t - Prime ttur.m Daiip tufait Monday, May lfi, i949 0 Local News items . ... injai Cedar Sidewalls 3 Announcements EHZ vvitK undercourse and nails Jcte unit. All advertisenr-y? m tTiis rfilutnn wtll be chareed for a laU month t ah cent a urr! aid courses commence Friday I R J- Harrison su noiu.w.t-, May 20, Fire Hall, 7 30 pm ' I 'rn Construction Co. made we ,'UC) j round trip at the veek-end to -over 50 sq. ft.) $6.55 S.O.N. Smorgasbord, May ll QT A fJ Presbvterian Missionarv Tea. ! LJfL OX V kj Masset on company tvostncss, turning to the city on the Co- Red Cedar Shingle r.n 3 fYrfllfnr for c!rlTrillo jraae jw. "MW'U" Church Hall, May 18. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. j L. W. Kergin. j Card Party,' Catholic School, Hall, May 19, 8 p.m. j H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. auiUam yesterday morning. . Howard WaU was lined $50 in city police court at the weekend when he pleaded guilty to a charge of having liquor in a restaurant. He was given until Monday to pay the fine. Col. and Mrs. A. Hamilton Grant returned to the t.-ity or. the Chilcotin yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vaiidvjvfcr. Jes.se Bridden of Mtussvt is a business visitor in tbe cUy for a few days, having arrived yesterday morning on the CoQuit-lam lrom the Island'. That appeal . . . tti : all men who are con- i square or !es $5.95 BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. E. Tea, May 21. j scious of style, finish and quality. Corduruoys May 24 is Kinsmen Day-Queens, Parade, Sports, Dance, Grand Prizes. Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 26, Mrs. W. S. Kergin. Sonja Ladies Tea May 23. City police department has taken delivery of a new patrol wagon, replacing one which has been in service for the last four years. The new vehicle is more spacious than the former one. Norman Nelson of Nelson Eros. Fisheries Ltd. made the round trip to Masset aboard tbe Co-qtiiUam at the weis-end, reuirn-ing to the city yesterday morn Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Liversidge, who have been residing for the past cauple of years at Masset where Mr. Liversid-je has been in the service of the Department of Transport, were passengers aboard the Cccjuitlam United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs, Nickerxo.i, Borden Street. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, June 11. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. - I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. .jertteing Is payable In advance. Please refrain Iron kaiepboolng - ..i ttr iiimi lili ill minimum nharM an uiwk . ''Your water's boiling, aear." 38.95 Chalk Stripes $11.00 Grey Flannels ing. Come to the g.O.N. "Smorg-aas-Bord" Tuesday, May 17 Banquet and Program 8 o'clock Dancing 10:30. Everybody welcome. Admission $1.50. (115) Nick Christopher, after spending a few days in the city on business, is sailing by the Chilcotin tomorrow on his return to Vancouver. mil tf Thank. 'Jeath Noakwa. un-ral Notice Uarrlaiw ml Engagement AnnounotuienU: ti SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICK yesterday going througli to Van ii OF THANKS ST. PETER'S SALE BRIGHT AFFAIR FOR KENT The Evening Branch was in charge of the. tea room, which was busy throughout the afternoon with a continuous stream of ladies. FOR RENT - - - - couver. James Clough, who recently! M'lii.niL'a ouiuc. departure from rt to return to to express my ap- nice, clean, unci warm. 1142 Park Ave. Green 224. 115 I Glorious spring weather and serviteurs were Mrs. wniiam joined the composing room staff jf many kindnesses RFWT A .Ion V,,.;.,-, i- FOR of the Daily News, was initiated ! colorful spring flowers made j McLean, Mrs. Jack Ritchie, Mrs me uv menus uuu s made dunii-' iny R. suite, available June 1. Summit Annrtmpnts. Tplunimno into membershin in the local tne setting inursuay aiiemuu" e.t.S. Moore ana Mrs. A Prince Rupert Baseball Association general meeting, Civic M.iv in"'1', in stewait , , , ,T . u. y fnr ti annual Bnrinir tpa arid I UNtott Wyatt. In Tn charge .Viamo n of the kitchen Black 277. msi cuue. ivionuay o p.m. ream e AAGE HANSEN. (It) STAMP COLLECTORS We have a very fine selection in stock. Also F.G. and Scott Albums, etc. Come in and look them over. KEN WILMOT 718 SECOND AVENUE FOR RENT Furnished Rooms,' representatives please lypograpmcai union at its regu- - 0 lar monthly meeting at the eadl'e sponsored by the Women's to St. Peter's Church of the week, President Herbert Auxiliary eal Cove. The church hall was Morgan was in the chair. Regu- f attend. (114) were Mrs. Darrow Gomez, Mrs. Wilf Taylor and Mrs. George Viereck. Mrs. Robert Kelsey was. tea room cashier. if lot,, XkO f Mil NOTICE FOR RENT Room. 527 8th Avp $13.50 TO $19.50 Pin Stripe Worsteds $15.00 Plain Tone Worsteds $13.50 Gabardines -At the Prince Ru- InsDector of Schools and Mrs W. (114) lar meetings have been sus- ' lai lllCdlllgO UVU MWW , . . D The senior branch was in Joseph Chell returned to he ot,oh in ti ci.mmor mnnth WANTED of the various stalls. of the W.A. assisted by the Y. 1 charge Mi Hospital. May k, -' wis burn to Mr. F J CVurley (noe M;M''tkiin. (It) Directing: the sewing booth city on the Chilcotin yesteiday and vlll be resumed in Sep-af ternoon from a trip to Van- timber r.n. group. Daffodils, both real and clev couver. . FOR KALE WANTED IMMEDIATELY Room and board lor working men, also good sleeping accomodations, centrally located for some men. Please apply Box 519, Daiiy News, stating rate for room and board and were Mrs. G. A. Hebb, Mrs. W. B. Skinner and Mrs. M. Viereck. At the candy stall were Mrs. William Wallace and Mrs. E. In A-l condition, . REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED A. S. McLean, well known retired contractor of Vancouver, who took a prominent part in 1Vii lVii ennstruptinn mnnv vears Staff Sergeant G. A. Johnson, provincial police, returned to the fiiuii.el on curlier ujriiiine closet. erly made crepe paper ones, combined with the bright afternoon sunlight to give a pleasing effect to the hall and surroundings. ' Mrs. Jack Prince, president of the Afternoon Branch, wel tie DcEoiest Crosley citv on this nf teiimon's ri!r:ne 101 roo moiiiy. aiso locauon tr trin tn Vjinrrminv 'oon nf ennh nlnnppr salmnn ran- (116) 1 from a brief ! $14.25 TO $22.75 Riho Piione tjiacn , 1 i:2 Tin Ave. W. K.'.l'. 1 1 15 WANTED-Julv or later smaH Mrs. Johnson is returning to the neries as Butedale and Shush- Hodson. The home cooking booth was in charge of Mrs. D. Sievert, Mrs. A. J. Croxford and Mrs A. Taylor. The plant' stall was under charge of Mrs. J. W. M. Moorehouse and Mrs. H. V. Tattersall. self - contained aoartmen artie Bav. was here aboard the R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFFR) city tomorrow. i-2 n.p. nriKKs at Coquitlam yesterday return'ng Erme. Phone Red (116) comed the guests and introduced Archdeacon Hodson, who officially opened the function. LOST AXI FOl'Nl) south after a week's visit to :-One automatic hot BrtirnnrT; Ti 1 Tle11. Queen Charlotte Islands. REWARD for return of small; strum ol pearls and locket . . Mail replies to G. S. Bruce, co Box 1000, Prince Ruprt, B. C. (119) WANTED SewinK. Phone Blue 413 or call at 530 (ith W. (113) WANTED WORK as practical nurse or babv sitting day or evening. Phone Red 780.U14) WANTED-WomarTto"'do"liEht housework and look after 5-vear old bov week days. Phone Blue 128 after 6. (tf) Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St with the inscription B.A.M., June 12. 1937. Apply Box 516 Duny News. , (tf) BETTER HOME 1 m' IjiiliilililiaillillKlliillllllililililllllllliiiiiiiiiiii " i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I g.T! KI.AL ESTATt FOR SALE 4 "room furnished house close in. For particu FISH MARKET 't 1 Iron Fireman),' ;n ciiiuiuion. Inquire Nj 8. fceai Cove, or 0 B. 1756, Prince B.C. (115) ; - Five horsepower outboard motor. ,. Rt J 411. (115) I-MC.urv Peerless iMifl coal and wood "6 condition, Blue J114l Li.i.'me '? ton panel lerrn See Jim Mc-. 76 Taxi. 115) lars Phone Blue 909. itt) YAKMUUin, . D mere ar FOR SALE 4 , Room Bungalow strong possibilities of being able near McBride. Basement, ren- . , ,.,, ,' lmnrt i . .. tn rpatp a miirn mnrp imnort- DRAIN lai property at rear, lmmeai- i - - - HELP V.-A.ir.D WANTED Experienced wool presser or one willing to learn. Union scale. Apply Deane's Wuallty Cleaners. (114) HELP WANTED Maids wanted lor kitchen and ward worn. quick sale. 4 small wartime jisn prime Minister Bt. Lau-r-?ouielin. KOOtl. c"tl'"0?-Il.Sx ent said in an election campaign - iSTi, food's i Weigh i wear s and , i' $1.25 it s $1.50 .. 51.25 t OllUI u 31't Ltir, it h p.d.q! it ;:' lations Jhort , t s Fine ts Li'ht ill..i.'!iiiiiliii!iili.il pe. ;crs' ' 7!ll uirs ' ! 721 5 WAV i i 1 .'Urfee auantitV' el- Salary to start $81.00 per ic.ir cei r Khlne- Lubrication - Will Save You Money and prolong the life of your car. Just call 791 We will gladly pick up your car and return it promptly. SERVICE HOURS 9 Week Days 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. loom jiuu&e n uui x. uiikuu-, ing oil stove and heater, 3 : speech here. lots, immediate occupancy.! Canada was setting up mach- ;syXrprJs&eSsr to pbiu. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES at ties of delivering fish in good Oat Q --1 kT , . --iV-i .-.. a. Jj1 ) ittl I .ut A 11 UU n -..A nt He; bundle. Phone 41. month, less $30 00 per month maintenance. Uniforms Dro- CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice to Motorists 1 ' ' ' Section ;35 of "STREET TRAFFIC & PARKING BY-LAW iifi68' Deads as iollows: ". . . 1,, 'Jt KhaU be unlawful fo any person, beiris the owner "or'liavinff charge of any vehicle, to allow or permit the same or any animal or animals attached thereto, to be stood V or remain standing upon any street within eighteen feet of any fire hydrant, or within fifteen feet of the building " line of any street intersection, or a greater distance than ; one foot from he curb, or in any other position than par-- allel with the curb. Provided that nothing herein contained shall &e deemed to prevent any vehicle remaining stationary up to tbe property line intersections of streets at ; lanes." . The Police Department has been instructed to enforce these provisions rigidly. THIS APPLIES TO BOTH PASSENGER CARS AND COMMERCIAI VEHICLES. H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. (116) vided. Aoulv to Miller Bay -r.m-iri tmlllno hnat. ou oiu v . ui illume iJif- COnaiUOu to Wic uig tniuco Indian Hospital. Prince Rupert. B. C. H6 : h i).. (uliv equipped. I Donulation. All In all there UMce Apply ouu B ix 1743. 1116) . 1 ; k uh onuiu civ-iv i i HELP WANTED Applications, building sites. $475 each. New! were "strong possibilities of a will be received dv me cor-. the house 24' x 24 Two rooms . ter home nome market,' land.! greater upstairs, with live acres $2500. half cash, balance on Prime Minister said. -'j-tnn Cliev. Plck-miKiei. phone Blue -a k t43. (114) BOB PARKER'S terms. Halt mile nortn oi Govt Hospital. Apply George Arndt. Terrace. B.C. tll7) -30 ft. Gillnet boat II. in i! 1 1. id condition. (iOVKRNMK.NT MO OR ACT" Notice uf Application for a Club l.loem Kntinm is hfrfbv elven that on the F.ua'.s. Box 517. Dailv UPlOVil! SERVICE STATIO'i poration of the Village ot Terrace until noon. May 21, for position of Municipal Clerk Hours 1 to 5 p m.. state salary expected, references reauired. Duties to commence May 25th. May 2oth. WANTED Immediately. Reliable housekeeper, please reply stating salary expected. Mrs. Onrdon L. Little, co Geo. (114) .i...rth tinv at June next, the under- ! . PHONE 791 signed Branch Number twenty-seven: or Second and McBride K SALE -1941 Ford "W eii'me' 1946. rati .V.'.WMWWAWAWiW.W.V.W, ii.tKKi miles. Phone 1 or cul at 704 5th FOR SALE 5 acres. 84 under cultivation one mile from Terrace, electric light connection, .water main connection, phone by property. One roomed dwelling and root cellar, good land and sheltered. Priced to sell with terms. Apply to Box 9. Terrace, B.C. for further information. (114) FOR SALE 6 room house 238 nth Ave. W.. early occupancy. $2000 clown, balance easy terms For particulars. 223 ftAVWWWJWJV For S Construction Little & Son Ltd.. East Kwin-itsa. B. C. (tf) j 1142 ('hevrnlM. Re- ' Alterations Repairs WANTED Taxi Driver. Apply of the Canadian legion. Drn..u pire Service League intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor ; a Club Licence In respect of pre- j mises formerly Krtown as No. 3 ; Ofllcers' quarters, ( two storey i frame construction, approximately , le' x 36' with addition 80' X 6' and situate upon certain lands descrlb- j ed as ( 1 1 Part of Waterfront BlocK E ; of the subdivision of parts of LoU j 351 and 19B2. Range 5, Coast District. Map 1965; and (2) Lot 1. subdivision of Block 8 of Waterfront 'try Rood condition UUIletl V: 11 ha Kpen See 112 Taxi. 1- Muiois. (tf) WANTED Ward Maids at E-Sun.shine English :-J.UU. Phone Black Kin Ave. r.. Prince Kupeii ueut-iui tal. Apply in person to Muss Dobbie, matron. u GREER I BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS , CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice Re liiri'ew tit) WANTED Woman to care for -E-Transfer Business in.ludin!; 2-ton KIT Flut. rl.mlf friifif FOR SALE At Copper City, 4 miles east of Terrace, 3',z acres of land, with house and othr buildings and young prchai'd. riiinB rnnri and railroad. four-year oia ana twn i"""" three days a week. Blue 163. Floor Sanding a Specialty i.H. 1947 milemrp in.t. Block E as shown on Map vs, containing approximately 2.903 acres. Prince Rupert Land Registration District in the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club to keep on the .premises a reasonable quantity of liquor a! oonsumDtion on the P.O. Box 721 I Red 561 ' wiiii class lhr-.'( S license . snare nans Five minutes walk to tram stop school and post office Ideal for family with snva.1 nhiirirpn or retired coimle. s. olhce soace also at sisnn mnnl.niv HELP WANTED Competent office clerk, must be able to use typewriter and have know ledge of general office routine. ApplV in writing with qualili-catidns to Box 515 Daily News. 800 0O.-E. T. Kenn?v! premises, premises, and ana entitling enuuing the tne w Club to Will Will sell sell with Wltn or or without Wlinout i fur ui- i niture Applv John Smaha, purchfl8e nquor lrom a vendor and CoDDer CitV. B. C. (H9 to sell by the glass the liquor so pur- . ' - . . 1 Chased tr. to itji Its memoers nrenium. and nuests lor You Buy it - We Deliver it : -E 2 large size cribs FOR SALE 5.74 - . acres ...uv. with old um Uon m w Club premises rr.TTt-.TrY7 cm .--.iitoc finpn . one in .... . . ,, nalA yjt wit 81)2. (119) established orcnaia. nuuc ln Rcoordance with the provisions oi The Curfew By-Law directs that: under the age of , fourteen years , "No child shall be on the streets of Trince Rupert after the hour of eight-thirty o'clock in the evening during the months of October, November, December, January, February and March, and after the hour of ten o'clock in the evening during the months of April, May, June, July, August and September unaccompanied by their parents or other proper guardians, unless for some unavoidable cause." Commencing Monday May 16th, the siren located on the Besner Block will be sounded at the curfew hour and this By-Law will be strictly enforced. II. D. THAIN, City Clerk. , th "Oovernment Liquor Aof ana E-"Yulan" 36' troller section 2. two down town. witn plumbing and Apply Terminal Lunch. Phone. buiidmES. close to the J tl) t-. th...in'ial Tnfirmarv Tnfirmarv. new the regulations promulgated there Pi if under 01U. li NOW Flil'itc II' ..PP Hated at Prince Rupert, B.C. this r('tk of P R F Credit $3500.00. terms one half cash, balance arranged. b. T. K.en-nev Ltd., Terrace. B.C. Ut 10th day of May, 1949. riNADlAN LEGION, BE.S.k, (119) WANTED Young man to work I as iunior salesman in local; clothing store. Box 521 Daily, News "AGENTS WANTED lUM ,rr. JnuB KAI.KMEN TO -Trolling boat El-1 AT THE B-Y MARKET YOU CAN BUY THE FINEST OF FRESH MEAT, FRESH VEGETABLES AND QUALITY GROCERIES. Branch Number 27. (Philip M. Ray) Secretary-Manager. . - (132) 14 n.p. engine, u ironing gear in ion SALE Prince Rupert Really Co.' - T I T .i ivPV into uillnpl.t.pc ran ACT" c.ovi;knm.nt ut(i or JUST CALL RED 441 at Dodsje Cove, Box (119) 'r "v-- 4 room house' near Seal Cove. Illlllll handle new line of "a lcJ Paintd Ties. Sensational las.-seTimg item. No special connection? needed. Sells on Good hv-ina sight to consumer. assured. No competition Rush reply for free catalogue 2027 to Oriental Art Studios, mam lillllilli!! lE3"1"11 FarKO dump (Section 27) Notice of Application for consent to Transfer of Veterans' t'lnb Licence to other ptemlses. . Notice Is hereby given that on the eleventh day of June next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor rst-rla it-class condition, only n.ono miiCS- 'hone Home Appliances St. Timothee, Monnw., (Formerly O. D. Haugen Grocery) 889 Sixth Ave. E. '??. r contact. Wusr-nrl Control Board lor coiukul w -----fer Veterans' Club Licence Number 661, issued in respect of oertain pre FOB SALE Outside tonet. aiuu.uu uno... Larue Wartime Four. Human Place. Good condition. Has phone. Cash $2300.01). immediate o ccunancy For Sale: Ninth Ave West, 5 rooms and bath.. hot water heated Glassed in verandah at rear. $3700.00 cash investment: A 4 cabin For building All rented at $10 00 1 each. $2000.00 in Deluxe" Fourth A A Residence, Ave East $10,000. terms. Ask for particulars. g) mises situate at 314 ro avenue Prince Rupert. British Columbia. FOR SALE - 1947 - 'pK t i7 milpaee. r .lone TO Havs Cove Avenue, B Prince Rupert, BC. (II!;) S-Mcn'sworkt7s oxfords, school boots, ""and save money . bhw Repair, Fulton ONE MAN ttf) j WAFFLE IRONS H TWIN WAFFLE IRONS Red 092 after 6 p.m. upon lands described as t.oi o. f"- 20. Seclton 1, Map 923. and being numbered three and lour, and even and eight .respectively. P"-lncfRu' i or.H Heeistratlon District, to FOR SALE- 1 bedroom -u l m SILEX STEAM IRONS (115I sewing marin e '""'"Z Hiiick table and chairs. Phone Blaci, POWER CHAIN SAW lormerly known as certain premises ... . . turn Wl (.Tf V $12.00 p $16.93 $23.50 j . $9.95 to $12.50 j $8.95 . $9.95 to $14.95 m . $6.95 to $14.00 J r2 Dodge Special . ""Or SPflnn oom hp QUO NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES lea at Rupert' Motors WILL CUT MORE WOOD, MORE EFFICIENTLY CHECK PERSONAL LinK-Den, Shanes. Dragline . Aclams, Ariims No. 3. onicers wuira, . ------ frame construction, approximately 196' x 36' with addition 80' x 6' and situate upon certain lands described as (1) Part of Waterfront Block E oi the subdlvlalon of parts of Lots jai and 1992. Range 5, Coast D'sMft. Map 923, containing approximately 0 618 ot an acre, as shown on Map j G.E. AUTOMATIC IRONS G.E. HEATING PADS G.E. TOASTERS I ELECTRIC CLOCKS I STEAM RADIATORS .... rLEcTr!?ne slnKle bed, 3 Black Top Road Mamtenance uniiiB.me.nt: Owen Clamshell and Personal drug sundries (rubber goods) twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed Included. wrapper, catalogue General Novelty Cc.. Lla Upsks $35 and and Buckets and Rock oral mic; . $41.00 to $48.00 Smith concrete i T I. Forklift Format TrucKs, cinvk Clark ,ie' pent. 'PR, 71 Major ot.. n,.,.i;pt. T.oaders lor bM.KV"r ilso, 1965: and (2) Lot 1, sudqivi.. Block 3 of Waterfront Block E a. containing ap- shown on Map2028, . .i o oTii anrpR. Prince KU- irrhJiirs, lardinicrs, lC' 8oa Burden Street. (tf) THE EXTRA FEATURES Of 'ina fM. Recoil Starter Weighs only 35 to 37 lbs. Swivel Carburetor Parts and Service Readily Easy to file teeth on the job Available i Made in Canada. Price-,-26" cutter bar size S?9.-.(,B Price 32" cutter bar size $315.00 (plus sales tax if applicable) j FROM ,t PJMHCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE 7t2 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 Removal: Rice run,-1 - : and Snow . Northern B.C.Power Co. Ltd. IE No,,, flonal Dragline Sc5?T? continue until May 31. On ' HiVi ana Used Fur-ndiaWare 'fS. 'j" antl 0ffice Qiirlrnt S BESNER BLOCK 1! Unr METAL WOrtS T r,u'"lt': rwood Type "i rf g fHONE 210 B PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. a l o s. pert Land Registration District, in the ProvUtce of British .Columbia. Dated -at Prince Rupert, B.C. tnlf 10th day of May, 1949. CT CANADIAN LEGION. B E.S.L. Branch Number 27. (Philip M. Ray) ' Secretary-Manager. (132) STEWART, B. C. -nairs, New Flnnr r.w- Sp.ess Irons, Rues. Din- Gasoline iiuiais. - j National Portable Sawi.iills: Rotary Screens and Conveyors Full .information f rom Na LW t.. Co. tional Machinery Vancouver B. CJJiil you" Saw It in me News! rs p, aUus, Cups and work Tar and Gravel Roof-SLetoumeau & Sons. 629 Sixth West.. Phone 543. (tf) BC Si'ttf.'T Rood prices i; 324 FURNITURE CO. r