prince Rupert Dan? Oetel Wednesday, February 16, 1949 H'aday hi Spurt Sport Shots as they called a total of 13 fouls. Co-op scored 26 baskets from 97 shots. They sank half of 10 free throws. Savoy took 102 shots and made 24. They scored 2 of 6 free throws. INTERMEDIATE Civic Centre . Dates . l31 Ski , Smith, Plana?,. KEEP LEAD IN LADIES' BOWLS De Jong's and Annette's in Clean Sweep Victories J 1 A game just sud for the fans was played by Stone's and High ; School In the Inter mediate ! . IfMlp-iip ...... u-ilh ....... Hip v.... -fivmrr u, ...v. riiniinir : on top In a hard-fought over- j lime thriller 25 to 23 De Jongs and Annette's, pace- ' V-jWrathall 132 makers in the Ladies' A Bowling ToialsC".P 961 League, continued their win-1 niriB viv) in thio rut'i n,-n,iQ ANNETTES Do-Op Takes Top Place in Senior Hoop League Senior Co-ops 57, Savoy 50 Intermediate Stone's 25, High School 2'5 Indies' Iicaffue Peoples Store 17, Hinh School !) Junior League North Star 25, Kinsmen 1 Co-op scored a 57 to 50 victory Tuesday niihl i .. i.V. play with clean sweep victories Winrile over Westvicw and Orange. McMeekin A rebound dropped in by Steve, ' ueeu enciea when he suffered a Dumas with 45 seconds yone in fiactuid skull. December 11. 1933, the third overtime gave victory '11 a collision with Shore In a to his team. ' eame at Boston. On his recovery The Rame was close with1-1 benefit same was arranged neither train enlarging on a 2-;with tlle Bailey-Shore reunion point, lead. Stone's took a one-lh(' attraction. Leafs won tlv Scuby's also had a clean sweep '"l More than 14,000 Toronto a,re hockey fans cheered n a. U1 Bailey and Eddie Shore clasped j- hands 15 years ago last night Hh U Ut'Ilt'lll Eame "Tor thn 1 w - ullv. 1 Toronto right-winger. Bail- j ey's hockey playing career had 1 Balll 7-3. The third challenge of Lou tH'ouuiarcl. urouuiaiu W Worcester. 0 r c e s t e r. Mas Mass . TTi'o t-.r-.l-, rn Air. r . . 'inch-uanauian for the world ""tldlcwtMght title was turned M'k "y Mar(,il Thil. French IliA'IM' 12 i'fnt'c nit i t u i (m. . i was awarded the bout on ' 0 ul; over Brouil- ltUllS protest. UKllCSt. The J right 81 Ui l" . A J victory over Manson s who were. Handicap as a result, relegated to the' Totals bottom of the standing along , !,A?iGE" up 1 first place in the Senioi n 1 , 1 .1 with which they wrapped J n". XP . TJ.. ,l.,.ll 1. ..II 1 T - -A. i .,.-iwu.cui league, me loss into a tie With I0-Me-Iil. March. J r?.) IIUW MEX' EN's Vint R"V-; ...... "ninn, ry, Irom HOYS- in . Now . BOYS' MJ PANTS ,wi i li'ailie that had to h:ivp Ihiw nvprtimp dpi-hx s to de I ! -. (&iiitr u h m m tlie fOUltll f ,,,,, , , , IJ MEN'S 11 n l'OUtld. W 1 e Thil ' I , ., , , . . I -"cu. no - ... ... wiin me urange Laciies Team results were: De Jong's 3, Westview 0. Annette's 3, Orange 0. Scuby's 3, Manson's 0. Gordon St Anderson 2, Variety 1. Saoy Swingers 2, Taft & Odowes 1. High single scorer was J. Shenton of De Jong's with 307 nrt hioh nonrfoaie A Pimvn nf TV Jm-io's u-ith 7in f,.r th,.M games or average of 237. The league standings: De Jong's Annette's 8 Variety 6 Gordon & Anderson ( Savoy Swingers 5 Scuby's 4 Tail &i Odowes 3 Westview 2 Orange 1 Manson's 1 Individual scoring: D. Dibb 102 83 94 O. Tiiam 215 70 170 cide the winner went to School. The strong veteran ilne-up of ....... . . ... . Co-op aaln brought the win . . . wun wnicn mey e inched first ... .... . . ... piace m me league, it is the co-op came from behind in j the first half to take a 28-24 lead at the half-time whistle. The play was wide ouen and fast with both teams uslne short quii K passes ana accurate shoot- 851''ig from everywhere. Co-op used the floor-length passes effective- y with a forward fast . break-1 ine. i $2nv!U flri'rtH a csi,,r.4 U t ' . . "ad Davis and Ciccone playintr their first game in ... a u month mo season, ine noiei men crept t--j- . ..i i . .. . THURSDAY Sports a.m. 9:00 -Bo-Me-Hl Gym Ci.iss. p.m. 2:00 Adult Casual B-.idmin- ton. 2:30 King Edward Gym' Class. 3-:30- Jr. Girls Apparatus Class. 6:30 Boys Organized Games Hour. 8:00 Rup-Rec Women. School Hnskrthall League 4:00-High 2 and High 3. Basketball Pr;dtires 5:00 - 10:00. Special p.m. 2:00 Women's Crafts and Bridge Club. 4:00 Booth Bible Class. 7:30 N.F.B. Film, Children 8 p.m. Rotary Minstrel 'F. Cemblia 131 1'3 141 Handicap 23 23 Totals 816 879 830 SAVOY SWINGERS D. MePhee lit; 235 162 IE. Knutson 204 163 1li5 P. Mensies lHft 162 1C7 L. Erickson 240 188 202 R Mcrallnm 9H1 m 14i: ,A Handicap 16 in Ki Totals 1045 900 TAFT it ODOWES I Saville 108 McKinnon 155 106 i4 i Nelson 159 192 204 Maundrell 178 143 233; Low score 116 K. Reid 130 90 Handicap 30 30 Totals 716 880 O,.,, yUl , HOCKEY SCORES Paeific ('0.1st l.eagur Vancouver 5, Oak-and. 3. Fresno 5, Frisco 4. Tacoir.a 3, New Wnstn'nster 2 "4 - afc i i V 1 rcn 1 iO within 4 points of Co-ip but P1'"1N " noicnng me ball were stopped from petting Floser. v'lim':1s High School came up Lanky Angus' Macpner was a ban-ago of shots that fell !? to6ye;R knees, m UIVIHII.,"'"!." K""'"J- r.. ., 1. ... .... , . . ! . , . . ,. . , . flftaltttfa: Se per word per biMrtlon, minimum etaarge, soe. Btrtb HoUlw 0o; Cariii ot 1 hniiKo. Heath Notices. Fuiiarw Motluea. MarriMtn and EngaKeraent Announra menu: fi ' SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE Jlaaalfietf Adrermmg is payable In advance. Please refrain Mom teiephonm 01 Daoy uruppeu men' , A thrilling Intermediate! Stone's 25 to 23 over' Hit-h bi-eezod into a 14-point lead on ... . . . Boiuiy Beynon's flawless shoot- ...i r . , ing. lie came up wiin u points . . ... m me mira quarir ana enaea niKht. He dropixd in 10 field Roals from 17 attempted. In the una. quurior Savoy. were snaiked by Mel Holkestad vlio sliowcd his tx-st uluvinir of . , . everywhere. slauDine: down shots ho I". no MiV out n.iinn TTa ilnt- .... tl a laiKdy defensive game al- .... .... ., ... .. ....... ii.iii'iii 1 11111 ririn. 111 11 ni ni j m i i'v :ii m vi in nn n n iiv- ed a driving game for Savoy, Arnev had to leavo the nanrn in the closing seconds of the game , Riien ne suiierca a hard Daw?' , 1 s ,j on a oiuiseu Knee. The referees had an easy time " 4" , A ' IVf "1 It w ' iiKlifc- I P. Wallace 5fi 139 133 A. Parker 161 103 134 I M. Flvnn 145 158 175 Handicap 104 104 104 Totals 783 657 810 DE JONG'S E. Piehe 154 178 142 A. Pierce 197 270 2J3 A. Wrathall 13') 115 147 195 173 172 117 32 82 962 854 Montgomery 26 205 103 105 224 156 218 214 184 215 187 182 19(5 167 172 30 30 30 990 1027 887 iv jviiuuri 92 142 77 V. Van Horn 118 89 112 C. Willson 144 103 119 J. Arnev 131 108 103 A. Letter 111 139 138! Handicap 716 701 669 MANSON'S T. Dell .. 140 132 122 1. VelUh 110 51 64 B. Riictderham 69 75 79 H. MacLeod 90 124 136 L). Kudderham 159 172 147 Handicap 69 09 (19 'totals G37 G23 C17 SCUBY'S- J Thornton 164 2i 140 ! W. Sleeves 222 177 115 G. Van Meer 152 138 194 L. Smith 1U4 127 123i li. Uzk-k 113 loO 204 1 Handicap 56 56 56! T;;U!.s 871 '3 837 1 GORDON & ANDERSON Sheila Ramsay -230 200 167 lsla Garner 201 1G4 250 ' B. Smith 156 181 Ki4 i L. Anderson 123 157 125 C. Barrie 181 138 196 Handicap 29 29 29 Totals 920 809 931 I VARIETY STORK I. Kihstiansson .... 152 142 169 1. Lvkeuaard 144 199 183 R. Ramsay 195 1G5 153 : R. Christianson ... 171 227 101 FOR KENT FOR RENT Two room apartment, quiet couple wanted. No cnuciren. zzi atn e. (43) FOR RENT Sleeping room, 801 Borden St. (tf) FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 843 9th Ave. West. (56; FOR RENT Two room apart-ment. Apply 100 4th West. . (41) HELP WANTKD WANTED Girl or Woman to do huh l housework and look after pre-sehool age child, week days. Phone Blu 128 after 6 days. Phone Blue 128 after 6 BOYS WANTED -The waiting list for Daily News delivery boys is open. Suitable boys wishing routes should lea'te their names at the office, tl WANTED A reliable man to Mil Rawleich Products in rrinee Rupert and surround me district. No experience needed to start. Write today. Foa,wl,';!2h's --'Pt. WG-B-166-189. Winnipeg. Man. H) WOMEN INTERVIEWERS" to "do occasional assignments for public opinion and marketing research company. Senior Matriculation required. Write details, ne, ecucauon, experience. Gruneau Research Limited, 80 Richard Street, West, Toronto. (39, AGENTS Wanted to'selfpiastic Letter and Fin tire Sets throughout B.C. Every business is a prospect. Repeat orders and Rood commission. Write, advising territory covered, to: George Foiret Advertising Ltd., 89 W. Pender St., Vancouver. (it) PERSONAL THE RAWLEIGH Dealer wishes to take this opportunity of advising local citizens that Raw-leigh goods may be had at any time at 1415 Piggolt Avenue or a card addressed to Station B. Box 1115. will bring prompt delivery and cheerful, courteous service at any time A. Desautels. (39) PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES rubber goods) twelve samples lor )0c-postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catalogue in-eluded. General Novelty Co Dept. 'PR', 71 Major St.. Tor-"ii to. Out. ,50) TENDERS TENDERS will be received for the purchase of Lot 8, Block 41, Section 7. Prince Rupert, No 1148 Eighth Avenue East, subject to possession being given on the fifteenth July 1949, for cash. Tenders must be sealed and marked "Tender" and be in the Prince Rupert Post Office, addressed to the undersigned. Box 662, not later than Monday, February 21, 1949. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. M.M. Stephens.' (42) You Saw it In The News. V Kex Bout: Open to r' u relay and : noons and ? Tuesday art niiiH altn s CI Always Ihf HIGH QVt FOR SALb FOR SALE 28 ft. Troller 'Doxy' $1,200. Cow Bay Floats. (431 FOR SALE New Articles. Electric Toasters, Press Irons, Hot . Plates. Heaters, Cuds and Saucers. Kitchen Stoves at real saving prices. See B.C. Furniture. itfi FOR SALE-v-26 ft. troller with Rurdies atjd gear. Apply 537 Taxi or Black 448 after 6 p.m. i (46) ' FOR SALE- Onrliltehen se'C table, 4 chairs. One single bed, . sprinR' ana mattress, one folding couch. One rocking chair. Phone Red 900, or call at 642 8th Ave. East. (411 FOR SALE Lot on 2nd. Ave. Selling cheap, includiiiu miscellaneous lumber. Phone Red 165. (43) FOR SALE Used Furniture, Office Fixtures and Hard-' ware. Underwood Typewriters . in best condition. Radios 1948 n'st meetlne. M . MM km . . lyil 1 1 1 M I UAYV IVUlll 1141 J SKIING GOOD Many I'jithusiasts Enjoying Sport Trip to Smithers Carnival I'lanneil Copious snowfall of late "' has! , T for skiing and during the past' two week-ends many local en-1 thusiasts have been ascending-Mount Hays. A hard crust on Ule snow has made for goQd speed althoueh 6 rendorinir r"ur,," climbimi difficult. The Kkl tnw was expected to be in readineu for operation at th pnH f ,h. past week but lt was not com. pleted in time, This week-end'a group of the X Is Your Radio Sick? BRING YOUR RADIO RADIOPHONE SET TO Ken's Radio Clinic for SATISFACTORY SERVICE Dealers for fl EN ERA I. DRV BATTERY AM) VESTIN(;llOl!SE 918 Reeond Ave. Plione 53 point lead at the quarter but llhih Scluml came riht back to ie II 1111 11I the Im. If 1 pIi The The came same was ;ls marked marked bv by ' 1 ' ,,0()(1 basketball by both teams with very aggressive play nnd ' clo-e cheekliT.' which had lem- I per frayed at times IlifUi S'liool took a 1-point lead in the thhd but in k u a "l,vills fll'ivillfr '("arter nimrt,... tl...l mat say ... " m ill in i4i ' i tf in .. ritti ,.. ina " tlier u-r ml v..,-.. .... " " "'""'I, sank the 2-pointer that ., I Hiph the tie in regulation time. & m me lnst overtime blouc i M'm0(1 lirst nnd then the stu- I dl'nls tictl il "P aaJ. Slone! Il , n . ..... il,,tir .,, ,t,u I uim. njiu till- snort, or oil the basket. It was HOt until the tliird overtime wnere me nisi point tnadc gave' ViCliU'V 1(1 .i!l...r .11.1 j " tiiii urn ii III le Ulll ... lu it rum- shooting by the students forward line was their down- lulL uard line came "h" l"r pn oul rimlil mil it ..II .1,.,,.. o .. ' " 'v T" . naU flne teamwork and passing wun tneir shooting weak. ; Stone's took 69 shots and mad- 11. They dropped in 3 of 11 free throws. High School scored 10 iieui gums ironi i shots. They maile 8 of 10 fre throws. I.AIHKS' I.EAC.IE Peoples Store strengthened their hold on second place with a 17-9 win over tne High School squad in the Ladies'-League game. Peoples jumped into a 10-G lead in the first half on Budl-nich's accurate firing at the hoop. Peoples piayed a fast-breaking game, giving them many chances at the basket as they caught the High School defend? slow in getting in position. High School played their usual passing game that looked good but when it came to shooting they were woefully weak. In the second half Peoples built up their lead as they shut out High School in the third quarter while doing some scoring of their own. Last night's win was Peoples seventh straight, including their default win over Miller Bay. The win gave the defending cham-j (Continued on Iml-c Five) mt putmy rhonel 654 I tV per doi-n paid loi (mptltt UUI.d by any B C Sttwtiy Thil lv.rtiimnl it no) publivh.d or d;pliytd by lh Liquor Conlol Bond at -y Uit Gov-rnntnt o' B..iih Columbi. j ' CAR WASHING and SIMONIZING Protect the finish of your car from severe weather conditions. We offer prompt service and our prices are 'TRY 01B mocieis. Kiienen chairs, coal Heaters, Electric Heaters, Lor- liinR Bools. Ladies' Fur Coat! $7.50. Other useful household1 articles at the lowest prices. See B.C. Furniture Co. (tl 1 FOR SALE House with 5 1 c i TRY Ot'l CHINK Extra Sfi- uo 1 m ivi'is yuv r nucr n i though they were rusty from the lono- liiv-nff With tliooi ! boys returned Savoy had two , omers aDseni rtupert HoiKesta and 1 Nick Haugan. In the second half Co-op t ill I 1 1 .1 , - 'kit ... 3 1 ft a dog !" :n ... .1.. 1 feeding f ll.n. of ready-to-nit miy oiner lype. e 1 " - BLIND SKIER-Peter Lipnicki, Kitchener's, blind piano tuner, is believed to be the onlv blind skier in Canada. A member of the Chicopee. Ski Club of Kitchener, Lipnicki Is shown here wk his wife, Alberta, and Robert Petznick, right, chief instructor of the club CP Ph o I It C 5 I Chow Mrin-' If 7M?rn 60II 3rd Ah' WKATl PHOTO F linvplnoin QUICK : Amal" n rH.intll . I ni..- rooms ana oath. Hot water radiation. Splendid condition. - Price $3700 00. Prince Rupert Realty Co., 4lh St.. Phone ' Green 917. t44) MACHINERY Km SALE TO SAW better luinber mort-economically use the modern ;. and up-to-date tvpe National Portable Sawmills manufac- ,! tured bv National Machinery : Company Limited, Vancouver, JJC; , (tf) 1 METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET MKTA I. WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing:. Letoun'Pau & Sons. 629 Sixth Went. Phone 543 (tfl LOST LOST Black and While English Setter. Answers to name Of Ponty. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this (Ior please phone Dr. W. b. Knr-Rin. 348. (tfi -t- Advertise in me uany News! NOTICE The Daily News wishes to idraw attention to the ru!o that classified and transieni advertlsinp; is payable in advance at the office at tinn of presenting ropy for advei-Using. Those desiring to ad vertise In this manner in the raily Newn are asked ti assist the office and respect mis rule by refraining from telephoning . tislng. 1 savoy HOTEL J Carl Zarelli, Prop. UUul pnONRS7 P.O. Bo 541 T FRASER STREET ClM PRINCE RUPERT j will, (0UE(1 1 . I vol'-" when GAINES nourishes every inc - k -r w m of your r.''!) lhat iiimnv K..;r;in r- I .. . -ii ... i reeii t.iiiiipg-niniriKli every inch! Gaines J kennel-lexlcd - li.iiiKir;iy proved to lie (j ......imiiij compivie. saves you money every " "B niiikes ill to 12 " iiiiin ,ccu' jusl mix wilh water lump, I"b. ,!ri,v5''- ',,r Vnriely-lry GAINES KKLlNt.IJON, Hhirh h Ciiincs IVfcal romprWd , into cruniliy liile-sie pellets. Why GAINES satisfies your dog - i Each pound coninins - I'rnipins an in Vi hn. V JOHN - ii"-i,jiivii(Wi.,i ih in l'2 l. rooked out. iiienl; fills as in 1 of., i.nlter; minrrttlni iii ills. i hree; iron a in ill. lieef liver. HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Datc Cafe in the City Opon from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Whtravtr doa food aim uU .-IU, -lb and ? bam GAIN. We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOI SUEY - CHOW ME IN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS rilONE 133 UPTOWN SERVICE STATION ( John Bui? I I m,lrd k Complete Meal for ALL Dogs 2nd and Mcl'.ride OR Phone 791 11 1 I