EWnrc JXuvtn Daflp rectos Montiav. Mav 1. 1949 FkVSX: ?S!2&joh.n brigade Mrs. W. R. Stone 2 00 j HEARS LECTURE Kelley Logging Co. Ltd., A lecture on anatomy by in. McCoy Cove Camp, j structor R. E. Eyolfson was a QC.I. 20.50 ! feature of the weeklv ml.i., CANCER FUND SUBSCRIPTIONS (OBJECTIVE S1M0) J todrpenfoot dally newspaper devotee so tie upbulldtnp of Prine Rutxrt J aod kll tonmiuitUM eninnHitinff nrtrthwn and central Brltlsti Columbia ' Reminiscences By W.J. Reflections (AutborUed aa Second Class Mall. Post Off!; Department. Ottawa) TV, c . . . . ' """"8 vt NaWft t.j l.tl a Srrt . j Awnlv . . . - PHnr DtinAp RtlWrt nltlaK fVil nmhll PrtTlP RtlM-r f)a11v St. John Amhul,,,.. in:iailUiW IIUIII QltTKUU, j Ul Hie first installment 38.00 ; Brigade. O. A HL'N I'EH. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director The lecture wa fi MEMBER OF CASADIAV PRESS -- AUDIT Donations smaller than AUCTION CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Previnously acknowledged $1003.40, love to see anyone full of dignity and authority mr.ce ty look foolish. SUBSCRIPTION RATES OK Curler. Pw W 30c: Per Month. 75c; Per Year. 8,00. E; c-. A. ..IsTt By Mall. Per Month. 50c: Per Year. S 00 '"- Aiif-i u I ""is an-,- $2, or who requested their names go unreported 82.45 Grand Total $1315.35 Ten other canvassers have yet to report in addition to more Mrs. O. W. Golds 2 00, Mrs. J. Prince 2.00 Saanich Plumbing ) and Heating 2.00' ' Mrs. H. Seaman 2.00 In some ways, a difference can be noted- In earlier general elections, there were harder seats to twist on, smaller platforms to shout from, more cars to bump up and down in and fewer candidates to say: ."ladies and gentlemen far be it from me.' lowed oy a series of practical problems put to the members by Mr. Eyolfson and H. T. Grahart Four new members were qualified for the brigade. They were H. T. Graham, Fred Green, H. E Blair and M. Kermode.' The Brigade drive for funds was reported to be progressing Cultural Tonic -.,5n. Sales I every s " 'verr f. ! Television played up totem poles all over the United Sta'es in April and the Americans registered deep and immediate interest. There was explaining to be done, legends to be told. W. Wallace 2.00 possible outside areas. Mrs. T. N. Rowe - 2.00 j D. L. Coulter 2.00, Mrs. G Howe 2.00 Some eastern Canadian periodicals are printing anecdotes of Wilson 2.00 traditions interpretedthe ny, Mrs. i) PHONE j Sir Matthew - Baillie Begbie, 1 ' , Brit- wtit- the . . therefor .... . L . w . and u.,il the llll, know-how bllUWUll Mrs. . ' 1 ' . Advertise in the Dally News! ... . . V V ...uv . Lsh Columbia's famous pioneer and now the nation is v. til in-' Mrs. A. Mitchell 2.00 P. J. McCormick, well known pioneer, of this city, who moved a year ago to Wapella, Saskatchewan, to join two brothers in operating a stock ranch, is bacK in the city. He arrived on Satw day night's train and will be here until Thursday night when he will sail for Vancouver en-route back to the prairies. j judge. They may be new, that formed. As a family tree the Rt- Rev. J B. Gibson 10 00 far away, but on the coast it totem is uniqueand incident-J p- Anderson 2 00 cannot be said. It is possible, ally, Prince Rupert has one of mi- F'ayso" -C0' however, that to this generation the finest collection. on thseon-fMrs- Bivett 2 00 all have not been heard before tinent But. unhappily, people' - 2arrtu -iM maybe this one. A drunk came dwelling permanently u one Dale 2 00 I betore Begbie. who said: j place, become so dam.! accus- So1 Co "Ten dollars." tomed to looking at what u A T' 5'2H' -That's fine, Jedge. I have it there, that bye and bye th-y T" IZ right here in me pants pocket." become unable to see hardly yl, farmer 3 00 ' "And a month in, ail. Do you anything. .'I.: , and Mr,, w. Smith 500 happen to have that in your: Mi M. C. Astoria 2.00 pants pocket? , Leading a party U hard work. Mr. arid Mra. A. McRae .. . 2.00 You Saw It In The News! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 30 ft. Gillnet boat B.ucback II. in cood condition At New Floats. Box 517, Daily Neu's. U20) FOR SALE Laree MriTr vuun y EVENT such as the Music and Drama AN Festival which was held in Prince Rupert last week is a great thing. for a community. It is desirable that we should refresh our minds and vary our activities and pursuits by taking an interest either'actively as a participant or passively as a spectator in things like this. It gets us away from the humdrum and mundane rut of every day life and is a good tonic for our minds. It lifts us out the groove in which we may find ourselves not because we like it particularly but because, being creatures of habit, we do not wish to change or are losing the will or ability to do so. Things really cultural ha,ve been all too lacking in Prince Rupert and we fear the city, in some ways reflects the lack. However, it was a gratifying sign that local people should have taken so much interest in this music and drama festival as witnessed by the substantial measure of their attendance at the various sessions and their active participation, particularly of the young people, in the various competitions. The support that smaller communities, notably Terrace, gave in the way of active participation is also much to be commended Ketchikan also showed its enterprise by sending along its choristers and band, even though they were too late to take part in regular program. The visitors contributed greatly to. the general success of the event. It's not good to ?c-e things as we prefer to see them rather than It can be described as extra H. Vanderheide 2 00 One cannot but feel sympathy hard, in the throes of an el- H. A. Loakes 5B0 for the Hamilton policeman who, ectlon. The Job waj easier In Mrs. Alex Storrie 2 00 during a recent night, shot his the days of Laurier and 3orden. H. D. Reid J0O ntATrll Tuesday, 1:30 pa FrWay. 5pm Sunday, io pja ALICE ARM. m FORT SIMpv Garrv range, suitable for, small camp. Box 1822 City I 11191 FOR QUICK SALE Trolling boat equipped with nurdie etc.. length 31'. Price reasonable, strictlv cash. Address own image while trying doors in although the life was atrenuotia O. R. Brett 2.00 carle alleys. In the half light, enough then. But today, St." 5. V he saw someone that seemed Laurent and Drew. iVa nf ta Mrs. Cox 2.U0 J. Johannsen 2.00 i 11 pi Mrs. i. K. EUwtn 2.00 j TV. Logan 5 00 Mrs. Miner, box 1801, City 1119 OR SOITB (J full of menace. As the officer say, are finding more than reached for his gun, the figure enough to take up tuA attention, did likewise. And so a bullet plus plenty of othr reiponJ-went through a mirror. When ( bilities. News agencies and anyone is made ridiculaas, it's radios make it tougher instead hard to live down. But when 'of easier. Strain ar, tci. G. A. 'iison 2.00 Mrs. Rand 2.00 Mr. Cotlart 2.00 M. Vanderheide 2.00 Mrs. Sam Currte 2 (Hi i ll.Ua()TTE v s.s. CoquitUm, i: FOR .NORrn i CHARLOTTE I' s.s. Coquitlam. XL; he's a cop, the job is next thing in ali likelihood, are ereater Mrs. W. A. Pierce 2 00 iu unpossioie. Most ol us ci:?arli' I fKANK J. SK.'i Progressive Conservative head- r n. . , Prince Rup-a Tldrd Avenue s iciu O UU quarters received an unlooUd-.Mrs D s. Negrych 2 0Q lor application for membership ' a. W. Burnip 2.00 in me party last weeit. it was Mr anrt Mn h p hiii inn signed by L. S. St. Laurent.' j. a. Belanger . 2 00 OUGunli BOOKINGS Do it the tasy way put the details of your Mirinc trip overseas in our hands. They'll all be taken care f passports Travellers' cheques, etc. Paisace can be arranged either f.-unt Atlantic seaports or via the Panama tauaj. l.lnHtKl Htat-e aalUtr fur enrlv irln nulling, HrgK-ter an fur !l. iHMikliign. Call or Write: C ITY TH KKT Ol H'E f2 ird Ant. PR1NCK RUPERT, BC Three possibilities can be thought Mrs Kt Munro 2 00, ' of there are two living In Can-1 R. Munro 2.00 ada, somewhere resides an al-; Mrs. Kilday 2.00 SMITH & EL iV legea jokesmith, or a public sen- Mrs. H. Arney 2 00 a A. E. Blackhall 2 00 sation is pending. WW as they are. FAIR PLAY TO ALL J T HAS BEEN and will continue to be the policy 1 of this newspaper to uphold justice and fair play, and to bring to light each week incidents on our political front. Continuing this policy we are this week askine F. M. Kempton left today by air on a business trip to 1UVE HAD . ' YEARS OF , PLUMBING J AND HEATING y EXPERIENCE PHONE K4 Mrs. F. M. Nickerson 2.00 ' E. R. Leek 2.00 G. Shenton 2.00 Superior Auto it Body Service - 2 00 Mrs. J. Eyolfson 2 00 Mrs. B. Bryant 2.00 CANADIAN 1TmTS1T T mlJUML -r.OVF.HMfT tlqtOK ACT" Mrs. Lund 200 I Notice l Apilnit4M "lr 'art tu I Mrs. Schllde 200 TMt All, WAY TO SVtSYWhtfl IM CANADA the C.C.F. to explain why an alleged local incident is now being charged against the entire Coalition ' ranoirr nt Hrr l.trrn NOTICE 13 HEREBY OIVXN OMt on th 13th day ol May A O iv4. : Um undfrsined lnicncU to apply to the Liquor Control Board for eon-sent to transfer of Beer Lions No. j 8216. Issued In respect of premises. NEW ro: 2 ! A Eome Away Fro't i 60 Roomi, Hot ir.: Watr PRINCE RUPERT. Hbonr 1 P0 urmg pari oi me prem'es known as the Savoy Hotel situate at 60S to 14 Fraser Street .In U City of Prince Rupert. Province of Britlso Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen 1141 In Block Thirty-three 33), Section On (l). Map 833, Pliace Rupert Land Registration District, from Carl Zarelll of Prince Rupert to WlUls Lloyd Woods of 101 RoMon Street. Vancouver, British Columbia, the Transferee. DATEP at Prince Rupert. B C. this l? h day of April. A rx 1949. WILLIS LLOYD WOODS. 1115) Plumbing TroJ NOW AVAILABLE organization as their campaign publicity. On what grounds are these charges being made? It was originally charged that MEN in VAN-DERHOOF had told our native friends of Stoney Creek their churches would be burned, their cattle taken away, etc., if the C.C.F. gained power. No proof supported this charge. Last week, however, Frank Calder, Indian candidate from Atlin, followed C.C.F. Leader Harold Winch on the platform at Prince Rupert and, we quote from the Prince Rupert Daily News: "He charged that COALITION CAMPAIGN PUBLICITY is aimed intimidating the Indians into voting for the Coalition, saying that threats had been made that if the C.C.F. were elected priests and ministers would be put off the - reservations, church burned and their cattle killed." While this " statement was not made by Mr. Winch it was made by an accredited representative of the C.C.F. party, ami in his presence. Plainly speaking, an incident originally charged to men in Vanderhoof has been enlarged upon and is now charged to Coalition Campaign Publicity. It would appear Mr. Winch has given his opposition cause to hurl back some of the harsh charges he has made against them. From another standpoint, and in all fairness, no statement made by a member of any party without authority can be charged as party policy. However, if the C.C.F. insists on reversing this established 1p th tw Broadcast TONIGHT 10:15-10:30 p.m. HEAR Hon. R. C. MacDonald Minister of Mines a.r.3 Municipal Affairs SUBJECT: 'DEFENDERS OF DEMOCRACY' CFipnt 10:15 p.m. Tonight Published by the B.C. Coalition Organization f-Vr( ''tip y MM mT i i SAANlCr Plumbing & Hi LOOK FOB THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Don't be fooled by MEN'S IND1KWEA1 binations, all si'5 cnrill "The Average Family" .MEN'S DRESS SlIlM i? anil lieln vou mwt iliem iiili life innuranre plan ilcxignril e-e ially fo SFOKT SHIKTS-SPEt'IAL S,;" MEN'S SOCKS-K" 0t work-SPEClAL MEN'S WOHK Ty selection JUU. Sec US Today! FOR ALL YOUR SHEfcT METAL REQUIRE-MEMS WE HAVE THE MOST FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP IN TOWN THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED 25J FIRST AVE. E. PHONE BLACK 884 Hllffc have the grave responsibility of answering to statements and actions of radicals within their own ranks. Nechako Chronicle. Business likes nothing quite as well as dressing old ideas In iww clothes and giving them new names. One of the newest of new names Is Public Relations ... ad please use capital letters "iir n h is uiiiiriilt to dcc i.le how m life insurance vnn hlmnl.l rhat kind of policy or nnliriptt will I it iiiift MEN'S RAINCOATS j lACTS AND FlCl'RES aJiont "tlie average Canadian fariHly" may lea. I you to flunk that most families are pretty mm li alike. BhI f eonrse nliile families may lie similar in torn way, they are different in countless other ways. "ri far,i!-'' for in'anre, lias its own individual combination of eize, a"es income, rent, tax bills anil living expenses. It lia its own private plans ml dreams, i swi'n mvd.i fr life insurance. Tbat is why tlie services of your life insurance agent are so nerensary. He is trained to analyze your family's rwe.ls style, all sizes-SPECIAI. . men's mu:ss and DRESS PANTS-- "jaxukis- CONVENTION CITY PRINCE RUPERT your needs. IJut your ajicnt ean In lp vou olve tliene prolili-im. Ami he knows how to arrange your lif insurame to take care of all tli nyiney problem that arise in connection with protection anil retirement. Rely on him. More than a million Canailian families have benefitted by the experience and advice of the modern life insurance aaent ! well-made SPECIAL WEN'S SMOES-For' dress. Well-na'lf- S.l SPEt'HL ORMES DRUGS PI I.1.0KR BOYS x-...., tvles DRUGS tK-;;: (in PICTURE OF A CONTENTED BUSINESS MAN A helpful citizen in your community ben your agent tell life you insurance, he om ie to imiH-ove yoM community. For a large part of each life intir-a nee dollar is put to work, throupli investments, to buihl schools, bridges, highways, industrial plants ami many other projects that create jobs an.l make for better living. Yon shar . in tba i -i i .1 i SWer.pr,f. rSS'pANTS-T ,vo.,l and cuttoii. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. Wrll-ma(le SS.JSI .1 -iiieiiin, nianc possmw; inron; SPECIAL bf . ' 7"ur "eipiui lellow-citien -the modern lllfilll-nrw.n . 1 AFTER LURCHING WISELY AND WELL AT THE Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations and Chicken In The Rough Phone Red 705 A mMg, from th, mr, fan fifty Lift, Inxuranc, Companiet in C..o Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday LIFE INSURANCE . . . Guardian of Canadian Homes l 2VI