THIS AND THAT $ Prince Buperl JDaife I3fto"f LtD. .; , 11 MondayXogust 9, 1948 FORESTRY FILM i PARTY AT JASPER tuland .t' " M JASPER Representatives ol r au, the Canadian Forestry Associa-v0'8"011 tion have Just spent three dayscanadf repr' SALT LAKEIS'IN "FAVOR AGAIN AS POPULAR SWIMMING RESORT Now that Tony Crawley has started up a snappy and frequent ferry service and that limited improvements have been made to the floats and walks, the Salt Lake is once again proving a popular haven for local natators, old and young, and not a few spectators. Yesterday, with its beautiful weather, was a II J 'TEEN-AGE BOYS ON COAST TRIP With a party of 37 'teen-age boys from various parts of the United States whom he had organized for an eight-weeks' summer vacation camp near Vancouver, Dr. M. V. Miller of, the staff of the University of San Francisco was here . v' iw.'V. aboard the steamer Catala. While here the group were taken on a visit to the plant of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. and to other points of interest around the city, their tour here having been organized by Inspector F. B. Woods-Johnston, provincial police, who is interested in boys' work. The cruise north through the "Inside Passage" on the Catala is topping off in a highly thrilling way the memorable holiday which the boys have been of the old days before the highway when Prince Rupert had no where else to go of a Sunday. While there should be, acknowledgement of the improvements that have been made this year at the Salt Lake, the suggestion is heard that it migh be appropriate to again have a local advisory committee to advise the authorities on work which should be carried out. eft if The Grpe Matthew A if am flwtre. Inc. "Madam, if you can afford $250 an ounce, you don't need perfume." THIRD AVENUE PROPERTY SOLD ; Purchase is announced of the property on Third Avenue across Irom First Street formerly occupied by the Fairway Grocery by P. H. Linzey from Ross Ingram. The purchase price was $5500. The property has been leased to Harold Helgerson who will open Up a second grocery store there at the middle of this month. tfltisiiifcci AdverusinH Hays' 'I i Wallace's For i Yard Goods lip (1) FOR PRICE (2) FOR QUALITY (3) FOR WEAR It's Wallace's 3tol! Whatever your "Design For Sewing," you'll find it lierfe. I A large varied yardage selection. WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE V iiiw ..riTiiii-lf-' -v..y T7?rrV Reminiscences By w.j. d Reflections (0k rA NEW WARNER Hi i HAYMUNU MASSfy GMA rmmmmm and too much enforced leisure. But this state of affairs is always subject to change, and there are signs. STEPPING UP PRODUCTION Riverside Nw Turning Out About 50 Tons of Tungsten Concentrates Weekly kl United States vlstors, looking over Roosevelt Park, have sometimes inquired, with a twinkle in the eye what Prince Rupert ever had against the late President. It's pleasant, however, to reflect that, after a lengthy delay the area will be converted into a place easy on the eyes and not necessary to apologize for. Nature intended it to' be Rupert's out - of - doors show place. Mr. King is 74 years old and he's been a busy man most of i the time. In retirement, he will be older; but that doesn't mean' he won't be occupied with some thing. An empty life would be punishment. He was out in "DARK DU.I SKIV BIGTOWN A FT Kit ARg I spending. They came north from ' San Francisco to Vancouver in ; their own bus. SHIPS and WATERFRONT Her passengers including many round trip tourists, Union steamer Camosun, Capt. John Boden, arrived in port at 8:15 last evening from Vancouver and waypoints, sailing at mid night for Alice Arm, Stewart and other northern points Whence she will return here tomorrow morning to sail at 1:30 p.m. on her return south. Stop Itch Heat of Bites- Insect Rash Ouickl Stop itchinu of insect bitfs. heat rash. in n, pimples, scales, w abies. athlrte ; loot and other externally caused skin trmiMo. 'B2!5?i."oothin' an'iaeptic O. D. """hptiom. (rfeaseless, stainless. ItrH tops or w.ur money hack. Your uru"'a drusaiat lock. D.D D PRESCRIPTION. Phone 563 for Estimate SATIN-GLO YOU WILL BE THE WHEN YOU SELECT fair example of what the Salt Lake means to Prince Rupert as the only immediate swimming resort. Boats, large and small, were massed around the float, even making it awkward for the ferry boat to make its landing which is something that should be rectified with due consideration for this public carrier and its passengers. At the Lake, the crowd of swimmers was almost remindful James H. Thompson, who was in Vancouver recently, met J. A. Kirkpatrick, who was in business here during pioneer times and who has been living in Vancouver since. They ';lled on another old timer, George Morrow, and enjoyed a chat about early days in Prince Rupert and Skeena. Miss Ruby Seymour of Vancouver arrived in Prince Rupert Sunday evening on the Camosun and is the guest of Mrs. James B. Gibson, Bishop's Lodge. j Charles Morris of Smithers, after a six weeks' stay in Prince Rupert General Hospital, was able to leave on Friday night's train on his return to his home in the Interior. He was accom panied by his daughter, Mrs. F McGeachy. r w ' "visa . SWAPS UNBORN CHILD FOR $10,250 HOME Virginia Irene Smith, of Arcadia, Cal., 26, who has agreed to trade Her 'unborn child for a $10,-250 home. Agreement was reached in a property settlement with her husband, Robert A. Smith, who recently was divorced from the red-haired mother - to - be. Mrs. Smith explained she would like to have her baby, but can't see her way clear to support the expected child, herself and a four-year old daughter by a previous marriage. ROLL YOUR OWN WITH Tobacco BRIGHT V I R G I N I Did you know that the Miss Prince Rup Prince Rupert years ago. A group ' property. He said that ft was of the faithful Including the late planned to step up production Fred Stork, and a band, met at the property as rapidly as him at the railway station and I men could be obtained. At pres-that evening in the Westholir.e ent it is producing milled tung-Theatre he expounded for about sten concentrates at the rate of NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. v has a specialized alteration crew trained on FOUNDATION WORK AND GENERAL ALTERATIONS FROM 19 ENTRANTS ON THE CAPITOL ST.V THURSDAY TO SATURDA 2x42x6-2x8 Shiplap and Flooring NOW ON SALE 72 2nd. Ave. W. (192) Connor Thermo Has made thousands ol women say: 'I saw the others . . . then I houchl I CONNOR." Beautifies the home and increases the value of the things you own. Many attractive pastel tints from which to choose. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO,, LTD. 0 SF.ETKBIAT Rupert Radio & Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert Open from 3:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. LINGERIE All price range. SLACKS SWEATERS SKIRTS BLOUSES KIDDIES' WEAR Moore's 206 6th Street Upholstering i mi FURNITURE REPAIR Dunlopillo Foam Rubber Cushioning Plastahidc Roltaflex Plastic Artisto Table Covers and Curtains LOVI N'S (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 AL JOLSON My Shoulde - -NOW ON SALE AT We specialize in Chinese Dishes , CHOP SUEY FOR outside orders Phone 133 CHOW MIEN J. H. Scott, San Francisco, managing director of the Riverside mine on the Alaska side of the Salmon River Valley, was a passenger aboard the Camo-j sun last evening going through , to Stewart for one nf his neri- ocfical visits of inspection to the about 50 tons weekly, the crew numbering about 25 men. The concentrates are shipped from Stewart by Canadian vessels under a special suspension of the Jones Act which was recently extended for another year. Accompanying Mr. Scott north are Mrs. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. T. Barton of San Francisco. They will spend a week at the mine. Miss Evelyn McNab arrived in the city on the Camosun last evening from her nurses' training duties at Essondale to spend vacation here. Bishop Anthony Jordan O.M.1 I. left on the Prince George 1 Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver on ecclesiastical business. IT PAYS TO Cigarette I M I I D, SWEET, The Popular LA S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. (PST) For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT (PST), For Information call or writ City or Depot Ticket OfIl. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. f ; i two "hours. The way affairs are shaping now, a powerful naval telescope will be needed to detect the difference between Port Day and Sport Day. risnermen earn a a living living the hard way. Sure it is that, now and again there are substantial earnings when fishing and markets are both good but, on tru whole, losses and hardships can, and do, come their way. To be washed overboard and never seen again, to experience burns and broken bones, to go short of sleep and wear wet, as well as dry, clothes yes, they know all about these happenings, and call it all in the day's luck. There's a lot of acton, behind a halibut or a salmon steak Many persons who dwell in Alaska travel over the Canadian National Railways through Prince Rupert. Shipments from Alaskan lumber mills pass through here. American-caught fish for the U.S. markets go this way. There soon will be Alaska pulp mills and a fleet of freighters in northern waters is foreseen. Why sail 600 miles south to unload? A proportion of industry in Canada has been selling raw material to be shipped away and converted into numerous manu- .... . 9 i. 1 tauturea arucies. This meant gainful work and wages from year end to year end, leaving Canada with less raw material IN THE 8UPHEME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE I" the Matter ot tlie "Administration Art" and IU.rVj.H.Ma."fr f t,,e Kstate '"'d ""Hansen, Deceased Intes- tate TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge w. O. Pulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 28th day of July, AD. 1948. appointed Administrator of the Estate of In-grld Borghlll Johansen, late of Atlln British Columbia, who died on or about the 18th day of May, 1948. at Whltehorse, Yukon Territory. All persons Indebted to the Bald estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of September, 1948, falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Atlln, British Columbia, this 27th day of July, A D. 1948. ALBERT EDWARD RODDIS Official Administrator Atlln, B.C. . - - . . (189) WHEN YOU BUY A WATCH 'd FROM US Let's Talk it Over . . . You barely have time to get your house snug for winter. If It Isn't properly Insulated you'll be out on a limb when the chill winds roar. Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors At JOLSON AL JOLSON We can supply all your needs in . . .. There is one main advantage over getting it way from home. "U If the watch doesn't come up to your Hons, why you always know where to have the trouble adjusted or the watch exchanged., If we guarantee a watch that guarantee is "' binding. Also we have been in the business so long thit we have a chance to know which are the ones which give satisfaction the longest. AVatch prices are as low here as anywhere in the land. Something from Bulger's is always worth having BUILDING 5UPPL including WAIliwvujna i.ivNir LUMBff IN HIS LATEST DECCA ALBUM VOLUME 3 24397 "I Want a Girl." "Where the Black-Eyed Susans Grow 2i398-When the Red Red Robbin Comes Bub Bob Bobbin' Along." "Someone Else May Be There While I'm Gone -24399 "For Me and My Gal." "When I Leave the World Behind." AllflA ttmt WOODS, SASH AN1 I00l!' S( ,,-mere s a Rainbow 'Round "About a Quarter to Nine." plumbing si'rruES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO "ScrvlnV the ffcrth Sinre 13 Thone 631 632 COAL - LUMBER uun. album NO. A - 849