r - - , 1 mw f Saturday, October 1, 1949. 7T.W ,1 ( V ' 1 71 J - Our Stock f famous McLEOD RIVER COAL Is Complete hi ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Bazaar October S and 8. Civic Centre Bridge, Oct. 7th. St. Andrew's Cathedral Con- Shiffer- Moose Whist Drive and Dance every aSturday night 8:30. R. M. Wlnslow sailed Thurs LUMP EGG NIT STOKER j gregational Dinner, Monday, day night on his return to Vancouver after a brief visit here Hillman Cash lor old gold. Bulger'. William Terry returned Thursday evening by train from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mavis Colclough announces re-opening of her dancing school for children. Information and appointments Blue 480. (235) m October 10, 6:30 p.m. on B. C. Packers business. r-7f AKSr"? ft' r Presbyterian Tea, October 13. Job's Daughters Faitfiion Show ahd entertainment, Oct. 21, 8 Norman Nelson of Nelson CLOTHING Bros. Fisheries Ltd. sailed by the Prince George Thursday night on his return to Vancouver. Col. A. W. Sparling sailed irt&McCaffery Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Perry on the Prince George evening on a holiday trip to LIMITED rilONE 118 p.m.. Civic Centre. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. Jfied advertisements brino results Thursday night by the Prince George on his return to Vancouver after a visit here on War Assets Corporation business. J. A. Findlay, Indian superintendent for the Queen Charlotte Islands, sailed by the Co-quitlam last night on his return The better British Woolens, comprising the Shiffer-Hillman collection, are now ready for your Vancouver, Victoria and eastern points. I Ratepayers, Parents, Aldermen, Teachers, Trustees, meet at Booth School Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. to 10 p.m. for forum discussion of school bylaw. Under sponsorship and direction of Parent-Teacher Association. (231) Mrs. A. Eastwood, who has been visiting here with her son 1 I.O.DE. Chapters FaU Biz- aar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. "Aren't you even going to thank me for setting the table?" to Masset after a brief visit here on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. George Rorie and son, David, returned to the city on the Princess Louise this Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. S.O.N. whist drive and dance every Friday. (246) AIR PASSENGERS end daughter-in-law Mr. and kin In odvanfid P 1 n 'i on rnf pi I . f.n CITY ART CLUB HOLDS MEETING ''"P . . ....... .4 l......,!, m I n I morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver. To Vancouver Mrs. A. Eastwood, R. Campbell, Mrs. N. Watson, J. Brockwell, J. T. Baxter, T. Morris, T. Moorehouse, P. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS I Notices Sue, uaros oi j nanus, utaui nonces, Mrs. J. W. Eastwood, left by today's plane on her return to Victoria. mMA We do iot spend money on education. We Invest it. Bulld- SEALED TENDERS addressed .to ana engagement, niuiuuncemeni; 94. IUirna"e ilAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE ... ...... j ...... Ten. , on1 prince RuPert Art Club held Chell sailed Thursday night first of Its monthly meetings the PHn r, iw tr.h t the UmvKS run Ill-NT lng character and citizenship rwan ffiii Htio of the season Thursday eve- ,incest grati- Your selection will be endowed with character by the skill of Shiffer-Hillman tailoring, and fitted, with a care that is in keeping. s, 10 our many Williams, W. Bowdring, H. Brock-, J .nd ' lngton, F. Retzler. 1 supply of Material required In con- j , TO Sandspit ' J. H. Helin, ' R. nectlon with Excavation oi a Water , . stage Recorder Well and Erection of Harley, D. Secord. C. Secord. sh,lte7on Skeena River near Usk. ! From Vancouver J. D. Bar- Erltish Columbia, will be received tcr, Miss E. Head, Miss M. Head, tioon T: October , 24th, 1849. for this work. I tt. ueeiey. pialls ani specifications can be From Sandspit Mr. Chabot. seen and forma of tender obtained jpreciiiuuu vi nd Iralnlivg our young people He was accompanied "by Mrs ning at the home of Dr. and Mrs. for effective living is an invest- , . L. M. Greene, Borden Street, ment. 6Utlstlcs show that it '' Members welcomed the return costs more to care ior a prisoner Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith and to the city of the club's honor- FOR RENT Furnished suite, clean and warm, for couple. 1160 Park Ave. Phone Green 224. (231) FOR RENT Warm. Two newly uecoiated double sleeping rrwm.4 nnri hoard Phone Rhirk -4 U)KCI1 uu v whicn came Lvemeiit in the for a year than" it does to pro- daughter are sailing by the ary Vice President, Miss Jeanne 1 i !ie a"" , at the office of tne District tnm ak especially Coquitlam tomorrow night on Faure. their return to their home in Resignation of Miss Gerald- Power eer. Domlnio., Waier and 660. ' UI) I vl(le a year's education for one pup11- Invest ltl the future ot FOR RENT-Troln ed apartment. 801 Borden St.1"- boy and girls. Vote "Yes" Advertise m ti e Lrally News! Street, Bureau. 744 West Hastings jjt ior his con-js and Family. Vancouver. B. C. Tenders will not be considered Ui) lor the School By-law. October IsAll Seattle after a visit here with lne Cade as president was re-Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr and ceived with regret and Mrs. J. Mrs. Fred Grimble. T. Harvey was elected to suc- ! ceed her. Mrs. L. M. Greene was Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace, elected to replace Mrs. Harvey, after having spent the past WnrV rtnnp hv mpmbPrs durine 6th, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Civic Centre. (It) FOR RENT Tourists sleeping room. Phone Red 471. (tf) 1 British calibre, H model rn 1 1 ASTHMA I red rlilt-s wun unless made on .ae forms supplied by the Department and In accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank In Canada payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister .of Mines and Resources, or bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Railway price oniy May we suggest that you choose early and take advantage of the season's new 1 patterns. WANTED TO RENT By Dec. summer at Sunnyside Cannery tne summer was displayed. It 15 or Jan. 1, 3 room apart- on the Skeena River, sailed bv -k,. AND HAY FEVER xM delivery. FOR RENT Attractive accommodation for bachelor In home close to town. Private washroom. Relerence. Apply Box 586 Daily News. . (230) SALESMEN WANTED" BKUATHEA&Y OI- Write ior ment. Apply Box 583 bally - prin,,, r- ' ThnrWv was aecloea "T, Z . ' News Office or Phone Black ne. ,rnnce. rge Thursday ,eetlns at the civic Centre, at l,tI. Vancouver, nption. Muney 608. 1 it satisiacwry. (tf) night on their return to their home In Vancouver. I CO., yut'i-n Company de;Klted subject to the order of the Minister of Mines and wfliicli sketching from a live model ,a fisherman, will be done. A tthe conclusion of the meet- 31 -Man Power Sales Proposi WANTED Metal, copper, brass, and car batteries. See B. C. Furniture. Good prices. (2541 A. J. Lancaster sailed by the ,'it chesterfield ..titer, cheap. Resources, in the amount of ten liui per cent of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited If the hirider fails to execute a contract SITUATIONS WANTED , ing, refreshments were served SITUATION WANTED Twill a visit here with his son-in-law . bv tne hostess. :i trolling boat NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held at the ofllce of the Workmen's Compensation Board, 411 Dunsmulr Street, Vancouver, B.C., on October 17, 1949, at 10 tion New Patented tool multiplies mans mrength 31 times. 2-min demonstration sells 1 to dozens to railroads, transports, public works, briops, factories, electricians, police depts. Every auto, bus truck, streetcar snould carry one. Lint, compact, low priced. Look at earnings one UiDDfd. Phone iinjR 1 n'i LTtntta ut r airvir w . , , . , - - - fun. and 2 p.m. aim uauutci, ivii . aiiu ivna. Jb. W. Smith i Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Derry, month. (242) uov. rioat,s at $3.00 a J. Blake. Boat K.O. If required to do so, C. E. Webb. District. Engineer, Dominion Water and Power Bureau, 744 West Hastings Btreet, j Vancouver. B. C. I formerly of this city and now . ! ,.t,clHfrff in Vnlmimn nrrivpfi in ; Deluxe 6 Pon- Rev. I. G. Sieber of Prnce Ru i Her, took, cx- for the purpose of con- .- Dan D T I X f . . 1 1 , t , ,f . t , ,, ThKlau ni.rVit. f (T a a.m., Phone Black Bentember 29. 1B49, SITUATION WANTED Expert- enced stenographer wi.'iie.? : part time employment. Box 588 Daily News. (230) SCHOOLS AND "COLLEGES " Bering the adoption of revised race. Rev. A. W. Lawton of Port week's visit. On the way here i2il iBALAGNO Florists 1 n 1 Department of Mines and Resources montn Maurice averagea. $010 weekly lor several weeks. Brown earned $556 spare time. Many doing well. Grab terrl-l tory now or wish you had. Paicoseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall! S't Ford station Fbone ureen ibi dox um Mines. Forests and sc-.enimc Services Bratoch. Vancouver. B. C. Regulations for the prevention of accidents in the construction industries " which eome within I Back 810, 7 U) i230 (230) Simpson and Rev. J. Matthews they visited In Prince George of Hazelton were among several and Burns Lake. Next Thurs-deleirates who sailed Thursday day night they will sail Ior Van-night on the Prince George for couver on their way home. Ocean Falls to attend a session , . ... ,-, .v, who , t,,, D Dw.-, Col. A. Hamilton Grant, the scope of the Workmen's Automatic CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS " PREPARE NOW for Fall and Winter Examinations. Write M.C.C. School, 301 Enderton I3M(f Winninpv Man (hi Compensation Act. 15 OiU. ' " ") MALE HELP WANTED ILie British Columbia Civil tad records Dated this 1st day of October, M furnacette NOW AVAILABLE 112 & Ave. W. eVCoTc:: as been stationed here for U,e;l9-:! (2311 1 Service Requires An iwitrt- . MEDIATE CLEHK, GRADE, li BUSINESS orPOHTl'NITIES past icoupie oi years as m-parv-Peter DeJong, for many years ment of Veterans' Affairs business here and now iden- resentative ait the local Unem WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BOARD Jtof ode A-l .fiW, Phone (232 IfX-One Wells- ilor ihe B.C. Forest Service, Prince Rupert). I SALARY $195 00 rtsing t to, $237.00 per month, including current Cost-of-Llvtna Bonus and Special Living Allowance. QUALIFICATIONS High School Graduation: at least. 5 vcars' clerical experience, -i J-nnriiriHtps must be British FOR SALE Boat building and repair shop with valuable waterfront lot on Cow Bay, boat shed 70' by 60' with four grids, two under roof with all tools, bandsaw, circular saw, portable skill saw, sander, drills, electric - motors, paint snrav etc.. all in A-l eondi- LUXURY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservation! Tanaem log-uppfl with 15 '. reconditioned. ployment Insurance Commission office, sailed Thursday, night on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to Kamloops to become personnel officer in the ammunition depot of the Royal tifrcd with the B. C. Packers, travelled from Wadhams in Rivers Inlet to Namu on the steamer CoquiOam Thursday night. He is engaged in stocktaking at cannery stores and subjects, under the age of 451 tton. Futl price $3,500.00. R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave. ! Phone 88. . (232) later. Canadian wavy, ne wa accom-thls will be in Prince Rupert month. Panied bv Mrs rant- cash. Apply to Gen. Diliv'ery, BC. (231) l's bitvcle. al :ie Black 910 1230) Dominion Clr-1 dining room Mered chairs: SMITH & ELKINS PLUMBING AND HEATING Phona 174 P I. Box 274 (except in the case 01 ex-scrv-Ice men. who are given preference). Application Forms obtainable from the Government Agency. Prince Rupert, the B C. Civil Service Commission. Weiler Building, Victoria nr fiSfl Burrard Street. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL ATTENTION EBY & SONS Contractors : 1 Morns Vancouver, to be returned to jreen 182. Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (231) the Chairman, Civil oeryice Commission. Victoria. Not Later Than October 8th, 1949. REPAIRS - REMODELLING sell cheap to ;:5 xuud home snored don 1230) FOR WE HAVE THE RIGHT BUYER FOR YOUR HOME! Take advantage of our excellent list of PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. For satisfaction and prompt action, place your, listings with the ... . PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. rHONE GREEN 6G7 BOYS AND GIRLS Opportunity for earning, after school hours bv delivering Daily FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green M Box 588 iJsed lumber all 629 6th Ave (f) Highest Quality in Your Printing News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at '"'OWN NAmE Snivels. Dally News office. ( Adam- Uuefiifri bios. ,'Jd Hunienanc Men r,i!in,,i,ii REAL ESTATE AGED FURNACES, Avail yourself of our experience and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 FOR SALE Modern house containing 4 rooms, bathrooni and ,,Klt Grapples; HEAT ROBBERS -..wcic mixers; rucks; Nelson "tur Stockpile The owner of an average pantry with attic ana iwr-ment. On main highway, suitable for Celanese Corp. employees Furniture available If required. Cash $2100. Apply Box 589 Dally News. (235) SAVOY MOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT fflb ai. nice f Pumps; Scrapers and hnatintr svstem five or more years old is warned by National Warm Air Heating Association P "Hs; National Pjanttary FOR SALE Six-room home' urit,h ihm-hnr vlpw on Ambrose mills, Nauoimi s and Cnnvruor. for the household nin trum Na: Uiat the odds are i to iu mo winter heating bill is at least 10 percent more than necessary. nV Co. Ltd . Uf) HOURS This is because out, ui iu V & Used Fumi- BRUSHES GALVANIZED TUBS CLOTHES DRYERS CARPET SWEEPERS BROOMS DUST MOPS PAPER TOWELS PAINT ROLLERS Avenue $3,500.00. With furniture, including Bcndix. oil range, Victor radio - phonograph, $4,500.00 R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave.. Phone 88. FOR SALE Six-room wartime house with fine view on Pltt-Rot Avenue, garage, $3,000.00. R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave., Phone 88. '233) older type systems oi iicaus o ro In npprl of repairing and ;'l os utlicc Fix-:,al Wood Kit- cleaning. Air leaks in and Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE ' ''-'iric Hot Vron?,' Cribs. . Mi, New 1,J around furnace combustion Pavy j-nlv pT? chamber, soot in the chimney or THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Fw Tea .-, o furnace, warped burned bars, HOUSE HUNTING? Check PHONE 101 corroding smoke pipe all create 255 THIRD AVENUE I Ullltaro these for value 7 room house, furnished or unfurnished, 'HauotviAnt arhnr view, im Moving, Packing, Cratlnf Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call . r Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited . Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 loss of heat right in the lurnace ".tt leship Lino- lowest prices. lFe Co.. Black 324 itself. Therefore using more fuel mediate occupancy. Priced low fnr niiir-k sal,, terms. 3 war to keep the proper temperature. PHONE 79 t Ud shincU. Heating experts report nm- time houses In good condition Vpru mnrlorn hmlirillOW. eX" eellont view. fireDlace. hot j. "O per bun- d-op siding " Ber t.hnu j. Fargo Trucks extras, home owners are "robbing Peter to pay Paul" through use of improper firing methods and negligence in furnace ruainten- Boorl luriitinn These are all SUPPORT THE SCHOOL BY-LAW uiousand. new listings so act quickly. See Armstrong Agencies. Phone AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 342 or Green 297 (eves.) (230) - (243) ,fd bating stoVeT - (2421 ance. The majority of costly repairs ......i'navp been avoided If PERSONAL HOLLYWOOD cafe I MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE- IN THE CITY FOUND Several hundred artH m followed a regular Arnbitious, TTT eles of clothing etc., aunns hP!.tln2 svs. heating y the past year at the Civic program of having Centre. Articles will be oni,.. lnsnected each year says 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab,' 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. display daily. 4 to 5 p.m. until i . association. Minor CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C- Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIRS 1 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and ; a to 5 p.m. HVKMNOH ! Monday and Friday. 7:30 p m. for ! those unable to come during tne ; day. RECEPTIONIST In attand- 1 ance afternoons. j OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. Tu 3:30 A31 We Specialize in Chinese Dlshei October 8th. Unclaimed arti- service eles will be disposed of at repairs can add wns"8";,;! e0 iLnesf- Matrl-a Box 587 Daily (2Si to heating systems and Insure Rummage Sale on Monday October 10th at 2 p.m. (H) i; 5 - - health and safety of iammt ,i SllMT-r,T. Perron at ci nhKnm skin ail tm for in nlM Rupert Motors Ltd Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 nJ?' .-General THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ments respond to "Kleerex quick healing Eczema, Psoriasis, Itch, Impetigo, Ringworm, etc. Two strengths medium, strong. Two sizes 'He l.irj. All rlnigrts1s. "H ,tn. Ont.