AIK PASSENGERS Prince Rupert Daily News Fri.Uiy, Maivh 10, 10".u Eiliirnl ioii Wck Business of Labor I R ay Reflects , . . . . . and Reminisce mure. C. S. WheatK-y, Ilaruiit To Vancouver rinursilayi- O J. Moscrip, S. Buixhell, G. M. 1 Holiby, C. S. Wheatley, J. S. MtFetridge. To Sanclspit (Thursday P. Szepson, S. G. M.iffutt, A. Sali-vida. From Vancouver Wednesday i An iiidi pt-ndfnt daily newspaper devoted lo the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia ; mm Published every afternoon except Sunday by j Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, 1 0 British Columbia ' I (By J. S- Black) T here are rai ts nf N irth Am- and out in British Columbia we'll ool. Sp,fial lfM mevs wni.iT :. Labor today m banana, ana more especially that erica where the precise location bo ordeith a dish of ollicTians great body of the workers known as organized labor, m tm'Tit a"y !d d'l'' N. Hals, W. J. Hatch, J. more, C. S. Wheatley, Harold variPty. Fror, "dines, or.. ' Whiskers To- May Day G. A. IITJtiITER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERPY. Managing Director f.fember of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier. Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, rF S8 on; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. SF' r I'll in Whalen. T. Olsen. Frcra Sandrpit (Wednesday! Mr. Greemmith. j tt A. has long recognized the great need tor education. ; if- jt as we:i to keep ijomr in : Education in the broad sense of the word starts l?Zl in the cradle and ends at the grave but too many often, people think it starts the first day in school and ends ppnny mM lHM of tho when thev leave School Or University. ' , Vancouver Sun staff, assailed bv cnce again, fur Prince Rupert's facial foliage. In other words, the 1900 edition of "Klon-(iyke Ni!?ht" coming up. If it'? half as rowdydowdy and colavful 4IIQ St i-rom as the predecessors these will be women who all egree thQy are fli- pride and extra kissing. Notv To Busines: vinelv happy though marred. ; Labor believes that 'teen aee " ; I youth ought to have all facts people nearing adult ae are nrDi-ant.fl tn thorn in an pn. gives a low cmickle ard ptifn's What a ship! With a record cf I ftflirifm 1 UII1 ACHES & PAINS h csrlllru "'" " inciinea to lonow. MiDor sup- ttcal.r KiihiicoH mnnnfH inn lpft. Us the -paner's wk!y cclumn of having carried, as hixi'ry liner, hfllrllfn MEN'S I,(tfsss Prts government vocational divorce applications. to form their own decision. Too iki.i, , Blih schools and manv trarin nnlnns and o...nft serving c. as an .... armed oih.tu cru'ser . vi .... . iiumy mthi niiiir Ltiui wrmu " is a sign of greatness regardless in tne larger centre. run their There had oren unonfi"nert and troop transport in two wars, cf tte oruln of that wealth. own technical classes for the reports of soryiR having a- lv-nhe Aquitania goes to her gravel Responsible labor knows that et!J P""C"J," 1"rt!'sv; Thuya? s ft bre,e . .tJ the wrapheBO m the civde I SORE THROAT "'-u.andpurt shades. proin B0VS' im n. Varlety tocher''- from B0YS' AND ClEli education carries on an iiirouau "- win. cm wim. icu-ies it uit-w nrjimu wriere she was born A gallant ' towtsT rmci IS MADKIO life and war winner, surely. life, beginning in tne name. n- iue since tiwn. tne sni'King oi neans oe where perhaps lies the greatest enc' f the war in glvin? came more oronmmced. Nver. ii i m " 4 ' 1 THIS WAY , responsibility for the calibre of "th the necessary technical theless spring IS here. New- Jt had bpen pene,.allv thoif' I our future citizens With the rain ing that . is so necessai7 in foiindl!lRt.s seol!nc flPPt ,vvd that those frequent references"-.' a , r-wn of the machine age, em- '...iS . Vancouver is vt.,terDav .Taiioineof mpnlrfees fp.. ? "i-pr.. ncg 4.00 iPloyers were astute enough to ' J . ,ai,has started h. Fastern Canrda weather reoo'rt. concerning ' ool anc From ivnuze uiab miy cinpiuycra wnu "um, tu , . i 1 o ,-H DP madp SVilfihli in oil nwnm-! "cold polar air pushing its way westward" would shortly be dis- :rrA"?"ZZ" ism vC, n i labor in the last ,or tn,rte TH-E- LABOR government in Britain, precariously .situated politically following the recent general eleclitoi, bas won its vote of confidence on a Conservative amendment to the Speech from the Throne. It would be desirable now if further crises involving the stability of the government might be deferred by mutual consent so that busi-nessf the country, can now be proceeded with. The Attlee government has reaffirmed its intention of preceding with nationalization of the iron and steel industry, which was given approval by the previous Parliament, but has intimated that the implementation will be deferred for the time being. There is tacit if not open compromise. The strong Conservative opposition should be satisfied to .permit the essential business of Parlia-ment,.,o go through without precipitating any of little value to them, and the Columbia either by bringing the i by setting up what is appearing. But one should not as "The Inirnauonal alway believe what he sees in the of Free Trade paper especially when it hav tned until today it is rare in- ;;h tn mcf -hn n. travel there. We all know ta unions witn neaciqi.ariers m something to do with tempera- EBY & SONS Contractor REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green 883 Hox 586 . , the vauth hart tn inin Brussels. One of the main en- ture. R-s. But the 3 R's are' not ces very often in the middle ! featvrs ' TJlL t try an eu' ate a" a'd n "his tnoush ;! training period and today i ! labor tv.l'tne growth of democratic trade is verv u-pII .f -are o the Youth is the backbone of any , , nomic and country and an early start see apprentices or learners' under"developed rcuntrips s,lf-oUEht to bp made to ascprtnin Pivpn mnn cnor,,,,.,,, fering from the aftermath of Colorful Tale Of Early Wesl Movinj, Pa0kjM Shipping md Cu If Labor Is successful in what line of endeavor vouni thev CrlaSe and sJ in of war. this :ation, the pew Thrilling drama of high-liand- Complete Reliable al called backward the so conn- NdW AVAILABLE ient Service, abo J undue, embarrassment at this critical time. i ...In yesterday's vote most likely the Conserva-tives, never seriously anticipated the passage of the t Pd adventure in technicolor, "Red tries can never be used as cheap labor to drag down the standard Canyon," with Ann Blyth, How-bf , living of the American aid Duff and George Brent as workers. its stars, Is the feature offering t-anaciian LIquw Ai-'or Oxygen. Acetylr welding supplies. ft Wendell! Lindsays Cart: Storage Limi Geese, Ducks, Bad Winler at the Capitol Theatre here tonight' and Saturday. Vigorous action in the breaking of wild horses and the fighting of desperadoes Is laid in 'the open ! spaces of southern Utah. noirconfidence amendment. To 'cause another election immediately would probably result in no -clearer a verdict. It would delay the handling of important problems, particularly in the field of foreign affairs, on Avhich there is no fundamental difference of opinion anyway. Cor. 2nd and Part C. mm CHANDLEi Exhausted in their fight dno Tlle story, based on Zane to starvation from absence of Grey's novel "Wildfire," Is that available rood en used wild geese of a rancher whose wife was and ducks to perish by the thous- killed in a gun battle with a! ands in the Kitimaat area dur- band of desperadoes. He has i : ing the past . inter, according to rai,sed his motherless rinuohter LOOK FOR Hit NEW RED AND WHITE II ytJk POitTRAIT Sit Film FinUhlnj-t; Flash Pliolrj? Iikn Phone Grepn 389 t ) iyUrl accounts of la tives from that ! ...4,K i. v i i i . GOLD SEAL lABEll.l ::KiNct. mm, village who are here for the -SI- "a",u u" ' met . basketball chamoionshin. his 0H,y feellnKs t0 thorough-, The migratory birds even fell bred race horses which he breeds, out of the sky into the village of How a wl,d horse brings about j Kitimaat. his defeat is the climax of the . The birtfs are believed ts hive story. been foiled by the unusual "Old, George Brent is the hard and 1 HOLLYWOOD cafe MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE d and ice conditions in their usual inhabit of feeding on grass ant) 4j olauis. The was frozen up relentless father. Ann Blyth is the daughter. Howard Duff is a w ild horse trapper. Edgar Buchanan, John Mcln-tlre, Chill Wills and Jane Darv.ell are other important' members of the cast. ana me oeacnes were so na-c! that they cnulti mt wet ilf)w OPEN FROM S:30 P.M to S:30 A.M. We Specialize In Ihine.Mr Dlaflei enop suey enow mein For Outside Order PHONE 131 In spite of political differences, it is to be desired that the two sides will get down together to serittu business in the g5od old-fashioned common-sense'vay. Batons are usually Britons first and politicians afterwards which may not be the case in some other countries. SATISFACTORY YOTES J T IS a substantial chunk of public. works estimates I practically a million dollars which the House at Ottawa has before it for Skeena and that is something to be gratified about in view of the general tendency to pare rather than increase. The member, Ted Applewhaite, can be pardoned should he feel some satisfaction over the consideration his riding is receiving, subject to Parliamentary approval. However, we are not suggesting we have received more than our due although we may have received a better proportion of our due than we might have on some occasions in the past. jln fact," while we are not ungrateful of what hasjbeen alloted, there are plenty of other things We neell and for which we will have to continue To Adverlisers i To insure publication of dls- j play or classified advertising ;py for s inie must be In th . "flee of the Daily News b-4 p m. the day previous to advertising. Requirements o the mechanical department make this rule necessary. MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Wholesale Warehouse carrying a representor ' prompt service to the tradt GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Tires, tubes, hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. and incandescent, 6 to 230 volts. GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA - Radio tt flashlights, ignition batteries. G. H. WOOD Si CO. Industrial sanitation, pap'r tow: deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B. C Dustbane, Sisal. Janitor ? hotel and restaurant supplies. IMPERIAL WIPING.RAG CO. and otlvrs 'M i i . Xi' v t.rT WMi1 1 For Friendly Service And Advice in Your Building, Insulation and Decoration Problems aTiK , ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies 505 MrKridc St. Blue 820 JA11 of these are well known to Mr- Applewhaite whi can be counted upon to keep pursuing them. He j has, made a good start and, in view of his diligence, j peieverence.and energy, can be counted upon 'to deliver further in satisfactory measure as time goes on "and opportunity permits. t PRINCE RUPERT SUPPIY 0 R W Salin-Glo PROGRESSIVE . CONSERVATIVE WHIP Arza Clarr Cas-selman . became a member of the House of Commons in 1921, winning in the eastern Ontario constituency of Grenvllle as a Conservative. But he resigned shortly after that to clear the way for Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen to enter Parliament. Mr, Casselman was successful in Grenville-'Dundas in 1926, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945 and 1949. He is a lawyer, First World War veteran and father of two sons. Born in Dundas County Jan. 19, 1891, he was first appointed Progressive Conservative whip In the Commons in 1936. (CP Photo) lit if am p VjDRUGSy DRW u u PRODUCTS for Walls, Woodwork, Floors and Furniture Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. ri JFew, low-priced Bendix Economat it jkompact, liflht weight, vibration-f rtl PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 a m. to' SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON I"' 7 p.m. to 9 p:m. An 'Electric Water Heater will give you the hot water your family wants at every hour of the day and night . . . You will have it on tap first thing in the morning for washing and shaving . . . all through the day for household purposes ... at night for baths ... The supply will be thermostatically controlled, so there will be no waste heat, and no trouble. You'll be surprised how little It costs per day. Come in and look over the various types and sizes. .Fmerer-nry Bicyf Daily Car Delivery Service From 9 p.m. till 6 p.m. from 7 p.m. uu" . and Sundaj e ftifd and fn oghofor Wmhingl 8 povndt of cofUi of onctl )f f1", rinw, damp dryt oufomof- fjdt no bolting to floor AfeAZINQ FLEXIBLE WONDERTUII ftiPn 3-yar guarantee. Providtt . l w UndtrlvwwothinQ orffci,ll w Foo- Education Week Broadcasts TONIGHT 1. CFPR, 6:15-6:30, Mr. H. M. Daggett. SATURDAY ' CFPR, 8:00-8:30, Panel Discussion. B urns est uys ( $249.50 TO MARCH R191 ;t.asy terms to suit your pocket book 2.1 Fiipe demonstrations! Pineopple Juice Q.T.F., 20 oz. ... Sweet Mixed Pickles, 9 oz Cloverleaf Whole Clams. 15 oz. Far the Best in C(ftne sse "The washer that couldn't happen"! Today! Potatoes, sack, delivered BUYS BURNS BEST Watch Repairs . . . SEE i GEORGE COOK. JEWELLER Box J188 Youll be Satisfied 521 3rd Ave. Phone 755 Formerly Johnson's Grocery 1048 Har Free Delivery Service '. t -