in Today Monday, August 9, 1948 THIS AND THAT SOCCER TUFF... V I t. PRINCE RUPERT, 5MITHERS DIVIDE DOUBLE-HEADER IN SWAT SERIES PRINCE RUPERT 7, SMITHERS 1 SMITHERS 13, PRINCE RUPERT 12 The classic baseball argument of Smithers versus Prince Rupert was settled for the season at Smithers on Sunday when a Prince Rupert all-star team invaded the interior town and took the first pame of a double-header by a score of 7-1, dropping the second game to Smithers by a 13-12 count. The games were the second and third of the annual series score at 8-8 at the end of that which began at Prince Rupert -innine. j prices i. iiX) ill , Tfc:, ',":ti.4, " Play opened in Friday night's Mobley Cup football game which High School lost 3 to 1, with the Legion pressing. Boulter was called on several times but was safe. The High School forward line, however, got away in a fine piece of combination with every one of the line taking part and with Broriie saving at close quarters from Wilson tsr.t. The Legion came back and Ol-sen and then Hebb did well to hold them in check. Bill Murray opened the score for them with a shot that swerved into the goal when the Legion back division slacked a moment. Shortly afterwards a great drive from Armstrong was too high. Olsen and Halverson got away and Brodie stopped Owens' fine cross. A moment later Brodie had to save twice and showed good resource in com ing out to cut off a good shoti by Pat Wilson. But the Legion j went further ahead when Bill Murray got hi second goal. He was lucky to get the chance for the ball was beating him but ! struck his arm and, regaining control, he gave Boulter no chance. , Brodie was the first goalie to be tested, saving a treacherous high shot from Wilson isr.i. Owens got a good cross over but Nelson was very safe. Then the I Legion forwards got away and Bill Murray missed an open I i goal. Charlie Currie broke up too far when I miss it." Football Schedule MoblrY Cud Aumist 11 Hieh School v 120th Batterv. 13 Ijeifm vn lonth batterv. August 18 Legion vs. Hiah School. oof. Batt"V V8 jijiJ ech AuoU3t 2a 120th Batterv vs. Leeiun. . , t0Und 01 snSiM' . TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! on July 25 when Prince Rupert' took the first game by a score of 2-1. giving the city team the margin for the series. Prince Rupert had clear domi nation in the first game in which they held Smithers without score until thft ninth inning. Jack Lind say, who was on the mound for the full nine innings, gave up only four hits to the Smithers squad. Smithers' only run resulted from two' errors which allowed Sherrit, Smithers centre-fielder to get on first, and then later to proceed from second to home. Prince Rupert scored its Initial run in the first nning when Bruce Simundson went to first after being hit by a pitched ball. He stole second base and was scored by a single by Jack Lindsay. In the fourth Lindsay scored off an error. Lindsay made the circuit again in the sixth off n double, being brought home by . t to second on an error and was scored by Doug Kerr. In the ninth, Smithers pitcher Carl Spicer slackened off notice-lably, allowing three hits which brought in three runs Morgan singled and was brought -in by Pavlikis. Bruce Simundson also singled and scored off a single by Pavliks. Pavlkis came in on Windle, who got to first on an error but was left on base. SECOND GAME Prince Rupert started off 'and five runs in the second bmitners, however, followed up .with three runs in the second and five In the third, tying the another Legion attack and Pat Wilson was squeezed out when he nearly broke through. Boul-o' ter brought off the best save the match when Bill Murray headed a great cross in. The at the first goal. Hebb was a strong defender, kicking well and using his height to advantage. Large tried hard but lacked experience. Olsen did a good job at centre half and Charlie Currie was a fast. tuuj;h ae-i fender. Lien did very well at times but should get rid of thr ball faster and also needs to back-check more Owens did well, being given some nice passes bv Halverson but finished weakly in the second half. Pat Wilson got few chances but fed both wings nicely and was ai- ways trying. His goal was a mns- terpiece of opportunism and control. Bob Currie and wiU.m (sr.) did well on the right wing, Bob's footwork is good and he is . fast. Old-timer Jack Wilson was 1 suprprisingly good and never wasted a ball. John Wilson re placed Large towards the end and added a lot of strength and power to the defence. ONTARIO WIKS CRICKET TITLE VANCOUVER Ontario defeated British Columbia Saturday afternoon to win tiie undisputed Canadian cricket championship. Alberta defeated Manitoba. The final standing of the championship series was as follows : W L Ontario 6 0 British Columbia 4 2 Alberia , 2 4 Manitoba 0 2 0 j I Mrs. A. T. Parkin returned to ! the city on the Camosun lust i evening from a trip to Vun'cou- I ver and Victoria. ST. ANDREW'S LOSE OPENER ....MONTREAL Carsteels Defeat Vancouver in First Cam of Canadian Soccer Final TORONTO Montreal Car-steels defeated Vancouver St Andrew's, the defending champions, Saturday night in the opening game of the Canadian senior soccer champinoship finals, the score being 4 to 3. The second game will take place to- . , t i night. 1 Play Starts In j Bowling Singles In commencing play of the open singles in the Canadian1 National Recreation Association Lawn Bowling Club's annual tournament, Angus Mac-donald eliminated E. V. Whiting 21 to 15 while Jack Paul was extended to defeat Chris Dixon, a comuaraMve tvro 21 to 20. In ' Now the ball can't roll Louis Amadio left by this afternoon's train for a two weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. -. it in iiie jjarrv Hew. I j; BOTTLED mm PHONE 654 25c Per Dozen Paid For Empties This dvertlspment Is not published or 1lsplay"d bvtheLlauorControl Board or by the Government of British Columbia doubles J. H. McLeod and H.!stronS in tne evening gam' Woodside beat J. S. Irvine and.scorie three runs in the first Chris Dixon. Play in the open and novice singles and the doubles is' expected to proceed during the coming week-end. - . ... 'Instead of calling you, I drove my car d In the fourth inning. Prince Rupert garnered two more runs which were offset in part by a run scored by Smithers. Smithers tied the score at 10-10 with a run in the sixth. Neither Beam scored in the seventh and eighth, but Prince Rupert got baok In tha groove again in the ninth, bringing in two runs. Smithers retaliated with three which gave them a 13-12 lead at the game's end. Prince Rupert had youthful Jack Sharpe on the mound for the first two innings, then replaced him for a short time with Eluik. Eluik then was replaced by Lindsay who pitched five and two-thrd innings. rrRST CAME Prince Rupert AB R H j Simundson ss 3 2 2 1 Hartwig 2b 5 0 0 Pavlikis If 5 1 2 Lindsay p 5 2 2 1 Windle 3b 5 1 2! Eluik rf ' 5 0 Lambie lb 4 0 0!of 1 Kerr cf 4 0 q 1 Morgan c 4 1 j 40 1 9 Smithers AB R a J. Hetherington 3b .. 4 0 Sinkpeil lb 4 0 G. Hetherington ss 2b 3 0 Sterritt cf 8 1 Homenuke rf 4 0 Emerson K 4 0 Arnold c 3 0 Scott 2b 2 0 Delage ss 1 0 Spicer p 1 0 30 1 4 Prnce Rupert 100 102 003 7 Smithers 000 000 001-1 SECOND GAME Prince Rupert AB R Simundson ss 5 2 Hartwig 2b 4 2 Pavlikis If 4 1 Windle 3b 4 1 Eluik rf p 4 2 a Kerr cf 5 1 Morgan c 5 2 Gurvich lb 1 0 Lambie lb 3 1 Sharpe p 3 0 Lindsay p 1 0 39 12 Smithers AB R J. Hetherington 3b .. 5 2 Sinkpeil lb 5 0 G. Hetherington 2b .. 6 1 j Spicer cf 2b 3 1 2 ; Emerson If 5 2 3! Sterritt rf cf 3 3 0 Delage ss 5 3 Arnold c 4 1 Panter p ...... 1 0 Homenuke rf 2 0 Watson rf 2 0 41 13 Prince Rupert .. 350 200 002-Smithers 035 101 003- Baseb< Scores SUNDAY National League Chicago 8, Boston 6. St. Louis 4-4. Philadelphia 1-3. Pittsburgh 2-5, New York G-4. Cincinnati .2. Brooklyn 10. American League Philadelphia 7, St. Louis 5. 1 Washington 3-5, Detroit 5-6. New York 6-1, Cleveland 8-2. Boston 8-1, Chicago 1-2. Western International League Bremerton 5-11, Yakima 0-2. Tacoma 14-8, Salem 8-3. Spokane 7-10, Vancouver 6-0. Victoria 9-4, Wenatchee 5-11. Pacific Coast League Los Angeles 4-5, Oakland 6-3. San Diego 3-2, Seattle 4-1. Hollywood 5-7, San Francisco 7-1. Portland 4-4, Sacramento 3-3 SATURDAYQ National League Pittsburgh 5, New York 4. St. Louis 2, Philadelphia 6. Cincinnati 6, Brokolyn 4. Chicago 3, Boston 6. American League Washington 3, Detroit 2. Boston 1, Chicago 5. New York 5, Cleveland 0. Philadelphia 7, St. Louis 1. Pacific Coast League Seattle 4, San Diego 10. Los Angeles 3, Oakland 4. Portland 4-0, Sacramento 2-3. Ban Francisco 8, Hollywood 6 Western International League Don't Be Blue Let's lace the lads If Business is Not All You Desire, If You are Tired of Being Passed Up, TRY ADVERTISING In The - ht h is perfectly brews U 4 ?5SV1 1he finest ot ; I v V'tjjMt 'J "tiur , risf 11 ini at m Turs- ,&& .4&--'f I It - snot seemed to have goal writ ten all over it but Tommy got one hand to it and brought off sensational save. Wilson tsr.t and Greer were having many a tussle. Glen Smith got away and forced a corner. He placed it perfectly and, when Boulter and Olseri both went to clear it. Boulter punched the ball against Olsen's head and it rebounded through for the Legion's third goal. High School came back hard and Bob Currie and Pat Wilson gave the Legion defence an anxious time. The students were deserving of a goal and it came when Wilson (sr.) took a throw-in, Quickly passing the ball to Bob Currie who touched it on to Pat Wilson He took It in his stride and had the ball past Brodie before the latter could make a move. It was picture move. Full time came three minutes later with the students pressing. Teams: Canadian Legion Brodie; Nelson, Dawes; Yelland, Eby, Greer; Glen Smith, Burnip, Bill Murray, Armstrong, Dave Murray. High School Boulter; Hebb, Large;! Lien, Olsen, Charlie Currie; Bob Currie. Wilson (sri. Pat Wilson, Halverson. Owens, ! John Wilson. Sid Woodside refereed in his usual capable manner. Bob Murray and Jim Bremner were' linesmen. Goal scorers Canadian1 Legion: Bill Murray 2 (other! goal scored by defender). High School: Pat Wilson 1. Brodie kept a grand goal for the Legion and seemed to be on the way to his first shut-out but he certainly had no chance with Pat Wilson's shot. Nelson was again a tower of strength in defence, tackling with judgment and kicking strongly. Dawes backed him up well. Eby was a good spoiling centre-half. He tackled well and fed his for-1 wards neatly; Yelland also was! very sound and Greer was al-l ways in the thick of things. A I great header of his in the first half. gave, the High School de- fence an anxious moment. Bill i Murray did a nice job at centre forward, opening out the play but he missed two great opportunities in the second half. Armstrong was a very good Inside man, dropping back to tackle at times and then going ahead. Glen Smith made dangerous runs and was usually too good for Large. Dave Murray was fair. Burnip did not show-up so much. The High School were shot when several of the boys were working overtime and they rang In two old-timers, Magnus Halverson and Jack Wilson, other places being filled by spares. Boulter did a grand job in goal though someone was at fault Bhemerton 8, Yakima 5. Tacoma 8, Salem 9. Wenatchee 4, Victoria 10. Vancouver 4-4, Spokane 5-9. Ei n 11 ii MR ii. Everybody advertises some way or another but sonic pi lutrruse very enectively. mnst pffWtSvo advertising everybody reads every day. nesults show that the local newspaper which Yoirare not wasting nnnirs you results on the iiu uuveriisers. your advertising dollar in the Dailj spot and cumulatively, otherwise T2HR.DAILY NEWSPAPER IS ALSO A LOCAL) GBB&EWEB5DES a lajual INDUSTRY. "" VFRtk3K0U AT IT, LOCAL NEWSP VERTISING PRODUCES THE GOODS. LIMITED I SM The c THE PMPE OF WE PACIFiC Da ily PHONE 98 VANCOUVER NEW WESTMINSTER VICTORIA This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia at Yoiuur Sefi