THIS AND THAT P?fn Rttjsetl Daflf T3tfcj Eta. 3 Monday, August 9, 1948 " - ' Pioneer Personalities i , z n - 'rTPinn" m ' - - i mimum ehnw. SOo. Birth Notion: Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter '; ;,tloe. Funeral MatlcM, Marring 7 TuiUBLI PRICE ivince. Plena refrain trom telephoning. J 15 payable .u FOK S-irfc ' ;-!; , to Hien" Appropriately enough, Prince: Ruperts first city clerk arrived away in advance of incorporation and in many ways was well equipped to take over his exacting and important duties from the very beginning ol municipal business. He was not present, however at the first meeting of the first city council. This took place In the Court House, or government Agent's building, which is now used as a museum. At the first sitting of Mayor Stork and Mr. Dalziel of the Kelly-Douglas Co. Ltd., Vancouver and J. A. Mawer, on a business tour of the district, drove Into town last Thursday, accompanied by R. H. Joyce, Kelly-Douglas manager in Prince ' ee Helen Bf it 6, Prince K"l ji August Mrs. John Gordon is a patient in the local hospital suffering from first and second degree burns received when the lid of a pressure canner blew off Friday morning. She was making applesauce and had moved the canner to the back of the stove when the accident occurred. Her face, neck and arms were sprayed with the boiling applesauce, causing painful burns which necessitated her immediate removal to hospital. :r, snail' .t) FOR BALE New and Used Furniture and Hardware. Sllgh'Jy used Bedroom Suites, Kitchen SeU from $12 50; Bed, complete $15; used Carpet in good shape; Occasional and Kitchen Chairs; enamel Wash Basim $5; Underwood Typewriter 'n perfect shape; Office Chairs; npw unpainted Book Cases. Other useful household ar Vernon Glass of Smithers arrived last week to join his wife and children who arc spending a holiday with relatives here. j, loving nm' ticles. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 32. (tf Id nnt noermen, a gentleman named Tattersall performed the duties of clerk and it was after this that Mr. Woods took over as the regularly appointed city clerk. Woods had plenty to think about, and be responsible for. The first council had weighty matters to consider when deciding on and carrying through to competition a variety of ser- you FOR RENT Drum Majorettes Aid Civic Centre ERNEST Rev. and Mrs. Schindel of Edson, Alberta, arrived on Thursday's train to take over the pastorate of the Full Gospel Tabernacle. vil wis purer FOB RENT 81eeplisg rooms. 80 Borden 8treet. (tf Woods came from Carlton, In Nottinghamshire. England. He I V Tli M.nUw kim. I nr. j II ' . FOR RENT Large housekeeping room in private home in town. vu:cs and accommodations nec-813 3rd Ave. Phone Orcn 720.! ""V to health and con- just came for supper!" Mrs. R. Hdiuer left on for Prince Rupert. tnev U' aml ,wr will Br,m' .rij by Aunty ( and Hilda, mi i venience of an incoming popu- (tf)' la lion THE MARKETS James Procter returned this landed in Prince Rupert prior to 1010, coming north from Victoria. His first job was that of stenographer for the harbor master, Mr. Bacon. A year or so later, he resigned to hold a similar post with David H. Hays, a brother of Charles M. Hays, and at that time, In private business Hotel. . from a visit to Ocean weeic Falls. FOR RENT One large housekeeping room and one sleeping room. 650 7th Are. East. Red 471. ' (tf) TERRACE The Civic Cen-tnre ticket selling campaign got away to a good start on Saturday afternoon when four pretty grils, dressed In the costume of drum majorettes, circulated through the busy main streets selling tickets to cheerful buyers. There were very few refusals. At the busiest corner of the town a booth had been erected and music over the loudspeaker entertained the afterrioon shoppers. George MacAdams and A. Yoxall were the announcers and helping in the booth were Mrs. S. G. Mills, ' Ernie'' was an Englishman. It was his job to keep the records, correspond, attend meetings, submit reports, meet people of varying degrees of im Vegetables Radishes, 2 bunches 21 Carrots (New) 2 bunches 25 Celery, bunch 23 Cauliflower, head 40 Arrivals , inving incni- nt.i N. Vantlatte returned to hi ar son. ' ; .son. Seafouh FOR RENT Flat, ftand Block. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Feldman, here. It was in the summer of 1910 that he began work as city Swiss Chard, lb 15 Apply Max Hellbroner, Jeweller. tf) portance and listen to all sorts of questions. And these were only a few of his obligations. Canada, who .1V(. service on clerk. He remained clerk for Minneapolis; A. R. Govett, Van- Turnips, lb - 07 Mushrooms, ib B5 years, useful at all times to the couver; R. Jure, Trail; A. ft home in Vancouver after spending the past month at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Selvvart Campbell. Mrs. W. Eaker paid a visit to Prince Rupert last week. changing councils. (Short, Vancouver; E. Q Bors- I Head Lettuce, bunch lo FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping room. 427 5th Ave. East Phone Blue 9G7. (18Ui Cucumbers, each - 15 Miss E. Head and Mrs. C. R. de Kergommeaux. Two weeks from today there will be another af MACHINERY frOR SALE An attractive dwelling at the tsrom, Jackson Heights, New-Junction of Fifth Avenue West York; R. Coburn, Prince George; and Borden and Taylor Streets T. R, Kelly, Victoria; D. A.-Mc-was built by Mr. Woods. Then, Donald Edmonton; E. O'Tool", that part of the city had ar;Sunnyside; c stewart Sunny-fewer homes than it has today., gid L R vision. Sunnyside; TO SAW better lumber more HELP WANTED SALES PERSON, male or female, preferably with some experience but not neeoi.-sary, for shoe store. Address replies, givng age, experience, s ilury expected and telephone number, to Box 377 Daily News. (187) 5reen Onions, 2 bunches .. .15 Australian onions, 3 lbs. '.'9 Cabbage, lb. i0 Rhubarb, lb i Spinach, lb lb Beets, bunch 2 for 2" Tomatoes, No. 1 lb - 03 Mrs. R. Macuonald, the former Marie Hall, arrived with her three children from Zebal-los to spend a holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall. nvlcome fool- loved so dear; his coming. is is near. : no! forgotten, vriii ever be; iff is memory, think of thee, vrtd by Mun, :fred by Mom. brothers. i It i ternoon for the selling of tickets and on September 4 the girls and Civic Centre officials will go to Prince Rupert to sell tinlrote fhoro onH tVi rirn a.ri t-rr sold out and moved economically use the modern and up-to-date type Naiional Portable Sawmills tnanufac-, tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf later he south. Mr. and Mrs. R. Walter, Spokane; R. McGee, Vancouver; M. O, New Potatoes, 6 lb Z for the lucky ticket will take Mrs. E. Buckholtz and day. were visitors to Prince Rupert this week. Steamship Movements Canned Vegetables Dill Pickles, gal 1.3r WANTED Wheeler, Sunnyside; L. Mc-Comost, Wrangell, Alaska; R. Knight, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. H. Oilliland, Hazel ton; F. Klein and son, Beach Grove, Indiana; fey. ;ut Green Beans, lo. 5 Peas, fancy TENULKS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders for School Buildings SEALED Tenders, endorsed "Tender for School Building" will lit- Portable hand '- Red 333. 1 188 1 Daylight aaving Time For Vancouver ' Monday ss. Princess Adelaide 11 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin and family left last week on a trip to Winnipeg. .17 .14 .if .25 .2: WANTED Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper, paying good prices. See BC FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 TERRACE TAXI CAR IS BURNED TERRACE, (Special to Daily News) Fire of uncertain' origin, starting in the upholstery of ths W. Sestcott, Sunnyside; W. Par-'Mixed Vegetables kin, Sunnyside; M. Madson, Sun-' )iced Beets, 2 tins amond engage-.sorlabie Phon nyside; S. Sykes, Sunnyside? T wax iieans, cnoice Lee Sunnyside; D. Forester, Uixed Peas and Carrots HELP WANTED .18 .16 Sponsored by the Terrace Civic Centre, three local girls have been entered in the Prince Sunnvside: Mr. and Mrs. A. r.;rumps.m Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday as. Prince Rupert 12:15 midnight. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. August 11 ss. Princess Louise, received by the undersigned up to and including August 17th, 1948, for the erection and completion of 1. Two-room school at Houston, B.C. BOYS WANTED Boys desirln.j Corn, choice Rupert contest for "Miss P.N.E." apiy 806 1 190 1 .Kterlield and ; r.ruUer Plume 1186) front seat, destroyed the interior of John Slkler's taxi c,r at 2:30 Sunday morning four miles from Terrace on the Lakelse road. Sikler, who was They are Colleen Whalen, Vera Miller, Edmonton; A. E. Fleet-ham, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. M. Dohanic, Steveston; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dragnick. Vancouver; Corn Niblets .2i Jaked Beans, 20-oz., tin 25 Jaked Beans, 15-oz., tin 21 Frank and Jean Kirkaldy. News routes should leave their name at the office as vacancies may be occurring any da WANTED A driver, class B license. Apply 112 Taxi, (tf) p.m. August 14 ss. Princess Norah, p.m. t ruit Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bolzln, Pipe returning alone from a trip to Lakelse, was unhurt. , I. Three - room scnooi ar Telkwa, B. C. 3. Three-room annex to High Dr. and Mrs. F. McGilvery returned by car last Wednesday irom a trip to Prince Rupert. Cherries, lb 30 RENT - Six- modern, on . Quiver leaving August 18 ss. Prince Oeorge stone, Mnnesota; A. A. Shipp, Prince George: Mr.-and Mrs. Apricots, lb 33 School at Smithers, B C J J215 p m Princess Louise O. A. Ray. Hudson's Bay Junc .21 Bananas, lb. woparato lenaers ior eacn' August 21 ss J. Dominato and Mrs tion. Sask ' Mrs. G. Lambly, Ter .10 p.m. August 25 ss. Princess Norah, Apples, cooking, lb Lemons, large, doz. ' Grapefruit, Texas (white), 1 daughters from Prince Rupert 3 , are spending a holiday with iaiit. 1 P;z- B-x 1M7 ili j Wjr!i.Te-.V?w-1 inside and out, h lara. J2400OO. Bert Bartlett returned Sunday night from a motoring trip to Burns Lake where, he says, more construction is going on than anywhere else in .the interior. In addition to a good-sized hotel, there are eight or nine other new buildings, making good progress. HELP WANTED Butcher, with grocery experitmce. Apply Box 375, Dally News, or Phone 659 between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (184i WANTED Oirl for general laundry work. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundry. tf Mrs. Dominato's parents, Mr. 100 s, 4 for ., (pink), 96's, 6 for .3 l:n 5 room j!s on 7th Ave. Oranges (Navel) 2 doz 47-.: Dates, lb ; bresb .tlilk Local Mrs. W. G. Rosenberg and Infant daughter of Sunnyside are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Judd. If J25(J 00, tnimnli- PERSONAL "n 6 room house race; E. Kerr, Downey town, Pennsylvania; Mrs. R. Gutter, Down-eytown. Pennsylvania; Mr. and Mrs. H. Fulton, Cassel, Calif.; W. H. Williscroft, Terrace; W. Smith, Victoria; Mr. and Mis. C. Walker and family, Butte, Montana. J. A. Duquay, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. N. Kelly, Oceanic; R. A. Pollock, Victoria; Mr. and Mr.. W. B. Boas, Ketchikan; G. Lloyd. Prince Rupert; Capt. A. C. Mac-Kenzie, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. Newton, Vancouver; P. C. Byngton, Modesto, Calif.; P. W. Byington, Modesto, Calif.; Miss R. Diskey. Vancouver: Mr. and THE TERMINAL LUNCH, under new management, hopes by school are required, r'lans ana specifications may be obtained from the School Board office In Smithers, B. C. on payment of a deposit of $23.00, which amount will be refunded on return of plans in good condition. A certified cheque equal to 10 of tender and payable to the Board of School Trustees must accompany the bid, as surety of good faith. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. Muheim, Secretary-Treasurer, Board of Trustees, Scnooi District No. 54 Smithers, B. C. Smithers, B. C. July 20th, 1943. (188) p.m. August 28 ss. Prince George, 12:15 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Camosun, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 11 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. August 13 ss. Prince Oeorge, 10 a.m. August 16 ss. Princess Louise, a.m. August 20 ss. Princess Norah a.m. August 23 ss. Prince George, 10 a.m. .22 .12 .25 Quart Pint Cream, pin I on 6th Ave. t '( foundations, s:ce $4500 00. clean, courteous, and efficient Mr. Hoffman spent last Wednesday in Prince Rupert, returning to Terrace on ihe train. service to justify your patron- I aee. m'i .0? I m 5 rooms and I close to schools :--iSt. Price $3800 - Mrs. McCubbin of Prince Rupert is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George S. Dover. Eggs Grade A: large cartoned, doz. Butter irst Grade, lb. Milk Evaporated Milk, 16-oz. tins, 2 for Case . . .73 FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in the Interior,- stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, Just half way to Prince Oeorge. tf) Emerson, ltd. 187 i M. O'Neil. Smithers; Miss Aucust 27 ss. Princess Louise Mrs. Mrs. N. Sherwood, who Is on the Hazelton Hospital nursing .33 7.7a staff, spent Thursday of this a.m. August 30 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. fiT MARINE REALTY week in town. METAL WOKK. F. Fennell, New Westminster; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sargent. Hazelton; Miss Marion Blac.c-lock, "New Westminster; MLs Edith Harrison, New ' PLUMBINO Installations and (J. CLAUSEN & SON) Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions For Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson TERRACE r :ln?s of . . . Sunday ss. Camosun, mid- repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Oravel. Roofing. Letourneau Si Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) light. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson S FOR SALE OR CHARTER 1N BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY PERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 216 4th St. I (Ml KUilSIHY M T Kv Oril(icnt of Title No. 27B43-I to Blocks Eighteen (181 and Nineteen (1HI, Townslte of Masaet. Map 046 exceptliiK 1,ot "A " of B'00'1 Nineteen U(. Townwt of Mas-i-t Map 46 shown on Reference Plan 1600. and Lot "B" of Block Nineteen (lttl. Townsite of Masstt. Map 46, as shown on Kef- ernce Plan 1601 . ..,,,c.ui.-au ..tttfifaetorv proof ol Phone Green 975 FOR TOE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ... See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Chev. Tracks Pontiae Oldsmobile G.M.C. Tracks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. August 14 ss. Princess Norah p.m. August 18 ss. Price George, 8 p.m. August 21 ss. Princess Louise p.m. August 25 ss. Princess Norah p.m. August 28 ss. Prince George, 8 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, midnight. . Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Monaay ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, 10 a.m. August 13 and 23 ss. Prince George, 10 a.m. For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, 11 P-m. Thursday ss. Prince Ruper, 12:15 p.m. f tioninz with Your Car? above Certlflcw of Title loss of tlie i .lie name of Nootka Pack- ',...,.-v na:m Limited has .... fu.i ,. this offioe, notice 1s 10 check before you leave to ensure a hereby Kiven that I shall, at the ex-fl.,., , one month from the date IRON FSKEtViAW carefree holiday: August 13 and 23 ss. Prince of the first publication hereof Issue August 18 and 28 ss. Prince Oeorge, 2 p.m VE Tl NE-I P Maximum miles per gallon of gas. "'ranee mrainai - cemncuie ui Provisional a i c-ertllicate, unless in August 16 ss. Princess Louise STOKERS GET 30 MORI HEAT Y P 'NSPKCTION-Safety and Confidence. f AI.KiXMENT Driving comfort when at the -ss. Princess Norah a.m. August 20 a.m. George, 12:15 midnigni. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert p.m. August 11 ss. Princess Louise p.m. the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Of-f.ce Pm.ce Rupert B.C., this 3lh Deputy Registrar of Titles. w H'ng distances Prevention of excessive tire SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery Service, August 27 ss. Princess Louise a.m. t not least a thorough LINDSAY LUBRICATION 'WaW'BlfHi IfirTTsJ it m every part of your car has been correctly and checked-includes untler-car inspection. MS AY MOTORS LTD. THE SKEENA MERCANTILE Your BANK Uses r t THE , Seabee Amphibian Plane YIN Non-Schedule Charter Service mm Commercial Hunting Fishing Sightseeing FOR ECONOMY USE . . . Wood's Industrial Paper Towels, Cromax and Germax Wax, New Ozium and Ozitox Spraylets, Dust-bane, Sisal, Triumph Mops, West-inghouse Lamps, Brodie Brushes. For High Quality at Low Cost, see PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE PHONE t:JU 712 Second Avenue ftSPAPEB i 1 ra;;BRIDDEH PERSJMD CONTRACTORS - Contrctioiv Alterations jJSanding V Specialty l61 U P.O. Box 721 SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 JJ A VI