Prfnrc Hupcrt Daflp Hrtusf Saturday, Aprif 9, 1949 from club members. The presentations were arranged by Mrs. G. A. Hill and Mrs. C. A. Berner. Mr. Hull also received a vote of thanks for his work after his announcement that he would be unable to carry on the club's direction next season. He an TERRACE TOPICS Mrs. W. C. Osborne left on Thursday's train for a short visit to Prince Rupert. The Same FRIENDLY SERVIQ TAo CENTRE BRIDGE ' TOURNEY ENDS Club Winds Vp Highly Successful Season Civic Centre Bridge Club wound up its season's activities Friday night with a tournament that decided the championship and consolation winners among a group of 20 of which 12 were in the championship round and eight in the consolation Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS 3. JUNE, 1949 nounced that Mrs. G. A. Hill would take over leadership of the club. Refreshments, brought by the Power service has been extended in this district 'and the homes on Braun's Island have been wired for electricity. i t.w v...w . j m w ,WI v.i lcf70S club members, were served by Mrs. A. H. Silversides and Mrs. Agnes Murray. AppJicotio. and fv. imiH UNDER A NEW NAME The club also moved a vote of low thou APRIL IS, 194. 13$ COLLEGE STREET TORONTO li, ONT. thanks to Mrs. R. E. Moore fo Alex Wilson of the National Film Board drove into Terrace on Tuesday and left on the evening train for Prince Rupert. Continued on Page 6) Winner of the first prize was ner 'ork on ils behalf. Those taking part in the play Mrs. Agnes Murray, with a score of 7,030, while Mrs. A. H. Silver- offs were: Championship round Mrs. sides took second prize with' 5,590. Mrs. C. Matson took third Anes Murray, Mrs. G. A. Hill, row? I Mrs. H. Glassey, H. Wood- Dlace with a score of 4.600. IW mm BUUIS I ! )W PARIS The scores, as were those of,side- L- Christopherson, Mrs. C. the consolation round, were Matson, Mrs. C. A. "Berner, Mr, based on five tables of play. jA- H Silversides, Mrs. B. Rim-Consolation round winners mer Mrs- L- Chrlstcpherson. were Garnet Hull, who took first Mrs- A- Turcolte, Mrs. A. J. Cur-place with a score of 7,400. and son- (FORMERLY IIELGERSOVS GROCETERIA) I ft -W. f O. Ness, whose second-ulace ' Consolation round Ray E. HEADS SID DICKENS AND RAY SCHAEFFER, TWO OF PRINCE RUPERTS Lol score was 7,000. I Johnson, Mrs. R. E. Mocre. G. R. The evening was climaxed Hull MLss Mary Astoria, Mrs. VL.V DAYT0S G. 'R. Hull, Mrs. W. J. Moore-house, O. Ness. iuii. ifM v 1 1 1 lHtiK uuiuivitK-hKlhlNUS I U DROP IN FOR A VISIT LECKIE THE NEIGHBORLY LITTLE STORE ... 'WHERE SECOND AND THi with the awarding of prizes and the presentation of a special gift to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hull, who have directed the club since its beginning last fall. Mrs. Hull was presented with a bone china cup and saucVr FIRST JAPANESE RETURNS HERE AVLNULS -IN WEST PRINCE RUPERT. GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. PHONE BLACK 6 First Japanese to return to this P.O. BOX 737 part of the coast since the ban1 and Mr. Hull received a bridge set as tokens of appreciation, against their residence was lift ed on April 1 was aboard the Coquitlam from Vancouver Friday afternoon. He was T. EASTER HAMS? YES SIR! IN FACT, D. & 5. HANDLES A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CURED AND COOKED-MEATS. Kabayashi, who is bound for the i Kabayashi,' who is bound for I Queen Charlotte City. IFF'S SALE a'''1'''"'3 I ItHweeil f:. v. FOKIIFS And MRS. PHYLLIS m. MF.Rr.IUTII Under and by virtue of a Distress Warrant to me directed against the goods and .chattels of Mrs. Phvllis M. Meredith, formerly of 933 First Avenue. West. City of Prince Rupert. I have seized 1 THOR WASHING MACHINE With WRINGER fed j serial No. 120357 and 1 G M. Radio, serial No. 16735L. and on Thursday. IN THE FRESH MEAT LINE WE SPECIALIZE IN STEAKS, PORK CHOPS AND SPARE RIBS. Eggs - tecsh "teomm April 7tn, 1949 I shall ' offer the same for sale for cash at the Hyde Transfer Office. Second Avenue. Prince Rupert, at the hour of 2:00 In the afternoon at public auction, all the rieht. title and in tfrt at r1 hi the said Phyllis M. Meredith in the uoove goods. This sale Is suhlert tr tho cui The Canadian ?W of expressing tm hospitality i? to serve delightfully invigorating Burton I Ale "HAVE A CASE IlAf)Y AT ALL TIMES'' n Security and Municipal Aid Tax. uaiea at prince Rupert. B.C.. this 1st day of April. 1949. M. M. STEPHENS, Bailiff.! IH) Telkwa liairinms Each Week NOTICE OF 1TF.TKV TO APPI V TO IIKCIAK LANK Take notice that Qeorfte Roy 8to-thcrt Turner of Atlin. B.C.. occupation. Store Manager, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described laikis. J 1 1 I . : . . . FIRST-GRADE BUTTER, MILK AND COTTAGE CHEESE ARE ALSO INCLUDED AMONG THE DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD AT D. & S. commencing at A post planted on est bank of Atlinto River, approximately one quarter mile south of White Pass Wharf, at Scotia Bay on Atlin Lake, thence west twenty chains, thence south twenty chains, thence east twenty chains or more to river bank, thence north twenty chains using river bank as natural boundary and containing forty acres, more or. less. Dated March 24th. 1948 GEORGE ROY STOTHERT TURNER Name of Applicant in full. (A 2-8-16-23-30) ' i CD)AST c EISEWEISDES ASTHMA AND HAY FEV u " r.iv",: -j D. & S. MAKE IT A PRACTICE TO STOCK CANNED GOODS THAT ARE KNOWN AND APPROVED BY THE CUSTOMERS. BKEATIIF.ASY OF CANADA LIMITED i.kl taurnuver. Be. . UNWANTED HAIR pads WE P&PE OF THE PACIFIC i nwaniea iialr eradicated from the human body ith Karo-I'eln ointment, the remarkable discovery of Ihe age. Saco-Pelo kills the root of any hair! ' iH) i.ok-bi:i:r labor ATcTirrFT" 679 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C, . . . WHEN ORDERING, REMEMBER WE HAVE BABY AND JUNIOR FOODS TOO. VANCOUVER . NEW WESTMINSTER . VICTORIA Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT. STUDIO Film Finishing ErtUrginy Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B C Thit dvcrtisemenl it net nuklult! J:. -I I L .1 i . - . . r-... , uHI,ca Cy (ne uquor Lontf0, BoarJ 0f . lh n or unusn Columbia WE ALSO STOCK STAPLE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON, BAKERY PRODUCTS, FROZEN FOODS, ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, CHOCOLATE BARS, CIGARETTES AND TOBACCO. For j Construction Alterations Repairs S Deluxe Delivery Phone 383 Prompt and Efficient Service AFTER 6 P.M. CALL Anything Black 419 Anytime . - 285 Anywhere - 392 See GREER & BRIDDEN S CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS J 5 Floor Sanding a Specialty J; J 5C1 P.O. Box 721 NOW AVAILABLE P PHONE RED 656 RED FREE DELIVERY - TWICE DAILY ORDERS BEFORE 10 A.M. DELIVERED BEFORE LUNCH FIRST DELIVERY, 10 A.M. SECOND DELIVERY, 3 P.M. OF TASTY MEALS AT THE ELen Cafie VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1.30 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. for sotrrn queen CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, April 22, May 6, May 20. . FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, April 15, 29, May 13. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Chinese Dishes a SpeuaUy CHOP SUEY CROW MEIN Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 am. to 3:30 .m. Phone 173 for Outside Orderi SHOP with YOUR NEIGHBORS at D&S GROCERY JUNCTION OP SECOND AND THIRD AVENUES LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS