FINED S3nn . Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS Prince Utiprrt pail? rectos' Sat-mriay. December 11, 1043 MOORAGE AT ! LOCAL BAYS LIQUOR cmj) In City nnli,.. . 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? 'It is ine yho has William NesMttZ'.l and costs uh , l the right to decide." i guilty bv M.;i.:.:'ne LI C Chamber .of ,f wnvrfe of Transport 2. What Is the eorrect pro- on a charge , W B nunciatlon of 'deduce"? j ta a minor k SUpply'1'1 3. Which one of these words Mai-Lp'nrt is misspelltirt? Utensil, ultl-j , . ; malum, xm ae. . de.dus . -- 1. Say, "It is I who have the,! u as hi us ,! un! Proposal pf the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce to have moorage buoys installed In strategic bays and coves. jn this r.a lot- Docs your family Jit this picture? ! yachts and possibly cpmnjorvial j flslprmen s before B Minister j I of Transport at ptta-,a,for eon-1 Uidcration. The Climber has, ' rci ived a tommunicatipn from; i.. '7 g urn w ait S.& I'RINCi: CE()H( a To VANCOUVER and WAYM the executive assistant oi ine: minLster stating tivat the niatter ' will be brought to ihe attention ' of Hon. Lionel cjievrler ..when lie returns to his office at the Capital. The proposal of the, Chamber is that buoys apd.chalns left by the Royal Canadian Air Force at Seal Cove and cement aoclior blocks from the former marine station at Diyby Island , be i:oni-bincd to provide such moorage facilities. AN EXCHANGE OF OPINIONS IN PARJS Hu:,'hes Lpointe, Canadian member of parliament and L B. Pearson. Canadian secretary of state for external affairs, became involved in a rapt discussion at the United Nations at Paris where Uiey are both members of the Canadian dcle-jf.uton. Mr. Pearson Is chief of Canada's reprejenttJvps to the international body. DECEMBER 16th DECEMBER 23rd HUNTERS BRINO BUSINESS PORTAGE la PRAIRIE. Man. tP-FJrms here do a brisk dQOMEIn early manied life U never rge. You haven't had time -to build re serves U "provide for your .family in the event of jMnuituw death-.' The Crown .Life Guaranteed Family Income BruifU h designed to meet the needs of the young family. It will give your family tint necessary protection and at low cost. 1 How? By proYidmg a regular rnontlily income .while the children arc growing up and at the end of the income period a further payment in cash of the full face value of ', ttte policy. Get in touch with a Crown Life Reprrarntative today. He will be glad to go , over the plan in detail with you. ;-ui ii,r..M.mAllo.n tllhSAKV. CALL (irJ iu:i hi cnspaichinR slilpmcjnts Reminiscences jj By w.J. d Reflections Modem .Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE of ducks and geese ta all parts' (ITV OR DEPOT TICKET OFF PHONE 2G0.OR3.-i8 of the United Stales. Each American hunter is allowed to export 14 ducks and six ceese. The birds are cleaned, drawn, cuiek CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMS Q. Is it proper ,to close a with Sincerely" .or ;Cprl-ially"? A. No; when using an adverb ending with ly, always add ! frozen and packed in dry ice for shipment. The candidates are off and. cide upon. -Prince -Rupert is on. while no shirts are being re- j the eve of a period or expansion, movtd and everyone Is calm.! the scope of which is perhaps municipally speaking, it looks today not fully realized. For that like Ihe approach of a tidy little matter the same is true of Brl-tlection. tish Columbia. Here, the era of : fishing and taking in one an- Classified AdS Bring Resuks! The CONSOLETn CnowN Life Insurance .Company Ham Ot 100 By FLEETWOOD LOOK AT THESE the possessive pronoun yours; "Sincerely yours," "Cordially yours," "Very truly yours." Q. What is the proper way to eat cake at the table? A. Cake can be held with the fingers when possible; otherwise, use the fork. FEAT IRES REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED It may come as a mild sur-' other's washing will have com-I prise to learn that salmon was 'petition as enterprise and de- first canned commercially velopment increase. For it will. in North America, not out in i , i British Columbia but on the AUTOS AID RECOVERY (). IIAYROY, General Asent,-Prince Ruaert J. i. KKNNY, C.L.r. Provincial SuperipJenUerU Provincial Office, Itojcrs Buiklln, Vancouver ir New Shock -Proof Piek-up. snores OI the Bav Of Fiinriav ' Rritim's aiiTmohilA itiHntrv's New 12 - Record ir VI ltAnmtaan,, Changer.. ' U. P.. .WKllJlh v it In RESTORED BY SPANISH Mexico City was rebuilt 1521 by the Spaniards. j near the port of St. John. The exports earned $120,000,000 in! j year was 1839 and the gentle-, overseas currency in the first j ) man with the large idea was ! nine months of 1948. i Scralchless Re 324 2nd Ave. tNear CFPR TERRACE cord reproduction. English ( elec I named Tristam Ralliday. Today, I more than a century later, Uie .Ci:X'Wft:CtW't,1'tl tion Speakers. IV K PAY POSTAGE . Powerful Super- -5 W Het Radio. WRATHAUS PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printine QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Beautifully. Fin Mutsaw . a IS ill. 1 1 : L canned salmon originates and v is canned. But way down in the" Tar-off Maritimes. salmon is lux- j J i ury and costs money, tinned or i any other way. ; 3-5 it ished cabinet in PrtfeNjional Soimlies 1 Skeeha Restaurant , TERRACE J.L9YP SAUDER, PROPRIETOR GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE Open 6:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays DINE AND DANCE Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves AFTERNOON TEAS S TELL 5 walnut or mahogany. LOOK at this Price:: $159.95 forlS A quiz, as to preference ram or snow, arnears In a Van- Commodore Cale t .. s, 1T .tap T? .- ; V i rr-: : 1'. : - vi ! Oi 1 I ' 1 1 I BARG INS IN RECONDITIONED RADIOS RCA 1 tube Maatel, 5 bands, 4 short wave spread bimi Marconi 3 tube Mantel, short and linii RCA 5 tube Mantel, ivory plastic cabinet We-tinr hou 3 tube Mantel ft SPECIAL! Christmas Mixture of Delicious Freshly Cooked Nut House Nuts & Christmas Raisins An it al gift and a Must for that Special .('bristmat Dinner (from soup to Nut House Nuts) A perfet Compliment when entertaining ,$1.00 per lb. '(including mailing charges) Mail in vour order to: THE NUT HOUSE 791 Granville St Vancouver, R. C. NOTE: Maiiiuo deadline December 13th. ORDER NOW couver paper. The Ust contains y 11 names and the candor shown ' Is quite ciisarming. Out of Il.lJJ eight plump for rain and two lor snow. The eleventh is de- ' liyhtfuliy uncertain. The ratio S might stay the same in the; event of the population being ' consulted Snow is hard to take. - 2 A 4 4 3 2 i A i BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL NOBL E & 1 7(1 1 V 21 THIRD AVENUE WEST PH( Whomever wUl be hi the coun-' 4 cd next year and thereafter; wU! MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BtTtDING ' FRINGE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER B:r. .Soda, Pwrtex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED "51 4 , have plenty to ponder and de-l rOMPlETEIY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Fcnxi and Service In City IPhone 17 for Send -out Orders 4Vx j. , A ; 2i 4 4 4 4 4 Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions Third Ave. David Chow. Mgr Limit 5 lbs. to a customer. 4! !t.xi.t a) .i j .j)ia.aiiKixiiaaMai I PHONE BLUE C9:J P O Box 11R4 I BLONDIE Unreasonable, Fnt She? By CHICK YOUNG tATTSONVS OTHOI.STERF.RS AD FURNITURE REPAIRS Plastic Materials " , -DvudopUlo Mattresses traps Curtains 8 i,Pprei CushUms, etc eosul-Hand Furniture Hiov B:ie 818 P.O. Box iCH er.c -2. ,,i i f -TcX Evr HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP. Permanent Waving Beauty Cult urr In all Its brandies SO 4ih stret Phono ftrS HANDYMAN , HOME 3ERYICE s I. GENERAL CONTRACTORS XSQ Seetmd Avenue PRINCE RUPERT. BC. I ; ! GEORGE I. RORIE labile AcvNjuntant, Auditor, etc.' Ir fome Tax Returns Coinjxi'.: Ben Rk Phofte 5ST 'Ruildin? and repairs of all kind PAPER HANU1NO AND JVOOD FIXISHINO latest Shide. Styles and C!or J. P. MOLLKR Phwe BLUE 155 RavIs. Chimneys oti Bwnw Oh!.... Mama? r . - ' - - ii-- III .ji U" . . '' A ':rr- ", '1 im 1 1 1.1 1 .-a PHONES P.O Be 170 DPw I J, CHENEY DF,VT1ST 8CTTK S. SMITH BLOCK .FOR YOUR . ; Ft rve P.O. Pvt im ROCK anu CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE SJ M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Ealpswat AU Work Caarj,r.teetf PIANO TECHNICIAN Tunlr.R. Voicing and RepUrs MIKE COLUSSI PTkH ie BLACK T ldth East DISTINCTIVE SILYERPl M QCAUTT KIT AOS Fr Dowatroddra Heete al ffara 5le AC SHOE liOSFfTAL T54 Se(vl A're. WtR Cartage Ltd. OawpteW Moving- Servtc Cratiag Packing Cartas BICE ?U BLUE Cor-i Er fir thoe wko fear h&l t 'r purvKiw of Satware! Wo are a!Je H a crrtfp f attractire dtets felied Or' l-rauify ftitoiire -Ccmi'-itt! tTe are feat"-tlir two rot ani'tersall k'ftrd parera "rUo." oi "LkIt ILuailt vii". j Shank O' the Evening. , . - - . . - CU i ; I i ti- -i- .i m.7 nl f--- - .iLfl-rijj A nvUl ntoulilinir for hoinexraft use. Simple to cut and easy to in.ul Supplit in cscbt practical hap to sut,very home need. Na speciiii tools requimL IlIOMPSOil HARDWARE CO. LTD.