arid regulated. prlnft nuptrl Daflj JSeto Saturday. December 10, 1&49 S r LETTERBOX The contents of i news stand.? Ray Reflects ... a'1 Reminisces Pmjled Drivers Editor, Daily News. In reply to "Puzzled Drivers" letter in the Daily News recently the first man signifying his intention of making a right hard turn should have the riht of It took years of agitation and TEACHERS IN OFFICE finally a morlii war tn link Prince iRuDert with a hlirhwav which Editor, Daily News ir MODERN -ant Designing and Materials SEE :LAMD CITY rJ, Builders' Supplies when flnaltv rmnietprt u3 n! in reply to your report of the Field Marshal Willi., T i- ... . Ceorge highway a main thoroughfare. The reason for the first solution is that- any car making a right turn has mthinj to stop for and has less distance t get out of Uie sKuau;m. G. M. Prry, Terrace, B, C. ' " I I ..... r u. . '4tA 1 ncvci -lira or n rtrivata ni It i vuuuiot-r 01 commerce j way. Any other right hand turns Slim, who rank? with Montgom -".vi lima uuuressine inm-Jir .nnW ku i the time, if ana specnicany reier-; WQuJd . - i v. u s tuai ai-i com nm, me straight ery as one or Britain's too lead- (;I a"y back-slapping maintained. is visiting tn Canada. It Is question from the floor regard . the ones making left hand turns aid he likes Iq be called "Bill" Blue 820 ,,We St. -mce, people looked at sixtn .:.., w m,.u cud have Jeast pi.iorilv Avenue, saying that while thert i may 1 stat that Mr-! In a report of the Prince Ru pert Chamber . of Commerce! Black didn't say anything that, In tfie case that everyone in It's worth noting that a member of Tass, the official Soviet news agency, : a member of the Parliamentary press callery at Ot tawa. In Russia, there Is no reporter from Cani'Ua. There are we, the teachers, did not 'already tended to dnvt through the in Fleece Lined meeting Monday night it was staid that the extension of the P.O.E. was favored over the know, nor d!d he reply to the tfrsection. the car travelling I either nn Thi-rt avo n Vf r ; was length, there might be some question as to lack of breadth and. growth of retail trade. For the time was coming when Sixth Avenue would not seem so far out of town. True enough, todav. AVAILABLE l - . j- question asked V Bools Mr. Whaien and Mr. Daggett 'St" would have tne right of waVjHazelton rout for a railroad tol less than half a dozen from the came out into the rmen with uler "le car coming rrom the I Alaska, it should nave read that. when cars and those on foot . their support of the teachers' court House because it is travel- the "Rocky Mountain Trench" ling on the Prince Rupert-Prince route was favored. urn ed States and a mere handful from Britain. Anl all of them ore subiect to being spied on with i'l! of their movements cen.sored contention that they too should Women's Sizes Black or Brown $7.45 Red .... $7.75 be allowed to hold municiDal office. This was the answer to mingle at the Junction of Third Avenue and McBride Street and Third Avenue and Fulton Street. I And It is not alway peaceful, j especially If umbrellas are in ac ' POUT ATI F HOYAi; South for Kitias II f onni mnui tion. Another few years shall roll, and the old timers will be shown to have been dead right. HEW ROYAL ) HAT f I 10K FOR THE MU 1 1 L the question. I Mr. Wright, president of the Prince Rupert Distrkt Teachers' Association, asked for an expression of opinion from the candidates on this vital matter, with a hope that individuals would come forward and state their views and not the views as a whole of the council. Teachers are citizens of this community, some are property Tow Saw It In Th Newni 1 W RED AINU Change-ruban rapid Dsuc leinte grii Touches conformed Barre d'etpacamant WHIIt. D SEAL LABEL K Home Away From Hume .in Rooms Hot and Cold water vfTi Motaaur "Mooic" 4k At the FAMILY SHOE STOKE LIMITED h. r. a PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENOIN5ER3 Iron and Brua Oasrnvg Eectrte and Acetylen . Welding PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. lrd Ave. Bax 638 S.& PRINCE GEORGE To VANCOUVER and WAYPORTS DECEMBER 15th. DECEMBER 22nd. EARLY RESERVATIONS NECESSARY. CALL OR WRITE CITY OR DEPOT TICKET OFFICE PHONE 2G0 or 338 Canadian National Steamships Ph. 357 1 ?hoie 281 P.O. Box 196 ;airica Ad lor Result .aH itnyl- V-T?l "Maic" marque de Mt an owners just the same as the rest of the population, and contribute a good deal to the community In many different ways. If a teacher could be elected and was elected to the council surely it would just be a matter of abstention from voting if School Board estimates were up for approval by the council which is only once a year, similar to the way in which, let us Say, Mr. Black abstains from voting on puse tie vprwriirt Limited. Al The SPORT Shop's Toylown, It's SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL, and MWTNO MACHINERY Available with English or French Keyboard McRAE BROS. W THE RUPREMS COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA matters affecting the Northern in paoai t IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMIN- R f! Pnu,r Pnmn-n. Ba JPUl a tum. WTffATIOK ACT" AND IN THE matter of thr estatb op Ye. Mr. Editor, Teachers want LD DE to c0"1"1"116 CKAfEriMiNTKTTR municipal affairs take notics i.ha bv Ord of and they have something to con- of British Columbia, i wu on th this prejudiced situation is rec- Id-SrSS iVt tified not only to their satvsfac- uiu of Malcolm McDonald, deceased, tion, but also to the satisfaction uu. o Loww Post, British Coium- of all clear thinking citizens. Bilk. aihA 1 IaH nn nH alwini K a fit h daj of September. lMi. at the I Ciilumbm. All persoBH Indebted to P. ADLEM, Public Relations Officer. Prince Rupert District Teachers' Association. n't Miss This Terrific Selection. A Toy For Every Boy ond Every Girl -iTrikes, Wagons. Pedal Cars, Sleighs, Kiddy Cars, Trucks, Scooters, and Hundreds of Dolls and Thousands of Other Toys to Choose rom. N wttlement ol Dawaoa Creek. Britlstt Columbia. All perxoas Indebted to the said estate ar required to pay the amount of tlwlr Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persona having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me pro-lrly verified on or before the 15th duy of January, t950 falling which distribution will be nude having refmrd only to aucb claims of which t Khali have been notified. DATED at Telesruph Creek. B.C. this 1st day of December. 1949. ERNEW EARL ALLEN. j Ollu'lul Admlnlstraror. 1 2 Telegraph Creek, BO. THR STORE THAT HAS EVKRVT1IINO IN TOYS WIKTS Slid! AT THE PRICE YOU I.IKE TO PAY . 3rd Ave. Hliie !! Box 102 Give Your Friends A Gift That Will Be Appreciated I Commodore I Cafe j "Betlvr Thn Kver- jBest Food and Service In CltjJ Phone 17 for Send-Out Order Third Ave. David Chow. Mgr. J jjTSDStt And - - SttffffflWtl. In Time For CHRISTMAS!!! - FOR XMAS. SHEAFFER3 "TRIUMPH" $3.95 $7.50 $11.50 10 Pound Box 20 Pound Box 30 Pound Box PROCESSED IN THE PACIFIC COAST'S MOST MODERN SMOKEHOUSE A CARLOAD OF KROEHLER CHESTERFIELDS THE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL 1950 STYLES-AND COVERS GIVE THE GIFT THAT PLEASES "ALL-WAYS" SWoff.r'i "TRIUMPH" Pent and matching Finelina Pencils art a gift-choice that it built to pltai hi trvy woy . . . olwayi. DIBB PRINTING THE PERFECT GIFT , Company ; Besner Block Phone 234 See Them Now At Gordon & Anderson SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Proa PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT 'to any point served by rail in Canada A Xmoj Cord will be enclosed with '"J each shipment Use Coupon Bolow Send to ' , Name ' ' i I Address il . I S'nt by . . I Name ' . I Address - I Indicate by X In circles below ' . ' " I O Cash O Cheque O Money Order O $3.95 O $7.50 O $11.50 Pi C III1 II ICkfT 1 fC Producer and Processors HyWave Brand Fresh, Frozen lIiUl Mii lj ond Smoked Fish also Mild Cured Salmon Tft Ik IIP II t TTTlTIi' Cannersof Challenger Brand ltMIrIIil 1 1 X li FIRST QUALITY CANNED SEA FOODS !? II V II i Y16i T Processed at the Ir A MMitm U I f ll Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Plant BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 78T Box 1193, BROADWAY CAFE TO ASSURE DELIVERY- Order your MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS HAMS MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS BACON and . MAPLE L EAF -GRADE A TURKEYS DUCKS and GEESE From your dealer NOW! J k Best Food O S A V Finest inest Cooking Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. Canada Packers Limi Prince Rupert, B.C. For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 f 0. Box 1 580