v j PROVINCIAL I provincial LirA, 113 UUUlft Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHCIIE8I Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' VOL. XXXIX, NO. 158 , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, 'JULY 8, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS lHE COMMANDERS n n Canada iS ILOOMOTO 11 nsr More Security At Soo- Reds Still Advanced Ifr Korea Contradictory Reports 'Communist Control At Trail Bolstering Up Reserves; Training Of Civilians : OTTAWA (CP) With a weather-cocked eye on the Korean war, Canada today took &ecuiity On Fate Of Americans Plant charged By cci. OTTAWA (CP) A charge of Communist con-' BISHOP EXPELLED LONDON Rumania has expelled American Roman Catholic Bishop Gerald Patrick O'Hara of Georgia and two other members of the Apostolic Nunciature on charges of spying. They must quit the country within three days. The bishop was charged with using his chauffeur to spy for him. JEWELLER DIES measures. Anu-aircralt aeiences will be noisterea around the vital Sault Ste. Marie locks area whero other precautions have also been made. . Canadian reserve army units will get mo - equipment and training of civil trol of the boor force in a Canadian plant producing atomic materials was made-Wednesday by the Canadian Congress of Labor. The executive committee of the Canadian Congress of Labor attacked the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company for main jr. R. P. Welland, 32, Athabascan Reassuring Statements From President Truman And General MacArthur TOKYO (CP) A tank-led force of 40,000 Communist troops stabbed sixty miles south of ' captured Seoul today on the heels of withdrawing American and South Korean forces. Even so, General Mac-Arthur advised Washington that the situation was not considered serious. American Jets and bombers, i ; oefence experts will begin "in the Immediate future." - j MONTREAL William I Massey Rirks, 81, whose father Bullet Kills Baseball Fan . Defence Minister ClaxtontoUl press conference that Canada taining the contract wtdi tne Red run union in its plants at Trail. The charge drew immediate comment In Ottawa and Vancouver. Defence Minister Claxton re has a defence plan "which could 10 Killed In train Crash be put into effect rapidly" if In the heaviest air action of the 1 NEW YORK W) A bullet any of her cities were attacked. He did not elaborate.: Hp rilrt aimed by chance or Incredible marksmanship whipped through plied "no" when faked u sum situations tMf'it trail were Sales Tax Melon Cut say, however, that peacetime conscription forms had no part was the founder of Henry Birks and Sons Ltd., jewellers, died here Tuesday night. CONSCRIPTION CANBERRA The Australian Council for Defence today ordered the first conscription in Australia sf':e the Second World War. It decided 15,000 men between the ages of 18 and 23 be called up next year the polo grounds Tuesday and struck one of 50,000 baseball fans I Freak Collision On Santa tfe ' Line South Of Chicago in government rjoliev. dead in his grandstand seat v.ar, hammered at the advan:-ing Reds, destroying eight tank3 md 45 trucks.' In the face of a steady Communist push against American snd South Korean forces, re-wurin word came from both President Truman and General MicArthur. President Truman told a press conference that there were jiving the Pcf-we Department uny particular concern. Harvey Murphj, regional director of v.r,e International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union, called the CCL. Victim was 54-year-old Bernard Lawrence Doyle of Firview, NJ. School Board GALESBITKO, Illinois W-Ten passengers wer crushed and twisted to dearh today in freak cwUision of two sleek Santa Fe Police found several empty 21 calibre shells on the roof of a A cheque for $51,845 will De received at the City Hall here within the next lew days as this municipality's share of the collection of three per cent sales for 14 weeks' training. tatement "desperate ranting", .treahilincrs which were nearby apartment building and ft . A Si Sells Bonds Prince Rupert school board a target pistol and two 21 rifles He said the loyalty of the Trail , rinning si(!e by side. The num-workers could not be questioned. ; b Qf mjurC(j ls between 50 and in an apartment one floor be ine nugc rau piam, " 7S; f thsm critically. low. A 14-year-old boy and hi3 Russia To Jump In North Korea last night accented the tender or Odium Brown Investments Lim leav.y water, a vital ; . to prod'i; tax under the Social Assistance and Municipal Act. The current sales tax melon for the province totals $5,116,412 whicn, with $3,000,000 paid previously. grandmother are being held for no present plans to call the National Ouard or armed forces of the reserves to duty. The President said he was hopeful that everything would work out Investigation. ited of 102.25 plus accrued interest for $67,000 worth of 4 percent tm lining at Monica, Illinois, 143 miles southwest of Chicago. . A mail coach of ' the El Capitan, apt. J. V. Brock, 37, Cayuga HONG KONG P Diplomatic bonds on their new building pro Ingredicrl in th productfon of atomic tombs, The : C.C.L.- statement laid emphasis on the Korean crisis as a reason tot clcunin? Communists otit of the union set-up at the "strategic Trail plant. observers Wednesday predicted that Russia is setting tho stage brings the fiscal year total to $8,116,412. Of the current distribution Vancouver gets $1,-074.116 and Victoria $334,637. Following are the amounts Lived 40 Years In This District all right in Korea. An Army spokesman In Wash-!nton said General MacArthur had advised that a pentagon situation of retreating GI.'s in Xorea "U not considered serious n any way." for a surprise move against the United States in the Far East. Thrv said t.he Russians nrobnb'.v extra fare all coach chain, sud- j deniy left the rails and swerved into the Kansas City Chief, combined Pullman and coach express. Both trains were running eastward toward Chicago... i gram. This amount represents 16 percent of the total amount of the building program which ls to be borne by rural districts The other portion, to be borne by the City of Prince Rupert, wa3 let out on 35Jay option to Mc- that some other municipalities wnnirt rush rhlnose CnmiMiintst I Resident of various parts of in the province are getting: trnona from Manrhnrij. t.n airi I this di.-trict for the past forty New Westminster $202,625 i rj.iH nn4-APAn Sicily's Bandit Kino ts Killed A itmlfflifflort HjinUH Uiat. An North Vancouver Soviet supported North Kor. a in I . . ""'""'Jir wr. ... - - rrlftor . orthe- Pioneer 'Rooms, American Infantry outpost had Kelowna the Km-earr civil waf.' IMrd Avenue East, passed away 82.317 60.00, 59,517 85,021 34,697 -fbeen- -wiped out by ' the - Redf rcnticton Pari lament advance. He said that an out- Trail Sicily ; &"- Salva-! bandit kui who! Such a. move "can be expected at any time within the next month and probably within two weeks," they added. PALERMO, Sore Gluliann, post had withdrawn behind; Prln;o George "trans defensive positions with ou, Burns . Lake ., - 2,332 i prodaimcd his own Sicilian .gov- IJ1 All.A Dason Creek , K, in TSCUK Alt Pft enU was sn!t and killed "very moderate losses and un early this morning In Prince Rupert General Hospital after a two weeks' lilness. Born in Sweden in 1883, Mr. Petersen came to Canada In 1908 and settled first In the Okanagan. After a few years there, he moved to Prince George where he operated the 5.350 rer anoroved tactical procedure." For St. John a mountain hideout yesterday.! The Italian government said A North Korean tank force j McBride captured Pyongtaek, 36 miles I Pouce Coupe The House of LONDON 0 MalwnVahd. Burns .Limited- at " "V ' -r' 101.27. ; Proceeds of the bond :ssue are to be dsed to build two new schools In Prince Rupert at an estimated cost of $830,000 cf which the provincial government pays half. Other tenders Tor the schoo' board bonds were: ' Nesbit, Thompson, and Company and James Richardson and Sons 100.07. . i McMahon and Burns 100." Bell-Gelnick 100.40. , Pemberton and Son (Vancouver) Ltd. 101.31. All bids were plus accrued Robin Hood of the hills meant i Commons Wednesday night en- 1,712 1,371 6,581 2,195 3.341 2,277 i dorsed the action of the Attlee the end of banditry in Sicily. ( Windsor Hotel for several years south of Seoul. Then it overran Smlthers ... Songhwan, another five miles Stewart to the south, snd Chonan, seven Terrace milcr beyond Songhwan. Vanderhool "It was a bad one this time," . - reien.! in sending military rinrin his feven vear government A LJai the bandit's band was accused ; assistance to embattled South of killing nearly 100 policemen, j Korea. said an American officer at an advanced outpost below Chonan f mdr. P. D. Taylor, In 1921 he went to Alice Arm to encase in logging and mining. He arrived in Prince Rupert in 1039. Last year he purchased the Pioneer Rooms from Oscar Havroy. Deceased is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mabel Petersen. in describing the Red drive as i Sioux HALIBUT SALES (American) Retina, 49,000, 20.2?, 23.9c, 2e, Atlin. 0-anu3, 32.000, 2GC, 25.6c, ?2;. Final Appeal For Ducharme a small scale bllUkrleg. The Americans have withdrawn from a key command post after suffering what the American of Iroyers to ; Storage. . , ficer said were nominal to of OTTAWA-Final attempt save Frederick Durharme Friday, July 7, 1950 High 6:56 15.4 feet 19:32 17.8 feet Low 1:09 7 8 feet 12:56 7.6 feet Fred Hemsworth, resident mining engineer for the northwest mineral survey district, left by air today for a trip to Alice Arm on official duties. HASEIJALL SCOittfS TODAY American League Cleveland 5, Chicago 2 New York 5, Philadelphia 4 National League Philadelphia 9, New York 6 1h At Sea (Canadian) - heavy casualties. A spokesman at United Stites Winston Churcnm, conservative leader, called for new talks with the Russians to seek a peaceful settlement before the Soviet possess "devastating power" of atomic weapons. He declared a Communist victory in Korea would result in a third world war. Prime Minister Attlee, defending the dispatch of British nava: units to awist United States Torces n Korean fighting, said: "There eouid not be a greater affront to the United Nations" than tht invasion of South Korea b'. the North Korean : orces. , ' 'THff! Mina H., 28,000, 27.5c. 27c, headquarters in Korea said thal- 8tol.a'..e. JO to 35 North Korean tanks and I Clyne Named To Supreme Court OTTAWA (Pi John V. Clyne, chairman of the Canadian Maritime Commission, was appointed Wednesday to the Supreme Count of British Teenlc Millie, 23,000, 28c, 27. 5c. Vancouver from the gailows for the murder of. Feme Blanche Fisher is being made today. His counsel, Ditijald McAlplne, is appearing before a judge of the S'-prema Court of Canada seeking an appeal hearing by the full panel of the court. Execution has been deferred until 1!) to 23 Russian-built YaK riphter planes had ben destroyed ' by American forces In Korea. 22.5c, Royal. Mae West, 17,000, Co-op. Atll, 14,000, Co-op. TOKIA "t A park of ''in destroyers prepared "'"e than manoeuvres cut 'roi.s the Pacific yesterday uneeriain destination that be Korea.' "" tribal class destroyers, iyiie.a, Sioux nnd Athnhas-vlll rendezvous at Pearl July 14. I : TODA Y'S STOCKS : - - J .- . - y Johnston Co. Ltd.) (Courtesy 8. D. Fire Report On Schools Fire marshal's re-oa on the condition of city and Port Edward schools, necessitating extensive changes, caused considerable consternation for t the school board at the tegular meeting last night. The report on city schools was tabled until the August meeting when Fire Chief Becker could advise the ' board. 4 . Regarding the Port Edward report, three of the complaints wiil be dealt with in the near future. The balance will be discussed at the August meeting when Fire Chief Earl Becker wiit be in attendance. Points to be taken care of now Include shifting of stoves so that they are away from entrance?, changing the main doors so that they open outward instead of Inward as at present, and in- 16 Aumaque 1 ' , ' J .j T Mr. Clyne, as a young barrister, practised In Prince Rupert for a time 25 years or so ago with the firm of Williams, Manson & Gonzales. He paid a visit here last year in his capacity, as chairman of the Canadian Maritime Commission. His home is in Vancouver. r. giant United States base, fining exereise3 with the ifan fleet. Whether they 'P railed into ths Korean 'one-Canada has offered aid -depends on later dc-llP')ts and word from a. Beattie - 45 Bevcourt 40 101 Bobjo Canadian 15 Buffalo .v Consol. Smelters 95.00 Con west 11" Vancouver Mines Bralorn? 850 B R. Con. ..: 02& Cariboo QuarU 1 1() Congress : Hedley Mascot , 26 Pend Oreille 6 - 2 50 Pioneer Premier Border 03 . Privateer -13s Reeves McDonald 2 75 03V Reno 4AC THE WEATHLR .41 1 . .i:rrr oo! Gets Donalda .-. Eldona East Sullivan . .24 -rr- ' vtufii' a 5.85 ' ' ; I j ! 1 . . U ' vil k lighting Giant Yellowknife 6.50 -.'."-',;L:t.5'- I a. mil 11, ' . vr ICS Synopsis There has been B little cooling along the British Columbia coast as fresh Pacific air drifted into these areas during the night. Cloudiness will be con-fincH r-Viteflv t.n the north and .30 ky-r-.. -v- ,Tr t l"nder of Grant and New Gods' Lake Hardrock ... Harrlcana . Heva Hosco i Sheep Creek 1"- .30 ' , -1 J , . . V. . . . . 1 Silbak Premier "f Installing 12 rooms at Memorial High School (awn Instant fluorescent p at a cost of $4,192.40 .08 .08 Taku River Enud Vallev Jacknlfe 04V TfMlloH hi, K,, iivl last Joliet Quebec -1 Island ""'B """ , n.c um- west coast Vancouver side from I and II class-lower clouds over the grades with only a few j mainland. Southern In- ; room- terior regions are expected toi Work suggested to be done Bt be warm again today with scat- j Booth High School includes pro-tered afternoon thunderstorms, vldlng chemical storage cup-over the mountains In the boards, relocating fire extin-southeast. It will be a little Euishers for easier access in the Silver Standard 147 Western Uranium 55 Oils AorIo Canadian 4 80 A P .Con -40 Atlantic 220 Halmnnt. -48 Another bidder was "rn B.C. Power at $4,591. ver decision on the type of !,K was reserved until a Quoted by the successful '" at a lower cost was Lake Rowan Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake McKenzie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt Moneta Ncsus 2.10 ,V; -. --.--v K 1 4 .27' : ( :ooler in the interior tomorrow, chemical laboratory, providing a furnace chamber, and providing pump type fire extinguishers for Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy Central Leduo 137 v ith some clearing in the mid-, he manual arU room. tender of Handyman Service . for decorating 'd Street R..hrwil hull at 64 00 Noranda - Louvlcourt I4 Pickle Crow 1 80 Regcourt 05 Senator Rouyn -20 Home Oil "-M Mercury -12 Okalta J. I-52 Pacific Pete 525 Princess Royal Canadian 07V2 Royallte 10.50 Toronto tile of the afternoon loaay ana - At Borden Street rccomn,end-perature. in tern- Friday. Little change Winds Northwest 15,on "ere to enclose the fur-mph in the exposed areas and pace In a chamber, widen fire light elsewhere.. Lows tonight escapes .hang exit doors to open end highs Friday At Port 'outward and provide each floor Hardy 50 and 65, Sandsplt and! with a pump type fire extin- MACHINE POWER The 800,000 ccrds of pulp wood, floated down Quebec Province's Maurice River in the annual log drive, are owned by several paper-making companies. Sorting out each company's timber is similar to cutting out cattle at a roundup. Each log bears the com-nany's mark. In addition, each company saws its Jogs into certain lengths. Here, powerful intnf water oush the logs toward a "sorting gap." where the varying lengths are diverted into Was accepted. Unsuccess-enderer was Spence and k with bid of $375. rters for other work were over until July 14, when 1.74 Sherrtt Gordon Rock 2 95 Steep -- .74 Prince Rupert, 47 and 60. iguisner. . : . (CP PHOTO) Silver Miller r for the new hnilrlinir 1 Mines different channels where er.ch Compaq Pis 0 ut its own. I Upper Canada 207 :m vould be opened. j Athona