2. , icy; Prince Rupert Daily News 5 SCYjij, It ton l easy Out nf h,.. -T -1 Monday, December 4. 1950 Ray Reflects and Reminisces " "141. , A ,1 - -Jk The fAs See I sources, It's just as weil that wp .w-, I . 2 In independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director j m SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' ' "t'ar-ier. Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year. vr. i have a live municipal election ! to v Fa- FW fi-; home. Of course, the Lord only I velopinl '".--'s ! knows what is to happen in the ! does Ir , usual trouble zones but nothln- I JJr ti-a; t. r3 1 00: By Mail. Per Month, 50c; Per Year, S5.00. &f'Ji' lis going to be ei'her pained or rJ-. I nt " Pi ; lost in neglecting important af By ELMORE PHILPOTT PEACE OR WAR NEAR lairs neaicr where we live i Open Your Stores r i mtieiV Prince Rap,T- eleven mo: . T than to im. Al-, shine on a.-.v-?." disaste.-.bii';;-: ur.cr;mforub. ' were f,-.- ' IN ONE short week we have been plunged from the doorstep of peace in Korea to defeat and pos- BT A NARROW margin of one vote the City 'Council decided against the request of a group of merchants to have their shops remain open only A Korean bank biU has f.mnd Its way tD Prince Runert. havin" j been sent by Geo-ge Evans, local icldier. who is going places anC wing thines he "ill c.menjb'r as long as he wears a uniturm land doubtless a lot lonaer. i Georae writes its normal estimate is s imewhat open to dcuht, but present value amounts to two ad a half cents. One of these !cold nnd anulneous days, Ko-- ea will probabty be the same. of world war om? night a week, for the convenience of the con- i sibility struction employees of the Cellulose Company who j three. '-;--y u ' :.:t c.d ttf f'lfam on Kii;T b.. Plares cat a.--m but they e-e ;-,. Capital punishment his returned to New Zealand, and ro ing the homej. &t " , on seem sc-rv. .ve hp iHlnwifc I v-ho is nb'"ct to wicked passions. The State tried it out and abides by the result Thieh an-pears coric'.uMv. For seven vears the gallows was aboii-hrrl. Murders numb' ed 87 The prev- Pnd slo!y -art .. land end hr,, r.; sometimes the .tkr colors, merr" j tints and shzi of a Master ar.-t." PRESENTED WITH CAR Token of affection and good wiis of hundreds of CHnadinn daily and wvekly newspapermen and friends in the public relations and advertising fields, a 1951 Mercury six-passenger coupe was precented at Montreal to Walter S. Thompson, who retired recently after 27 years as public relations 'director for Canadian National Railways. Presenting the car, one of the first 1951 moleds produced by Ford Qf Canada, are O. J. Fitzgerald, Montreal Gazette columnist and president of the Montreal Men's Press Club, and Roger Cham-poux of Montreal La Presse. joint chairmen of the committee w hich spouse red a testimonial dinner for the popular CJJ.R. public relations chief. ' Victoria Report MICN-S DRESS SOX-These are real gifts, from , KO.MBEK JACKETS and PARKAS, from BOYS' WINDBREAK! KS, from FOR THE LADIES LADIES' HOSE Cotton mixtures, Nylons and All-Wool, fr om, pal.- Amcthysl Is In For East Again HCNO KONO- H .M.S. Ame-thv.st, L i.ioh frigaf?. has re-Joined the far eastern fie-t. About ;,ixte?n nion-'hs a-'o th Amethyst was detained bv No one in our part of the world is sure of the reason. Did the Chinese Communists come crashing south because General MacArthur by-passed the peace negotiations which Britain 'and India had all but completed in Peking? Or was the earlier Chinese Red retreat just a stall for time just a "come-on" toget the UN forces in a position where they could be trapped? As Ernest Bevnn admitted, ws do not know, oOo IN LESS OMINOUS times Canadians might be forgiven for indulging themselves in the luxury of criticism of General Mac-Arthur. Even interpreted in the most favorable light his order for a "home-by Christmas' attack was a bad blunder. British and Indian diplomats in Red China had worked out a "gentlemen' agreement" whereby the war in Korea would be ended by leaving a demilitarised buffer zone of about 20 miles next to the border of China. Maybe the Chinese Reds were playing the British and Indian for suckers in these negotiations. But the point is that MacArthur shot away the chance of finding out If the war could be ended on terms which hould have satisfied everybody. oOo IT WAS THAT grand old - by J. K. Nesbiu - - - - - . thjnee Communists on 'he , , , , , " -'-"''' ,i ' ' 1 ,-, ' .- j Yangtze River. She made a lliht Premier Celling IJettcr John Hart's Party . i 'Y'"n f1'p,,r aftr manva ihri'i- 1 lnS expe-ience. w m it i i. Wallace line Host - j Rondn a Knanlsb tn-x-n njjr TABLE X LOTUS 4 serviettes to match. BeauUai pi Were up to $4.00. Now et VICTORIA. Rumors have been flying, around Gibraltar, is bum. on, both sides ) eaftnot get int town before six p.m. ' Granted the proposal is a perplexing one, nevertheless the arguments in favor of granting this application are unquestionably strong. Z Prince Rupert is foitunate in having a great purchasing power available among the workers at the big plant. It is fortunate, too, that stores have not been opened in the vicinity of the plant. Jhe employees of the retail stores in town do not appear to .object to the small overtime involved in order to get; the available business. With a big purchasing power right at our doors, is it common sense to refuse to make our commodities available to tht body of people with such purchasing power in their pockets? The results from this policy can only be to drive thejtrade into mail order houses or encourage people to! -open stores near the plant. 'ince Rupert is largely dependent upon a big retail trade. It must remain the chief shopping centre for the people in the surrounding area if it 'is to be a prosperous' community. J Fishing, producing, shipping, railroading, wholesaling plants are fundamental to the maintenance of our economy. But along with these basic concerns come the retail and servicing trades and professions in which generally more people find employment than in the basic callings. It is the combination of producers, distributors, setrice callings and of course consumers that creates and maintains a city. 1 A temporary condition exists whereby a large group of workers are unable to spend their money in; town. The merchants and council ought to find some reasonable way of supplying a service. If they do not, then they have no one to blame if ; stores are erected nearer the plant and a new community gets the business driven away from Prince Rupert. It has happened elsewhere. It can happen here. ; The council and merchants should reconsider this question. the capital that Premier Johnson will never walk . a Br u ",tl again that he will resign the government's leader- j -ESr: -if SHOP AND SAVE AT 31f ship. They got so wild that the premier's physician, I Dr. John Moore, had to issue an official bulletin: Luxury Sfeomer PRINCE GEORGE Get Your . . . saying Mr. Johnson Is making jgood progress toward recovery. lHouse nas become a popular, j Everyone was glad to hear DiaCe. Everyone, it seems, now ; statesman Clemenceau who said j that. The premier has had no wants to go to the big manidon 1 1 !i i! SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and InJrrmrdiate PorU Each Thursday at 11:15 pjn. Cards New! For KETCHIKAN Ms ft Stltdm cf ii CHWSTWA5 wuiy mat war is loo important easy time wnee ne ana iwrs.j nhieh the taxpayers maintain, to be left to the generals. Johnson were in an automobile for the King's representative, j The vital and it could be accident in Quehee late in Sep- And that's fine by His Hosor ; catastrophic weakness of the tember. It's no fun lying cm the 1 ari(i yjijS Wallace. Thpy give a ' UN campaign In and around i flat -of .your back for weeks in welcome to anyone who w.ants ' Korea is that MacArthur was ' hospital trp to your middle in pay a vit. I allowed to step beyond his a plaster cast, even if you can Just lnsWe tng bl front I proper role as a military com- - afiord three special nurses every under the impesin" porte co- 1 I H! made ?ov.e vhizti 24 hours' ; ' chere. is a visitors' register: You definitely trespassed into : the it seems now the premier xjil put your name and address in ' ireaim of high politics. .These be able to return to his desk that book and you get two in-1 began with his theatrical trip early in January, in time to pre- vitations a year to the Christ-.o Formosa kissing the hand of pare for the opening of the ses- mas reception and the August WFDNKKDAV MIDKIC.IIT j J For Reservations Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. wuang ixi-bucii.. nicy siou a moncn later. earden Dartv V- r'v .vf Phu--2i 3rd Street Prim Buprj FRIVratS STATIONERS OFFICE SIPTUL ended with the "home by Christmas" attack order at the very moment when British diplomacy had worked out the buffer zont deal. ' oOo He has been restless in hos-, so many people have signed pit.il, wanting to get on with their names that they em't all his business, but the doctor for- De fitu,d into tne house, big as bid all that wasnt exactly nec- jt, is at one Christmas recep-essary. He had so many visitors. llcn s0 there's going to be thrco, ine tiocur had to issue orders December 19 20 and 21 ' that he wasn't to have more, any j Victoria and O o V e r n m e n t '" a So Beautiful . Z J, vvk House have never seen anything like it. ! uiu, Willie ulc ficu;itri crtijucu seeing them, he was exhausted when bedtime case, and couldn i s.eep property. BUT WE SHOULD keep all th? above in proper proportion. The present point is, not "how we got this way" but what should be done now. We cannot now' afford the luxury of a western . family quarrel. j Are the Chinese Communists and their Russian allies sincere i hi wanting peace. They not we Never before in the first two months of a new regime has there been such comings and goings at Government House. There are guests nearly every and with 11 h Features" The New . . . McCLARY "27" Washing Machin Sot it, and 3ou i T: Hut I "It's Ihe asb EVtRVTniNG:' Scon he'll be back at his big Uplands home and he'll sit-in tne big sunny windows looking out over the sea and the rnoun- aiaae the war in Korea. i . tains and the distant islands. j Or are they cleverly using A ft. . 1. ,. ., thnt V. .1 MacArthur's mistakes to make " XTAA "ZtZV . night for dinners, there have been half a dozen afternoon reception and every week-ends there are house guests from out of town. The new First Family is planning a big family 'Christmas party at Government House, I ifeli) Anniricans? If what they want is a 20-miie ! ZTS 7 ' .L T' " " "?. Keep your car PURR-RFECT ALL WINTER Cet cur COMPUTE niB,m t,v .n ; ,.TM, 3 "wtiand Mrs. John Hart gave at the with sens and daughters-in-law, FUNDAMENTALS STICK more to fundamentals in primary education, advises the Estevan (Sask.) Mercury. "Mental indigestion comes sooner or later from a system of education made too easy, pleasant and palatable thrugh evading many of the basic things of'4he subjects involved. If more time were spent in jthe public schools in fashioning for the children the tools of the three R's with which they finally carve out their own education, a tremendous advantage would be gained. "Not only 'would they be better prepared to absorb the teaching of the subjects in high school grades but they would leave school ever so much better equipped than they are now. On top of that the cost of educating them both directly and indirectly would be lessened." SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAT '""He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth net the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36. ill If the Chinese want peace they I EmP" Hotel uJlot Lfuten-, brothers aad Blsierl and and Governor and Mrs. Clarence can get peace in a matter of "ft children v,.,.t u.. ";.. (Wallace. It was quite the fanciest. .J. C.r.t. 7 V"':"ia,liL Mcoriuc ; private party the capital has . coming clean." But does the Ii seen in years, if ever. More than I HniivvvnnD caff II Vkb I I W W " " 1 world Communist leadership really want peace in Korea or anywhere else? The truth is that we do not know and must be prepared to face the worst, while working and praying for the best. oOo M3 We Specioli" in i U 9 J 1 400 people turned up in , the Chintz lounge. An orchestra ; piayed, a central table was piled high with flowers, flanked with figures of birds in dripping ice, there -were mounds of food and three bars. Mr. and Mrs. Hart were gracious host and hostess I and seemed to have as much I enjoyment as their guests, who were sory when 7 p.m. came "and : they han to go home. fFiuim 6 DISHES IF WORLD WAR Three is at hand the three key spots are CHOPSUEY--CH0 1. India. 2. The Suez Canal zone. S Germany and Western Since Hon. Clarence Wallace Europe FOR FOR FOR PLANNING BUILDING REPAIRING Either in cold war or hot war. j took over as Lieutenant Gover- nor October 1, Government OFE FROM 1:30 P.M. to J 3 M' ( as India goes so eventually will all south Asia. As Suez goes, in a struggle between the United States and Russia, so eventually will all Africa go. As Germany goes, so eventually will all her next-door neighbors, east and west. u & u f,S (j 'OWL QmMmqa Gltfe f i WINTERIZING SERVICE Cooling System Fuel Sylem Ignition System Electrical System Lubricant We do cemplet Winterizing job with our expert servicemen, factor jr-spproved equipment, methods and Genuine Ford farts. Save lime, cold weather trouble and expense. Drive in today, let us check and adjust your car for safe, trouble-free winter driving Prepare For WINTER! IMPORTANT NOTICE Coll 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractor! v e 1 lftla.,IMM. 7 PACK CAREFULLY ADDRESS CORRECTLY SHIP BY EXPRESS NOT LATER THAN : ; December 9 i I December 9 99 TAXI CO. LTD. wishes to at residents of "Rushbrook Heights services to oil addresses on etc., will NOT be suspended at any This firm is not a membe;o Owners' Association and does n any restrictions announced by ,TO POINTS IN Local Boy U.S. ; Army Capfain 1 First Lieutenant Ernest F. San- ' turbane of Prince Rupert has been promoted to the rank of Captain in the Army of the Unite ! States. ! The announcement of the ' fjromotion was made recently m an order issued from the General i Headquarters of the Second -Armored Division at Fort Hoo4, Texas, and signed by Major Oerv-'. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED I Newfoundland . Maritime Pravincat . i . Ontario and Quebec : December 12 ' Manitoba I i ; December 13 Bob Parker Ltd Check your Fu ranee and Chimney Now! We have the most modern vacuum equipment for cleaning furnaces and chimneys. PHONE 884 tikiom SHEET METAL LTD. CHECK YOUR FURNACE , Saskatchewan and Alberta ; ; ; ; December 14 i British Columbia December IS R. E. Mortimer 824 2ndAi. (Near CFPR) ' i - . : VARIETY m for X'mas Shopg erai wiinston B. faimer, eom-1 mandlng general of the livisiou. j Captain Santurbane is a grad- ! uate of the Prince Rupert High ' School in Prince Rupert. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Santur- , bane, live at 404 th -Are. West. ' Mefeel