V UHMIillliiiHitf JI.iMilili,lia..ltMlilll..Ul :,lilil.:iiilLl,1liau.tiliilil,!,.;Ul.l!iliHtll.l,.....l..lU.I,.iiii!lI'l.:l...l.' llll.l.Uil.il..il.itl.uil.iilii li.Mnl.Ml.llUlllMillillKill iiiiimuiiiiiiiii1 g Prince Rupert Daily News ; Thursday, July 6, 1950 let C.iindCd time to prepare estimates. Addl-tlonal contractors taking out plans are Cloverdale Construction Company and Marwell Construction Company. AdvertiM through dawtfieds. jginnlngs back 110 years. It be-, tan on Christmas morninz, 1839, Rain Or Shine ? date for rr-cr-ipt ol Anal ,?" or building the new thas been extended .mtll move was ncces- u This ' when Lieut. Charles Buchanan ; RIddcll stepped out of old Fort j If. 'York (not Toronto) in Uppar:s Canada and noted that th; 1 1 more IT PAY3 TO ADVERTISE contra siorsmi w allow Probs Top Hews 365 Days Year (This Is the lirst oi a seriej ot three stories on the work of the federal forernment's public weather offices). mm uitrmomeber siood at 26.6 de- 55 Eice Fahrenheit. Wi Riddeil went to Montreal I pg earlier la 1839 to set up a com-bined meteorological and mag-ifi - 1 netlc observatory but mineral By CAMERON JAMES ACME fp fe: deposits Interfered with his Instruments and he moved to Fort York. The site of the observatory has changed since although It has always been in Toronto. MONTREAL, July 6th Within throe hours of meeting her, Rob WcidRcnant of Connecticut knew that he wanted to marry , Joyce Carr of Canada. "You're fo beautiful," he paid, "how'd you Ret that way?" Joyce didn't tell him that her beauty secret was WOODBURY FACIAL SOAP the,:-jap cream ingredient. Yes, Joyce had found from .i . it--' (C.itm himln liv skin anrrml.- Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO 0 The weather Is the biggest dally' news story in Canada. Forecasts on what It v!:; be like tomorrow make the front pages of newspapers 1 1 r J he present Meteorological Division was established in 1872. In the early days, weathermen rtlilc beauty Mens Suits 1 3 In the government's service and are featured on radio broadcasts. ' , V were hampered by public .v.-,., ........ j , ,Ainr ( rue mat, niHuiimij pr her lovely fkin a gntin-sinootli look a warm, lw (Doctors' texts .among women show no "t.k.n-''',"ltl Voodl-ury's mild, mild lather!). And now that m H .. i. u'..;.i ,i vim ciinfioiica to make a beauty To the man in the street, th; apathy, low buugets and inienor TROUSERS r.-.imcr. the builder, the confe-:- mstiuments. Giammar School GROUP 1 THE LATEST GLEN CHECKS. Ail Wool. These vec tlonery maker, the sailor,' the p;;ipais of the I8o0s who ' viator and the buuness man a were compelled by law to take f Vodbury Facial Soap. So lake a tip from a lovely .,rt. , . u-,Ill,,.rv Woodbury facials facials todi.y tixlay and try a Woodbury ."! are really smart. Reg. $60.00 NOW $49.50 cake lor cxlra-iuild knic . i;,lf,tul lKf 1()c fore-knowledge of whether it Is ..cu;r ouseivaiions could not ;Jl fiT !iil-"ver likely to rain ox. shine Is of in- Worsteds and - h -Barathea Ren. $14 95 now $10.95 hllniry i irresi in some cases or extreme GROUP 2 importance. in: adiu lu oil ve pujaejocu uu "esprit de corp." and their reauins vtre nainpzreu by improperly ta.i0iaU;U instruments. Now no popa)aea scuon m vauaua is I...H.JUI lis UitjaSv p.. , 'J - i ,...n Vim In just the ALL WOOL WORSTEDS. stripes. ! Where does the forecast rnme km. X a 1 Ma h I n m r il for i'i Who supplies it? " . S48J5 shades that you have been looking for. Reg. $60.00 NOW ruling now nnd tlicn. Hut what Chances are 100 to one that iervice. "irecg.H? you read or hear ' In? Id vou uo to w- .ill Is V - thry I..r even t hough GROUP 3 SLATF. GREY PENCIL STRIPES. Just, the thins t Canada come from one -of the s yen' public weather offices lo-I catcd across tbc country at Vancouver, Edmonton; Winnipeg, Retiring TIES for business wear. S44.95 Reg. .$58 95 SPECIAL from ka ,, t.l,.,. U" y intixt grl th' work l.ar 1 for ,J I,. fr y irf.Ml KIb l"lc ,v8 ln-. p a X Thca 1 c - dr,"" D'!""' Mmme "l rtlg, ami whrncvrj my , i,ri.l! Tliy quirkly Uv .,M ....I rrfrrslird - Ik-u ioronu, Aionireai, llama ana Oandcr, Nfld. These offices are maintained by the Meteorological Division of GROUP 4 Extra Special I'd Lilt To Make A Sugr'l'rH now thai gardrn-parly lime is h"re: those potmlar Ruph ;n-jvrty bcvcriig. s li -innpa'ic l.0l Bill tea are much ta-lirr Tom they're made with Sl'NMST CAt.ll'OU-MA M'.MDN.S! And D) render, for Suiikit I.enn n nrc th- fnri-l. :iicirl grown! You'll a;H a Jod Bipply on h.n.l r.l ail limes'. . . to clue in thick juicy (''!; r nd tu-r e with ierd tea . .' . and to rmike the ("' h nioii:nlo yn i t ever ladled! Treat yo'ir fi'iiiiv often to llir."i rufrcJi.u; hot-weafher Jrina! Chief Engineer Keg Williams OI Steamer Piince Itupcit Completes Career ' Ihe Federal Department - of lraniport.' Each office provider ; THERE ARE ONLY SIX OF THESE til large sizes. Single breasted. Wool flannel. If yon arc a bin man vrni can't beat tht- nt- Drice. price, 47 t---- S"fc f 5?f 1 irinrs i inii-'-- .oiccastf- for a ' larje.. district - a career of 42 vo.trs at sea ,V t!i tl"- naiurm cyr uu an.l rlcan-o drhente rye , 1 tinl h"n my oyw fwl I special ttiitwy1 ovcrlng on the -average of I ! twenty-four of them with Cana,- Rg. $64.00 : provinces. Each', Is linked oyjdian National Steamships which (, . I Im-iiit nil over, n ny r.ore than 21,000 miles of tele- toor at yuu try Munut, jhe joined as a Junior engineer g what I for-i'-r In 192G, ends with ths retire- Wi type circuit which are also con-1 bcncd with forecast stations 71 Holiday i 1( If Going Away lor a 10 Off the uiot prei cioti genm of my rnpboird? My lioni'iicidc iiims and jellies!" The tuby red t ran berry and niTberrv "V ment at the conclusion of the piesent voyage of the steamer Prince Itupcrt of Reginald P. Willlam.V.chlcf cnjrlnecr of the vessel and senior chief engineer of the company on this coas'. Born In he-id:,, E.-.gland. Mr. Wiliianis seivcd liist on decpse;; which dot the map -of; Xlunada, irom Whltwhorse trr the Yukon to Torbay on Newfoundland's vl coast, -i . ,' . '; ; By International 'agreement, -onncctlons arc maintained wKh eathcr stations throughout the world. By phoning the nearest A7 the d-cp rii-n jairw and jcltt 'ltI(! III n I. ; 1 ! if I (,M t , if - t h 1 I 50c ft' m m s3 10 DOZFN TIES 12 ami'thyst grnpr, me g.irnel plum. ON ALL OUR BETTER CLASS LUGGAGE Yours for gQC ca' remn liV II h ! ,.SI.! Si ll'l'ri are -9 .ixlwious. Tii. re m:n!e i'V mip .ii-ID siih g.n rations of Hnn ri.ii.o to vnHlr- them . . . an.l . ,rs oi fk.II !) h(l them gn ,1! ill" itv l""t of fliiioiir-kr.l wii.i That' why I'm ut wirprixil whin ny onp of wealher of lice, it ? possible to vessels of the Anchor Line unc nam weather 'it is ralnlng .ln T. J. Harrison before jiin'ng HonoU'lu or snowing in Yuta- Canadian National Steamships tan. . " as a Junior engineer. Si::e thr i..rAS'DING SERVICE. ' - he has served on all ships of the 4 . . - " . fei - . O ' all fparklmj oi my cupooeru giielf, nuitc tun f'x-l c.,ul:ir nuwr. I can't resist putting wp my favourite 'K"i.ially "alien trlo Fruit 1'eclin gives rtirh sure reulti, and eaves up to 23 th lime it formrrlv took with ': long iHiil mi'iioil. Willi Cert j, too, 1 can get tip to Wo mo: 3 jam or H'v from Hi- ume amount of fit. Try CliRTO Klil'IT lM.CTlN iien you're jamming and jellying nnd ace tlo wonderful remit you get liy following pgnrtly the tested reeipri on the bookl-t under the label oi bolde '- . every Verio .r BELTS'- LADIES 5 upn j nn iii!nMt nims mini v (am. It n. (rirD.U! T)hti re pciil llcni SouM for liable, 1 a iv I p iily-to-wrve kh (or eh ll'ins ploi-tric kilrhem . rnKsiinn!. But you run wrve : v one of liic Hcitu Soupo right honir. tonight I - ' jii- OOD . QUALITY; ; Officials at. the Meteorological company and giaclually woikec U.vLiion s headquarters in Tor- upward to th? sen or pos-lioi iii.o $ay It took the .Second afloat. Wcrld War to awake Canadians Mr. WiUiar will soon .pro to the vital. Importance of ceRd t0 Kc'.owna where he niii weather forecasts.. Its cost tells make his irf lc,ilirncn-, i.ie .ory pi Us .rouu.JW on a p'acf near Okanaste LuTtS' the Dominion Government ap- Uc w, havp th, bcs, . propriated ess" than $1.000000 , al() (nc tor tho service; now the cost ... . . , . .'. Co unbla coast. mote tnan $,.000,000 a year. The Br'Uf o, i ,. Vo.. t nonr,.,!. . Robert P. Baidry. rcoontl on- HERE IS A BUY FOR YOU'! . I TOPCOATS 1 10 Off Our Com-.-' pleie Seleciicn LEATHER BELTS, Tim U A fir- Slur UN BUCKU performer for yimt kitcheu ia hen;! The new FKICI DAI it K Urol (filing Ihrn ii.'d, it's xx-tg mcly aiinov-: to be l'iw- ud hv a DURBURRY RAINCOATS NOW I of tho s'.eamcr Prince 4ji-i itc "uw iiu.r uwub iUuu a 4i limp rmiilni'pn with, a nn: hr 6J""" ),'il . lii.nt.cn 1. I .. Tt , George, will succeed Mr. William? "Thrifty - 30" K L E CTR1C KANGE! You cunt ni..teh Ilea rompleU'y . ,w JoO working part time, v l m w He- Bi A-- the Piir.ce Rupert. Q" service accom- v Extension of &-tl(lil ttllil fiiA panica growin on size, jnow, . . f .V. f(7- to - open HN MARCH j.xk.igel Ju T.vik t!ix wal anil muiB you II l Ihirliim Corn Slarrh nxntlv jl'..t(p!i'. m a i.:if r bag. No fun a 44 inn Sport Shirts idea in electric rangen ... for it ha a glint oven that tretche ch ar ai-roe the range with ample room for linking 8 hig pie or ID loaves of br-ad! It boanta new ia.ter-cooking S-Spced Kutlian tube I'nits, counter-bula sej helf-tvpc door, High-Syoed, Waiat-High Droller, I'tihty Drawer and other UICJ value feature! Yet it'a mall in siie for modern miall kitchen . . . on'.y 3 inches wide. See the "bigge't little - mg ia the wnrld"-the "Thrifty-30 Dialer 'fc t jour FrigiJuire union? other things, the weather oaLe supplies a frost warning service to. fruit growers, storm v.anihgs for fishermen, weather Information to . Icie'st rangers to nelp prevent and fight forest fires, and temperature TeporU to Shippers of such periohable. goods aa lrult and vegetables. ,itM oi the. scryljes' i"'. ure i ompa ra lively nea? In the life : oi Jc nidas oldest jovernment i vice whlsh cah trace its be-' iw l.:;hrr: linn, when youve ni m nuiih "Diirhnra" you c el iho nmi replace the top : li.c iwirkngn. It w;ll protect nir com st.iii h from dust til the xt time you need it. And. if uve never tried the lurious 'ils on the Durham parknge, lu'vp a lren( in Jtorel I jwr-ulnrhj recommend the one for Sports Jackets O MEN, here is your opportunity of stocking up from our complete lines of 0: -cmon IV 1 It an 4n Art'tm upe, w of course U's delicious! SHIRTS ' k5P0RT fOOP MM mm GROUP 1 You will ccrlairily be proud to wear one of these. Reg. $32.50. 516.95 GROUP 2 O See these for sure. Reg. $18.95. N0V $10.95 GROUP 3 Lovely Jackets. Reg. $22 93. For S$ Rim $4.95 $4.00 $4.00 $3.00 SHIRTS Reo. $7.95 ... UaMiy ;iU fflWyflSi I. IN 0 OUT ALL WOOL Yorirs for $g.95 R-g. $12.95 Cowboy Shirts Tartan Shirts '7c GET YOUR FAVORITE TARTAN ALL WOOL COWBOY SHIRTS these are a real buy $10.50 now 4,95 AT THESE LOW PRICES: nnOUP 1 GROUP 2 R2g. Reg. $8.50-54,95 . g. $8.50 .. $5.95 i Vi TaUM Salt 1 1 up Milk , lt Tpen Vi Cup Com 1 Teupoo 9od of TMUK Crcnl X Telw i Cup Shortening 1 Cup !rt4 M-purpnM Vcm 4 Hup CunaHa Corn Starrh 40 OFF OM ALL WORK SHIRTS AKD 1 )t t'.una Sum CrcHin shorleiiing in mixing bowl until light mid fluffy. Sift dry inumlienU over cn-nnitMl dliurteiiiiiK. Add milk and vnill. Stir until all flour is dampened, then Iwal 1 A.i JlHtV.Ir? N so j jj 2(10 atrotes (.bout 1 V niinu). Scrip bowl .id spoon often throughout wtM mixing. Add unbeaten eggs and beat 2o0 stroke. Bake in two Much 'J".. cake pa!Ui in moderate oven (3o0 S.) 30 U, 40 minutes. Krost with your Uvour.l boiltxi fnwting- ACME. CLOTHING J . 359 633 3RD AVENUE WEST FH0. i a ; "ii 1 - : ! f TKis sdvertisenent is not published r displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of , British Columbia. - 6GD OQQGGD P.O. Bo Unuted, Slarch t'omp.l IJU, Moutreal. ,