t . Local News Items . . . I?tince Uuptrt Daflp mfms Wednesday, February 10, 1919 all Goods ano $ivicis BEAUTY . . UTILITY . . . ECONOMY V."" !". LIVIN40 f i c. " j BELTS - WJ ji t i S.O.N. Meeting, Wed. Feb. 10,, 8 p.m., S.O.N. Hall. (33! Crib and Whist, Legion Rooms1 Friday 8 p.m. M1) During the power shortage the Peter Pan Oift Shop will close at 6 p.m. (3t Public Relations Council meeting postponed to Thursday, Feb. 24,. . , (42) C.N.R. Carmen's Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, February 13. Dancing 0:30 to 1:30.- Everybody welcome. (41) jA'pLY WEATHERBOARD ,, JLis ol this Douglas Fir l'lywo odin htock ' In V. to lu feet available fur early delivery ;RT & McCAFFERY LTD. ivmVAi BUILDING SUPPLIES United Fishermen and Allied ' Your broken-down, worn-Workers' Union. General Meet-' out "P' i'ig-tilled mattress made hig, Thurs. Feb. 17, 8 30 pm ' ,ike new at MATTSON S, Up-Metropole Hall. All member holstcrcrs and Furniture Re- b I' !73 j ,50 - J'f"'"' ' ' .....' 'y ' ' ' MS - j- I j " FOOD I a I phone lie " TANDARD OF EXCELLENCE Watts & Nickerson V Vy 'i I y 75 - so , . ; 25 : . " .. . '': ' ' ':- ,'. '.':.' 1945 STOCKS (Continued rrom Page I) Hosco 29 Jacknife 05 Joliet Quebec 42 Lake Rowan 10 Lapaska 08 Vi Little Long Lac .85 Lynx 12 1 i Madsen Red Lake 2.75 McKenzie Red Lake 40 McLeod Cockshutt 1.0G Moneta 45 Negus 2.35 Noranda 56.75 Louvicourt 37 V2 Pickle Crow 2.18 Regcourt O6V2 San Antonio 4.15 Senator Rouyn 44 Y2 Sherrit Gordon 2.12 Steep Rock 1.50 Sturgeon River 1G Silver Miller 34' 2 LIVING COSTS COMPARED-The cost of living in Canada and the United States, which for a time took divergent courses, now are following about the same trend. In what is apparently the last stages of the post-war adjustment between costs in the two countries, the United States' index has recently been coming down, while that of Canada lias retained some upward tendencies. From now on the two are expected to follow about the same pattern. Charts prepared by a Canadian bank show the courses of the costs of living and costs of food in the four years 1915 43. The lines do not, however, compare the cost of living of one country with the ether; that is, they don't show whether it costs more to live in the United States or Canada. They do show how much living costs in each counntry has changed in terms of its own cost of living in the base period 1935-39. (CP Photo) paneis. Visit our shop at 330 Second Avenue. (40) VARIED PROGRAM AT P.-T.A. MEET Valentine Decorations Founders' Day Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Mentioned Hearts and red streamers decorated the music room of King Edward School where over l one hundred members attended the February meeting , of the Parent - Teachers' Association last evening. The meeting was opened with the singing of "O Canada." Founders' Day was observed and the aims and objects of the pan91l Teachers' Association reviewed. It was decided to hold the annual King Edward tea and sale on Friday, March 18. Vocal solos by two of the members were well received. Mrs. F. E. Anfield, accompanied by Mrs. G. D. Mead, sang "Devotion" and "At Close of Day." "Dark Eyes" and "My Happiness" were sung by Mrs. H. M. Lindseth, accompanied by Mrs. J. Bowman. Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby, president of the Girl Guide Association, conducted a quiz which presented in novel form the activities of the Guide movement. F. E. Anfield, president of the Boy Scout Association, urged the parents to take an active interest in their children's activities and pointed out that for the last forty years the Boy Scout movement has stood the test and was. a proven and tried development of youth. Presentation of a chest of silverware was made to' Mis. Piche, the former Eleanor Moxley. by the president, Mrs. R. E. Mortimer, on behalf of the parents and children of King Edward School. Dainty Norwegian refresh-, mentis were served in the lunch room by Mrs. Hans Knutson, assisted by Mrs. Barney Roald, Mrs. Alf. Jensen, Mrs. A. Caldcrone, and Mrs. D. A. Morrison. Scandinavian dancing was then enjoyed to the music of Mrs. J. S. Black and Mrs. Charles Anderson with Rudolph Olsen master of ceremonies. Mrs. John McLeod was in charge of the evening's NOTICE OF MEETING The ninth Annual Meeting Announcements All tumiueiiiMm, mu colunm will -h-yea for I nil mootb t ill emit word ! SPORTSMAN'S NEWS -Annual Game Dinner, Feb. 10, 1949. The United Church Valentine Tea at the homo of Mrs. A. J. Domlnalo, Feb. 17. Minstrel Show, Prince Rupert Rotary Club, Feb. 17 and 18. Canadian Club Public Meeting, February 23. Cribbage, Whist and Bridge, Catholic School Hall, February 24, 8 p.m. Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, I.O.D.E., Tea and Home Cooking, March 10. March 17, Tea, Catholic Hall. King Edward School Sale, Friday, March 18. Presbyterian Tea, Church Hall March 24. Women of the Moose spring tea, April 7, at Mrs. J. P. Mol-ler's, 124 Fourth Avenue East. Orange Spring Sale, April l3, 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 21. Anglican Spring Sale, Saturday April 23. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 27. The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. St. Peter's IJaiiaur, May 12. J. A. Jones, representative of tin' Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, will be In Prince Rupert February 2a U confer with local authorities on the housing situation here. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEK i Q. Is it necessary to tele phone one's hostess "on the day after licr party to thank her again for the good time you had? A. While sincere appreciation is never out of place, this really isn't necessary, unless you are positive the hostess has plenty of time to spend at the telephone. Usually, your leave-taking after the party should take care of this rite. Q. If the hands are not In use, where should one placa tliein while at the table? A. The hands should be placed in tiic lap. Above all, , refrain from toying with the eating utensils. Q. Should an unmarried woman who Is travelling alone sign the hotel register as Miss Mary Jones? i A. Yes, she should use the prefix "Miss." ! You re So Riglil! , . . wherever you p,n in our pure silk print Afternoon Dress. It's immaculately fashioned with a gentle pcplum that flows into a drape. Grey and Unite Navy a;nl White. FOR YOUR TWO-PIECE OUTFIT SELECT A TKOriCANA SKIRT AND ONE OF OUR NEW SPRING ULOI'SES Of course you will want to see our Three-piece Spring Ensembles, Coats ami Suits. , And remember Sweet Six-teen's Personalized Budget plan was designed for your convenience. No Interest No Carrying Charges please attend. The city is seeking a new superintendent for the Pioneers' Home following the recent resignation of J. V. Mlnton, who, with his wife, have been looking after the elderly men's hostel for the last several months., F. E. Anfield. nrcsident nf tho Prince Rupert Boy Scouts' Association, was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club on a subject appropriate I to the forthcoming Boy Scout-Girl Guide week. President M. C. Brydges was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Publicity committee of the Ladies of the Moose met at th ..W...V. ui mu, rreu vaicierone and, after a brief business session refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. Alt Ritchie, chairman, Mrs. W. Graham, Mrs. C. Mclntyre. Mrs. A. Hinton, Mrs. D. Morrison, Mrs. B. Bellamy, Mrs. H. Dickens, Mrs. James Irvine, Mrs. F. Caldcrone, Mrs. R. Wilson and Miss A. Greening. L0N6 DISTANCE FOR ISLANDS Recent request of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce seeking establishment of long distance radiophone service be tween Prince Rupert and such Queen Charlotte Island points us Massett and Queen Charlotte City Is receiving attention at Ottawa. E. T. Applewhalte, secretary of the Chamber, Is in receipt of a communication from the office of the Minister of Transport statin? that the matter has been referred to appropriate officers of his department for report. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association will ije held at the City Hall on Friday, February 25th, 1949, at 8 p.m. Business: To receive '. Auditor's Report and Balance Sheet for 1!4!. To elect five members to the Hoard of Management. To appoint an Auditor. Membership fee of $1.00 per annum may be paid at the Hospital or Ormes Drugs prior to Wednesday, February 23rd al 5 p.m., on which date membership list, will close. All inurrested citizens arc urged to take out membership in the Association. I). V. STEVENSON, (42) Managing Secretary. 300 Pair SHOP JOWJS) Blue 97 of the Prince Rupert Fisher- men's Credit Union will be held 1 at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Sons! of Norway Hail on Fifth Avenue. All members are requested to1 ttend. Refreshments will he served and films shown. Wives and husbands of members are also welcome.. (40) EDMONTON, Xt Medical examination of. 10,000 Edmonton school children during 19-13 showed 2,502 pupils suffering from defects. FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" Just Arrived ! ! . CHINA CABINETS in popular waterfall design with sliding plate glass doors and roomy linen drawer Price $S2.."0 Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. RAUGHT PARTY ,1 lin;; Mrs. O. Jlxitii Fuught, I;, were joint (fiii-i-( birthday ,. Faught, the I i .;.'( were pn- rved. At this c.:Ue alight cut. Prcsen-;i! lump was honor as a wishes ol' his ere Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. A. :s. Cut, Mr. .ir. ami Mrs. .. WhiUakcr, s. E. f"isi Mrs. I Astoria, jria and geiM-llt, ...4 ) "tin JIM 'i : Vimr I I 1APFR ... ilENTS AM I I .MrHrUlc St. ' K I I v i; it -'B CIIKKSK ! ul fresh Madel MtN DAlltV ! "'rfl'aily ; 'ttU SKRVICE 1 v' I" 1 1 Florists ' -Hi Tel. 777 '"".All Occasions (,l'lnsil,e H'lUih Unit !" CANDY 1 STREET '''I'l-'IUO il.ll uim' X1 ''" '' "I II r '' -Hi 4th St. B.C. iorc Calc lt lis ' ,J I NOVATED li;Ui j.-m,., ?,! 8eivlce hi City I Send -out Orders rvid Chow, Mgr. STREET VENDORS BANNED EDMONTON, CP- Operators of nomadic peanut, popcorn, ice-cream and hot dog stands have been given a year to disappear from Edmonton streets by order of the city council. mm COT A J? mmmM HEAD COI.D? m 3Si A few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in eacli nostril work fast right where trouble is! Va-tro-nol opens' up cold - consested breathing passages fi, and relieves sneezy. eniffly head cold distress. Follow directions in packaye. VSCKSVATROKOL m1 If uR a. ; T.S.5. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY 1V11DNIGUT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR IfEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. IF ir is I'lmubing or Heating tall SMITH & ELKLNS Phone 174 Uoz 271 BASKETBALL TIME-TABLE A revised basketball schedule is announced as follows, taking into account team chances and a number of added features: February 19 North Star vs. Hish School, Merchants vs. Morgans, Co-op vs. Bo-Me-Hi. February 22 Kinsmen vs. Rupert Hotel, Peoples vs. Doms, Fashion vs. High School, Savoy .vs. .Brown woods. February 23 Fashion vs. Morgans, Bo-Me-Hi vs. Duke of Connaughts. February 24 Stones vs! High School Bo-Me-Hi vs. Duke o Connaughts. February 2G High School v.v Kinsmen, Fashion vs. Merch ' ants, Bo-Me-Hi vs. Savoy.'.". March 1 Rupert Hotel vs. School, Morgans vs. " Stones, Brownwoods vs. Co-op. March 5 Old Timers games, sponsored by Job's Daughters. Want Ads Bring Results! I be recipos utnq Hint Soup 01 an Hf- Man-lesfed yedpes ! "1 1 i ' ' ; ' ' I ! r r 1. l liair, I in 111 1 o, ay of llir ra-ipn brlow: "My wife prepared Braised Stuffed Pork Chops from your Heini recipe. Believe me, I could take a lot of this dish before tiring of it." Hrinz mtiittil tit kntm trhal m-iirs tippmt t fr, Smvrttl fcousff-1W11 H'.' axkptl In wriT tlihr wit of the Imoklm "57 Jf aft to In Ihim S.,;u". A iviimf iwrirl i mmt abort. AT TAFT & ODOWES WHEN THE WEATHERMAN DOESN'T CO-OPERATE WITH SUSIE OR SAMMY CLEARING OUT I5niiscl Slulfetl Pork Chops Cl A'lf 1 IO-o. lin Mriiu I Iniiilriweil Oram of Tonmto Snp, i i "il, willi I nip milk. ComUiiif! 2 mp lrt bread cubes, .Ut(l mMmi. i-linppr.i ihihiii, 4 teaspoon pall, tcanMon pepper 'Sld'G traapiMin poultry Hianiiing. Mix llioroulilY. M j"t ' 'li b'l ''x,"r'' '" "'oiflr.n i-liillinit. Kill 6 lliirk )"'fl rliop", !. ' . h kelis illi I'rcail dliiflinj;. llron on bolli idr io liol fryitlUl Pour I lie nniainlrr of Snip mixture ovpi '.j v ' 4 f'liops. ' -ovrr li;;liny. .ook over low Ileal ,i. in a mol.'raio oven (.I-jO3 1''.) for tO it nle. Allow one i liop per person. Le re-mail... tliH'k nit-tl Soup ah j;ravy. Serve b. 300 Pair Nylon Stockings 17 VARIETIES i ft v i ym PttASf-YOUff MAN RRC1PCI Keep them happy indoors with (JAMES HOOKS NOVELTIES MECHANICAL TOYS There is a fine assortment AT Repairs P.O. Cox 721 htiv pijfd th men of H ho'ir Himt winner a girmu aottmnt ef Hmt Con-dnwd Mall "Pla-Yeur-Mfin" rripi to M, J. Canada lH., 470 Dupont St., Toronto 4. NOVELTIES TOYS HARDWARE AND MANY OTHER ITEMS BARGAIN PRICES ! ' in l irrritiv i ins stork will me known as THE S For Foi the 100 diiitf which will nd Soups. Hint Co. of FOR ALL TYPES (;iti:i;TiN(i t.itis PENS AND PENCILS Construction Alterations OF PRINTING See on it i: siiTUES HOME STATIONERY' SEK SPMTS GREER & BRIDDEN . CONTUACTOKS AND BUILDERS Floor Sanding a Specialty Xi Printing o. A. E. 682 W. Third Ave. Red 501