TV Prince Rupert Doily Kews Thursday, July 6, 1950 arched hip lines and use oi , CROYDOV, England f An , velvet and braid trimming, open-air swimming bath i. to , Sheath dress and jacket com- have underwater lighting for the binatlons were much In evidence first time since the beginning of , WE PAINT Plenty Action In Softball Black Is favorite and DErnDAV for late day wear. I the second wcrld war. tion will have a chance to even j the score when they tangle with " July 7, 1925 , . An unofficial report from the Skeena River canneries says that sockeye fishing was so poor last week that Indians were with exterior or Interior I Expectation of a swing back Scouts Winners Firs! Play-offs A spirited, evenly matched LONDON '(PiThere was a color I bar on sheep at a Royal Show i Senior League Softball game with MK.W or KPlsi, to the long evening and dinner gown was evident. A novelty of Interest to the the Scouts in a double-header for the best of three series and the championship. difficulty induced to keep work- (plenty of action saw Watson NEW YORK Elegance is the keynote of the fall fashion symphony. With the basic silhouette hold., lng to the sleek, reed-slim line, at least for daytime hours, de hrp Sheen treated with colored lng. This was largely the result island nose out the Firemen in! college set or for country wcir or bkK)m powders were not Wallpaper Hanging THE LATEST PAIYr BURNING METHODS In the first game of the Junior) double elimination play-Softball playoff championships ff previously planned, have of weather conditions. This week, however, there is a decided accepted for exhibition. the ninth inning 11 to 10 last evening. ' . ' The game was won for the peared teamed with plaid piper signers have turned to rich change and tood catches were Tuesday night, Scouts gave An slacks. fabrics and to such details as a Fur coats showed unusual i COLCHESTER, England- been cancelled, the Sluggers and Hawks being unable to field their respective teams. brought in yesterday boats. SPENCE ond MATtJii by most islanders In the ninth Inning I when a three bagger by Teich- nunciatlon School a 16-2 trounc lng. Thurrday night Annuncia low-placed flounce, a wrappea effect or almond overskirt, to rnone eiue nt 233 11th $ variety in length. Large collars , Roman ruins have been un-and convertible short sleeves earthed here. Experts believe were featured. A revival of pop- that bneath a areat mound in niRritv for fox and lvnx scarves Castle Park there Is a Roman 'man with two men on bases The grain elevators being con-broke me 9.9 deadlock and put structed here will have Installed ' his team in tne iead n.Q Fire. motors totalling 1,500 horse-1 men were all0wed only one run power and will require 800 h.p. to m the last stanza. lend distinction to the season's mode. Black velvet is a high favorite. It appears on collar, cuffs and pockets of suits, in applique .Classified Advertising pays forum. v,as predicted. SWELLEST RAZOR EVER FOR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE give satisfactory service. It was. Tjmnirintr hv Left.v McDonald touches at dress necklines or o l ONE-PIECE also intimated the need for this and his assistant left little to be Gillette sSS RAZOR power would occu about Novem- desired and kept the fans happy , ad in Ion, shm ber 1 at which time the city througnout the Eame. I sheaths for evening. Double- would not be ready to dehve- it Saturdav.s fixture be bc- surfaced fabdcs, fur Iabrics, a With 10 Gillette Blue Blades in Dispenser h tween Rupert Radio and the over embroidered wools and essary equipment to suonlv th Co-op. crepes, rich satins and silk brocades, all their quota to the extra load would not arrive before October 1. and it would take at least six weeks to instal it. IG $2.00 VALUE rOR ONLY ' season's elegance. Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please retrain from telephoning. Cia.-if,.tis, m Traffic Expert Thumbing Tour word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, f eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE - 0 You change blades instantly, enjoy real shaving comfort with the Gillette Rocket Razor Set. Canada's greatest shaving First color cholje is black. Others vying for popularity will be red and blue tones, brilliant orange, yellow, grays, browns r.nd parma violet. Highlights of a fall showing by the New York fashion group included a strapless black fur dinner dress outlined in black July 6, 1940 Halibut prires today ranged from 9c and 7c to 10.6c and 7c. FOR SALE FOB A ALE bargai: n includes Razor, ' JzJii.. 4y blades Hies in Dispenser, aVJP-A Jt . VANCOUVER , H A Dutch prosecutor a specialist In traffic cases believes in getting first-hand information. 10 FOR SALE Singer treadle sew- ,',;,u,, SALE Li luV ,3 ,( u neral notic e ( FERGUSON In the city Tuesday. July 4. 19o0. George, ae 82 vears. 6 months, beloved husband of Mrs. Jemima Ferguson. 1630 8th Ave. East. Rev.! ine the new Styrene aAM$VI. I 5v '5V machine, practically new. " tr "I V... " and S80.0U travel case-only $1.29. yn-til V3 ' lti em loaij Ambrose Ave. -v J Andrew Thompson and daush-,ter, Miss Jean Thompson, sailed jlast night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. Hans Bredius is hitch-hiking lace; a suit with cutaway jacket his way around the continent in the Edwardian style; a short E. A. Wrmht will conduct serv- studying North American traf- dinner dress, hiif-skirt and half 'Sat GreSv1'ile Cc!ul;t S,narDel at fic systems. He started his tour merit to follow in Falrvle Cemetery. BC. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. FOR SALE-ManTs blcvclr: .tood L AsteN ,,rme ! condition. cheap. Ma toy. m itlress and pillows. P Courts or phone Red fe ' Red 323. (. FOR SALilBabv"bum and Jff' oXZl plav pen. Rone. Green 944. i pnone tied 219 or can be desk, t 521 8th Ave. E. : FOR. SALE-Office ma-1 hoaanv. 60" x 34". Hone. 387 F0R SAi,ELlaht t roller Mrs. Richard Long and son sailed last night on the Princes-Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. in New York City. , The blonde, young attorney whose home is in Utrecht, If6l-l land, was here as unofficial IN MEMURIAM a representative of the Nether gown in the grand manner. LATEST IN COATS In coats the newest look was provided by a three-quarter-length mannish topcoat. Fjll length coats ranged through straight and fitted styles to UJ full, loose silhouette. Notable in fall suits wei'e longer jackets, lower ' necklines, boat. Dannv Bov. 28 Power 5 h.p. Vivian, tx Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE FOR QUICK SALE McClurv, Uueen model oil ranue in ex-, cellent condition. $75. Phone Blue 991. ttltl condition, new pulnt. C; Owner leaving. Aoulv R Mclnnes. Dodge Cove. Cj seen at Dlgbv Island Ik- One precious to our hearts has eone. I The voice we loved i stilled: 1 The place made vacant in our home Can never more be filled. Our Father in his wisdom called 'I he one His love had Kiven. i And so on earth the bodv lies His soul is safe in Heaven I In affectionate memory of I Victor James Preston, died July ! 6. 1949. Inserted bv his lovins daueh-l ter. Margaret and aranddaush-i ter. Joan. FISHERMEN TAKE NOTICE . FOR SALE High-powered field Kiatses. Very low prices. BC. Furniture. (tf) lands at the World Council cf Young Men's Service Clubs' conference. He is a member of Round Table International, one ol the organizations In the! World Council. j Foreign exchange regulations added impetus to Hans' idea of hitch-hiking. He could only get $150 (U.S.) for the trip and he has to make it last more than three months. A whirl at roulette at Las Vegas, Nev., boosted his wealth by $9. Hans' hitch-hiking formula FOR SALE Upright Grand '' Sn. m'erV) uRatuo t etc. Prices reasonable. Apply lrlw 215 4th Ave. E. after 7 o m. or 1 FOR sale New 12-foot uhone 239 for appointment. VaroU,r ilh W . f161u' Johnson. Write J. Slid; FOR SALE-Wartime 4 house on) PJrt Essinitton. : Better English 66 99 8th Ave Last, riione Uiue; o-w. Frin SAT E Tourist can Leave Cow Bay Floats Daily 12 noon 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:35 p.m. Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Last Boat Leaves Salt Lakes 10:00 p.m. PhcMe: Green 391 Black 926 1. What Is wrong, with this sentence? "It seems as if we must leave today." 2. What Is the correct pro 158DI Lake Kathlvn. near Smr B C. fuliv booked lor the .Twr. n t tt. -.i . i,.-t electric rangette. Call Blue 849 or 740 Fulton St. U60pn to R. W. Calderwood, Boi Smithers. ( is simple. If he wants to get to nunciatlon of "satirical?" 1 Hollywood, say, he chalks on 3. Which one of these words 1 cardboard "Holland to- Holly Is misspelled? Inimitable, in- wood." With a Dutch flag under uendo, iniquitous. j the sign he parks by the high-1 4. What does the word "mis- FOR SALE 8 piece Oak dining e..p suite, good condition. 5 leave"" MLl. New and us'd niture. etc. Cameras, vi way to wait usually not loni. nomer" mean? . lU.Ltf W ANTED WANTED -TUreent "Young Scottish couDle lone child 1 reauire furnished rooms, or house to rent. Box 743 Daily News. tl60p WANTED Typist and payroll cleric, make or iemale. immediately. Box 744 Daily News (158) large sie compass. & new cribs, unnainted t of drawers, coftee taDles etios md faucers. Sror other items for sale at rr, able prices. B.C. Fumiu extension for table: chesterfield. 2 chairs, worn, condition good: washing machine in good order; one cabinet radio: electric Iron: bedstead and sorlne end a few mlsM' laneous articles. Owner must sell in 2 or 3 davs as leaving town. No reasonable offer refused. ApdIv 813 10th Ave. East. ... , lliJJu' 5. What Is a word beginning with ost that means "characterized by unnecessary show?" .ANSWERS 1. Say, "It seeips that we CAMPS driver. WANTED Taxi 112 Taxi. Aon'v (tf) CAMPS-Furn lsncd cot ta;p Business and' Professidna FOR SALE condition. -Used car. excellent 732 6th Ave. W. U6O0) leave today." 2. Pronounce sa-tir-i-kal, both a's as In at unstressed, both i's as in it, accent second syllable. 3. Innuendo. 4. An erroneous naming of any rent at Ferrv Landme store nnd oowt ofli::e. for holidays. Ennuire ol H. Neave. Francois Lake. Burns Lake. HELP WANTED Bovs or girls tteiiabie Uuvs or tuns uesn.iu to handle Dallv News routes should leave their names at the office Daily News. (tf FOR SALE Helntzman piano like new Anulv Box 742 thing thing News.623 6th W. (1580). Swnd vour vacatlon at'4 person or Many or e-- tvenlnzT. rell- mforTff ..,r.iio iVinivn Ailio ianu- ; ciidiies, uy a gieai iiiiauuiiici , able baby sitfr. Ma h n 11 Ic p e n i n e CI AppIv 1349 (15UpJ Piggott. fast service. l."land CUv Build hnwfr baths, electric called parliamentary 'reforms'." Burke. 5. Ostentatious. ing Supplies. Blue 820. (18m) swimming, hoatinir. fisiiin? rpoiintflin c 1 i mbi n k. WANTED I HI-POWERED Soortlne Rifles -MARGARET McLEOD ' OPTOMETRIST rtonlll Id STONE BUIDINO mithers. B.C GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returr , compiled O. L. RORIE, A A.E. S. B, LAIRD, B. ComJC Besner Block Phone 387 MrKi"-i-t-n o.. k.V..' Write for latest catalog. Deal- WANTED Scrao cast brass, fn enaulries Invited. Scope cooper, batteries and radi- s..lpg Cou' 1 ,d 328 Queen St ators. Phone 043. Call 629 .ah Ottawa. Qnt nil HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE Four roonH NEWPORT, Isle of Wight 0) Patients at Si. Mary's Hospital will receive more expensive tobacco. Thy say they can't smoke the present cheaper issue. house In Al condition. $1,200.00 See R. E. Mor! 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88. FOR SALE Dresser, laree plate pl vss mirror. $40.00: coal ranse 30.00: Bed complete. $20.00: 6V Batterv radio. $10; iar.u Vise. $8 00. Aoolv rear 113c Havs Cove Ave. (1570) PHONE HLUE 593 M BOX 1184 WANTED Young couole. no children, need lurnislied ac-t commodations. Mrs. C. Q.' )wen, Rupert Hotel. (158p) , WANTED Adult "family of .nree urgently needs house or i-oartmem. lurnislied or un- i0t I vnrj RAt H A nwim hOU1 very voou condiiion on ' RPM LUBRICATION A"e. West, nas eiccvr.c and coal heater and t Uoor cloth. Possession Hi-had July 1. Phone BlaH or 211. J iuinistied. Room 24. Rupert FOR SALE Kitchen stove with ml burner and copper coh H5. Blue 267. (159p) FOll SALE-14-foot rowboat. with Hotel. UoBp) WANTED Sun Carriers wanted rnones 64U and Green 7B7 basement. Bus Terminal. (tf) 2 ' h o. Cawson niboard eneine 1 with ciutch. Phone Green 8al. FOR SALE Kiiriit - ro SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mezzanine Floor, Geo. Cook's Jeweller - Telephone 212 1 (159p house, two cultivated ion. Conrad Street. $5.0tM)- cash, balance like rt-nt 'r Blue 245. ' HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 j Kings Plate WANTED Bv a iurm.vneu or reliable couple.1 NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES 1iM.11r111.snwi Ltn-belt Soeeder Shovels; uiiiuriiisnea, pranp.. Cranes: rrullnis- Dmullnes: A Arinm. d a m . rooms or house- Mrs. Ham Koad Graders: Litt eford Broii REAL ESTATE Black Top Road Maintenance Knulpment: Owen Clamshell FOR SALE 3 room caDin Bucket. and Rock Orinnlw mono. Savov Hotel. (157p) j WANTED Room and board in renned home for man with conservative habits. Phone 841.' (t; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; uiaiK t'ornnii Trucks: eiori tlucket Loaders tur StocKulli SadSnow Removal: Rlre Port 0T Seagram's Sure CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block ' Houis, 10:30-12:30 A 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frt. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 able Centrifueal fumos: Na FOR YOUR ROCK Si CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed WANTED TO RENT Wanted by couple, no children, two-roomed semi-furnished suite. Please write Casev Gordon. General Delivery Nanaimo, B.C. tional Dr&eline Scraoers and Buckets: National All Steel S I block 6th Ave. wen. f tneen 4if. oetween 6 a-p.m. ' . Fourth Avenue lots for saie. Ciioicf v-front property close to 0 town and sun m a tlja' dentlal section. Pruiu $750.00 u. Terms US ' bal L-e to suit vou. Buv whhe choice Is uood anJ later. Call Armsirons Af Phone 3 12 or Green 297 cuts 1 Qasolln Hoists: National PortaWle Savvmlils: National This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Koiarv screens and Conveyors tllll ' In fnrmfl tinn trum Nil. (158D) LOST car j Uohat Machinery Co. limited Vancouver. BC (tf LOST Would the party who FOR 8ALE New & used house-l hold lurnlture and hardware pnn SALE Exceptional V picked up parcel of new cloth-lmr irom Lvon's Grocery on Friday. June 30ih please turn to Lyons (Up) I Dicvcies lor bovs and men FullV lurnislied i room,1 v I t h husHinenl. i"c- GORDON D. RONSON OIL BURNER SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced An unconditional guarantee of per-,. feet satisfaction covers all service MATTSON'S UHHOUITKKINO Phone Blue 818 KU Box 330 Second Avenue rrni: Rupert. Bt 1 fricldaire. washlne l".a; WORK WANTED oil raime. Centrallv i" and with eood ao )' The owner is ofleiins house complete for rt- lut-mn If rpnillrpd. unnainted chest of drawers, end tables ai.u cut fee tables,! batterv radios, floor covering, rifles. Musical instruments and violins, etc.. Sinaer sewtne machines, office chalM sleenin bans, loei'lna boots end scores ot other e.joci articles. Pood values at lowest possible prices. B.C. Furnitunv jtemio WORK WANTED Experienced tvplst-clevk reaulres work in town. Box 737 Daily News. I (157P) Tlr.l A has on 6th Ave. East. Well d ntprl nnd readv to l'10' Black 503 733 5th West hard 1W' BETTER CAR CARE STARTS HERE air furnace in part base nwkes this one of Uie Phone Black 324. (TFij FOR RENT FOR SALE Used material" 8-A- FOR RENT-Apartment to rent IXIs'sIa-Wcs' with furniture lor sale. T' ?,lcA ?, liaJe?rA' " Tr..' ulu WUAUTY REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heel nd Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Are RDNER & CO. 7 m est houses on me " Terms available. , At H.o iiriwril time e 1 "Norton" Youiws. Real Estate' ! ,U",V" at SM). eacn. Wooden eaves " .. u,.- ,.f lisim & Insurance. Phone 431. ... , ! trouEh. 1 piece 3i', 3 nieces 32' I Timbers (x8. 6X8. 10x10 and CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. board 12x12. Doirs. windows and sash FOR RENT Room and 24 concrete blocks free. R. C, U Irtle llUIIluri w suit almost everv need. amonir them is the 11" have been looklne lur;, delav. See Montv t".tlf Robert E. Montador m. Evenings Phone Green 1 for man or woman. 233 7th Ave. West. . (160pi Mutch. Contractor & Builder, York Hotel. Phone Green 802. (tf) FOR SALE 25 ft. Cabin Cruiser COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 REPAIRS HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS "LUMBINo and Heatln shppt M'nl work Tf and Gravel' Roofina. Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. Letourneau nH Sons (tf) 2 vears old with new entdnc lust installed and equipped with' air Iohiii inattresbes. oil WATCH Repairs promut . SUMMER BOWLING HOURS 2 P.M. to 12 P.M. Now is the Time to Practice Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys Durmntr wnite enamel ranae. toilet and sink. This boat could be used for livin uuarters and must be sold. No reasonable ciriii nnvii:c. Jeweller. Satisfaction teed. b)H eitttrlcal contract work laree or small, call Grant & otter rerused. Phone 211 or OIL BURNER Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS - CH1MNBY8 OIL BURNERS Newton, Black 8"S 18m Black 248. (tf) e 503 Ronson. Black FOR bulldine and contractlna FOR" SALE Combination elec- it's Northwest Construction trie and oil stove. Good con ACCOUNTANTS , Limited. Phone 503. (18m), dition. Phone Red 735 afUr To Injure publication of display or classified advertising :opy for same must be la the office of the Dally News b 4 p.m. the day previous to advertising. Requirements o the mechanical department make this rule necessary. ' PHONES MARINE and sen eral sheet! - nTTTJT T1 A nmiTM'l'A PU I . i'.. Fashion Footwear Red 694 metal woik. Thorn Sheet FOR SALE One photoelectric Black 334 Tax specialist. t. Stone Bulldine. Red M Metal WorKs. Black 884. automatic compass. Red 97U. P. O. Box 1870 I ' J t Rfln I (18ml!