TODAY 6:50 - 9 p.m. vVONNE )r Prince Rupert jDailp 0tm ' Saturday, April 9, 1949 Waterfront 1 SUNDAY MIDNITE-MOyJ PEOPLES STORE SEMI-FINALS fW BADMINTON Joe Chell vs. B. McChesncj and John Schild vs. Don Johnson were the semi-finals to be played today in the" teen-age section of the city badminton championship so as to be ready for the final at the basketball intermission tonight. The Ray Spring-Buddy Ratchword game was cancelled owing to delay in getting it played. ACADEMY AWARD N ai,.- I 7UUK MAI '"MUlt With ASSOCIATION PLANNING DRIVE Aims to Raise S800 Here in Support of Good Work St. John Ambulance Society, which recently organized a division at Prince Rupert, has set an objective of $800 in its forthcoming financial drive here, H. D. E. MacLean, head of the city division, said yester W I IT ACTED IUI l I J I L-l Tuna Conference Here Salmon Licences Being Issued Prospective tuna fishermen in the Prince Rupert district will have an opportunity to add to their slender knowledge of the business from Department of Fisheries men who will base their disclosures on scientific and practical data gathered last season. The department plans to hold a conference here day. $2.95 - $3.95 - $4.95 FIT FOR A QUEEN . . . PRICED FOR EVERYONE" RUPERT PEOPLES STORE The drive, which will oegln across Canada on April 11, will seek to raise funds to carry on its widespread public services and expand its operations to organize an all-railway division, which may be started in the near future. With this accomplished, he hopes to have a women's nursing division in training before the end of the year. Among services rendered by the St. John Division are general and industrial first aid on April 20 similar to those already held at Vancouver and Victoria, to which fishermen coming conference here. At the earlier meetings at Vancouver to Vancouver and Seattle vacation bound. and others interested in the in-'and Victoria, the experience of TERRACE TOPICS (Continued Hem rage 4) this year. Local expansion plans call for an additional men's division and possibly a women's nursing division. Members of the division which met at the Armory Thursday night were told of the financial campaign which will be Bill Robinson left on Tuesday's train for Prince Rupert. mm training, which is given free of cost, competitions in first aid skill, which develop techniques, provision of trained first aiders at public gatherings, highway safety stations and patrols. "There is a great field for such service in this district," Mr. MacLean said. "We certain the. 1948 operations will be reviewed and plans for continuing arrangements for assistance by departmental vessels during the coming season will be discussed. Dr. R. E. Foerster or Dr. J. L. Hart of the Pacific Biological Mrs. Robert Lacey arrived on Thursday morning's train to join Mr. Lacey who is a mechanic in the Terrace Machine Shop and Garage. dustry will be invited to learn of knowledge that has already been acquired by department investigators about the newly opened tuna industry. A conference along those lines was held at Prince Rupert last ; William Donald left on Tuesday for Prince Rupert enrof-.te Mr. and Mrs. J. Herberg left1 I Station will review scientific carried on until the end of the month. It will be directed by a committee headed by Mr. Mac-Lean and consisting of Police Inspector F. B. Woods Johnson, Dr. W. S. Kergin and John Ewart. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL RKVFV TAXATION DIVISION , - r . summer, summer, ' shortly snoruy ' after aner the me north norm on Tuesday for Prince Rupert data on tuna, collected last sea- coasts first tuna boom b began! where they . will stay for tue, 0ffiPPrs nf th nhrt.. ly would like to see good support in the financial drive which will make it possible." lann inp imnrmnT nn crivpn nnr. . ..... ....j fishing season. protection service assigned to at that time proved highly help NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED special tuna surveys and patrols last year will be In attendance 0m$ Special hooks used In the long- Having los't the ends or two oi his fingers on the left hand, L Newhauser of East Kwinitsa was brought into Terrace on Thursday's through freight for hospitalization. ful to the fishermen, even though it was based only on a few weeks experience. Acting Supervisor of Fisheries G. S. Reade Friday issued a statement regarding the forth- From April 25th to April 30th, representatives frao Vancouver Income Tax Office will be in Prince RupM Ihe purpose of :- ' (1) Receiving 1948 Tax Returns. line tuna fishery off the Japanese coast will be available lor a m a m 1 R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ft Prince Rupert's minimum $800 objective will be a part of the $100,000 British Columbia region's share of the $600,000 national objective. The St. John division which already is established here has an enrolment of 21 members who train weekly in general first aid work and specialized Dublic safety techniques. Aim examination and the question of possible steps to develop a tuna long-line fishery on this coast will be discussed. (2) Receiving Payments of Income Tax (l only those in the form of cheques, mor. Plumbing Troubles? LOWEST 17 ub,ttJ .... )1 takl orders, etc). of the division is to provide PRICES 100 UMcts '. '. ', 7te ! mw CALL (3j Giving tax information to taxpayers, trained first aid workers lor public gatherings or in case of V JNvA BLUE () 2 emergency. 846 Currently. Mr. MacLean is 2 workine with Canadian Nation al Railways officials with a plan ! S. J. GiMlis j j , D.S.C, R. Cp. - ) J (Doctor of Surgical Chiropody) 1 j( REGISTERED ? i S CHIROPODIST FOOT SPECIALIST j of 1 650 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C. ) THESE REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE LOCATED IN Til KILLAS & CHRISTOPHER IiLDG. 423 West 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, Bl (Please use side entrance) (r SAANICH Plumbing & Heating trolling licenses have been issuec" 1 If attendance overcrowds the limited space of the fisheries office, the meeting will be .moved to the Civic Centre. Captains William Earnshaw and Llewellyn Sheppard of the fisheries protection service, ho skippered the Laurier and the Kitimaat on tuna patrol last summer, will also be in attendance. . A spokesman for the Federal Fisheries Department recently announced that two patrol vessels will operate out of the Queen Charlotte Islands this summer, to help the fishermen locate tuna. A. J. Whitmore, chief supervisor, has also stated to a representative of the tuna industry that the department will for fisheries District Two, al ' though the amount of salmor. brought in has so far been Prince Rupert's finest Eating Place BROADWAY CAFE BEST FOOD BEST COOKING negligible. Boat owners, appar Commodore Gale ently have taken out their M licenses as a matter of course HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in without any immediate thought COMPLETELY RENOVATED " "Better Than Ever" of going out until weather and the City rasa fishing conditions are to theii liking. Hundreds of small boat owners are putting final touches beam three radio broadcasts daily to the fleet's 121 craft to I f At Hotel Prince Rupert for ONE WEEK ONLY from ! 1 April 18th to April 23rd. Telephone Hotel Prince RuDert for 1 Keep them posted on the run. OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. to 3:30 A.M. ' ' V We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CIIOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 131 to their vessels and it is expected that the next couple of weeks will see some action in the offshore salmon fishery. appointment. 1 Jj So far this season, 112 salmon I Best Food and Service in City j a Specialty CHINESE DISHES FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 608 WEST THIRD AVENUE Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders THQE. j Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. WASHERf ''fF'ff fTTff?'f?iJf f'f JlJf fT'f'ifftriiif nrt ir?i r riri ii"iHHMrMrnf!!!ntMifTii . 9 VANE SUPER AGITATU itir. o I II. TIIR WITH LIFE TIME MKCHANM SAFETY WRINGER THOR GIVES YOU MORE Point for Point Dollar for Dollar ; Here's the BIGGEST Washer Value Toda WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOIR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAT CASn PHONE 950 Only $150.75 Northern B.C Power (o. A PICKET FENCE TO MEM) OR A BOARD WALK TO FIX? . . . For Repair or Building Supplies PHONE 3G3 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors TIIONE 363 liKSNKKBlW STEWART. B PHONE 310 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Congratulations . '. . ; To MR. FRANK RAINBOW, 1152 Seventh Avenue East, Prince Rupert, B.C. Winner In The flOBiTJ HOOD f LOUR MILLS CONTEST , . (Tlif " " 1ST $1,000 2ND : - $500 - 3RD $250 To Enter, Send Your Name and Address to: Robin Hood Contest, Box 310, Toronto IMPORTANT Enclose Box JP f rm ROBIN HOOD Oats or Easy Mix and I HI I U It I Mil I DOUBLE YOUR PRIZE MONEY PRESENTATION TO MR. FRANK RAINBOW ON STAGE OF CAPITOL THEATRE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 8:35 P.M.- DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL EVENT. DOOR PRIZES AND FREE ROBIN HOOD RECIPE BOOKS. CFPRJVILL BROADCAST THIS PRESENTATION THURSDAY, APRIL 14, AT 10:45 A.M. i Listen to 'They Tell Me' 'Claire Wallace) CFPR, Monday, 10:45 a.m. for detailed announcement. MUWir wv.?... . its- a sparwe hKe NEW Aiiitl if M. IUI IH!- 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions i A: MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. OlTl STOCK OF BEDROOM SUITES IS COMPLETE. Oriental Walnut Butt Walnut Avodire Bleached Colonial Maple Birdscye Maple . . Trices from $150 to $298 Phone 775 We Deliver 327 3rd Ave. 251 Third I AJ GOKMS' CO-OP i? n W APRIL 11, IS A 11 mm AT LAST DAY OF n " "YOUIt FRIENDLY JEWELLEI r1 1 I