pnoviNCt PROVINCIAL LI33A3T, 113 153 I A DISPATCHED iVlCTJAPlfV 1P ,4s ' 0 Daily CABS , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Wl Delivery Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Kev ta th fir-.. kii. VOL. XXXIX, Phone 81 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 0 ng up mm L3 Games Had Rough Time in L Saturday Night Pearson Warns Of "A" Bomb CO ff Toronto Maple i Chicago Black Hawks jo the unprecedented Heads of Nations Getting Together Quickly In View Of Worsening Situation of tie games mat are ,ed In the National ,eague this winter by TURKEY (? ray'dJE?V slS ' " Fears Reaction to Use Would Be Dangerous OTTAWA (CP) Ex wo aeaaiocKs ai me Saturday night at the :if Gardens It was a the bomb would be "far outweighed among the people of the world." But, he said, Canada should be among those governments consulted before a "decision of such Immense and awful consequence" Is taken If It Is taken to use the atomic bomb. In a major statement on government foreign policy, Mr. Pearson Indicated the cabinet's affair and Sunday night ternal Affairs Minister cams moved to Chicago Little Chance Seen of Agreement Being Reached On Negotiated Peace With China WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) Prime Minister At- earson deprecated the v had a three-all tie. v night's game wai iv... the m.Qllflltlrs Kllg- tlee arrived here todav for talks with President use of the atomic bomb against Red China. Warning that the risk of Urgent Matter Red China's Intervention NEW YORK m Great Britain, the United States and four other belief that the atom bomb Truman aimed at finding common policy on the should not be used in China II I I AVK t I! an immediate general war has world crisis and averting the threat of a global war. "while there is any chance a: all" of preventing the spread o: increased, he told the federal-provinclal conference the use of The first of the talks will be held later today. the war in Korea. air Attlee's big four-engured countries today formally asked Ujr iii " ' iv goal tenders. In the pe iod the M'aDle Leafs fcalie, Al Rollins, unfa eight games since he gr from Turk Broda on r 19, was belted by a rk over the right eye be removed from the receive twelve stitches, 1o was held up while Turk aneed from civvies to k Then, foon after the (the third period, Harry Detroit goalie, was also liner "Cathay" rolled up on the Skating Rink ft vtA fitQf) ii"u,intiniviitfct,J ' 5S$3k Explosion At national airport apron where President Truman, State Secretary Acheson, Defence Secretary Marshall and other officials the United Nations assembly to take up as an urgent matter the Chinese Communist Intervention in Korea. France, Norway, Cuba and Ecuador joined in the formal request. , Progress Slow were waiting. Ocean Fails At first the talks had bet 1 scheduled to start tomorrow but the eye by the puck al Attempts to make a skating 1 I i ! lot so seriously as Rol- today It was decided to speed 11 vwm rink at Gyro Park have to date been unsatisfactory in spite of Fish Closure eame was held up again RMidents' of Paper Town them up in view of the increase Ing gravity of the situation. great deal of work by me fr.ley underwent repairs, fcr weekend (tames De- II: Omdurman JP lERITREASHi I Gyro Club, Navy, firemen and There persists some taik of a Is Approved Montreal divided hon- slight possibility of negotiating civic employees. The city supplied some planks and a com V New York and Boston. an arrangement with the Chin kmes Tuesday night will pressor. ese Communists but there is little hope of this white the Red LIVING INDEX UNCHANGED OTTAWA Cost of living index for Canada on November 1 was 170.7, no change from the month previous, according to announcement today. Lower food and fuel prices held the index down. TOWEEL KEEPS CROWN JOHANNESBURG Vic Tow-eel of South Africa loosed a vicious attack Saturday night to retain the world bantam Co-op Agrees Salmon Should Be Conserved Electricity Asked for Fish Floats The surface at the park slopes real Cansdtens at Tor-rolt Red Wings at New forces are victorious in Korea. Thought it Was Earthquake OCEAN FALLS 0) A lfcOO-pound heater exploded Sunday in the Pacific Mills Ltd. paper plant, crumbling part of a wall, smashing windows and embedding itself inside concrete. y There were no Injuries. Residents thought an earthquake had struck as the giant heater exploded. and, despite efforts to apply the fc Chicago Black. Hawks On every side officials said water evenly, it settled at the SUDAN j jmueJMIe Jffls? Appreciation of the strong low end, leaving only shell ice that the present situation Is loaded with danger and uncer stand taken by the Department knd fcores: at the upper end. The fire hoses used for the Job seemed to throw of Fisheries In maintaining the closure of the salmon season in the Queen Charlotte Islands was too much water on the surface SUNDAY 3. Chicago 3 1, Montreal 4 5 New York 3 SATURDAY at once. In addition, changes in weight campionship, stopping expressed In the general meeting I .... V. Whlte AbTIWIA I tainty. All reports from London of Attlee's mission tell of his intention to advocate that an , agreement be sought with the Communists both Chinese and Russian. That course is likely the weather have several times Britain's Danny O'Sullivan undone the work that was ac The Briton aws unable to come of the Prince Rupert Fishermen s Co-operative Association on ZILaVJH A. P 0. Toronto 0 complished in ice-making. Death Removes Montreal 1 William F. Btone of the com While the poorer cohoe run this k -k 3, Boston 2 mittee working on the project year was to some extent com today expressed his disappoint pensated for by the run of tuna, ment that there had been little )CKE1 SCORES which again appeared In the to find little favorable response In Washington. In a statement to liewspaper-men, Prime Minister Attku aid that his aim In the falks with Mr. Truman "is to align our policies in the new and troubled waters orr tne wueen inanoice help from outside, particularly from teen-agers who would ben BtJNDAir0 Islands, It was stated that the Parific Coast efit most from the rink. It Is Association realizes the welfare lrd 8. New Westmln?er i expected to resume work on the "Hilly" Lambert - .George Lambert "passed away late last evening In the General Hospital, where he had been a patient for the past month or so. Mr. Lambert, who was known by his numerous friends as "Nifty." had long been a familiar figure in local restaurants. Born In England, he came to Prince Rupert 35 or 40 years ago situation in the world and to i, Victoria 5 project today. find means of upholding what we both know to be right." of its members depends on a continuous conservation program. With President Martin Eriksen in the chair, the meeting con kanaran-Malnline ro 10. Vernon 3 Mr. Attlee accused the Com BRITAIN AND EGYPT The worsening of the wcvld situation has fed to British attitude that the maintenance of a major base ' In the Middle East is now regarded as more urgentl r necessary. Egypt is considered to be the only suit able area for iiuch a base from the point of view of communications, port facilities, and labor supply. The efficient maintenance of such base installations, it is argued, requires the presence of a substantial number of British troops, chiefly technicians rather than combatant units. These forces are at present concentrated in the Suez Canal zone. The Egyptians, demanding British withdrawal, acknowledge their country's strategic Importance and even the need for a large military base available for use by their allies in time of war, but assert that they themselves can keep the base in good order and readiness. British military experts do not share this confidence. SATURDAY munist bloc with trying to "drive r.o 7. Ve 'non 1 cluded its two-day session with wedge between our-, two out for the eleventh round. PATS IN HAWAII PEARL HARBOR The Korea-bound Second Battalion, Princes Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, put into Pearl Harbor Saturday after a stormy passage on the Pacific. The lOflOman unit became the first Canadian infantry regiment to parade in Hawaii. FLOOD HITS PANAMA PANAMA Fifteen persons were drowned Saturday in a flood at the town of Yaviza in Darien province, southeastern Panama. THREE DIE IN TORNADO GREENVILLE, I1L A tornado struck Greenville and Mt. Olive in southwestern Illinois Saturday, killing three persons and injuring more than a score. Greenville was hardest hit. Damage there was estimated at $500,000. About 100 homes were destroyed or damaged. peoples." , : a good attendance throughout. Among the several reports was ps 2. Kelowna 2 SATURDAY Pacific Coast Matthew Halliday Of Hozelton Diet Word was received in the city during the week-end of the death at Hazelton of Matthew Halliday, father of H. C. Halliday, B. and B. master for the Can The Prime Minister added: "They are wasting theli.- effort kiver 2, New Westminster He had remained here ever since. For a considerable time his health had been in decline. He had lived at the St. Elmo Rooms. The United States and the one showing the excellent condition in which the Massett Cooperative Association finds itself, despite lower clam production, as "i 4, Tacoma 1 1 United Kingdom are two cout tries with world-wide responsibilities." adian National Railways here. Improved marketing has given better returns. Low Temperature For Night Is 22.2 A petition asking for electrical l Country outlets with pay meters on the federal government floats In ootball Prince Rupert was unanimously ball Association Cup) endorsed by the members. The meeting was told that the petition was assured of the support of E. T. Applewhaite, M.P. for Skwna. Official minimum temperature reading for the current winter's second cold snap was 22.2 above Eero early this morning at the Dlgby Island meteorological station. This was nearly five degrees higher than a 17.8 above recorded in the previous cold snap a couple of weeks ago. Round, Second Replay Federal Government Ready To Inaugurate Age Pension Plan Increase in Federal Taxes Predicted at Opening . Of Intergovernmental Conference OTTAWA (CP) Increase in federal taxes was predicted today by Prime Minister St. Lament at the opening of the federal-provincial conference on fiscal-social matters. TVip increase, the Prime Minister said, would be Rovers 3, Lanelly 1 r'.ime) Edith Covell's Anniversary MacARTHUR WENT : BEYOND OBJECTEVE , LONDON Emmanuel Shin-well, British Secretary of War, said yesterday that General Douglas MacArthur had gone beyond the objectives in Korea which the British government had anticipated. It had been the understanding thati he would not send United Nations forces beyond the 38th parallel but, instead, they had headed for the Manchurian frontier. In Challenge Cup Final) pd 1, Charlton Athletic Canadians Would Head Off Reds TOKYO The Canadian destroyers Cayuga, Sioux and Athabaskan, which have been patrolling the northwest coast of Korea south and east of the mouth of the Yalu River, have been assigned to other parts of the coast to prevent expected attempts to land by Chinese Communist amphibian units. The Sioux, it had been previously reported, was expected to sail at an early date for Canada. Further Calgary Floods Feared Today, December 4, is the an niversary of the birth of Edith Cavell, who was born in England Terrace Highway Is Clear Again Announcement has been made by the provincial public works department that the highway from Hazelton through to Prince Rupert is clear again after hav- In 1865. Miss Cavell was execut ed by the Germans In Brussels, "commensurate with the gravity" of the international early In the First Great War, being charged with helping war on ae situation. Expenditures nig been closed for a few days prisoners to escape. py. December 5, 1950 by snow. The intention s to keep the road open as long as available equipment can handle fence had to be increased because of the menace of Communist aggression. Fifth Candidate For City Council There will be a contest for four alermanic seats In Prince Rupert this year, it was ilearned authoritatively today. The nomination of William Austin Mac-Lean Is the fifth received at the City Hall. He was nominated by Mrs. N. E. Arnold and the nomination seconded by James H. Thompson. 9:37 20.3 feet ! 22:28 17.9 feet the job. The Prime Minister told the Hazelton Tavern Robbed of $400 About $400 was recently stolen in Hazelton, when the glass in the door of the tavern was smashed. What money there was In the till disappeared. It happened early on a Sunday 3:17 7.4 feet : TODAY'S STOCKS : conference that the federal gov 16:16 5.7 feet ernment cannot revise its tax U. Johnston Co. Ltd.) : (Courtesy 8. CALGARY The mayor of Calgary gave warning yesterday of danger of further flooding by the Bow River into the city because of the Elbow River continuing to shove up ice blockades. THE WEATHER Synopsis 1 Hansen sailed last nleh agreements with the provinces to add "materially" to the over Chllcotln for a business Temperature at Vancouver Vancouver. all cost to the federal treasury. Airport sagged to 25 degrees this morning to hit the low mark so far this winter. However, Prince Mr. St. Laurent announced that the federal government will implement the old age security George's minimum was 31 below mm SITUATION raSENING zero and Fort Nelson on the Al aska Highway hit 36 below. Cause of the cold weather is a shifting south and west of a mass army spokesman said that the polar air coupled with a general decrease of cloudiness Some In Red Chinese had rolled five armies 15 divisions, up to 150,- cease In cloudiness Is looked for on the south coast tomorrow but for the rest of the province no 000 men south of the Ching chon River within striking dls tance of Pyongyang. ted NationsllForces andoning Pyongyang Scorched Earth Policy Bitter Fighting I Tn Intense Cold plan as recommended by a parliamentary committee this year if It gets unanimous agreement from the provinces for a constitutional admendment. The proposed plan calls for contributory pensions of $40 a month for all at the age of 70 and $40 pensions at 65 with a means test. The federal government was prepared to enter again into so-called tax rental agreements with all the provinces In terms similar to, although not kentical with, agreements now In foce with the eight provinces. He said the pro Thousands of civilians swarm Bobjo- .12 Buffalo Canadian 20 Consol. Smelters 124.00 Conwest 1.80 Donalda 48 Eldona 24 East Sullivan (5.75 Giant Yellowknife 685 God's Lake .32 Hardrock 23 Harricana 05' Heva .08 Hosco .05V2 Jacknife .0514 Joliet Quebec v. .70 Lake Rowan .07 Lapaska 04' j Little Long Lac 50 Lvnx 12 Madsen Red Lake 2.05 McKenzie Red Lake 40 McLeod Cockshutt 1 92 Moneta ' Noranda 68.00 Lotn"i"mir - :-- -15 Pickle Crow ., ... l.5."" Rogcourt 05 San Antonio 2-35 Senator Rouvn .20 Sherrit Gordon 2.40 Steen Rock 5.90 Sturgeon River H Silver Miller 8? Upoer Canada- 1 65 Golden Manitou 5.35 Vancouver Bayonne .02 Bralorne 5.90 B. iR. Con 02 B. R. X 04 Cariboo Quartz 1.00 Hedley Mascot 43 Pacific Eastern .05 Pend Oreille 7.80 Pioneer 1-80 Premier Border 07 4 Privateer 07 Reno i .02 Sheep Creek 1.30 Silbak Premier 30 Taku River . .06'2 Vananda 09 Salmon Gold 02 Silver Standard I SO Western Uranium (ask) .95 Canadian .. (ask) 4.60 Atlantic 2.01. Calmont - -69 , Central Leduc 3. . Home Oil : 13-50 Mercury 12 Okalta 1 65 Princess - 140 Royal Canadian 10 Toronto Athona : 08 Aumaque 22 Beattie - 53 Bevcourt .r. -40 , traps, the worst Just south of Changjln reservoir, supplier of power to Manchuria. The United States Fifth Air Force used 40 B-26 attack bombers 'and blasted bridges and roads to open an escape route. Transport planes made hazardous flights to remove wounded. With the crisis worsening, General J. Lawton-Collins, United States chief of staff, flew from the United States to confer with General Douglas Mac-Arthur and a few hours later went to Korea. REARGUARD SHIELD relief is In sight. Forecast North Coast Realon Clear and cold today and Tuesday. Wind northeast, 15 miles per hour. Lows tonight and highs tomorrowat PoTt Hardv, 28 and 35; Sandspit, 25 and 35; Prince Rupert, 22 and 32. ed from the doomed city today. Some waded the Ice cold water seeking a southern haven from POKYO (CPWHeavilv outnumbered Allied Red-threatened Pyongyang. On the fighting front temper atures are as low as 26 below. f - behind a rearguard shield, retreated south worn the former Communist capital ot ryong- General MacArthur said today posed social security plan would involve federal expenditure of ln northwest Korea. Dispatches said the with-al was orderly. They are employing a scorched 1 policv rWrnvinc laree Quantities United Nations forces threw up a rearguard shield 10 miles north of Pyongyang late today In." . "" "' " Any change of listings for the 1951 Telephone Directory must be submitted to the Telephone Office not later than December 15, 1350. J. E. EDWARDS, Telephone Superintendent. (28fi that more than 810,000 Communist troops were massed in North Korea and the nearby borders of Manchuria. He said that another 200,000 Chinese Reds were moving north toward this manpower mass, making the commitment one quarter of the 4,000,000 men Red China has under arms. , r .rau, In th frozen to Drotect the bitter retreat about $250,000,000 a year. Mr. St. Laurent sad his govern, ment would offer an optional revised basis for minimum payments to be made to the provinces under rene'.! of agreements. He emphaslziid that this, of Itself, would net ttffect current payments. . . hordes of reinforced south through the former Red "punted a crave threat Hamhung and Hungnam and threatened to isolate the entire United States Tenth Corps American troops are fighting Korean capital Little fighting was reported In w .rlvlnS on the twin Hip northwest sector but an tn hrpaK oui ui l industrial cities of i desperately