IS STAYING AT OTTAWA 2 prince Rnpm Dailp f3ctosi LtD. Monday, August 9, 1648 An Independent dally newspaper aevoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert nd all communities compr'slng noVthern and central British Columbia (Authorized as bccoud ,C'iiua Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) " ' Published everv afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prlnoe Rupert, British Columbia, O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 7.00; E$L5!H(5l -Angfe- Ly Mull. Per Mnth. 4Uc; Per Year. 4.00. I LETTERBOX j Editor, Daily News: I have become quite interested in the so-called "beauty contest" now in swing, having read about it several times. At first I thought it was a very good idea, admitting anyone and offering high awards. But as I read on I was disappointed to realize it is the usual thing a popularity contest disguised behind the inviting name of Applewhaite Rtmaina for Couple of Days Had Excitement on Train E T. Applewhaite, candidate for Skeena in the next federal election, is due home this Saturday from the national Lib-Aral invention at Ottawa where NEW DOUBLE WINGS FOR RCAF RADIO-OFFICERS A Worthy Choice . ..t jrd - . - i he acted as one of the scrutineers in the election of the new leader on Saturday. Following the close of the convention, Mi. Applewhaite is staying uver m of days to Ottawa for a couple take up with ministers and government departments matters affecting this district. On the way east the train in which Mr. Applewhaite travelled ran into a caterpillar tractor crossing and the on a level engine was derailed, the train being five hours late in getting "beauty" contest. Perhaps when the contestants gather at Vancouver they will enter a real beauty contest one with chosen judges who know teuuty and know nothing whatever of the girl or her family. After all, the people of Hollywood, people who are interested in beauty, photogenic beauty, are not at all impressed by the girl's friends or her social standing. They look at Monarch is all that ii new. , th beautiful. flnL'inu -ri, .... .. ..umuihjuj styling, -wnen you iVAra 110 hp. engine and the m1B( advancements, you will krnmti, into Ottawa as a resuii. n.c tractor was demolished and burst into flames. The driver was able to jump to safety. the girl. It is rather foolishly indeal-; Ltic to hope that the patrons, no matter how sincere they may be, will study the girl her NEW DOUBLE WINGS FOR RADIO-NAVIGATORS NEW RCAF WINGS It has been decided that all RCAF aircrew are to wear double wings in the future. The new wings will be similar to the familiar Air Furce pilots' wings. RCAF Headquarters, Ottawa, announced today that radio-officers and radio-navigators, who together with pilots, make up the' present peacetime list, are to wear double wings resembling those worn by pilots, but with distinctive centres indicating the aircrew branch. hat entered a new stage o( J lor Monarch has bttn tedt, scratch, with nothing ltlj as the aim. In it comfort, engineering, you will ut , ....! .,.1 r.f t.....: J self. Will they look for personality, poise and naturalness till a part of beauty or will they consider which is most well-liked?. Even at my age I've seen quite We invite you to com in,J 1949 Monarch today. City Artist Back From Alaska Trip With two successful art exhibits behind him and .an invitation to remain and paint in Alaska, Bjorn Selvlg, Prince Rupert artist, returned to the city Friday from a month's trip to Ketchikan and Juneau. a lew so-called beauty contests j and find them all alike. I have seen girls with great beauty,1 not prettiness, poise and charm ' lose those contests because they ; were mere farmers' daughters. I AIR PASSENGERS From Vancouver (Saturday' W. May, D. Cumyow, A. Flee-tham, R. Kelly, A. Cagnney, R Ferguson, Miss Mc'Orath and M. Dohenic; from Sandspite -A. Kurdy and Mr. and Mrs. Mearns. For Vancouver t today i Miss J. MeCubbin, L. Onmble, L. Amadio, Miss I. Beaton. A. Flee-tham, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Little and D. Cumyow; for Saiui-spit Miss Joan Miller. BOB PASKHT I How about a fair contest? A j real beauty contest. I'm sure it I would be a much more worthy goal for a girl to work toward. : Terrace. PAT TUMILSON , GUIDANCE IS WORLD NEED Speaking from the text "The Lord God shall guide thee continually," Rev. A. J. Lawton, minister of Port Simpson, who is occupying the pulpit of First United Church in the absence on vacation of Rev. R. A. Wilson, gave an impressive and thought-provoking sermon yesterday morning. It was the (jrst of a series of two on the same subject. Mr. Lawton pointed out that there was the implication that guidance was needed. Children often thought that they needed no guidance but as they grew older, they realized the need for mm Letti St v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n He plans to proceed to the Cariboo district in the near future on another painting expedition, but not before he holds an exhibition of his work herve next week. Later he will go to Seattle. "The people of Juneau particularly seemed to like my work," he said. "I sold a number of paintings and was invited to come to " Alaska to live and work." The Juneau show, which he described as "very successful" was sponsored by the Arts and Crafts Association of the Alaskan capital. The Ketchikan exhibition was under sponsorship of the Ketchikan Professional Women's Association. While in the Juneau area, he found time to paint lour pic Boxed Su. tnTflupo ml CANADA, particularly the West, had a golden era during the regime of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his Liberal government. Under that happy administration the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway was conceived and actuated. Prince Rupert came into ; being and the great central interior country was opened up. There is no point in speculating now ;upon how different things might have been for : Canada and this part of the country had the election of 1911 not gone as it did. After all, there were factors of vaster and more overwhelming proportions i than mere Canadian politics which shaped the course of events and the destinies of this Dominion during the ensuing decades. Possibly, it is a good portent that the leadership of the Liberal party is now assumed and the Prime Ministership will soon be taken over by another rreat French-Canadian whose broad minded- ". ness and ability and understanding have been well proven despite the comparative fewness of his years '. in public life. There might have been sentimental ; favor among some westerners for a westerner as the leader and Prime Minister. But, on the other hand, will western Canada be at any disadvantage with an easterner with broad vision, such as ad- ; mittedly was that of the late Sir Wilfrid, in those ; influential positions? In the end, who knows we may be better off ! So there is good reason to believe that the choice of Louis St. Laurent at Ottawa on ' Saturday was good and timely. Remembering Laurier. the omen would not seem unfavorable. And, if there are those who look skeptically upon the choice of a'Quebecer and a French-Canadian (incidentally Mr. St. Laurent is half Irish and -half French by parentage), the overwhelming vote on the first ballot and the quickly developing unanimity of his choice were indication that his was no mere Quebec choice. In fact, two of the three ' candidates were from the French-Canadian prov-' ince. Now that the choice has been made, it is not un- reasonable. comment to contemplate under Mr. St. Laurent, a stimulated Liberal party and a government unified in purpose well equipped and able to deal with the weighty problems, national and international, that lie immediately ahead. Mr. St. .Laurent, it is true, is not a young man, ' nor is he excessively old. However, he will be able ; to surround himself, when he forms his administra-; tion, with many ministers of youth, some of whom, youth notwithstanding, have already great experi-' ence and proven ability and may well prove to he eouipped to carry on as leader when Mr. St. Laurent's time to retire comes. In fact," Mr. St. Laurent has every opportunity of organizing a "cabinet of i the talents." Mr. King told the convention that he would be happy to carry on "in the ranks" after re-" turning as "commander-in-chief." Mr. Gardiner - was quick to offer to remain as "spark plug" of the I Liberal party. The choice of the Liberal leader has been made : with clear decision and in fully democratic manner. ' It was a choice for the Liberal party alone to make and, if anv exceptions are made, they will be only from political bias or some sort of prejudice rather than from any legitimate misgivings or feeling from a broad-minded point of view that the welfare of the country or its administration is in any way endangered. A good captain, we would say, takes over the helm from such illustrious predecessors as Laurier , and King. "Patriotism Ls not enough. I J must have no bitterness orj hatred toward anyone," spoken Just before she was taken out of her cell in Brussels at five, o'clock in the morning of Octo-1 ber 12. shot, and buried in a ; shallow grave where she fell. 1 Mount Edith Cavell. Glacier, of the Angels, named after this heroic woman, on Au'usl 5, 1921,1 for devotion to God and man-' kind, stands 11.033 feet above, ea level and reigns resplendent j over the Athabaska Valiey. Its: snow-capped peak may be dis- tinctly seen from Jasper Park ' Lodge. Situated on Lac Beau- j vert, Jasper National Park. 20 miles distant. In addition to the mountain itself, there is neigh ".Vritinit Pith and tud Illustrated KUtiontn tjd tor younier mrmlwnilil it. The world needed It today, possibly more than ever before. Much of the feeling of frustration and even fear in the world was the result of lack of guidance. Did the peoples of the world but follow the guidance that was so freely and fully of-' fered by Jesus Christ there would be an end to struggles EDITH CAVELL MEMORIALIZED JASPER PAHtt LODGE In the beautiful little stone Anglican Church of St. Mary and St. George, Jasper, Alberta, nestled In the heart of the Canadian Rockies, a memorial service took place Sunday morning to honor the memory of Nurse Edith Cavell, who was a member of the British medical unit operating in Brussels in the early part of World War I, when the Germans suddenly took over the city on their march upon Paris, the French captal. Rev. W. E. Harrison of St. John Church, Edmonton, Alta., assisted by the Rev. G. D. Kel-ley, pastor of St. Paul's Church, Edmonton, who have taken over this parish for the summer months, officiated. Mr. Harrison chose as his subject the last words of Nurse Cavell: 518 3rd Ave. W. boring Mount of Burrows, on its; breast lies tiie other wing of j BUSINESS AND PROFES; the great Angel glacier, nestling between these two rugged rocks tures, all of which were sold during his exhibition there. The Alaska scenery, he said, was extremely beautiful. Mr. Selvig flew from Juneau to Ketchikan and returned from Ketchikan on the fish packer Sydney. He was accompanied by Mrs. Selvig. t while Lake of Forgiveness, with j its green waters shimmering m j i.the sunlight, lies at the foot of I MARGARET McLKOD OPTOMETRIST between nations and the Kingdom of Heaven would be an actuality. During the service the baptism of John Carroll was conducted by Mr. Lawton. This was of unsual interest to the congregation as Mrs. Carroll was the former Miss Swanna Olaf-son, the accomplished organist at the church for many years. Miss Way accompanied Mrs. Carroll during 'the ceremony. Soloist for the morning service was J. S. Wilson, who sang ''Lord, Make me Strong," with Mrs. Dakin as organist. ROCK AS this majestic peak. In New Office ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING ILLS. 4'.! f P'JSO ' New Phone blue rm PRICES REDUCED CFPR Radio Dirf 1240 Kilocycle- (Subject to change) V. on DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 705 P.O. Box HOI EE GENERAL ELECTRIC BEAi PerN' Bets': tit JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BE8NER BLOCK f.O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 101 4th HAN HOSE GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied. Besner Block Phone 387 r GENS Bulldlnul1 Roofs, CiiW PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE BLUE 810 Black 63' APPLIANCES and RADIOS Canadian General Electric announces reduced prices on Radios and those Appliances on which the government excise tax has been reduced or removed. This will result in substantial savings to the public on a wide range of electrical products for the home. Visit your neighborhood G-E Dealer and ask him to show you the line of General Electric Appliances and Rad ios at new low prices. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC co MONDAi -jr.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Lyle Evans 4:45 The New Mother Goose 5:00 Spring Time 5:30 My Kingdom for a House 5:45 Pops On Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:40 Recorded Interlude 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 The Tenth Man 7:30 Sunimer Fa' low 8:00 Date After Dark 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 Piano Recital 9:30 George Olson's Orch. 10:00 CBC Newf 10:15 Outdoor Fun 10:30 Olympic Game Reports 10:45 Let's Dance 11:00 Weather and Sign-Off TUhSDA-X A.M 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time 8igna. 10 :Q0 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodie 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story (CBC) 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Let's Waltz KM 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm. Broadcast 12:55 Recorded 1:00 Symphony Orch. Serrinf the Fisheries Industr-j Wells (P.R.) Ltd. j Cartage, Labelling, Welghln,? BLTJE 780 BLUE 980 lid ' mac saC Box J drugs y - y Cool and creamy tongue-tingling peppermint, richly coated with DDccrpiPTION Cnk smooth, delicious Moirs chocolate, & STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, . TT,AVCL12 0wm SUNDAYS .AAiJ 1 P.M. TO P 4 OIK Head OHke: Toronto Sales Ofllke. from Coai to Co ust rgentl Enie from Dally car delivery errtc ; from 0 a.- till P-"- Beyond question-ilne, &: PHONE 81