T UNVE1UED " ' TTneTgency cases, mrtfl the iwntpr T7T Prince Rupert Daily New? Monday, December 4, 1950 situation becomes good. essive and Permanent Amateur Show For 'Xmas Fund The commissioners were asked to Inspect the water supply and BECAUSE OF WATER CRISIS - Terrace Hospital Closed Except For Emergencies this wa done by village chair lite lo Former Bishop TERRACE - The Kinsmen's Carbolic Funeral For Terrace Woman TERRACE High requiem mass for the late Mrs. Mamie Mc-Kinnon was celebrated by Father "WEAK" BACK? Many say they net "cold" in the backer the kidneys o evsiiy! That's why thousand keep Dr. Cliae' Kidney-Liver Pills always en hand. For this reliable remedy is iike two treatments in one works faster to relieve painful backaches due to faulty kidney. Dr. Chase nressive tribute to the revPrprl m0m u J tT how' ln. aiJ? the man Emil Haugland and village clerk Arthur Haa-man. Mr. Haugland stated that he felt that the shortage of water ln the hospital and on that hill was caused by the running of the taps all night on. the lower leveh '. zj, x "10-"..?"". TERRACE. Because of lack of water snnnlv. isnop ui v.dicuuinct, rn,. i'kev- ueorrze Alexander i,vz. T", lw.r' rPW a' , ,T : . Leray at the Church of the Sacked Heart in Terrace on Satur- nd Mrs. baciie Kix, ins wife and helpmate in n au on Thursdav evpnine- las. h 1 1 a name you cast HO rUACc'el dT)end on. SI J The local executive of the Canadian when the amateur entertain- emergencies. Notices ' tiav morning with Interment fol- to prevent freezing. :,i ,.j.. " . !ent wa thoroughly enjoyod.iRed Cross met in the nurses' lounsre on Fridav eve would be placed in town to the lowlnK at tne tiaium cemetery e, was pam jcnLciuay aibernoon at St. An-,lnw,-sl)er' Hh original items' . , . , , f i,,. i ' r t-m effect that the Hospital is being amuseent, brain children ef i-u uicuai.tr ux uk. nimanimiug iui '"J And ean Cathedral when wnen, with wan th me nt closed except Jor emergencies .present, the local Kinsmen, the enter-' .!...- 10 onrnWMlCtort ocelots? irfm-inir fch rlte. Pallbearers were Ted Johnston, Henry Cote, Henry DesjnrriinK, John Normandeau, Frank Morris and Ralph Cory. Rev. James B. Gib- Rt, - tainerS Khnupri varv na iqdmji! V J . I " ' J "f UUX4 leading the memorial nr0Ceeded to InsDect'the attrar- M talent In their performances. I supervisor oi nurses of Outpo.H hnnn i' o nmniii .. - r I - - . . . . . . r i a, na..Uiw.c x,.,Uve new rectory nfcarby wicll i irwoe prizes were awarded. : Hospitals, to go around the hos- ana naraiy a cuprui was taken la JJiaque wo umv n u wj is nearing comDletion Afir.r 't .prize went to Lorna Melvin r-itni with her tn t,.,.w intri tu from other tans. AMSTERDAM LINK The first non-stop flight between Montreal "and Amsterdam. 3418 miles, was made by a Royal Dutch Airlines plane. The Andaman and Nisobar islands are the chief gruups among numerous Lsles in the Bay of Bengal. " prayers of blessing by .the Bish- i fcf her outstanding pianoforte ,iaU! 0f the water supply which I Miss Stewart said she had Jn-ZP.MT?u- U McIntosh- on be-'.". ?W0n J U'e JUdrS as been very poor. On the paAtructlons from Vancouver to J r 1 u f half nf tVi- nrix uu j WiLK &. T.lP Itir fwcnnrl rrie jtler G. Rix, sou of Blsnop jfrs. Rix. as a permanent jii record. The Bishop was atlnn nH l"' tween the selection, of th- b,' 'tients' de there was no watw.ulose the hospital, except for in Uie service uy vttt. Busll S. Prockter, rector 0 "v hu pswiik, MI1U1CU j - , " ' ' the lirst Ike on the hearth I Orchestra and the tinging of maris annrooriate to the ia. owboy songs by Dwayne Berger lon were made by Mrs. Mcintosh 10 ni8 own 8u'tar aooompanl- cathedral, and Organist ien and the cathedral ere also ln attendance, r in the day a new holy New "RPfJI" developed by Atomic Energy ana canon Prockter who will be;J"cul" lne uluwwe. aowevtr, the first occupant i decided by their applause that Later the congregation vent i D,wayne Berier was tne most back to the Cathedral Hall where 1 P'easin- Third prize went to presented by their son, licated at communion tiv the Bishop. Ua was owved. var playing. Honorahle mention was given Bobby Melvin for his boogie woogie pianoforte solo. The judges were chosen from lie dedicatory sermon at Sidling of the tablet, Blsh-fc.son he'd that the dead, h gone from sight, were merested and watching To Institute Elks' Lodge '.the nudience and were Mrs. C. J. the living through their iNorrington, Mrs. H. Lynum and I IT. A. V. T'emblsy. Decisions I were given according to. merit. t and inspiration. The i considered it unnecessary I extended tribute at this j the memory of those I ere honored today. In At a well attended meeting of , A barber shop skit in whi-h applicants for membership ln j( Schultzlc ave lessons ln the new Prince Rupert Lodge Ko. barbering to students Bill Os-342 of the Order of Elks, held in borne, Oliver Baxter, Frank the common lounge of the Civic i Raintfo-d caused a lot of me.-ri-Oentre Sunday afternoon, it was , ment. A grim selection of tools, decided to hold the official In-, Included a saw, meat r leaver and i the communion of saints .. ; I I. V, -J 1.Ar,HyJ me veii, tiiry riuu iicuiu Well done, good and servants." iiie the ecclesiastical ca- the late BLshop Kik. Gibson told how he laad tin snips to cut off the beard of Robin Edwards, the model, who left the stae minus a consider-pble quantity of his beard. The Terrace "Hotshots" were, George Grant, Georee West, Joe Schult-?r. and, atlhou?h their sound stttution on Sunday everting next. This meeting will be told in the Oddfellows' hall. J. P. Mlquelon, the Grand Lodge organizer, announced that upwards of 50 citizens of the city bad already filed applications tot niginally destined, on com- t from Ontario, for the at Hazelton but, on the fad been instructed to come membership in the new lodge ; (ti to Prince Rupert and It . . . in the toughest test a motor gets! August 1813 when he !n i here. Thowlng himself fteartedly Into his duties. mg patriotic activities in effects were really good, their ni'ish was somewhat, off key. Other items Included: Guitar and cowboy sonps, Don Oillanders; Local duet, Theresa and Helen Benoit; tap dancing, Marga-et Groom: vocal duet, Mrs. Grant and Oliver Baxter: War I, he naa piayea a ; part in the completion cathedral here and, hav- niano accordion. Bob Baxter, and and It was predicted by the assembly that this number would be doubled by the coming Saturday when the charter list must be closed. Committees were appointed, or elected, as follows: . Hall Mark Hill, N. E. Johnson and Godfrey Madsen. Refreshments Don Arnejr, G. Madsen and Gerry Ciconni. Entertainment Chas. P. Bal-agno, chairman. Accommodation and reception Ihown his organizing and monologue bv IJovd McLeod to o little girl, Beth Baxter. Egel Sargent and Darrall Col lins were the masters of cere strative capacity as rec-.non and deauon, follow-' death of the late Arch- F. H. DuVernet In 1924, ; elected and consecrated in 1928. Under his re- monies. Kin president, W. C Osborne wecomed the audienoc is Bishop, there had been and thanked them tor their at the of visiting officials H. R. Helsr- jed development or ; work including the ex son, chairman. Hi tendance to swell the funds lot-benefit of the youngsters at n of missionizing in the Thpap rnmmltlApn hnvs nnu.-or Christmas time! Peace River agrlcultural 1 add t0 thelr numbers. The no- I mlnattng committee is composed GREAT WORKERS lof Qarnett Hull, Bert Morgan nis great worn, rusnop and Eddie claDn arTner New Atomic tool! By equipping test engines with piston rings treated at the Atomic Energy Commission's Oak Ridge Plant, our scientists i for the first time measured wear as it happened ' ., .found out with Geiger counters exactly why motor oils failed. A New "RPM" was developed! litajyiM members of the Order. There will be visiting Elks Irom Smith erg and Burns Lake Lodges id for quiet but effective Ate Mrs. Rix who had kept n step as they had truly ; together. In every sense r rL If nsel n;irli .shly .n and T,Tn unstinting-. J ntini Verne N. Taylor of Burns Lake. ruer G,d ? rorJ? KL?X I District No. 7. for a quicker, niter, blacker thine! ,11 For Action, Advertise! : high degnee the Chris-tve of duty to-extend the -m of God on Earth. Their nad been an Inestimable ie, elevating not only the i but contributing to tlhe lite of the :ommunity to ; Uiey lived. rx im - as church administrator,. tv Rix had been a "prince nds, great brother andj adviser, Imbued with sim-; humility and sagacity." I Cold operation testa, under rigid controls, were used to simulate stou-and-go driving conditions... the toughest kind a motor meets. New RPM" was compared with the best of conven-tioial motor oils. Results were amazing! r death had removed those , L jP A V ere honored today, beautiful Christian faith 'hey had passed ahead and, it came time to meet the above, there too would be m with these beloved 1949 Special Deluxe Plymouth 1700.00 1941 4-Door Plymouth 900.00 PHONE 566 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Second Avenue and First Street -ar .s.'. j? .j. K' h . i. 7 Sowing the Bishop's sermon, !"ct of unveiling was psr- kd bv tht snn nf Rlshon RiX I the Bishop performing the! r;mon. KY BLESSED t the unveiling service in thedral, the congregation nadian Army New RPM Motor Oil was shown to double the life of average automobile engines between major overhauls due to lubrication. Laboratory tests proved it. Severe road tests barked it up. )il Addresses fTAWA. New postal ad- FS for Cannrllnn A r m V Force ' personnel and Canadian t.rnnns assigned on your next CHARTER FLIGHT'KI CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES available for Par East have been re- N by post office and mlli- authorities. Mtive immediatelv. all mall Ned for personnel of No. !t;nadinn Tnfani Rrlo-nrlp PP. Fort Lewis. Wash., will Finest engine insurance you can buy No motor oil gives you better protection than New "RPM." Compared with conventional motor oils, it doubles the life of average engines between major overhauls due to lubrication. It cuts in half the. wear-rate of such critical engine parts as piston rings and cylinder walls. It doubles protection against gummy carbon. fnuressed as follows: Aerial Surveys Aerial Photography Private Charter Timber Cruising, etc. O O o Number, rank, name, Name of unit, c'APO No. 5000. A Postmaster, VANCOUVER RC ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS N Intended for personnel of For 7 Battalion Princess Pa- RATES any Other danarll-in t.rnons INFORMATION RESERVATIONS 1 PHONE 476 'Sned to Knren Khnulrl hp nrt- fea: acid, corrosion, rust and varnish . . . maintains the low-oil-consumption life of the average engine twice as long. Sold A'ith a money-back guarantee of satisfaction. umber. rank, name, ""Je of unit, CAPO 5002 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. 'o Postmaster, "Premium Typ" ml a dtrntrnuttd tht American Pttrolvum htrtitulm. iN(JOUVER, B.C. ;lers and parcels lor Cana- 1 soldier's ..m. h i an Military Mission (Far Killas & Christopher BIdg.' Air Freight on all Flights We take better care of your car -uuiq De addressed: mber, rank, name, Name of unH ,ApO 5001 , VANCOUVER, B.C.- ' i