FATHER CARROLL Local News It WIDE INTEREST Wntt Uupctt Dan? J3c.tos JU& Monday, August 9, 1948 ems... MRS. REDDIE PASSES AWAY IS FAREWELLED IN CITY RITES to C.0'U:-'lc"0ay, .,; Mrs mrs' Parish Bids Good-Bye Popular Priest evening's f.r . K0Dert Davidson, Leeds -"6 d train nam I KINSMEN DANCE IS SUCCESSFUL The Kinsmen Kiddie KamD " - w vne Apartments sniiori on the iri .. . . Kelowna district After an Illness of several years which several months ago necessitated her removal south, Mrs. Mary Reddie, well Prince George Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Little Edmonton and Victoria shared interest in a wedding solemnized here Saturday eve when Patricia May Cnowne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Chowne of the Alberta capital, became the bride fund took a $100 jump Friday j night when 300 paying guests! Known pioneer Prince Rupert arrived In the city by car this Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Nickerson, who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, are returning to the city on the Prince George at the end of this week. Miss Shirley Dorset is in woman, died on Friday in hos Terrace Club Sport Jackets morning from Terrace and left Annuncatlon School Hall was filled on Thursday night when a large crowd gathered to bid farewell to Father James A. Carroll, the parish priest, who will be leaving shortly for Fort St. John. Father Carroll came straight from Ireland to Prince Rupert In May 1942, becoming parish of Douglas B. Fawcett, son of on this afternoon's plane for a pital near Vancouver. The funeral is taking place In the attended the dance, sponsored by the Kin Club in the Civic Centre ballroom, and stepped to the music of Andy Mc-Naughton and the Dukes. Ray McLean, W. Long and Armine Boas, assisted by R. G. Mr. and. Mrs. C. R. Fawcett, of Victoria. The rite was performed at First United Church by Rev. A. J. Lawton. city from Vancouver paying a trip to Vancouver. Scandinavian Air Lines and Arthur Brooksbank Invite you wna ner uncle and aunt Hopkins to attend a public showing of r. ana Mrs. James Besner Apartments. i priest in June 1946 when Father Attired In an afternoon dress Moore, organized and pearl grey crepe with pink ed the entertainment. new colored snnnil mrwips nn south. Mrs. Reddle, who was a native of Scotland, came to Prince Rupert in the very early days with her husband who was one of the city's pioneer medical practitioners. Dr. Reddie died in 1912 and Mrs. Reddie had resided here since that time. Be Lantagne waa iransierrea to Vancouver. A short program, arranged by Miss Frances Moore, opened the evening with four selections be accessories, the bride was given ; in marriage by Lawrence Dakin. ! She was attended by Mrs. Diana . Blair who wore a dove grey dress Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Withers and son, who have been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Camosun last evening. Norway and Sweden, Common Lounge, Civic Centre, 9 o'clock tonight. (it) Miss Sharon Mansell, who has been visiting nere with her bro-hter and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. Norton Youngs sailed at the end of the week on a trip to Vancouver. ing sung by the school choir. GLEN PLAID CHECKS SOLID COLOR COVERTS HARRIS TWEEDS accompanied by Miss Moore fore coming to Prince Rupert, she and her husband had been for twelve years at Colorado Mrs. N. Orme Catt arrived in BIRTH NOTICE Mrs. Ross Mansell, will sail by with tourquoise accessories. Ronald Stewart was groomsman. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Lawrence Dakin Mrs. J. L. Blain gave a recitation in French. Miss Pat Clarke the city at the end of the week from LethbrlGge to attend the the Camosun tomorrow after HOOD Born to Mr. and Mrs. ternoon for Vancouve enroute R. S. Hood, nee Florence Par Springs, Colorado. Mrs. Reddie lived In her small cottage on Fifth Avenue West which was at one time situated marriage here this week of her nephew, Orme smart, to Miss back to her home in Detroit. played an organ solo "Because." rouowing me ceremony a Leslie B. Bing, managing dir ker, in the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Sunday, August 8, a daughter, Barbara Anne. Both doing well. danced the sailor's hornpipe and Alan Forman played a piano solo. Father Edward Oreen was chairman. Bishop Anthony Jordan Introduced the new parish priest, Father Frank Rayner, formerly of Ottawa, who recent number of friends attended a ector of J. H. Todd & Sons: R. .ona Hedley. The Misses E. S. and J. S. Gray arrived in the city on the Camosun last evening from on Church Street, an offshoot of old Centre Street. This was before the original townsite lots were put on the market in 1909. reception held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dakin. Mr. and W. Sinclair, general manager, and Ernest Todd came north Mrs. Fawcett will reside in Prince from Victoria to Klemtu on the Rupert where the bridegroom is present voyage of the Camosun Deceased was 87 years of age i.uuiiiiir "c Westminster to visit for the next three weeks with their sister, Mrs. James L. Lee, Eleventh Avenue. for an inspection visit to the She had many trends from on the staff of Canadian Pacific Air Lines. operation there. They will be i pioneer days here ly arrived here from Vancouver. His Excellency then gave an address, paying tribute to Father Carroll's talents and splendid work during his year period In Prince Rupert. The Bishop spoke for himself The Misses Eugenia and Am returning south this week. ATTENTION MERCHANTS Meeting in Common Lounge. elia Pavlikis, who have been on a holiday trip to Vancouver, will be returning home from the Are you going through the functional roiddift age' period iJecultur to wemen (;S to 52 yrs.) Doe thi make you ifler from hot flashes, feel go nervous, high strung, tired? Then Do try Lydia K. Pink ham's veetahi (mound to relieve uch nymptoma. Pinkham's Corrffwiund also has what Doctors call a stomachic tonic effect! south on the Prince George at and on behalf of the whole parish of the great esteem and af Civic Centre, Tuesday, August 10 at 8 p.m. Mr. S. L. Wiikins will speak on the Municipal Aid and Social Security Tax Act. me end or this week. fection one and all had for It's smart to look smart in one of these Terrace Club Jackets . . They're comfortable, handsome and economical. Featured in a wide range of plaids,' plain colors and tweeds, we lave all sizes in Doth young men's and conservative models. mmm fcEL Miss Katie Meyers, who has Father Carroll. Question Period. All interested V LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S compound retailers please attend. Prince His Excellency spoke in praise l NEW NUMBER f 5 for of the great work accomplished by the Sisters of St. Joseph, three of whom are leaving shortly Sisters Mary Oervaise. Rupert Retail Merchants' Association. (187) Edward G. Borgstrom of the New York office of Scandinavian Air Lines arrived in the been visiting here with Dr. and Mrs. G. E. H. Montgomery, will return to Vancouver on the Camosun tomorrow. Mrs. A. W. Bavester arrived in the city Sunday evening on the Camosun from Vancouver to spend the next two weeks visiting her daughter, Miss Nan Bavester. f Chicken in the Rough' the superior who has been 11 years in Prince Rupert and Sister Saint Isadore and Sister Sa-bina .To them too went the bent r io laxe nome ! CALL RED 705 JCIVIC CENTRES DINING ROOM:- wishes of all who knew them city on the Prince George Saturday night after an extended tour of the Alaska coast as far as Bristol Bay. Tonight Mr. Borgstrom will give a showing of films on Norway and Sweden at the Civic Centre and will On behalf of the entire parish Midland Pmes are now open with sales and service at the highway entrance, 1401 Freder- John Comadina, president ol the Catholic Youth Organization, read a beautiful Humiliated address in booklet form, the leave by tomorrow afternoon's ich St. Imperial Oil credit cards plane for Vancouver A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy work of the Sisters. This he will be accepted. Manager, Vic To Whom 11 May Concern presented to father Carroll with Cavenalle. (188) other gifts from his parlshion- Aoic Available! J. W. Murphy, M.P. for the federal riding of Lambton-West, Ontario, was a round trip passenger on the Princess Norah which docked here northbound this morning. He was accompanied by Mrs. Murphy. MAPLE, OLD COLONY DINING SUITE, Refractory Extention Table. Atmosphere of distinction to This is notification that, as from July 31, I am no longer connected with Handyman Home Service. V. Morrison. (187) Announcements All advertisement n this column will b charged for a full month it 25 cent a word "THAT'S A VERY SENSIBLE PURCHASE M'LOVE -WHY DIDN'T YOU BUY A COUPLE?" live with. Phone 775 327 Third Ave. Mrs. Fred Murray and family are leaving on ' this evening's train for Qi;:!bell In western Oranpe Tea. Proceeds testant Home. Oddfellows WRATIIALL'S PnOTO FINISHING Developing, Printine Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supulies September 1. Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Eve Ontario. They are being accompanied as far as Winnipeg by Mrs. Murray's sister, Mrs. Ruds-vik. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMullin sailed on the Prince George Saturday night for Vancouver "Huh? What'd you say? Oh you Wtean those malty-rich, honey-gold-tn Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes!" "They're some dish!" They're so cleverly made of two grains, you know really divine Canadian wheat and malted barley!" 'They sure taste out of this world, darling but you're forgetting that other reason why I go for Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes." "Energy, you mean? The carbohydrates that load you up with energy so they call you the human dynamo?" "Right! And what are those things that help build up the old muscle?" "Proteins, Hercules. And Post Grape-Nuts Flakes sure have got 'em!" "And phosphorus what's that for?" "That's for sturdy bones and sound teeth." "Eating Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes every day no wonder I'm such a husky guy!" "And Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes give you iron for the blood and other food essentials." "Say Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes are ready to eat right from the package, so let's have some, quick." ning entertainment. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, October 20. Sons of Norway and Sonia Fall Bazaar Oct. 22. LOOK FOR THK NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL ers as tokens of appreciation and gratitude for his never-failing help and kindness. "It is with the deepest regret we say farewell to Father Carrol and all wish him happlnness and better health in Fort St. John," said Mr. Comadina. Father Carroll, in his lmimitable Irish way. expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to the ladles, the men the C.Y.O., the altar boys and children, of the parish for their generosity and co-operation In every way. Mrs. E. Telseth, president of the C.W.L., was general convenor of the affair and. with Mrs. C. Schaeffer and Mrs. St. Amour, took charge of the hall, which was beautifully decorated with masses of flowers. On a table covered with a lovely lace cloth were white candles and a huge iced cake made by Van's Bakery, with the words "Best Wishes and bon voyage Father Carroll." The evening ended with serving of tastefully prepared refreshments in charge of Mrs. J. Bruce, Mrs. N. R. Young, assisted by Mrs. Shannon, Mrs. R. E. Moore, Mrs. L. Doiron and Mrs. G. R. Brett. Many others helped with the serving. where Mr. McMullin, who has been for the last few years manager of the "Family Shoe 8tore, will take special medical treatment. iss Karen Helde of the Cana Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. Dance. Every Saturday niRht Oddfellows' Hall. C197) dian National Railways district SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDULE Daily except Mon. & Tucs. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed., Thurs., Fri. 2, 2:3U, 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Saturday E v e r y hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a.m. Last boat returns 10 p.m. Adults 50c. Under 1G, 25c Return All schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi freight agent's office here left AUGUST SALE on Friday evening's train for a OF JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue visit to her home In the Saskatoon district. Fur Coals Lt.-Cdr. T. A. Johnstone of H.M.C.S. Chatham left on Friday evening's train tor a trip to Ot bPPE Blue 180 Sdairy BERVTC1 men and 'our nrw plumbing ( old bath- ts s JtRT Beating Bldg.l phone 108 wk for CTOIUA h Camosun HCE ARM 4 10, 21 I pent f uoue 568 tawa on naval business. On the way East he will stop off at Sioux Lookout where Mrs. Johnstone and child are spending a holiday. Mr. and Mis. Raymond Burge and family sailed on the Prince George Saturday night for Vancouver to which city Mr. Burge has been transferred in the Dominion Government radio telegraph service after having been stationed at Digby BOTH GLAMOUR AND WARMTH WILL BE YOURS THIS WINTER IF YOU WEAR ONE OF THESE LUXURIOUS COATS. MUSKRAT SQUIRREL MOUTON CONEY LEOPARD BLACK SEAL A FURNACE IN YOUR BASEMENT IS WORTH TWO IN THE SHOP .... .... when winter drapes her frost trimmed garments around your home. INSTAL AN AIR-CONDITIONING FURNACE NOW THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Consult us lor your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Fountain Tens Cards for every occasion DIKU Printing City Merchants City merchants are asked In future to have ropy for all display advertisements into the Dally News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical Island. Mr. Burge's successor at niohv Island will be James Daniels, who has been stationed j 253 East First Ave. FAWCETT DEALER Black 881 I department in keeping to the WHEN YOU BUY YOUR FUR COAT USE SWEET 16'S PERSONALIZED BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES for the past six months at ueao Tree Point and who will be arriving shortly with Mrs. Daniels. "-bumr nour ior publication. BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE hill ii . ...... TOO LA I t lO CLASMFY ! Tii Li Kx,l,Mlur I'nurt of l unaija ,s- "rry Hnnlund Heaven 13 HELP WANTED Boy lor Sun Runte downtown. Apply Moving, Packing Crating, ' Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 21 P.O. Bos 198 Bus Depot, or Phone 640. (tfi r"' uP"n n order to me dtr-rL. y th0 chequer Court of 1M T?' Ottwa. July 131U. tel I,Jlv" ",,M'd "ie property ol TT01' Krry Rowland Bca-orHin. .V' Personal, com- m Ltt?S'"u n operated by aZmTtnSfZL! 'wland Heaven, at B.C.. and Lot nZT JSJl? rff- Prince Ru-ESh wT?'! ' -nder" Tender tneitateV lore toc'- ,,d TOPS IN KITCHEN UTENSILS! See the new "Thermic Ray" stainless steel saucepans witli copper bottoms for quicker, even heat, plastic handles and knobs, balanced weight and streamline design. The only copper bottom stainless steel It's th e Kaien Co-op Rex ate utensils with "vapor oeu. Lids." ... for Tasty Meals ChopSucy Q ChowMcin WINDOW GLASS IN ALL SIZES - FOR THE HOUSE PICTURES WE CUT ANY SIZE DOUBLE DIAMOND FOR THE BOAT PHONE WRITE DROP IN Phone 179 Box 1127 251 3rd West El I &x Ml ?EET Chinese Dishes a Specially Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a m. SEE raft ",ce ueen nn'U M' Couu House. Prince Till M J 1 McBridc Street Tliolie 311 T.WiN8, Sheriff. (189)