PHOVIHCIAL LIBRARY, VICTORIA, E. C. 15 KAY 31,-49' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER DRUGS o rr DUO kit Prompt Service k. Dclaen IB Mateo H0NE 81 louxxlt?? "v. 100. MSt Strateic Pacific Port-Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." ! STAR V CABS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENT3 OVER K A ,A.W. er Momentous zmnACtrJAYWR ttrmined At a Kine and Week K A SAFE BACK AT JASPER- Three Mountaineers Return to Base After Being Missing JASPER a party of three mountain climbers, led by JS. K. Karcher. of Arlington, Virginia, and reported lost In the Columbia Icefelds region of Jasper National Park, have returned safely to their base here. - A rescue party of Swiss guide3, If 3en the newly-, the Liberal P S. St. Laurent, ... T K'n. ar ey ai uvuoscow prime : I a meeting be-to be held It is expected ,aer his resig-fernor-Genera1 the year, rer- Divergence From Gov't Western Envoys Meet Again With Molotov ;ir. St. Laurent under Ernie Neiderer, was scheduled to start out at dawn yesterday but the climbers reported safely before then. Mr. and Mrs. Karcher, and an unidentified woman friend, .all experienced mountaineers, started their climb over the Columbia Icelields on July 26. They had refused the services of t guide and Park officials became anxious for their safety when no -rV- tiT. Berlin Reports Feverish Activity of Russians In Arming Borders MOSCOW (CP) Envoys of the three western powers went again today to see V, M. Molotov, Russian foreign minister, and they conferred for three hours. Immediately after the conference, they went from the Kremlin to their respective embassies. Again there was no announcement of what occurred but it word had been received from Liberal Conventon Has Ideas Differing With Government OTTAWA Diverging definitely from declared administration policy, the national Liberal convention passed a resolution before it closed on Saturday calling for a royal commission on the freight rates Issue. The resolution was In line with demands of seven provinces western and maritime. The government had since last April been denying the royal commission idea In favor of having a parliamentary committee carry on the investigation. The freight rates resoluton was the foremost in a 21-point all-inclusive platform to which the party put finishing touches. The platform was designed to guide government policy and win , form a new jme in a geti-speaking Caii-leader.ship f and will soon mister in tin' Stephen fet. r. unparalleled of the party o!d minister captured the aith a major- the final day .ami conven-, defeated tw jitural Minis- 64, and Hon. and sewn won six thousand rty supporters (invention ha': of applause. PREPARE FOR THIRD PARTY CONVENTION-Convenuon m.magei for the Third Party, Ed. Mayer of New York City was aided by Ooldle Kleincy (left) and Murial Scott as they opened headquarters for the Third Party's national convention In Phila uYiphla. Twenty-five hundred delegates attended the convention at which Henry Wallace got the nomination for U S president and Sen. Olen H. Taylor for vice-president. them over a period of twelve days. E. B. HARKNESS, who has been appointed Industrial ? Agent, B.C. district, Canadian National Railways, Vancouver, in succession to R. A. Wyman, recently transferred to Kelowna as assistant superintendent. Mr. Harkness conies west after having been with the Industrial department in Montreal since 1927. Heis a native son of this province, having been born at Trail, and served In both world wars. was said unofficially that there had been "hard bargaining" on the Berlin blockade and the question of currency. It had been authoritatively learned that the embasies had received during the weekend expected instructions from their governments following their report on last Friday's meeting with Molotov. It is now a week since the envoys had had their Mr. Karcher said that they had intended to be away for about ten days and had sufficient food for a fifteen-day trip. They were warmly clad and had every kind of mountain equipment necessary. On their arrival in Jasper village this morning, all in good BRITAIN AND FRANCE ARE HARD HIT BY STORMS OVER WEEK-END MAN INJURED IN BOAT BLAST A gillnbt fisherman is in hospital here today recovering from burns received when his boai exploded at 7:30 Sunday morning at Nelson Bros, cannery, Port Edward. The blast destroyed one 32-foot boat and dam LONDON (CP) At least twenty-two persons are dead, crops have Ix-en flattened and wide areas ,health- nal1 and hearty after VOTE DOWN most enjoyable experience me vicwr flooded following week-end storms in Great Britain the next election. The platform was laregly i:i line with the present trend of ot was needed COALITION . Laurent. 84o through the Icefields region" they immediately reported to Major James Wood, superintendent of Jasper National Park. aged another when fire followed. and r ranee. Damage at the French port of Brest alone is estimated at more than one hundred million francs government thinking but of ten resolutions adopted at the final session of the convention on Sat previous talk with Marshal Stalin. The western power envoys, seeking basis for talks with Russia on the German crisis, have now had five meetings here, one with Stalin, three with Molotov and one with V. Zorln, Natonal Liberal Convention Ls Unalterably Opposed w. 56 The:e ;cs empowered indicated thai cir ballots, n were nomir.- Injured was Bert Jorgenson, 52-year-old New Westminster fisherman. He will be In hospital for some time recovering I from burns on his face and urday three definitely strayed from administration policy. Another resolution contrary 0HKKHCKKirtJ CHJtKHWKICKKJOO CKHJOOO tail UO-Q CKXOHKKH'V) : : TOD A TS STOCKS : : Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. OTTAWA Unalterable opposition to coalition with any other party was one of the important deputy foreign minister for to present government inten- hands. n c main ran-: ' w before the They were the adminis- resolutions which was passed by j Uons would have Jorgenson apparently went to VtaslistobotV the national Liberal convention 1 tration subsidize low-cost hous- before H closed late Saturday, j ing. If necessary! : The resolution was merely read The government strayed from his boat Sunday morning, opening the cabin door. A short time pt marun. j r Chevrier. 45. Claxton, 4S Donalda" T.r.'..""... .65 Eldona 1,25 East Sullivan 2.63 Giant Yellowknife 4.30 God's Lake 53 Hardrock .23 by the chairman and adopted without recorded vote or the government line too In the labor field. Into a plank on labor, later there was an explosion wheh blew open the pilot house Meanwhile there was a disquieting note in a dispatch from Berlin saying that the British - licensed newspaper Telegraf had said today that the Russians were digging trenches and mounting weapons, including rocket guns, on the border between the Soviet-occupied zone and western Howe. 62. and r Garson. 45 triumph end-, it wrote a demand for govern- and started a fire. A boat which ment aid in obtaining "union j was moored alongside also security" and for government j caught fire, but was moved be-enforcement of the labor laws. fore it was completely destroyed. Harricana 06'i Heva .lOfc rule of Print" ROMANIA TO I $300.000 1. Severe storms struck Kent and" Sussex and waters battered tli'-southeast and east coasts of England, British farmers surveyed their storm-swept crops and faced baek-breaklng work with old-fashioned scythes and sickles although they are the most highly mechanized in the world. THE WEATHER Synopsis Skies are clear in. most re-Hions of British Columbia and temperatures art n ear normal tor this time of year. There arc extensive fog banks over exposed sections of the coast. Llttlr change is In prospect lor the interior of the province on Tuesday but It will be dull over the north coast throughout tlie day and cloudy on the south coast during the morning. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast - Overcast litis morning King, the 73-, party leader, adership the mast at tlie the day three is! 7, 1919. 1 x SuietiHJ I . Germany. The newspaper reported feverish activity in the woods along tonal frontiers where, it said, Russian engineers and construction troops are "building a security border." American military officials in Berlin said that frequent reports have been received of the Russians strengthening their border installations. 6 iiosco 38 Jacknife 04 Jollet Quebec 35 Lake Rowan 062 Little Long Lac 75 Lynx 06 Vi Madsen Red Lake 2.30 McKenzie Red Lake 36 McLeod Cockshutt 94 Moneta 36 Negus 2.02 Noranda 49.50 Louvicourt 55 Pickl Cerow 1,87 Regcourt t 04,2 San Antonio 3.30 Senator Rouyn 46 Sherrlt Gordon 2.41 Steep Rock 1.92 Sturgeon River 15 Silver Miller 35 JOIN SOVIET? ISTANBUL, Turkey Romanian refugee sources say that Romania will decide in a plebiscite Augusi 23 as to whether she will become a member of the Soviet Union. There is no means of confirming the story here but there have been persistent reports that such a vote is contemplated. KILLEDAT NEW MOON Vancouver Bralorne 7.00 B. R. Con 03 B. R. X ,09V2 Cariboo Quartz 1.00 Dentonia 01 Vi Grull Wlhksne 04 ' Hedley Mascot 36 Minto 01' 2 Pcnd Oreille 4.15 Pioneer 2.40 Premier Border 02 'i Privateer 17 Reeves McDonald 1,75 Reno 08 "2 Salmon Gold 13 Sheep Creek 1.18 Taylor Bridge 30 Taku River 32 Vananda 32 Congress 03-'l4 Pacific Eastern 05(i Hedley Amalg 02 Spud Valley 09 Central Zeballos 01 Silbak Premier 27 Oils A. P. Con 15 Calmont 40 C. & E 5.65 Foothills 280 Home 8 30 Toronto Athona 06 Aumaque ' -16 Beattie 58 Beveourt 3Vi Bobjo 10 Buffalo Canadian 08'2 Consul. Smelters 114.00 Conwest 4 1.21 ' in Training nadian and tnniKht bu clear in most sections this afternoon. Tues-o'.iy overcast. Fog banks over MORE THAN "COURTESY" WASHINGTON, D.C.-Some observers here see a great deal more than a "courtesy visit" in the forthcoming trip of Defence Secretary Forresr tal to Ottawa. "Start of a reai effort toward joint United States - Canadian defence against attacks from the Arctic will be made August 15,'' said the Washington Daily News today. STRIKES IN JAPAN TOKYO Unauthorized work stoppages in defiance of the cabinet's ban on strik'es by government workers broke out all over Japan today but the net effect was said to be not great. LI V ING COST COUNTS OTTAWA The cost of living index mounted to an historic peak for Canada in June, advancing 2-6 points to 15G.9. CENTENARIAN DIES KAMLOOPS Mrs. Margaret McLean of North Kamloops is dead here at the age of 101 years. Four of her 11 children are slill living. - A youthful old the w,-ir-'tricia's Cari-regiment here today chosen to be s first air-" war. C. Mann, ; of Rncra! here that tn October 11 distinctive ,le and air ONTARIO MAN LOSES LIFE IN " LAKELSE LAKE A drowning mishap at Terrace Saturday evening claimed the life of an Ontario man, bringing to two the number of water fatalities near the interior town this summer. Murray Stewart, 34 -year -old logger, lost his life while swimming at Lakelse Lake, 'despite LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) MANCHESTER, Eng. O Four-year-old Joe Creamer was found hanging from an electric wire in the blitzed ruins of a factory here last night. He was the third Lancashire child to be murdered at the time of the new moon in the last six months. None of sheltered waters today. Winds northwesterly (15 m.p.h.i exposed places, elsewhere light. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Tuesday: Port Hardy 52 and 64, Mas-sett 55 and 65, Prince Rupert 53 and 60. Mrs. Eli Brldden arrived in the city this afternoon on the Co-quitlam from Massett. 10, 1948 18.8 feet 19.9 feet 5.1 feet Tuesday, August High 5:04 17:30 Low 11:10 23:56 the three cases have yet been o.o ieei solved. immediate rescue efforts ny other swimmers to revive him by mite Moves to Check High Living 6ost artiflcal respiration. Stewart was swimming a short distance offshore when he sud is TRAIL M.L.A. PASSES AWAY Passing of James Webster Makes Second Vacancy B.C. House "1 Italy A Jl-f fey I Oivn.:.. Skeena Delegate Would Resume Some Controls Seconder of Amendment at Liberal National Convention In Ottawa OTTAWA (Special to Daily News) Where price increases in any field have been proven to be unreasonable, selective price controls should be re-imposed for the protection of consumers. Such was the effect of an amendment to a long resolution on fh. nnat nf livintr that was submitted to the national J,"I"1S WES, KllR., 01 Australia tflPiCS Sill,, In CANADA WINS IN OLYMPICS Girls' Relay Team Picks UP Nine Points to Make Total Nineteen LONDON, 01 Canada on Saturday won Its first Olympic event In eight days of competition when the girls' 400-metre relay team ran third to make nine points for the Canadian score sheet. Canada had collected six points In seven days' competition. With the relay win, Canada ranked nineteenth. denly disappeared. Other swimmers nearby saw him go down and immediately went to his aid. His body was recovered five minutes later. Artificial respiration was applied for 40 minutes but he failed to rally. Coroner Will Robinson conducted an inquiry which determined accidental drowning. Deceased came west from Guelph, Ontario, where his parents live. He had been at Terrace only a week, arriving from' Queen Charlotte Islands. Hn was employed In the Little, Haugland & Kerr camp at 17-Mile, Kitsumkalum. The body Is being sent to Guelph on tonight's train. Last month a 10-year-old boy lost his life in the Skeena River not far from Terrace when he accidentally fell Into its swift current. i ' 1 H 1 , S(,ven min-?'!s' UurupsUiiv 'I Italv thi.j TRAIL tt-James Lockhart Webster, aged 61, chief accountant for the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. and member of the British Columbia Legislature for Rossland-Tr.11 'fornia won thampion- es a1fl Ita v.durlnir fho . . Liberal convention here on Sat. . - o v... ceK-ena. npion- m - " lies J;,blfk coo, for Skeena in the next federal election. Applewhalte told the convention that he believed the people of Skeena were almost unanimously in accord with the spirit of the amendment. urday. The amendment was adopted. Moving ' the amendment was President Macdonald of the Eastern Ontario Liberal Federation. It was seconded by E. T. Applewhalte, Liberal canddate Iath of Mr. Webster makes tlie second vacant seat in the Legislature, the other being South Okanagan from which W. A- C. Bennett resigned to unsuccessfully contest the federal by-election in Yale. TWO GREAT CHIEFS Dominating the National Liberal convention at Ottawa last week were two huge photos of the late Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Righ Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, the two great Liberal leaders. This display, shown above, was staged behind the speakers' platform in the Coliseum in which sessions took place. C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide, ' Capt. Fred McGraw, from Vancouver and waypolnts, is due In port at 9 o'clock tonight from the south. -1 IV.