i , Advertise! 3. f F P P Radio D1i V I I l 1240 Kilocycles tembject to Change) ptiiuc Utipctt Dailp J3ctos Saturday, December 11, 1948 Local News items...' REBEKAHS HOSTS TO ODDFELLOWS Ladies of the Rebekah Lodge were hostesses Wednesday evening when they entertained members of the Oddfellows' Lodge and guests at a social in the Oddfellows' Hay. Court whist was enjoyed by the gathering, the winners being Mrs. George Hall, Mrs. A. L. Haines, Mrs. T. H. Priest and Mrs. J. Delormc. A mock auction followed with H. M. Daggett officiating as auctioneer. This caused a good deal of excitement and restated in a substantial sum being raised. A sale of Christmas fancy work was heavily patronized. The evening concluded with refreshments. General convener was Mrs. J. Delorme. 10:00CBC NEWS 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Money on Trees 10:30Dal Richard's Orch ll:00Weauier Forecast. SUNDAY A.M. 8:30 Sunday Recital 9:00-BBC News and Commentary 8:15 Morning Song 9:30 Harmony Harbour,, Hllx 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener' 10:15 Just Mary, Tor. 10: 30-Way of the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Reports Ott. 11:30 Religious Period, Tor. 12:00N.Y. Philharmonic Orch. 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 Musical Program 2:30 British Composers ,3:25 CBC News 3:27 Weather Forecast 3:30 Songs & Singers 4:00 Week-End Review 4:15 John Fisher 4:30-trlngs for Sunday 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs, Tor. 6:30 Familiar Music Announcements All mprti-t..rii da trim column will be churned for a full mouth at 26 cent, a word Concert at Lutheran Church, Friday, December 17, 8 p.rrv. Moose Christmas Tree, Saturday December 18, 2 p.m. sharp. Oddfellows' and Rebekah Xmas Tree, Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2 p.m. S.O.N. Christmas Tree Dec. 28, 2 p.m. Parents are invited. S.O.N Christinas Dance, Dec. 29, 9 to 2. Refreshments. Every one welcome. Music by Mike Colussi. S.O.N. Whist Dance, refreshments, every Friday, 8:00 p.m. mma mums fs SORE THROAT GCNUME ASPIMH IS MARKED THIS WAY r' 100 ttW K s Wardrobe is never complete I Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday Night 8:30 (291) Duchesf; of Edinburgh Chapter Rummage and Home Cooking Sale, December 11. Fairway Food Market. (291) ANNOUNCEMENT Acme Clothing Store has just received a full shipment of Men's Croydon Burberry Coats. Get them while they last! (291) Avoid Disappointment Order your Christmas Flowers NOW Margaret Nixon, Florist. H. G. Perry, who has been in the city for the past couple ol weeks on business, will sail on the Coquitlam tomorrow night fer Vancouver where he will spend a few days before proceeding to his home in Prince George. ,C.P. R. steamer Princess Nor-ali, Capt. Peter Leslie, arrived here from the north at 3:15 1 Thursday afternoon, sailing an hour later for Vancouver. She carried 117 passengers, 63 of whom were bound for Seattle. The Ladies' Bowling League will' not bowl on Dec. 20th and 27th. (it) Little Theatre plays sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce for Salvation Army Christmas Cheer fund, Civic Centre. Monday, December 20. 8:15 p.m. (298) You Saw It in The. News. is' Plumbing or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 271 PETER aV W 7 jy a tt , J 1 jtLIV 1 3 ;v ; tr-r v A ir i SHOPPE Xmas Cards Novelties Xmas Gifts Lending Library Phyllis Pullen 229 Third Avenue West ? BUILDING RECORD ST. CATHERINES, Ont. 'P For the first time in history, building permits here recently went over the $1,000,000 mark. Sixty-seven permits for the last month amounted to $431,260 including one for $300,000 at a nearby manufacturing company. Milady's She can -smart or a SKIRT. And of BRIDAL popular It is so i Select a small your ance. No W T I 1 always use another DRESS, a SWEATER SET, a lovely BLOUSE course LINGERIE, especially SETS and . dainty SLIPS are with Milady. Ws PHOTOS m4f j onlir Early Llcr & Cowgill B niiillt .if. -.tJITK'M "ino NITE: ULJti via 21C 4H' Street has Gifts I WD r.ovs' clothes ll SHOES AT GREAT VS IHtthS SHIRTS .35 to $4.00 VS SPORT SHIIITS 75 o $5.75 IMKN S SILK TIES Oc , $1.95 r?,ri $i.5o VS soX for Dress 5c , $1.25 VS IlKESS GLOVES .45 o $4.00 IN S IIA.NKMU IIIEFS 20c 50c HUTS ami KKAf 'ES )5c u, $1.75 S WORSTED Sl ITS Tnd $37.50 llt.VS TOPCOATS a"c! $22.00 MKVS PANTS Dress and Semi-Dress .50 o $9.50 (,l!i:il.K ( OATS iur-M.uic, Ail-Wool eon AA mi s s iivrs S'vir.N uiifl Shades .00.,, $6.45 VS PKESS SIKICS Lm'.Iht. Good Fitting iark ami Brown i.OO,o $10.00 lis' sport siiikts i-Mirlcct Shade i4D ;,, $1.75 V HELMETS-Lined ic to $1.25 OVS t.dl.l HOSE I'urr Wool 0c$1.15 - WITS and UKACES 30c , 85c ALL-WOOL NPOI'T IS $5.1)5 IS S( '11001. SIldKS wilier. Dress Oxfords WlYM'.I.Y priced M) (.IKI.S Kl T.IU.R TS anil OVERSHOES iiKi)ri i:i prices i Travelling for the aaw? See Us for p ASKS and TKl'NKS Iih;i:smng (.owns '. HuiKl-enibiolderecl ciiniu. co OCJ 200 NOW 7J.7J LADIES F UNCIIEON SETS .uiuful Designs $2.25 . . .... handkerchiefs "ri( uiifl I.nro F.rli'rK we,,,,,, 95c "Mills' HOSE oc i(, $1.05 and Children's and PANTIES "NAKI.V Pirn I n FITTING WOOL ( Host. Quality ! ' nny -BiK Variety '"VS PANTS I uiifl Worsteds S'VK:TKKS All-Wool IS.snrli.1 i. MO $3.75 simple to shop at Sweet Sixteen. your merchandise and -pay deposit. When you call for purchase use the PERSONALIZED BUDGET PLAN to pay the bal ATUKCAYP.M. 4:45 Lake Success 5:00 Singing Strings 5:15 Announcer's Choice 5:30 Top Bands 5:45 Sports College 6:00 CBC NEWS 0:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Latin American Rhythm 6:30 Good Music by Goodman 6:45 Perry Como 7:00-Saturday Night Serenade 7:30 Organ Music 7:45 Lefs Argue 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Dancing Time 8:45 Date With Music 9:00 Chamber Music r A- V v How can any little girl have too many dolls? . This little lady will certainly not complain if Santa Claus brings her another doll. IN THE RUPHIAi COURT OT HKITISH WiLtJMBIA IN PHOBATE III Ihr Sl.-'.tir of tlir "Ail uiinKt rutioti Ait" Anil In llir Muttrr nf tlir I lair nf Trunk Cliitilitin-. Im-i-thm!!. Intikliitia. TAKE NOTICE Unit by OrdiT of Ills Hiinur Jud.'r W. O. Fulton. Liical .luilr nf tin- Bimrunut Court of Bri- ll.sh Coluinbin. I was on the 24th day of November. A D. 148. appoint eil AclmuilKirHtor of the Estate of KrnnK ChiKlluec. lute of Oceun Falls Urltish Columbia, who died on or about the 3rd day of September. 1948 nt Orei. n Fulls Brltlhb Columbia All persons indebted to the said estule re required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith mid all persons having cluinia aeuliiHt the said estate are required to flic them with me pro-Jj.erly verified on or before the 31st I day of Decemlier. 1M8. fttlllnK which ' cll'trlbution will be made having re gard only to such chums of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., thit-'i4th liny of November. 1B4B. ClORDON FFtASER FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC (21)6) f',4x!ieieisie-4C,ccicic r " y - " . .... . i IF IT'S WEARABLES FOR II I M OK II EK WE HAVE A COMPLETE S LINE Wee Tot to Six Years Also BLANKETS, SLIPrF.KS DOLLS and TOYS "Try Us and See" THE STORK SHOPPE 5 3(13 3rd Ave. W. Blue 810 7:00-Stage 49 8:00 Musical Program 8:30 Critically Speaking 9:00 Classics lor Today 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Canadian Sea Captains 10:30 Prelude to Midnight 11:00 Weather and Sign Off MONDAY--A Jul. 7:00 Musical clock 7:45 Singing Sam 8:00 CBC Newe 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News & Comty. 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Musical Varieties 11:15 Songs of Yesterday. 11:30 weatner Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded lnter!ude - 11:45 Famous Voices r-.M. 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernle Bradcn Tells a Story 1:45 Commentary and Talk Club Clinic 2:00 Ukrainian Choir 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Don Me.sser and His Islanders IN MEWORIAM JOHNSON la loving memory of our dear daughter, Sadie, who passed away, December 11, 1946. "Every hour we dearly miss her, , Sadly do we feel her loss, Lonely Is our home without her, Help u., Lord, to bear the cross." Sadly missed by Momie, Dad dy, Brothers and sister Ramona. Sl- : v 1 1 V Of Particular Interest are our - Vi tailored gabakuine dresses Cash for- old gold. Bulger's Olaf Han.sun, who came north from Vancouver this week to spend a few days in Smithers on business, wlil be returning to the city on next Tuesday night's train and will sail for Vancouver on the Prince George Thursday night. H. F. Glas.sey, who sustained fractured ribs in a fall in the basement of his home recently, is now able to be up at home after being confined to bed for two weeks. Next week it may be possible for him to be downtown again. NURSES HAVE XMAS PARTY A happy early Yuletide season event took place at the Nurses' Home one evening this week when the Prince Rupert Chapter of the Registered Nurses' Association of British Col umbia held a Christmas party Forty-five local nurses, active and retired, were in attendance. One of the features of the eve ning was the exchange of gifts which were distributed from a gaily decorated Christmas Tree by Santa Claus himself. Enjoyment was derived from the playing of various games during the evening and delicous refreshments were served. A special presentation was made to Miss Olga'Sather R.N., an active member of the Associa tion, who is leaving shortly to join the staff of Shauuhnessy Military Hospital at .Vancouver. "-.. v v. Q '- - L..... nmvmlF- PURGES CIO REDS Philip Murray, president of the C.I.O., is shown speaking to delegates at the labor organization's national convention in Portland, Ore. Murray, while taking no direct action to oust Communists from high positions in the C.I.O., instead asked them to quit when it is established that they arc unable to lead their union organizations properly. He refused a demand that he arbitrarily revoke the charters of 13 leftist controlled C.I.O. unions. WILLS WILLS (IK) LTD. LTD. -35 31 1 ARROW SHIRTS mi,: L Make your Christmas shopping easy Buy him an ARROW SHIRT and know that your gift will be appreciated. Our Christmas shirt stock is now complete. A beautiful range of woven stripes, prints and plain white broadcloths, in all sizes and colors to suit every taste. ARROW SHIIITS, NECKWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS All suitably boxed for Christmas . presentation-. I --o. -o Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 , Phones GO and 68 1 FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM L VANCOUVER VICTORIA , SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Cardena Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON i Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 3, 17 and 31, 10 p.m. FOR, NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 10 and 24, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeent Third Ave. Phone 568 NOW AVAILABLE 1m LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABE ; ji Si ii( I Sir V.w I rnmW -W Iff 9 For Boys or Girls Tots or Teen-agers THERE ARE TOYS AND GAMES . IN OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT TO PLEASE ONE AND ALL . . . Interest-No Carrying Charges j AND SLACKS- 7 J (Mm . w if i l r.-f l v Phone Red 400 5 . V X t and when jou are selecting GIFTS for the J u n i o r s of the family, don't forget the Grownups. for the Men for the Ladies 518 3rd Ave -ds-Si j.A VJ 4a. HA U r. . 4 V' J SHAVING SETS COSMETIC SETS 5' - & RETIRED . . . FOR KEEPS THIS TIME Max Schmeling. onetime boxing champion of the world, is still an idol to the German sports fans. Here the nging "Rer Mox" is almost mobbed by Berliners ns he boards his plane' Hamburg-bound. He announced that he has retired from the ring for keeps this time. The Now Improved "One Man" Power Chain Saw ggjDBos) CHRISTMAS CARDS for Distant Friends (Jay Decorations to Brighten Your House and Tree (lift Wrappings, Seals and Tags Ml AV U'mirlu lliiu lto-hlu'.tttrlit. lilt I is nrovini: its a VOTE n HAROLD S.WHALEN 'e"cy lll,,lpi' all sort's of conditions. I"1' A'r-Cmileil Motor. Flywheel Type Ignition. '"'"Katie Recoil Starting. Ball Main Bearings. i.uh2V"1'" 5ii!!,5 32 lach 8313 I'rince Rupert Sales Tax Extra If applicable WELLS CARTAGE Mgr. LTD. E RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Independent Candidate for ALDERMAN A Progressive, Far-Sighlcd Public Works Program ""nd Avenue Viv'iw 1M Phone 632 I