CABS 11 wmm onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" pre si VOL. XXXVIII, No. 84. PRTMrF .... RTTPFRT RP SATURDAY. APRTT. 0 1Q4Q BPTi'I VTVV t-vsrra .VH m f .wf 1 I mrt v v .V WM A tit V A O Tmise D on I w Ports Arte U U UUU i uateim Ijajinnk PROSECUTION ! TO BE AIRED O Viol ence Flares In Vancouver, Halifax LOGGING CAMP COOK HOUSE BURNS DOWN V BB I m-M 1 I ( A I jJQI j U-N. General Assembly to j J near nuuui mes ui neugiuus i I and and Leaders In Red Vassal States H(j U Labor Labor As the Canadian Seamen's -Union (TLX) strike The cookhouse of the Kum- H,ard "Over eaion Lake Logging Co., f-o miles against deepsea shipping entered its tenth day, the down coast, was burned to the walk-out spread to more world ports and violence Lment Principal grouna mis weeK, according to flared in Vancouver yesterday when the S.l.U. tried NEW YORK iff Over slashing Russian opposition, the United Nations steering committee yesterday decided to air before the General Assembly the prosecution of Joseph Cardinal Mind- word received in the city Fri- d labor and un- tu board the l.b.u. piCKeted ireigltter iaversiue. in rlav Patico nf the firo vac Va- l the part of em- lieved to have been an over- the Pacific Coast port thirty-five C.S.U. pickets were L "over-age per- arrested after a fracas aooara the principal szenty and other religious lead V heated stove. The camp's radiotelephone was destroyed in the fire, delaying reports. The logging operation, headed by a Victoria group, logs in otherwise s as far as eni-ince Rupert dis- the Riverside. The C.S.U. crew were earlier ordered to leave the ship by a Supreme Court injunction. They returned and .,...,i-v-;';.',-' x ft"-""'" - ers. The 14-man committee .rcted 11 to 2 with Iran abstaining to accept a proposal that 58 United -ned, said E. V. Unemployment Nations members decide whether threw ten of the crew on to a pier. The police then took a hand. Harry Perry Is President Named Head of British I , Columbia Liberal Association 1 Vote Change Left to Gov't I VANCOUVER 0i Premier the head of Kumealon Inlet on the east side of Grenville nel. Most of the logging is done 4 amission officer, human rights were violated at .enting on the la- religious trials in Hungary and Bulgaria. A on the shore of Kumealon Lake, a short distance from salt water. The logs are boomed in the lake and floated to tidewater. O of the Columbia in getting con- ,ie $35,000,000 eel- .V nearby Port Ed- Loss of the building and Byron Johnson won another vic-equipment is expected to hold yesterday as the British nn nnerat.inns for some time. krinclpai laciur in Leafs Win First Game at a condition sre sixty per cent At Halifax a waiting quiet reigned after yesterday's four-hour battle between the rival unions. Eigh C.S.U. pickets were taken to hospital, some Injured by flying missiles and other suffering wounds. Their companions said they were inflicted by riot gun wielding S.l.U. members who boarded three ships. Five members of the Seafarers' International Union (AFL) today faced charges in connection with a shooting fracas during yesterday's pre-dawn battle on the waterfront. The Columbia Liberal convention ad-men The camp employes ahput 12 opted a resolution giving the Personal' effects of Mr. and government power to decide the Mrs. Tom Doucette and John single transferable vote ques- vd as seeking em- AT FUNERAL OF FRENCH HERO GENERAL GIRAUD At left above. are three French generals who served for many years with General Henri Giraud, as they attended the last rites for the famous war hero in Paris. They are (left to right) General Niepel, General Wey-gand and General Georges. Giraud enjoyed respect of most Frenchmen, regardless of political opinions. n there were Irk in connection of the tion for itself. A resolution call- Orr, managers camp, h. mill. Including were lost in the fire. Their quar- ! inB ir an immediate cnange m the voting system at the next session of the Legislature was ters were in the same building. The fire broke out at 8:30 in the morning. No one was line job, is now ment to 250 men aal erection work way shortly, this be greatly ln- Downed Detroit Red YYi!i;s in Overtime Opener of Stanley Cup Play-offs DETROIT 0 Toronto Maple Leafs Today are on the right track in the hunt for their third Stanley Cup triumph. They got the "big one" a 3 to 2 overtime victory over Detroit Red defeated: Anti - coalitionists JAPS REALLY BETTER OFF fought the issue along with anti TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. V-Ui.) Vancouver Bayonne 00 Bralorne 8.55 Progressive - Conservative chiefs criticizing the government for Janftnese fishermen who re men, all natives of Montreal, were taken off a Halifax-Montreal train at Moncton by the Royal Canadian Mountel Police. They gave their names as Haivy f ,ortu';e of mm lo-;lied tracifs, it will LOGGER FLOWN TO HOSPITAL A Canadian Pacific Air Lines Canso piane and the city ambulance were employed Friday evening to bring an injured. logger to hospital here after he had been hurt in an industrial accident a few hours earlier at failure to include it in the recent session's business. The government can now deaj with the Pilgrim, Charles Lima. Paul M. turn t-o the coast with the intention of taking up their interrupted labors .after their wartime banishment will find them- .03 .09 1.24 Wings in the best of seven series ' opener last night. But they had ! to battle all the way for it! against the Red Wings who won ,o import workers, wr is still plenti-i.i reported at the . fllce, particularly .ije" men. . matter when it wishes. In a minor revolution, Presi B. R. Con B. R. X. Cariboo Quartz Congress Hedicy Mascot Payette, Ferdinand L a u d e 1 i n and Theodore Leger. 033i A I m m M M M -K t B If g dent Arthur Laing refused re-nomination which was inter .30 j selves', actually in a better po the regular schedule National i Hockey League championship. " u ua&uu k.ienced stenogra- sition - than before the war Surf Inlet. 100 miles down the rupted as a widening spit in t Pend Oreille 4.75 Pioneer 3.30 TOP T ALEUT ce althouth there coast. 1 Fishing licences being issued iDiiid be" office i 1 coalition ranks. Dr. J. L. Mc-j Dougall, party ' organizer, and .02-4 to them now are unlimited as iurtage of wait- TITO JOINS WEST BFXGRADF. Marshal , Tito .it to provisions eonce; ning vnc 10-C30 -4 ealiUi(.j ta 1 Uh-v -can Iiah. U j Ronald Howard, secretary, also ' turned' down "re -election. jSfter defiantly" servrif" notice today )H.COIICERT . ., Prince Rupert's top talent with a number of special attractions thrown in, win be on Joe Roskowskas, a 30-year old Vancouver man, is in Prince Rupert General Hospital receiving treatment for head and chest injuries received when the limb of a tree dropped and .05'2 They have just as much freedom s. . . 1 i,urk afuug 'the i. anticipation of f.'i of the fishing l a factor in tak-iiiitcr siack in em- Premier Border Privateer ... . Reeve McDonald Reno Sheep Creek Silbak Premier Taku River ....... Vanancia '. Salmon Gold Spud Valley as have white fishermen. This is a situation which did not a tmuituous session in wnicn uproar often drowned out speakers, Harry Perry, long - time I worker from Prince George and I 1.20 35 .26 23 14 07 Vz exist in the pre-war fishing days. Fair-haired Joe Klukay, 27-year-old right winger from Saul-Ste. Marie, tucked the victory sway with -a blazing backhand shot that found the corner of the net after 17 minutes 31 seconds of overtime. His goal broke a two-all deadlock and clipped the Wings who went into the game slight favorites -in the betting. Max Bentlcy and Jim Thomson scored the first two Maple Leafs counters. George Gee and Sid Abel were HEM TO struck him while he was felling a tree at the Surf Inlet pamp of Enterprise Logging Co. a subsidiary of Northern Pulpwood Co. The . Canadian Pacific Air Lines Canso, piloted by Capt. Bob Mclnnis, took off shortly before 5 o'clock on the 100 mile run. He landed the craf t at the Seal Cove air base at 7 o'clock after flying through rough At that time, following a government investigation of Japanese in the fishing industry, they were restricted to areas to which they had previously been accustomed to fish. Since their activities had been confined to certain areas of the coast, notably the Fraser ' and the SKILLS Oils-Anglo Canadian ; 3.85 A. P. Con 23 Atlantic 70 Calmont - 42 ' C. Si E 4.70 "Central Leduc 1.04 Home Oil 10.50 Mercury ...h 12.8,4 Okalta 2.35 former cabinet minister, finally accepted the" presidency. Laing refused to comment on his move. Howard resigned, saying: "I don't want any part of it. You can't get along with that fellow" (Premier Byron Johnson). j The convention banged through forty resolutions during the day and left to the government, as is its prerogative anyway, the calling of an election. ' One resolution called for the removal of the three percent sales tax on soap, school books and medicine. the Detroit marksmen. The Leafs defeated the Red marine institution, e a war casualty, . Wings in four straight games in d this summer to Skecna, they were required to remain within definite boundaries. Licences being issued to last year's play-offs. They beat squalls on the home stretch of that Yugoslavia feels free to deal economically with the west. He charged that Russia and her Soviet satellites in the cominform were attempting to promote civil war in Yugoslavia by attempting to ppr-suade his country's mixed population to throw out his regime. ROYALS ONE IT SAN DIEGO New Westminster Royals defeated San. Diego Sky Hawks 4 to 1 here last night to take a one-game edge in their play-off scries for the Pacific Coast Hockey League title. New Westminster $on the first game and dropped' the second. The fourth game will be played here tomorrow. CLOVER LEAFS AHEAD VANCOUVER Vancouver Clover Leafs defeated Victoria Y.M.C.A. 66 to 49 to take a two - game - to - one lead in British Columbia Senior A basketball finals. The fourth game will be played tonight.. display Sunday evening when the Rotary Club presents a concert at the Capitol Theatre aimed at raising funds to boost the city's quota in he Red Cross financial drive. Organized by T. Norton Youngs and Walter Smith, the show will smoke out the solution to a brain-teaser that has been wrinkling the city's collective brow for the last fortnight Whose are those sibilant syllables? Who owns the Mystery Voice? It will also solve in true academic fashion which of the. city's service clubs contains the highest calibre of brain power through an inter-service club quiz contest which will bring to -light Mr. Big Brain. Contestants ln this round of cerebration will burst on the audience from a shroud of secrecy, having spent the last three weeks in a tower of solid ivory, thinking solid thoughts. f crest of bout own- Montreal 4 tq 2 in the 1947 series. , the return journey, 'The next game will be played tomorrow night. the ' Japanese now, however, carry no such restrictive clauses. So far, no fishing licences have been issued to Japanese at Trince Rupert. parts of the coast, al long power boat ''mpia, Washington Alaska, which is start at OlympU far, this was one boating events of Pacific Pete ,. 2.30 Princess 29 Royal Canadian 09 South Brazeau .16 Toronto Athona 15 Aumaque .18 Beattie 49 V2 Bevcourt -22 Vz Bobjq U Buffalo Canadian 13 Consol. Smelters 95.25 Conwest 1 17 Donalda 50 Roskowskas was suffering from a scalp wound and rib injuries as a result of the accident at 2 p.m. Thursday when one treee struck another and a branch hit him. He was taken to hospital from the Seal Cove air base by the city ambulance. The Surf Inlet camp is at the west side of Princess Royal Island. RoskowKas, 53-yeur-old Lithuanian, is the son of Barge Ros- LOCAL TIDES Sunday, April 10, 1949 BANK BANDIT FROM PRAIRIE VANCOUVER & Robert Harrison of Alliance, Saskatchewan, was the desperate bank robber who was slain yesterday morn SCOTLAND WINS OVER ENGLAND LONDON, Scotland today defeated England 3 to 1 in an international soccer match at Wembley Stadium. Scotland led 1 to 0 at half time. High 11:19 20.1 feet 'd attracted cruls-f boats from Cali-n, Washington and' ibia. st of navigation-w artual race, the 'i.V a ni'prliotnrl 1., 23:53 20.6 feet Low 5:18 6.3 feet 17:39 3.4 feet Eldona 57 Vz East Sullivan 2.80 ing as he plunged from the Cana p - j.. tun i,v u lUg pre of the various, dian Bank of Commerce branch 6.10 .3812 Edmonton and I hi. of kowkas ln Vancouver's Commercial Drive F -e m advance the ln winch They ex- district with $3000,, cash. . Hie 930 miles from St.raicht - shootinc Motorcycle own address is given as it uun-levy Street.. Vancouver. He was employed ts a faller. "'M to destination I Policeman Cecil Paul shot Har- Giant Yellowknife God's Lake Hardrock Harrtcana Heva Hosco - Jacknife Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan Lapaska Little Long Lac .... a arriving at the rison between the eyes as the that predicted latter held five-year -old Ian 11 the winner I tt..i,k. n Kiiri .18 I .07 I .083,4 .21 'j. .04 Vz 36 .10 .10 .80 .14 i & part in ,,. Audience members will have a chance to win prizes in the "Doctor P.R." quiz. In addition to the quizes and contests, however, there will be a rich assortment of other entertainment. As a matter of fact, every major musical group in the city will have a part the -Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra, Shrine Club Band, Rotary Male Chorus and the popular Four Dukes Orchestra. Other musical talent will include piano solos by Mardell Soiland, a little girl with a big talent, accordian solos by Mike Colussi and vocal solds by Rowland Miles, tenor. In all, the program, which will begin at the conclusion of church services, will be of about two hours' duration. Harrison, wearing a wliite maslf pntprpH the hank shoot- FRENCH SHIP DUE SUNDAY f;ial:e two stops en- ;''ea-Nanainio and,ing. He shot the branch man- Lynx agcr, C. T. Scanlon, in the chest - Madsen Red Lake 2.95 and leg, wounding him critically. It is thought Harrison may have been the same bandit who held up a bank in Victoria a few months ago. 10 withdraw "GTON-rnH..! 'i " L .. , .. and nnounced Friday .J0 -"it ruJioenri miii(..... li McKenzie Red Lake ... .45 McLeod Cockshutt ... 1 05 Moneta , .46 Negus 2-40 Noranda .'.... 54.75 Louvicourt " 15 Pickle Crow 2.12 Regcourt Q5 - - San Antonio 4.05 Senator Rouyn G4'z Shcrrit Gordon 2.02 Steep Rock 1-50 Sturgeon River 17 Silver Miller -40 western Germany the l'rposed (;..r. Mrs. Jack 'toarehant returned to the city on Thursday afternoon's plane from a trip to Vancouver. f 11 Republ c is set ' M aV . y f rf THE WEATHER Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast with occasional light rain, becoming cloudy with showers this afternoon. Cloudy with widely scattered showers The 10,000-ton French freighter Vire, out of Antwerp and Portland, is due to arrive at Port Edward Sunday morning to unload 1,000 tons of concrete reinforcing steel for the Watson Island plant of Columbia Cellulose Co. The vessel, commanded by Capt. E. Debris, will take about three days to unload, then leave for Seattle. The cargo will be handled at the Watson Island dock by longshoremen of racific Stevedoring Co. The Vire (p r o n o u n I e d Vir-ec) came through the Panama Canal from Belgium and discharged cargo at Portland before continuing here. She is the first deep-sea ship to tie up l the former American army horseshoe dock in Porpoise Harbor since the end of the war. F ME V . .4 . I itA A V: .ll ONE COME ALL iRKU CROSS VARIETY CONCERT UA1)I S,I0W fp.1 olTk htatre' Sunday Night at 9 p.m. Sunday. Winds Southerly, 20 miles per hour, in the exposed areas of the Charlottes. Southeasterly (30) gusty ln the vicinity of northern Vancouver Island, decreasing to southeasterly (15. Little change in temperature. expert's Top Musical Talent. 1 "zes ( BASKETBALL PLAY-OFFS TODAY 7:00 Girls' League Finals. 7:45 Table Tennis Finals. 8:30 Co-op vs. Bo-Me-Hi. Regular Prices Tickets Now on Sale EASTER EGG ART AN OLD, OLD ONE The custom of exchanging eggs at the Easter season is almost as old as time itself. The Egyptians colored eggs, we are told, and little Hebrew boys tapped eggs at the Paschal season.. In all lands the egg is associated with the spring festival and is typical of life's renewal. In the Christian church Easter represents the resurrection, which is the new life of the soul, but the earlier and pagan origin of the holiday lies in its significance of the time when nature renews life in the sunshine of the spring. In- Russia, they dye the eggs red to represent the blood of Christ and the exchange of the brightly tinted egg is part of the observance of Easter morning. The actual design of these eggs is an art practised by Canadians vho observe the traditional celebration of the Uiiraniau Easter. Ilify the Wu6 lor P'R' Qulz Prgrm- I U1 be Mr 1-1116 My8tery Volce?????' n L i ' B'K Brain on the Bell and Buzzer Quiz? Lows tonight and highs Sunday At Port Hardy 40 and 46, Mas-set 35 and 45, Prince Rupert 35 and 45. ounday Niiht. Taniinl Theatre -r-'? w-.-w- p.m.