where under 75. Her name wast the Anson Northrup first in: the northwest. ; Prince Rupert Daily Hews Thursday, July 6, 1950 Ray Reflects and Reminisces DRESS UP For Summer M!ss Sharon Dunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne Dunn j 5S 1 of Vancouver, Is spending two ; T7i weeks visiting here with her Canadian government of ricla.s . , . Member of Canadian PTess Audit Bureau ot Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, rer Week, zoc; Per Month, 73c; rer Teai. rtsfc!Wv $8.00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. "IjjfcS . I c bee it fK r tw OF THE GOOD VALUf - j unuir ttliu ttuiit, 4.vi should be singularly well In-! George L. Rorle, Fourth Avenue formed concerning alien lands west. Men's Fine DRESS SHiktJ From jj J Safeguarding Highway Men's Fine WORSTED SUIT- By ELMORE PH1LPOTT TO HAVE AND TO HOLD "vm 537.5! Men's GABARDINE fivJ and far away affairs. Only recently the treasury paid oat SS00.032 travelling expenses. It's not all of us who can relieve the tedium of desk's dull wood by rising and sallying forth to behold distant skies, quaint customs and new faces and figures. Above all, there is comfort in reflecting that the other fellow is goln to pay for it all. SOME DAY thousands will be motoring along the i Skeena River, where today there are hundreds THIS IS AN ARTICLE . .... if not fewer. But long ere that, a duty becoming i i cion't know how to write. Meft's SPORT SHIRTS. Pwh,J tn . 1 win i f more pressing every year will have to be well and it is about our 'elder daughter Betty's wedding. The social pages have already reported it and printed lovly pictures of it i .1 T 4,. ...... ..K Kni truly finished. This is the safeguarding at all points where there exists a danger to traffic. Once a car plunges into the swift, the cold Skeena, scant is the hope of rescue. Grudgingly does this river ever yield anything. ' I One hears plenty about the j glorious sunshine, giad-hnnd-i ing and general good cheer of California and Arizona. Yet it's ! not Impossible to find contrasts. It's all a great and beautiful ' land, of course, along with prn- I. I f 1 ana wiiu m i fcu j DRESS ad WORK SOX. i large selection. From Pt. Mens Ol'TlNU shirts. J WooL Reg. $10.50. Now $67 Boys' FANTS. A good J SUm fop drest) and rh, From $2 J? Boys' I'NDERW tAR. Tups J bottoms Oar. "At this point my darling wife generally kicks me out of the kitchen." gates? Besides I always pet in wrong v.iht the family when I write about the family. Now with a son-in-law to consider I'll have i ductivlty and politeness. Never- THEN AND NOW ' thejtnelew, there are rags and mal-! sister the bride down realize as they rarelv do other-'his S. T.nutrit.on as well as flawless aisle. His is, how can wl wise mat there mere are are tw two wunus worry i of the fashions and the home, out of this horrriwpd borrowed , pick I on this one planet. There is get snmethine must be mantel, bomeining must ue , ,j )i:vHn onH intn mv wnrk p. othps , to be more careful. I almost got off to a disastrous start with my new son- J ANYONE carrying a fishing line and having no license is subject to a fine. There used to be a time when all anyone needed, if he required a new rod, was a sharp pocket knife and a patch of woods. i woman s worm anu muii s wunu. j VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, J:30 p.m. Coqultlam ALICE ARM. STEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, Coqultlam, 11 p.m. in time to report for my new s'", lauiu, auuiri.s . .... . lf At weddina times the female 10 mi in me name oi me nuai - . . . )nh r- OW ! Like the job . i l PnrrlonH th. Pr tn Ktav t. where farm labor and overworked and under-fed children He did the rest with the assistance of a line and icn their honeymoon. He couid- : MyiiUiiflif tmm fc ir In REVEREND JIMMY n n h(.i,. n .tmti Vi rt uinvi iA are AS "ads the service, and alter i is to perform. There an amaa-: ing round of teas, parties, Con- have duly put ia my "I do" in j n't rememberi the name. I thought I could. But it turned out I tilled in the wrong Indian neonle answer m wno giveui uus; xhe Red River Vailey is gm- sultations. Crowds of name. Luckily J I cought my J mis 1 I T fU. n.A fiimn womanr k tauiH. ui my uwut1ia v returning to normal aucr . i r i ('III II If h i vit. in hip Cl 1U mil handf ul of fat worms. The chances would be that he packed home more good sized trout than the stranger with an expensive outfit ever dreamed of. And the country kid, had be been asked to pay four bucks for a thing called a license, might have fainted. That much real cash was a lot of money. ;rr J l" rWMa"U:our extrovert spaniel Ruff hides . father' Pants- . nearly everything that could be flrSt- For at mv own weddlg AA the val- ... out in the basement. I. mV: thought of, concerning FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, July 7 and 21 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CIIARLOrTF ISLANDS ss. Camosun, July 14 and 28 10 p.m. FRAFK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 1 But somehow the weddiBtt , ,auler wa! mulc - " i ley and tne nooa, naa Deer AT WEDDING TIMES MEN party moves down the aisle rUy j was- "e Ilaa cnaiigeu mio Epoken of, or prlnte'i. But we i. five minutes late. And a .a 'best dress trousers then for- i)et there wasn't a whisper about lesult of the strange process n11 "" "c "au uu"c au me Keas ursi steamer, wnicn Don'f Strain Yourself carrying heavy cans ol upstairs for your klUi range. GET AN OIL HIT Eliminates barrel sta.-Fewer oil deliveries. No ir, fire hazards. enaineered bv the stronger (tc- absent-mindedly changed back came puffing along in' 1859 Sh male) sex there la a roomful of mt0 hls m ones! j was 90 feet long, drew 18 in-hes, loot worth more than an ancient Ii the midst of the ceremony ; and had a tonnage of some- " w ,ne looMU aown ana buw n. king's ransom. t t i old pants. But nobody else no- "tlced the difference anyway. j I SAT IN A DAZE AT TH5 . . . I wedding. For it seemed to me ; " j THOUGHT TOO OF THE just like yesterday when the groom's fine old grandpop and bride was born. My wife wa3 of tne blg ranroad Job he had in one Montreal hospital and I held before the RUSSian revolu-was in another for a very tion But t bet to mvSPif. he was Cleaa Safe Odurta Economical Call A COMPLIMENT C. L. LOCKERT of Nashville, Tennessee, calls Prince Rupert and Skeena River region the "scenic capital of North America." He says there is nothing in the United States to come up to it and that goes for the Grand Canyon and Yosemite Valley., The Canadian reaction to such praise might easily be "how dare he say anything like that? And right to our faces." For Canadians still remain a bit amateurish, in accepting compliments gracefully. Anything with a Canadian twist, or flavor, must, of necessity, be carefully studied, privately and in a strictly "doubting Thomas" mood. GORDON D. RONSCt noted doctor had told me I never any happier than I have 733 5th Ave. West, Black 503. would never get well again. feen nim drivins that tractor 1 Maybe I wouldn't have at that . In his son-in-law's seed potato but when they took me in 4o ' farm in the Windermere Valley, j And suddenly I thought too of the old family story of my I see the little red bundle of humanity I just got a new lease on life somehow. ( ':.. AT THE LAST MINUTE BE- The Best C.N , ViJ grr: You Can Buy! mm,V X9$ : . Triple Distilled. fe?? h i K DMV C,N ' V HOf great-grandfather - Jim Phil-pott born in a log house in western Ontario. When Jim decided to wed. he fore leaving the house the girls i.. ; .. i i i . i . iliStren,!h,rorgood(!aof VJ'fj " i C V&JtV J? X0jjj? are jittery. I tell them 'if """leu UP ie oucs- board' drove over tne Mac-nervous you feel yourselves getting too lnT stopped at the preach-change" think of Stu's quick i ers,. and brought home his brldf For just before the wedding her. onfs als, fitera!1y !t,ro"nd from behind saying Stu, our teen age old son. has .... , ,, . ' . to have and to hold." received his phone call to report Canada' Finest Whisky YOU CAN BUY NO BETTERS? V K -j 1 i Ihil advertisement is not published or displayed by ;he Liquor Control P r by the Government oi British Columbia. ' I Thil advertisement iJ not published oi displayed by the Liquor Control Board oi hw lite Government British Colunbi for work on the night shift in1 the big bakery. Stu is to escort four Of Canada Miss P.N.E. Prize 9 ' FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Coll 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED KAIEN CO-OP mSS 'JSSK ' j 17- vy,-. ,yrot i (ttUlilAi'p rilrV COMFORT J laa&lvS ROUHP I ! I a ,j-f-.'.L.ui'iitr.iti am SEE US FIRST FOR PRICES . A visit to the capitals of all the ten provinces of Canada as well ae a stay in Ottawa, will be the grand prize for the young British Columbia lady who wins the coveted title of "Miss P.N.E of 1950"- at the Pacific National Exhibition in , Vancouver this year. - .The "Miss P.N.E. Contest" in this district is being conducted in association with the Civic Centre and there will be candi Builders & Contractors COAL or VOOD ELECTRIC RANGE Per hundred No. ya Flat Tins ........ $5.25 No. 1 Tall $5.50 No. 1 Flat $6.50 No. 2 Plain $7.50 No. 2 Enamelled $8.00 No. 2V2 Plain $8.50 No. 2'2 Enamelled .... $9.50 DROP IN AT Phone 179 iititntfutmrdiTtiiitimtmnifrtfTtitiiitii'ntlf'ifiti'i;?"""!"'' STEAMER Btiiutilul desif(n;ea!ty-to-cIean, glistening pcircelaio finish. Fnjoy the advantaxen of cooking with electricity in hot weather be com PRINCE RUPERT 251 3RD AVENUE Write Box 1127 fortable with a cosy coal or wood fire in cold weather. Dependable electric oven with automatic control. Four Speedmaster elements that lift up for easy cleaning, (.oal or wood SAILS FOB Vancouver firebox with two cooking holes keeps the kitchen warm in winter and burns kitchen garbage at any time. SLE IT COMPARE IT AXl YOU'LL CHOOSE IT. ami Intermediale W I dates from district points as Well aa the city. The various individual points will select candidates who will then compete ir. a contest to determine the zone winner. The province has been divided into25 zones and the finalist In each zone will go to Vancouver, with all expenses paid, for the first four days of the U-day p.N.E. opening this year August 23. MUSEUM HOURS MONDAY 11:00 5:00 P.M. Thursday at 11:15 p m. FOR KETCH IKAH, WEDNESDAY MIOSIS WEDNESDAY 11:80 5:00 P.M. THURSDAY 1:00 9:60 P.M. FRIDAY 11:00 5 :0ft P.M. SUNDAY 1:005:00 P.M. Basketry Demonstration by Mrs. E. Abraham, Poet Edward, B.C. every Monday and Friday OPEN FOR ALL TOURIST BOATS For Reservatiff Write or Call "Matured and Bottled in England CITY OR nFF'l OFFIUIS and (feV ! PRINCE RUPj B.C. I I PHONE 79 PHONE 7? ROYAL NAVY IlaUar? ENGINES & EQUlFMKfJ We xtmk and hnve fr lf i i DEMER AR A RUT.1 This advertisement is not published or displayed by tht Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. rtimmlna dlcarl. Rimtil flu. VnrlnM Klcvllilc rr nhuiist P'P'I Hrxlhle furl Hum. 1'uiIIIiik Pule KwlvrU. dllchrKt 4inka and Purta. Hiuhh a ml Iron Bi.w KH"'k I'lMton Kln. I'lpe anil I'M Fitting. Uiilthll tti.v Rjarflir. Jitw riiiti-lipa .tr anrhnr r' hraiK 8teel and Hra ShuftlnC-Bulta, Nuts, HtuiH anl Ilullliut Hide Rollers Shi Arn-hor tlurdy Nlggerneu- CREDIT is CONFIDENCE i IN THE INTEGRITY OF AN INDIVIDUAL TO CARRY THROUGH HIS AGREEMENTS Your willingness to pay promptly is the basis on which the retailer extends credit to you. i FAY YOUR OBLIGATIONS PROMPTLY! CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT HOURS Weekdays. 9 a.m. to V p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. o 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD 'AVENUE iai niiiu nteei, jl Various utlrlea of mal "J warm ami r.inli.mriit. too "ul oua ta mention. BYTOWN 7esv a a CHRISTe BtSCUlT-fbr every iasfc MACHINE WORKS CI 3SO