1 5KETBALL Prtnrc riupcrt Daflp JTCrtos : "Wtdh'csday, January 21, 1948 Timely Topics from Terrace Parker Mills, Ronnie Paulson. Inwrenre Pratt, Charles Cote', fat. Johnson and Jimmy Procter. Referee was Alf Yoxall. i i TERRACE Well under way Is George new residential project In Modern Design and Efficiency! ! the former army ramp area CONSOLIDATED TAKES INTEREST INI NEW COPPER RIVER GOLD PROPERTY 1 TERRACE Considerable interest has been, aroused locally over a new gold property located last . summer on the Copper River, some 34 miles up from ! its mouth, by Arthur Clore and J. W. Llewellyn, vet-: eran local prospectors, and since optioned by the Consolidated Mining & Smelting -Co. After word hafl been Ijrouehti - ! RACE At the Civic On-jTiinliiy ovoniiiK the Skeena Bintilp uVI'eatecl the Kins-tj 29 to 20. fr irm for the Mercantile' F) Pud Kiikuldy, Cliurlr-s do immruiix. Kciuii'lli Earl, GENEROUS GIFT KELOWNA, B.C. O A total of $7,350.70 collected in Kelowna and vicinity was spent to buy and ship food parcels to needy people In Britain Mrs. H. M. 8eaton, who is In hospital there. Lease of the old Bank of Montreal building here has been taken from Gordon L. Brook by Walter Chesher, Hector Cote and Edgar Hamlin. Chesher and Cote will occupy the ground floor, the former with his elec near Attwood and Park Avenues Intersection where the old brigade headquarters building is being converted to apartment house purposes. In addition to Outfit your bathroom with PLUMBING that will be-delight- . ful to look at and-servieeable to use as long as your house stands Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating ii,,Hl David Oillunrters, John 'ding gift for PrinceM Elizabeth and Prince Phllin. a residence for Dr. McGillivray, who Is coming out from New Kelowna's than 6.1)1)0. k mien's team consisted of population Is more out of gold values running un t i m 'York In the spring to set up In tric and radio shop and the lat r ton ton. nn-iMM Consolidated en i oeauurui r towers to $70 er medical practice here, a set of i ter with a plumbing shop. Up- Business and Professional gineers were sent in ty plane AdoTO Board Table other muilci n suites is being pro stairs Hamlin will have a photo i SAVOY graphic studio. The lease was 'TERRACE When the Terrace KES NKVVS STAND ana landea on a lake whence they proceeded to inspect "the ground. Samples were taken from vein in a thirty-foot sur-' handled through the office of E. T. Kenney Co. Ltd. HO TEL ern an J Western Papers MuRBZinei DON'T DELAY - PHONE TODA": HILL'S MESSENGER SERVICE Phone Green 955 Day and Night Service The 85 watt public address Iape tead. A trail at an estimated cost LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 849 220 Sixth Street Lbsckiptions taken and District Board of Trade held Its annual dinner last Friday i night, the beautiful everlasting' f lowers in attractively arranged' vases which garnished the tables ! were the subject of admlratory j comment. The flowers came from I the garden of Mrs. Harry King from whom they were secured I Carl Zarelli, Prop. vided. Mr. and Mrs. George Mc-Aclams arc leaving Terrace on tomorrow evening's train for Prince Rupert en route to Vancouver. They are planning to spend a month or six weeks In the southern part of the province on Vacation. Mrs. T. El wood Brooks spent a few days In Prince Rupert last week. She accompanied Mildred Street Red 808 j rnone 41 r.O. Box 5M J of $1200 is "being Tun into the property this winter under direction of the provincial department 1 public wofks. The Clore-Llewellyn property is located twenty miles up the system and the record player wired for after the directors' meeting of the Civic Centre Association last Thursday was received by Alf Yoxall on Tuesday morning and will be installed in readiness for the Kinsmen's club presentation of "King" Zombezl and His Revel- XT CONSTRUCTION 5 ERASER STREET ! Prince Rupert PPKIGNTNO REP AIRE DANIEL BJAIINASON Palntei and Decorator QUICK SERVICE 1158 Park Ave. Phone 112 Taxi through the idea of Charles (Waters, representative of the i Blue Uibbon Co.. who happened Workmanship Estimate Copper River beyond the Omi-neca Gold Quartz Dardanelles property. tW BAY BOAT WORKS to be In Terrace at the time. Crego who was taken to the lers next Saturday evening in Crawley Green 391 coast city for an emergency op GIGANTIC PRODUCER LONDON TPThe first of a l:OHGE L. RORIE The United States supply of new fleet of caravan dispen-petroleum dwindled fast during saries for animals, formed to the war when she was called, commemorate the services of upon to supply 95 per cent of the animals and birds during the eration for appendicitis which wa performed at the Prince Ru'rt General Hospital. Mrs. Brooks, who left Thursday, returned on Friday, reporting that the young patient was progressing favorably. PR I NCR RUPERT FLORISTS A. It. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Larue selection of Gifts MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 518 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave KMOK HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESCT 8TEVE VRKLAKJi fc Accountant, Auditor, etc. Me Tax Returns Complied. I ncr Blork Phone 387 Allied armies' gasoline needs. by the Dean war, was blessed of Westminster. the Civic Centre. Mrs. C. 3. Norrington returned to Terrace on Monday's train after spending the past week in Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holden fpent the week-end in Prince Rupert, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dominato. , Marlene . Michiel celebrated her tenth bithday on Monday with a party for 12 of her school friends from whom she received FIRST EXPLORERS Sixteenth century Spaniards Mark Twain attended a loa SUI'KIirtHl DECORATORS Mr. and Mrs. S. Fuller ant; family arrived in the city last were the first to explore what cabin school unt.il he was 12 week from Vanderhoof to take now is Maryland. years old ICNTING :: PAPEK HANGING Fhene: Blue !f)2 or Black 245 en Iliti lu ii.s Bill Thornton up residence here for the time being at least. Possibly they may decide to remain permanently. They have rented the residence of Mrs. A. Brooks who is spend - FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rates lirst. ROSS RICHARDSON B28 Taylor fitreet Residence Phone Red 240 Confederation Life Association lovely gifts. Games were enjoy- ing the winter in Victoria with ed and refreshments, including her son and daughter-in-law, Hon. and Mrs. PAINTING AND .PAI'KUHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND E. T. Kenney 1 Having suffered a broken ankle In an accident at Hanson's pole yard here las tweek, a big decorated birthday cake and ice cream were gaily partaken of. The elementary school, west of town, has at last been wired for electricity and the lights were turned on this week In each of the four classrooms. Mrs. J. McLaren and her daughter, Mrs.; Sophia Royce, STEPHEN ERICKSON Piano Technician TUNING AND RKPAIRS MITH & ELK INS LTD. Pluitiblni? and Heading Engineers Frank Tetrault was taken to the Smithers Hospital for treatment.; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith re-J turned to Ti-rrace Sunday, hav-l ONE LAW FOT ALL... is the Basis of Good Law 411 We.st 7th Ave Blark 195 P.O. Box 274 phone 174 ASTORIA'S ing driven home from Vancou-1 vcr with a new truck. Snow con- j dilions on the highway between Hazel ton and here delayed their i j return a couple of days but they OEOROE McWHINNEY ) 'AIMING AND lt PER HANGING are expected back in Terrace on tonight's train, having been called back here on account of 'the death of Mr. McLaren, whose funeral,. it hs expected, will take place on Thursday afternoon from Knox United Church. J LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 209 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 po Box 1420 were able to make the trip all the way without chains. The road was very good all the way, the roughest section being just east of Terrace. I'l Fast Phone Blark 489 The Bov Scouts are nlannine Why the Secret Supervised Strike Ballot MUST MAKE -NO EXCEPTIONS , I J. CHENEY on holding an "Apple Way" on Saturday to raise funds for their 1 1 summer camp. DENTIST t turn -,.-- ANNOUNCES James H. Smith was a .visitor to Smithers last week in his If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work. ITO!' iPENINO OF HIS OFFICE f H THE PRACTICE OF capacity as district deputy grand At the January meeting of master of the Oddfellows' Lodge the Ladies' Guild to the Knox to conduct the installation of i United Church held at Mrs. officers there. He was accom- Glen's home, plans were made panied by Jack Barman. E. A.jior the Valentine Tea and Sale Davis Is the new noble grand .of j to be held In the Orange Hail KNTISTRY IN SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK. hoi-' 705 Box 1401 on Saturday, February 14. Mrs. F. Gavan presided and at th close of the meeting refreshments were served by the hostess. the Smithers lodge. Francis Seaton and Mrs. John Gordon made a trip to Smithers last week ti' visit their mother. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Tf'.AL ESTATE BROKERS JKANCE ADVISERS JN'RUI CANADIAN RAPESEED Rapeseed production was developed in Canada during the Second Word War to provide ingredients Xor marine engine oil. Ihoi.. hoi.. 342 342 P.O. Box 927 JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS. Mgr. 1361 Overlook Specializing In Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tank-s Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 Exst First Avenue Phone Black 884 if Kilbor.i W. Peterson BERTS TRANSFER WHEN IN TERRACE STOP AT THE TERRACE HOTEL For Convenience and Comfort MOT AND COI.D WATER IN ROOMS Spring-Killed Mattresses r (J AMI iUl,ftMMNUU.U umber - Coal - Wood - Baggage LONDON (f Shoplifting has become so widespread it is "almost a social problem which must be tackled from some other aspect than solely by punishment," said a London magistrate . tO 111 ICS if Freight - Express '.' Phone Blue 810 Mght Calls-Green 977 i Prince Rupert Important new democratic rights given to employees by the British Columbia Legislature last year can be lost if there is r.ct a vigilant defense of the compulsory supervised secret ballet in strike votes. Opponents of the 1947 Labor Law reforms would undermine the 1abor Lows by giving the Minister of Labor or the proposed Labor Relations Board the right to say whether secret supervised strike votes shall or shall not be taken in any particular dispute. They claim that some good unions are "insulted" by the new labor laws. The basis of British law is that all are equal under the law Laws are made to prevent abure ot LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERRLTD. Lumber Manufacturers ; HELEN'S jREAUTY SHOP ' Permanent Waving s Beauty Culture in vm HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Rough and Dressed Lumber Logs, Poles and Piling TERRACE all Its branches. Street Phone 855 A .gents Fir International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Thilco Radios Millard Batteries Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs. Chimneys and Oil Burners. I'RINCE RUPERT tnU! ITLE COLLECTOR KAR 1 ind MESSENGER PHONES: Green 488 Red 894 PHONE GREEN 955 F HI Kic I for Pacific Bottle B C. Ltd 1 established rights If a government must decide which unions ore trustworthy to cqnduct secret strike votes and which ore not trustworthy, the Government would be involved in constant con troversy, and the way of least resistance would be to rule against secret strike ballots h employees A long-overdue reform safeguarding the democratic rights of labor and the public would then be lost. PEFl Train Schedule Serving the Fisheries Industry Well (P.R.) Ltd. Cartare, Labelling Weighing 3US: AC"1' he East FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Chev. Trucks Pouliac Oldsmnhile G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B. C. Fallot 1 ' box r Phor. BLUE 780 BLUE 980 iday, Wednesday, Friday p.m. ement Gyproc Plaster Note: "Bill 39" is not perfect legislation. No Off claims it is When necessary it can be improved bf orderly and democratic action in the legislature. The public approve Hs bask provisions. mi SHOULD ANYONE OPPOSE THE SECRET BALLOT? Roofing Material Shingles time irtxl COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES COTTAGE CHEESE j New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY 1 Your Dally , ALL-WEATHER SERVICB I INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Sec R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) LUMP.ER OF ALL KINDS mmm geld aMdijw0B0s COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Mr. and Mrs. Ricks Welcome You At All Times FRASER HOUSE (XfrticMiaf mUnrm i mwrcal lyfrntltoni m IC w Mtkt m imJuMrul fct 114 Fraser Street Phone Black 813 PHONE 117 "ONE 118