A 1 Prince tttipm Dalip irtos Wednesday. January 21, 1948 Bowling League! iP-T y-j , at . . League standing American team 7-2 at Garm-isch-Parlenkirchen nine years Mixed "A' and schedule: Totals 986 lo8ts BROWNWOOD8 M. Skalmerud . 171 173 ,C. Maundrell 90 182 B. Woods 216 1(59 II. Dimbur 170 l."8 I J. Reil 185 201 Totals 832 882 AhrtSSADOKS K. Mvers 162 189 E. Harding 161 165 J Long 167 190 D. Pol lurk 156 160 M. Chvzvk 107 188 Handicap 122 122 Totals 875 1014 TTnttaij CO-OP EKES NARROW WIN OVER SHOEMEN MEN'S "A" FIVE PIN RESULTS SHORT SPORT Bob Feller signed contract with the Cleveland Indians of ln0 lri? 207 215 160 243 977 . g 78 42 I?" 210 122 MeMEE KIN'S B. Wick 105 211 150 D. Dick 175 257 241 R. Roarkes 306 223 200 ,tf nrit'ii 1,1111 200 170 flpatipinners Dodgers Kilowatts . Pioneers McMeeklns Kingpinners Atomics Midgets Muple Leafs Thistles Gold Seals . Pushovers .. the American League seven ' 'years ago today for an estimated j $3C.O0O the highest salary ever paid a pitcher. Previously the ,-$27,500 paid Lefty Grove by Burns Take Scoring Honors Hut Still Lose Out Burns found themselves in , the distressing position of bowl- ing the highest team scores for - - - - - - - o- 19 14 13 12 1 1 ' 10 9 9 8 vs. 155 916 January 21 Midgets vs. Dodgers. Pushovers vs. Thistles. Atomics vs. Pioneers. Headmnners vs. Gold Seals. McMeeklns vs. both the single and three eames.T. McMeekln 219 . uosion Kea sox generally was "'regarded as the highest. 95c to $24.95 SALE? COATS, Chamois Lined, I fr $19.95 to $24 $f dresses $5.95 $8.95 Slfc( skirts $3.95to$MJ: EVENING SKIRTS PLAID HOUSE COATS jl raincoats $3.95 $12.95 $16,! HOUSE DRESSES ijT in the men's ' A" Five Pin ! League this week but still los - ing two games to Kilowatts. . Kilowatts, Kingpinners vs. Maple Leafs. January 28 McMeeklns vs. Kingpinners, Headoinners vs. Pioneers. Pushovers vs.. Maple I.pnfK MiriireU vs Thistles Dod Continentals- who took three.; Cordor 160 . ' Concluding a hockey tour of i Germany in which they met no defeats, Canada's Trail Smoke Eaters defeated a picked all- Classified Advertising OIirieda: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 60c. Birth Notice. 50c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notiemi, Funeral Notices Miirrlage and fngagemwit Arniouncements: HUbltKY, Service Weight Q-J KERCHIEFS, Assorted Colors )J LUNCHEON SETS $4.95 and games from Morgan's marked lin Ihp hlcrhpvt inntvtrlii'M scor cinr. ing when J. Paul bowled a 310 for the single game and 854 for the triple series. Burns top team scores were 1.231 for the single and 3.142 for the three games. Game results: Home Oil 3, Malkins 0. Continentals 3, Morgans 0. Ambassadors 3, Brownwoods.0. Kilowatts 2. Burns 1. i McMeeklns 2, Mansons 1. Revellers 2, North Star 1. NORTH RTAR D. Hartwig . 168 184 la8 Ciccone 186 226 244 J. 180 158 D'. Owens 109 146 148 Ed. Garner 262 199 253 lOtaiS 838 933 9o( REVELLERc MeLatehie 147 204 127 Comadina 218 203 227 Brechin 120 123 177 Rosedale .... 192 221 13 1 1 8chroeder 190 261 268 1 Handicap 13 13 Totals 880 1025 94'J MALKINS A. Leamy 140 178 173 R. Bornie 210 257 191 X?uc!ei1 195 199 190 A Tuvlor 171 189 174 a Withers 187 150 221 Totals 903 973 949 KJiE OIL 230 156 235 stromdahl 'V.'.".'.".'.'.".'.'.'. 213 193 304 Slatta 98 200 151 wh" fjj? 227 280 155 195 Handicap 20 20 20 BIG Values Fl'NERAL NOTICE .ijoGAN-In the city SaUirday r January 17, 1948. Margaret .,; Sinclair, beloved wife of William Logan. Funeral services will be conducted at Grenvllle Court Chapel, 2:30 p.m., " Thursday, January 22. Rev. Allan M. McCoIl officiating. Interment to follow In Fair-view Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements, (it i HELP WANTED ""WANTED Mi 1 Ph a n d s . Apply to Johnson's Sawmill Evelyn, B.C. (23' WANTED First class mechanic to work in small garage. Recommendation needed. Apply' Perow Garage, Perow, B.C. (191 I P In Hosa-Lec kw'" 345 Third Avenue West Announcing our new HOLMES TOWING AND VYRKdls. TRl'CK SERVICE FASTER SAFER LESS EXT-ENSrYE With this new equipment we can do the Job with th h possible effort and save you money by ruttlnR rtn 1 charues to a minimum. RUPERT MOTORS LTD, "Complete Automotive Repair Service" D:i) Phone 56 (Night, fllack ft Led by Jimmy Flaten with 19 points, the league leading Co-op managed to eke out a 44 to 43 win over Brown woods, in last night's Senior Basketball fixture at the Civic Centre. MacPhes of Co-op made good one of hi two free throws in the final minute of the game to take a one -point lead which they he'd with their well known stalling tactics. It was one of those fast, closely-fought games which are typical of this year's Senior League. At no time during the pnme wa-s there more than a five-point difference. Hartwig of Brownwonds netting 16 points wa.s the outstanding shot of the team, with his 'earn mates putting in one of their best performances uf the eason. Fitch and Beynon turned in good work at the guard line for Co-op, scoring 6 points apiece. Beynon nhoaed a flash of his old form by throwing one in from Just over the centre lin?. Port Edward entry put on an Impressive show by defeating Morgan's 56 to 21 in the Intermediate game. Port Edward's terrific display of shooting by Gttrney with 25 points and Vickers with 13. was the out- standing feature of the game. Morgan's, although outplayed, were away off their shooting.: Webster was top man for Mor- gan's with 11 points. Referees Comadina and Haugan called 35 personals 19 on Port Edward ana it on Morgans. . Peoples Store continued un- defeated in the Ladies' League witha 19 to 16 victory over Bo-Me-Hi. Peoples Store garnered a 9-2 lead at the hall-way mark and then held off a second half rally by Bo Me-Hi. to win. Hamilton of Peoples Store, with 8 points was top of the League. 65 Taxi defeated Gyro in tne Junior League game. 21 to 13. to chalk another victory on then-undefeated record. The first half was very slow, at the halfway mark the score being only 6-4 for Hi-School. In the second ' half 6j got rolling and paced , by Bill with 8 points, they scored 17 points to Hi -School's 7. t Senior Co-op MacPhee 7, Beynon 6, Haugan 1, Menzies 2, Gill, Flaten 19, Pierce 3. Fitch 6. 44. j Brown woods Gurvich 5, Ol- j son. Ciccone 3, Thompson 4 ' ITartwig 16, Forman 7, Lavigne' 8, Pierce. 43. i Intermediate Port Edward Vickers 13. A.! Stewart, Venn 10, H. Gurney 2,' R. Davis, A. Gurney 25, C. Barj ton 5. Walker, Harris 1, Dan-5 iel.s. 56. Morgan's Watson, Lien, Hill 2. Jones 5, Scharff 2, Rothwell. Carlson 1, Webster 11, Eidsvik, Johnson. 21. Ladies' League Peoples Store B. Hamilton 8, H. Balagno, L. Thornton 6, N. Bill 1, D. McLeod 4. B. Sedgwick. 19. High School R. Thain 3, A.i Hamilton 5, J. udinieh 4, Thomp- j son, Kennedy, Howe 4, Smith,1 Pavich, Lykegaard, Greenwood. 16. Juniors 65 Taxi Bill 8, Ratchford , Hole 4, Van Pykstra, Martinsen. Anton,, Webster 4, Olson, Sedgwick, Helin. 21. Gyro Marshall 3, Sather 4. Young 3, Hartwig, McAra 1, MacFarlane, Slater 2, Hills, Toderas. 13. Phc 47 , 131 . rrn. i .VkSow 995 1042 l.T I emir 165 134 , . J M. Halvorson 196 209 164 171 - 227 fjjj J. Pinnieer 205 258 1(4 n . "","'",u 235 222 Handicap 29 29 29 Totals 975 1005 U7 I BURNS N. Kinslor 206- 242 A Hale 237 262 Tinimermeister .. 181 210 J. Oomadina 212 259 Totals ... 1041 1231 KILOWATTS Rudderham 226 257 257 S. Saville 251 178 167 A. Alger 202 259 98 I. Dumas 161 215 213 L. Vanetta 249 168 174 Handicap 29 29 29 Totals 1118 1106 938 I MORGAN'S R. Furk 197 204 202 J Dunohv 225 154 150 p. Hav 164 124 209 R. MacLeod 98 236 225 i. Brown 109 169 125 Totals 793 887 911 CONTINENTALS J. Davies 216 190 201 G. Hunter 104 181 211 j. Rhodes 100 225 223 T. l unn 174 161 228 J. Paul 276 310 2o8 -Handicap 22 22 22 Totals 901 1089 11SV MEN'S " V FIVE PIN STANDINGS Continentals 19 McMeekin's 18 Malkins 16 Home Oil 18 Revellers 16 Brown woods 15 Ambassadors 13 Burns 14 Manson's 12 Kilowatts 11 North Star 9 Morgans 9 for empties. PI ease when the driver calls. PB4 Why take chances on ruining your car in Winter when a good grease Job NOW will prevent serious trouble. ago. Leading 3-2 at the end of ! the first period, the Canadians pushed In four goals In the last period. HARDEST SUBSTANCE Diamond wheels are nsed to grind hard metals, alloys and other hard substances to close tolerances NO SALT SHORTAGES It Is estimated that there are 14,130.000.000,000.000 tons of salt in the ocean, with rivers adding tons a year. FOR SALE FOR SALE Washing machine. Phone Green 214. (It) FOR SALE Single bed; vanity table; night table, cream colored; oak table; 2 table lamps; Book of Knowledge, ideal for high school students; scattered rugs. 433 11th Ave. East. (22) FOR SALE 2-room cottage, 7th Avenue East. Partly furnished, good condition. Price $400 cash. Apply G. P. Tinker & Company Limited. Phone 57. (18i FOR SALE Large Coleman heater. Handyman Home Service. (22) FOR SALE Heater. Doors can be left open to make It look like fireplace. $4. 229 3rd Ave. West. Blue 709. (18; FOR SALE Gilnetter, length 28'. breadth 7 depth 3'; powered, Dy 7 n.p. Vivian gas engine, Value approximately $550. Will I consider taking small machine ! lathe and drill press as part payment. Phone Red 367 day- time, or Blue 548 after 6 p.m. (21) FOR SALE Two lots less than assessed value for quick sale. Blue 773 (19 CHENILLE SPKEADS. $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance first quality for double and single beds in beautiful two-toned colors, worth double the rice. Money refunded if not satisfied. Sent COD. plus postage in Canada. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal 18, Que. FOR SALE Office desk, two linoleum rugs, hand-painted picture, kitchen table, two kitchen chairs and other odds and ends. Apply 207 9th Ave. E- (17) FOR SALE .35 calibre Remin-ton Woodsmaster autoloading rifle, $45. Phone Red 728 after 6 pm. (tf) FOR SALE New and Used Fur niture, Hardware and Office Fixtures, etc. New Articles at special Prices, Skillets 80c. Cups and Saucers 25c, Soup Plates 25c, Electric Hot Plates $7, Scatter Rugs $1.75, Handmade British India Rugs, Book Cases, Chest of Drawers, Mattresses $16, Dishes, 94 piece set, beautiful design. Slightly Used Electric find Battery Radios from $r.5. All kinds of other new and used useful articles at very reasonable prices. B. C. Furniture Co., Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Simplex Engines IV2 to 31 HP. air cooled; 30 to 185 HP. Marine Straight or Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. (t) FOR SALE Seven room house with bath, Atlln Avenue. Piano, dining-suite, heater, Beatty tubs with stand. New picket fencing; girl's bicycle. Green 296. (17) FOR SALE Planer. McGregor-Gourley 6x12, complete with belts, shiplap, flooring and square heads. Price $500.00. Smithers Lumber Yard, Smi-thers, B.C. (20) FOR SALE 1939 Cab over engine l'i-ton GMC Truck in good condition. Terrace Machine Shop and Garage, Terrace, B.C. ,20 1 FOR SALE Used car, 1936 sedan,.cheap. Green 155. (17i WORK! IMS gers vs. Gold Seals. Alomlcs Kilowatts. Reupholstering Repairing Our Specialties TRVCK AND AITO CTSIIIONS KF.PAIRL'D AVI) RECOVERED New I'phiilstery Materials LOVIN'S Bl.l i: NIK I 330 SECOND AVENUE 1 Next to CFPR t Prompt Attention Given to Outside Orders ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS GURVICH & SON dmtntvtors BASEMENT FOUNDATIONS OUK Sl'KCIALTV LAND CLKAKINC KOCK WOUK c TRUCKS ' For Hire PHONE 32 or RED 511 SIXTH STREET Two Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t p.m. Coquitlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS January 9, 23 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS January 11, 25 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert ARent Third Ave. Phone 568 IK) IT Addition, Repairs pi prompt attention Bock Drill and at Your Service BLUE 610 Prince Rupert. I WOOD WE MAKE IT DELIVERED FREE C.O.D. PHONE 654 Iff 1 1 J I J 7 : IT'S IF CONSTRUCTION WE Your Remodelling, Finishing given Our now Wasop Floor Sander CALL P.O. Box B54 IT IT'S MADE OF PHOTOGRAPHY Developing, Printing Enlarging, Pieture Framing Chandler and '(Wgill 216 Fourth Street Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B C. 25c per dozen paid have trtem ready COAST BREWERIES LTD. SICKS' CAPILANO BREWERY LTD. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LTD. SALESMEN WANTED EASTERN SALES ORGANIZATION representing one of the largest manufacturers of Brooms and Mops, Working Gloves and Mitts, Wooden-ware, etc., is looking for an aggressive salesman to cover retail trade in Northern Part of B.C. Must have experience and car. Give full details to Box 292 Daily News. Can guarantee good revenue to ard-working salesman. ii9i WORK WANTED MinDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 588. () FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 room furnished suite. 537 8th Ave. West. (17) ROOM AXD HOARD ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. (tf) PERSONAL IF YOU HAVE an Alcoholic problem, contact Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 276 Daily News. tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufac- tured by National Machinery ; ' Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. : (tf) METAL WORE PLUMBING installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. F u r n a ce s , tanks, avestroughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) LOST A NO FOUND FOUND Two keys on string by Wrathall's Photo Shop. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) FOUND- Pair of glasses, front of Gordon & Anderson. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (18) BIRMINGHAM, Eg. Listed among Birmingham's stolen cars the chief constable's. It was taken from his garage. NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable In advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Dally News, are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified This advertisement is net pulli-Jieu cr o.'.p'.rf Ly tl.e Liqjor Control Board or bv the Government of British Columbia. Don't Take Chances! he iTi Longer Life lor Yw ' Depends on the Kind of & Ice it Gets. Cume u pa for Satisfaction DAN'S SERV1C! STATION McBride Street (in FOR 1 Winter Drivint depend on G0ODYEAI POWFR We carry a renrrwnU' utock of all tiOODYIARl & Itl RRKR rnmnanT H uctx including HOSE, R1 ING, BATTERIES, Etc. PRINCE RUPEK SUPPLY HOUS: Manufacturer's Ait"" 712 2nd Ave. P"01" BOB PARKER LIMITED Box 38 FORD-MONARCH DEALER Phone 83 &c22-2fiS? BASKETBALL STANDINGS Senior League Co-op 8 4 .500 Savoy 7 5 .483 Brownwoods :. 3 9 .250 Intermediate Bo-Me-Hi 8 0 1000 Merchants 6 3 .857 Fashion Footwear ..2 6 .250 Morgan's 1 8 .111 Port Edward 1 1 .500 Ladies League Peoples Store 7 0 1000 High School 1 4 .200 Sweet Sixteen 1 5 .167 Junior League 65 Taxi 10 0 1000 Stone's 7 1 .875 High School 1 7 .125 Gyro 1 9 .100 RUPERT MARINE REAM (J. CLAUSEN & SON) t We Take Listings of . . . Rex Cafe TRY - r OPEN Chop 8 A.M. TO 2 A M CHINESE BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING tf QVIPM1 TOR TASTY MEALS Suey Chow Mein DISHES OCR SPECIALTS TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's. Waterfront) LONDON O More than 7,000 English titles, dating from the late 13th to the 16th century, have, been acquired by the SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL ) Bog 548 Pbo Grert I gp THE WHOLE TOWS 99 CMZY f