BAStBALL SCORES duku And Patrol Teom Turning Out rritice Kupert Uuuy snvv Thursday, July 6, 1950 Modern Etiquette Thanks For Gifts : V Sent By Canada I LONDON W Knitted black shawls sent by the "Ladles of1 i p,.w. Rnnert Shrine Club WEDNESDAY National League : York 7-3, Philadelphia' New Q. When one has Dcen Band ana jod s uauBii'a yaw. HOW CAN I ? ? V Q. How can I remove tarnish1 from silverware? A. The tarnish can be removed and the silverware made eucst at asmal party, is it,ieam v.r.1 turn out mis evemns Quebe:' and canned apricots from the Canadian government. Manitoba Is Appreciative' 01 Prince Rupert's Relief Effort -. WINNIPEG On May 12, just eight weeks ago, 9-10. Cincinnati 3 St. Louis 5 Pittsburgh 4, Chicago 1 Boston-Brooklyn postponed American League Washington 9, Boston 7 St. Louis 1, Detroit 6 necessary to phone the hostesi xvricn the steamer Chllcotin re- j 'later to-than If-her have turns from a cruise to Alaska! : aiready thanked her upon lcav- with party 0I international Past ing the party? . Potentates of the Order of the A. Your acknowledgement at Cystic Shrine on board- The the end of the parly u enojjli. purty numbers ninety persons to look like new if placed in are warmly remembered by on-: potato water and 'allowed t3 London woman. siand for one hour, titer. taknj In a letter accompanying a i Q. Ehould the mail ot a con- from various pans 01 me unura gre?.sriian be ' addressed "Hon." states with a few from Canada out and washed. - I Q. How can I prevent perspiration irom rolling hosiery? A. Perspiration will not rot the fabric of hosiery if it is small gift to the thanksgiving fund started by the Lord Mayor of London, Mrs. H. Hayes of j Chiswiek, London, spoke of hf- the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund made its first appeal to the public for contributions through the daily newspapers and radio stations of Canada. As a result . of the magnificent support given by the newspapers rand radio stations in setting up receiving stations for or "The Hon.?'' land Mexico. There will be a A. In addressing a Represent- reception in their honor by the ative, the form is "The Hon." in local shrine Club at the Moose addressing a Senator, the en- Ternpie- remembrance of so ashed alLer 'each wearing. ! "grateful Q. How can I save salt when my things!" making Ice cream? ! Among them weie small black Chicago 3, Cleveland 8 Philadelphia 8, New York 12 Pacific Coast Portland 6, Seattle 3 (11 innings i. Los Angeles 5, Oakland 4 (10 innings). Hollywood 13, San Francisco 2. Sacramento 9, San Diego 1 Western International ' Tacoma 4, Victoria 3 Yakima 4, Tri-Clty 1 ' Wenatchee 10, Vancouver 7 BABY'S A. When freezing ice cream shawls from Quebec "thank-! ! the salt can be saved, dried and fully" worn by British nuns, and i veiope snouia reaa ocirawji. etc' Q. Does a woman precede or follow her escort down a receiving line? A. A woman is received first. contributions, and in supporting the multiplicity of local efforts cn behalf of the fund, approximately one million persons have used asaln. RASHES tins of apricots sent to "our small remote hospital." The Lord Mayors fund Is designed to raise funds for a I U .. 1.1. 1 convey tltep appreciation to your citizens who have contributed so generously and to 1hoc;s who have worked so diligently in local efforts will enable (he fund to achieve its objective." Committees :iav; operated on Spokane 8, Salem 0 1 LONDON 0' London statf of are oftfn i. .in. of Pt J'"1""-, I a.-i " Jaial I '1 often disap- I t4 i how ouickly this type of rash J 1 l,r rr.q.ft.Mhe uJo7B.b,-.OwnT.bleU. w, W'Vr-- l'leaant to take, easily erushed to pow- f I y, i. it j..,r.A theu little tablets sweeten fceaawaeal aeXa- o I .' contributed over six and one .3nt million dol.ars to the fund, -lifts have poured in from ail prrts of the world at the rate oi more than $120,000 daUy and, &a a result, ot uie open-hearted BLACKBURN, England f A rmall child signalled for truck driver James Longdcn to stop and so saved his life. Drums of gasoline In th-.: truck were bla?-ing. Longc'cn put out, the flames w ith a borrowed pardon hose. Yki! seV!rifteeat Hj eel S)wbltke in .J I'.' permanent memorial to Com-! monwealth countries and the'i United States, which iraon;. : them have sent 80,000,000 !S24R,nO0.000 worth , of food ' Pitts fin-e 1940.. , up baby's stomach and clear out Irrltatlne material that atao may be "' ;,'" fte Lioeat Caettel BeefJ J ' Carreras Ltd., has sent 12 E. M. Rodcrl-k Invites couples ($37.20) to the Lord Mayor of married at his church to repeat London's national thankidvins! their vows before him from time fund In gratitude for Christina' to time. i a;ft? of bacon from a tobacco I and fretrulnees. uel w I Tablet! today 'I he have 1a tbe f ol mothers for ever M rears. OnlySW. giving by the public the com- tcialf of the fund in all parts uutite has now uesided that the ot Canada and even in su:h re-"campiign should be dravn to a mote villages as Aklavlk. . ...imc oa Ju.y 15. ' Contributors will be interested j-.Th committee is hopeful in knowing the fund has oper-that, with the contributions yet ated entirely with voluntary i tin forwarded, it Vjill be pos- he.p nd that the expenses in inble for to fully achieve the raising the fund have been less J objective of restoring property than one half of one per cent, i damage by the flood and not of the amount collected. u the governments The gifts to the fund have beta so great in number tint Good, and good Cor tBiem encourage your youngsters to help them ra n of repairing structural damage. ' -. "The jcncral committee ni " the Manitoba Flood Re'icf "Fund and the-flood victims Hwhosc homes will be restored by the fund wish to express " to Tr'nce Rupert Xe-.vs. Siys a message today from Cecil of Winnipeg, honorary 7jirgnniiser bt the fund, deep appreciation for all that yoa .w u ivis Sv m ciablln: : ..t uii l to rca,h its objective'' "they also ajit that you the acouiitin; staft have filkn behind in Issuing receipts. Vo.- : v.iary helpers are wonting day' v nd night m un effort to usue as early as possiole cu. there wi.l be some deiay and .I.'j i -public ' is asied to bear ith me honoriry treaaurcr of the I lund in this connection. Indi-! viQu&l tece.pcs wui oe tsou.-d! tovefinj all ;cntiibuUon3 re-'' .eived. j In drawing tne campaign to I a close the Daily News is a?kei selves to Libby's, an excellent, economical dietary source oS vitamin A and C. .and to revues; that tne committee operating in this area forward funds collected as soon as possible after July 15. This may be done without cost through u. chartered bank. ' j ItEKABailAT.ON PROGRESS j As a resu'.t QZ- ..e aitioa ox t- .ie government in compensi-f.ccd victims fcr cost o' ' -u-Ur.l rairs and the gen-j o.ts co.itrifcutions made b ho publb to the Manitoba' -cct Itelief Fund, coupled with ; . .e sleps being taken to guard .A.njt a recurrence of .the' icd. 'HehabiUta.ion has pro-'1 resssd so. rapidly that normal ii?i-sf b uvity has been re-; . oreJ to the Winnipeg area, he res.o.ation of some six hojsar.d houres damaged by 'co.i waters is progressing with lispatch and will be completed " hin n lev week3. ' ! YICKERS GIN DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK if you don't agree that all four Libby'i "Gentle Press" Tomato Products JUICE, SOUP, CATCHUP and CHILI SAUCE r are the most delicious you ' have ever tasted. VICKERS li OISTIUID IN CANADA A MB It OUTIHUTIO M CalVftt ITiis sdvtiement is not published or displayed if the Liquor Control Board or W the Government of British Columbia. JUICE Tj4.J0 Tj4J0 as, i "GENTLE PRESS" TOMATO '1 ' ).-( ' : 3 sdses ' df: Economicol in the dishpan! Famous for Money-saving! A bigger bar for one rich, fast-cleaning suds! Kind to Biggest value in a bath soapl Ivory's fresh, clean-smelling lather makes your bath pure pleasure! cent less than any other leading toilet hands! soap! 1 u for ComP'exl( '"ZJ ' "