unbeatable Grape-.Nutu flavor in popular, hnnc? tro'd- flake form. They provide nourUhntent ntty one needti useful quantities of rarbohydratet profeins, minerals and other food essential. quickly served; so truly good. Your pocer bat Po's Crape-Nuts Flakes. " i Gordon Temple has returned Raiding the store-room wa not rnrooragrJ in ktt-rn pionrrr duyt. But Uiday raids on the pantry for di-liiioun Post'i Oipt-N uls KlaLei bboald bring no reproof. You ned never run tliorl of thU healthful, ready-to-eal, eaay-to-digeat cereaL It1! perfect for 'he between-iucal Miiuk. ter spending his first year at son, from Vancouver where he has cedarvaie many . years ago, morning to meet their Alar? who with his wife and spent the past two months On Tuesday the new ferry went on schedule for the fir time and crosses the lake !n u" moved to southern Bntisn uoi-1 I umbia but the wanderlust from holiday. ' yoiiti s , Barry, i drove Bridge R r to spend the next BF-15 ; I caught him and he found him- j about eleven minutes. Now few weeks with his parent! here. Alter spending trie past six,sef ln Australia. Home again mere are BO tfUCKS and Cars Mri ry.i-W Rrwiwn N nnhllr WPfkr-l at ,ih hnnui nt 1 ' .V' -J I In England for the second war, he taught in the schools of Hull, waiting from one trip to the health nurse at Prince Oeorte,1 ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. psborne " -up next. The engineers are W. With her tvo daughters. Phyllis Mrs. Zorn and daughter left on I vr..ian,t w-. returning to FINGERS PLAY CLA3- Corner and B. Kirby. ; and Enll, accompanied her Sunday morning for their home in . Canada to end up again 1 Ray Leber, New York brrther 1 10m the interior town in Srnlthers. J Cedarvaie two years ago. '-T ftlurava 1ikri t.KU nflrt nf 'y. A needed rain came on Mon- ann wm ais0 spenj the next . day and, if it gets warmer, the few weei)i, with her relatives. monstrates his mastery piano with the mech-hands that replaced growth will start. At present here. things are almost a stand-' . si- j For j; special baby 'yl Still, It Detng SO COld. I I 3Pan Jean CtiPshor Vrt nn Ha tut.' s "0 GAME HEADS AT TERRACE Young People Prominent In the country," said Mr. Wilson yesterday, "and that's why I'm back." Asked if he was married, Mr. Wilson merely chuckled and observed: "I could not have done all this moving about if I . had been." Mr. Wilson drove in, on Monday with Morris Dahlquist. lie lost while fighting ruel. Lelzer has been jig music since Jie was 'ars old, can render : il compositions even i his handicap. day afternoon for Kalum Lake that pigs where she will make her home Most people think Hi cannot or will not swim unless with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hart. ' 1 1 . .. '. ' i 3 1 forced. A young pig, belonging to the Tweed Ranch, wandered around the hay and was found KS MORE CARGOES Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Apple-! Terrace Rod and Gun Club whalte arrived on Tuesday TERRACE There was a good ;a:$IFF, Wales ' 0, Cardiff in some of Nicholson's buildings. an Br of Commerce sent a'wh5 , , , mornings train in lerrace ana turnout of young people at will be leaving for home on ( Thtrrsday night's meeting of the Thursday's train. Terrace Rod and Gun Club but ion to Cardiff Corpora disaoDolntment was exores.d stead of running around, he simply strolled into the lake and swam across the bay, about a quarter of a mile. Bishop Gibson came into Ter-!at the pathetic attitude of the velopm.f'nts Commltrtee for action to boost de-general cargo trade. In months an average of mg 1,100 dockers have CELEBRATION AT STEWART Crowning of Miss Joan McKay as Queen is Feature of Dominion Day STEWART Rain, accompan BF 99 ri b. 17 STIAINta FOODS, 17 JUNIOI rOODS, S lAIV ClUtALJ 1 IK THS 8UPMXSSS CXJURT OP BIUTI8H COLUMBU IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THIS "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND la the Matter itf the :tal of Jne I race on Saturday's train andacjuits who displayed such little conducted Holy Communion interest. The financial Import-services in the Anglican Church ance 0f Hsh and game matters on Sunday morning. In the from a tourist angle has been afternoon he proceeded by ear weu recognized and it was hop-to Prince Rupert ed that more adulU would at- tend the meetings. Will Robinson, accompanied xtie meeting was called for by Harry King, left this morn-!(he locai sportsmen to meet Prince Rupert Florist i JOHN H. 300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 777 J ied by a cold wind, did not dampen the enthusiasm of the 1 Flowers tor All Occasions i Kmltli, Itei'eaii.Mt, Intestate I TAKE NOTIC8 tht by Order of 1 HI Honour Jtidg? W. O. PulUin. Local Judge ol the Supreme Court of Brttuti Columbia, ;!! w on the 24tfi ' , '. residents of the district as thej BULGER ing lor amitners where tne om-.commissioner Cunningham of t in , numhm ,n ?ia' ?!Uni'!:Jl",tJlLheBri"sn C0lumbia f1?11 and witness the crowning of Mis, in tne taliy News! . " u"c M,uame commission ana mspec- Joan McKayi Moose candidate, took place. ',tor Gill, head game warden of nmi. cwBn ap- 3PTOMETRI8T WEALTHY CANINE "Rip," nine-year-old wire haired terrier, day ol June, D. J J4B. appointed ' AdmlntRtrator of the Estate of, Joe Smith, Deceased. W tit Tujsrquah, 1 Brltlah Columbia, vbo died on the j 19th day of September 1948. at Tul-aequan, British Columbia. All per-I aons tndebtd to tne satd estate are : required to pay the ditn'mnt of their tne commission, james Bacon, pnmnoniPH hv her attendants past president of the Prince M1 B tt Behnsen. Canadian Galr Brothers have built and have In operation a planer mill on the Skeena Highway across was one of Canada's wealthiest dogs. When Mrs. Marguerite j Ethel Spratt died in 1946 hp r will provided for a $75 a month to care for her pet until his death. The will provided "Rip" should John Bulger Ltd. Rupert Rod and Gun Associa- Leioni and Mlss Shirley Law-tion, accompanied by Mrs. rence Parent Teachers, train Third Avenue oacon, was aiso present. bearers Bobbv Norton and Terry 'he road from the home of Mr. nd Mrs. J. Glen. sleep in her bedroom and be bathed in her bathroom by a reg- , Indebtednesa to ma forthwith, and all persons having claims against the j aaki estate are required to Ills them I with, me properly . verified . on .or A. MacKENZIE ; FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY SPECIAL Continental Bed. Full Size, Restmore flat ribbon sprint;, full size. Ace spring fill1 mattress, full size $71.00 See our carpets lust arrived Phsne 775 327 3rd Avenue Commissioner Cunntneham c,. ,,.- t,i- c.u ' For this the nurse was to receive $1,000 a year , Luiiuuinbii,lu bill; lAtvuwic n i H T nM n UaMfflr Wat NPKn I before the 1st day of Aufriist. 194 falling whleh rtlstrlbutlon will be mad having regard only to uch The land clearing machinery large attendance of the Margaret MacLeod, Daphne is at work in the aistriot, FranKs y0ung boys. It was brought out Woodford and Ann Morrison, the Brothers having large tract of that a $7 license for angling has flUeen-elect proceeded to the and $5,000 when the dog" died. The nurse became seriously 111 so that the executors have ruled "Rip" went to a kennel. On his, death he was buried in the garden of the Spratt estate which is going to be sold- ' , (C. P. Photo) .u.m uicxcu ui ...c swum Deen leviea tnw year ana the sterjS of the Court House where cemetery. game license for non-residents , the retirine oueen. Mrs. J. Bou- kit ' dalma of which t snail have been notified. DATED at Atlln, Brrtlsh Columbia, hu 35th day f Jur.s. JM9 ALBERT HOWARD RODDIS Official Administrator Atlln. B. C. (159) remalns at $25. Special attert- zek transferred the crown from tion was drawn to the fact that ner own head to tnat o Queea n Gordon L. Brooks, now qt Trail, has returned to Terrace to r uie meat si angung license is t,-,q It's a Pleasure t t dommodore A Representative Warehouse Stock to Save You Time and Money Gale I I W. D. Smith, M.L.A., made appropriate introductory remarks. After the ceremony the procession proceeded , to the Canadian Legion club rooms where tea was served by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion. Owing to the Inclemency of the weather only a few sports events could be held. The shot put was won by Felix Hunger of TJtmloi tt i t V TnVnnii T-T n n li M r f from: t Betr Th.n Ever" 1 rood and Service" ln City? Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. General Dry Battery Co. ef Canada Ltd. Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd. (Lamp Division) Imperial Wiping Rag Co. Ltd. G. II. Wood & Oo, Ltd Dustbane Co, of B.C. Ltd, and others at 11 for Send-Out Order! used exclusively for the building of fish hatcheries. Willow grouse is definitely on the Increase and there will be an open season of two weeks this year, Mr. Cunningham announced. Forms for keeping track of game kill will be issued and, these may later become mandatory as scientists working for the Game Commission must have this information. The Commlsloner stated that the local club members should work through their own member, Hon. E. T.' Kenney, in connection with wild life matters as he had always been most willing to co-operate to the utmost in these matters. Mr. Bacon spoke on the necessity of close co-operation between all the Rod. and Gun clubs in this zone. 1 , Ave. David Chow, Mgr. 5 if X. Stewart coming a close secorictj. Hitting the Dummy, a ladies' J. affair, was won by Violet ManoJ-1 lovich. The nail driving con- test, ladles only, was won by S V AVAILABLE PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 712 Secant! Avenue - . Phone 632 P. O. Box 772 Mrs. A. Manojlovlch. The 100 yards- was won by Violet Manj-lovich with Johnny Kustas fighting all the way to make second place. The sack race was won easily by Ross Stewart, the i to fit every type f Job "Chrysler-Built" In Canada FARGO TRUCKS , Films on fish hatcheries and ; other competitors falling by the on American wild - life were L.,,Voi,iP r the A dance at the Legion Hall ln shown to open and close meeting. . the evening climaxed a very successful day. Music for the dance was supplied by Mrs. L. A. LOOK FOR TBI If:W RED AND Soccer Schedule The following; models In stock at Rupert Motors Lto. for immediate deiiveiy: 12U" W B. 1-ton Express 152" X.IL 2-ton Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Speed Rear Axle. 170" W.R. 3-ton Chassis and Cab with Rinforced Frame and 2-Speed Rear Axle. WHITE LD SEAL LABEL Bohnsen, Mrs. H. Stewart and Mrs. W. J. Crawford on the piano, Sam Kirkpatrick on the; violin, and Bob Hutchings, Louis j Behnsen and W. S. Orr on thej traps. W. J. Wakefield was ROADWAY aiiCAFE Schedule for the North Star Trophy football series is as follows: July 8 Canadian Legion vs. General Motors. July 11 General Motors vs. Heavy Ba'Acf.t July 15 Canadian Legion vs. Heavy Battery., July 18 General Motors vr Canadian Legion. LIMITED master of ceremonies. John Bouzek, Lou Behnsen and James Garlick took charge of the proceedings. The Women's Auxiliary took care of the training of the flower girls and the Queen and her attendants. The refreshments were also in their care. Rupert Motors PHONES 806 AND 566 ..... to Cook Electrically IT'S SO CLEAN: you can keep your pots and pans spic and span, the range spotless, with little effort IT'S DEPENDABLE: when you turn on the elements, you get even, invariable heat that requires no watching. ITS SAFE: no fear of tiny fingers turning keys that might cause harm, and ITS ECONOMICAL: the cost of cooking electrically Ss less than bat a cent per meal per person. Be sura to look 'over the new electric range at your first1 opportunity, - ..... . . AJ- VvvWVWM'cVrVWVWW S i 5 PICNIC DAYS AHEAD s Advertise n. the Dauy News! rHONE RED 441 FOR YOVR St'PPItfS ST F WART Misses Pauline and Vera Dempsey are spending . their summer holidays here with their grandparents Mr. and BEST FOOD PEST COOKING Mrs. W. J. Wakefield. il'iese Dishes A Specialty R TAKE-HOME ORDERS I PHONE 200 TREK DELIVERY EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 883 Box 588 Kif' t. H Hours 7 a m. to 1 a.m. ! METHINQ DIFFERENT! Miss Joyce Hawkinson,- who recently graduated from Vancouver Normal School, is spending the summer here with her Try Our DER1ZED COMBINATION STEAK father J. P. Hawkinson, who is ln Prince Rupert this week. fll H DINNER TODAY .0