MACEYS EMERGE Prfnce ttopctf DaHi? r3rtus Monday, May 16, 1949 f FDD Radio Dial I Vl lli 1240 Kilocycle I r0yal portable TYPEWRITERS Price $87.50 to $97.50 (Continued from Page 6) Totals 1127 1287 1138 WirtUERS Utiauit KINGPINNERS N. Kinsior 184 206 213 S. Comadina 180 201 172 G. Bhenton ivu !: 2Z6 K. J. A, v yy .RING: ,vf,ER.FOKUKEYS aClC MAKGIN TVV0AF. w" t sri:i'i,Y SPA( F. BAB 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 8:00 5:30 5:45 :00 6; 15 8:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:10 10:15 10:30 Sutyest to Change) Jj MOIitJAI -KM. The Don Harding Show Stock Quotations and Int Chlco Valle Mag k Adventures Music in a Mellow Mood Don Messer and H1j Islanders The Question Box Suprxr Serenade MarUil Airs Musical Varieties Plantation House Party CBC News CBC News Round-up Summer Fallow Alberia Ranch House Guy Lombardo Show Musical Medley Musical Program CBC News - CBC News Coalition Talk Just a Memory Weather and Fish PORTABLES i AND SMITll-tUKUiA rBB ALSO AVAILABLE McCaUura 19J 139 m Shenton l7 l0 lHtf fierce 207 228 272 Handicap 8 8 8 lota is 109 1137 1294 SILVERSTREAKS J. Long 180 217 132 Low Score ... 157 139 198 P. Roberts 220 210 196 R. Roberts 197 230 179 M. Smith il 153 117 R. Smith 198 153 185 1 Handicap ... 68 6 66 Totals 1127 1168 1063 CLOVERLEAFS ! G. Brodie 222 158 203 1 D. Haablad 135 158 172 I. Keavs 188 121 187 L. Keavs 139 240 911 C. Silversides .. 221 218 171 Y. Turcotte 126 173 150 Handicap 65 6& 65 Totals 1098 1133 1159 HEADPINNERS A. McMeekin 226 238 195 T. McMeekin 126 377 123 N. Withers .... 183 167 203 M. Halvorsen 187 255 221 V. Wrathall 116 198 172 J. Comadina 235 202 210 Handicap 4 4 4 Totals 1077 1441 1128 PUSHOVERS , A. Whatman 227 183 143 'E. Smith 174 211 161 The Cm Muikr AJ.m. Sr,.. lor. An every sign ol becoming even "Oh .these are much too small. better. Greer was always a 11:00 aL v.S DRAW ri ficm Page 6) TvL the opposition stumbling block." Pat Wilson a was fast and always a threat Rev. Earl Soiland of St. Paul's K. F. Harding left by air to-Lutheran Church, returned to day on a business trip to the M,,M';tn was very His goal was a very neat effort. the air he Ward and Yeliand were good v) Tn for his first while Charlie Sunberg was very " Sunbcrg Is a grand good on the wing. Standstead Rirk" Eby a fast was fair. Robinson added Arrivals TUESDAY. A.M 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Sonjr . 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert ' . 9:00 BBC News and Comty 9:15 Morning Devotion? 9:30 Summer Serenade 9:45 Coffee Time 9:59 Time Signal' 10:00 Ellen Harris ,.i i.'irt ner. Corn- strength whon he arrived. ,,in outstanding but "Brick" Eby showed, that - he Cereals and Cooking for B everaqes and - ml Babies- Ho finer Milk in any can Bare as can be! '.j , int Sid Alex- can staae a comeback without jrovcd and shows mucn eiiort. J. Graham .. 225 244 252 M Fivnn 181 138 200 E. nAderson 140 147 114 J. Paul 277 241 173 Handicap 23 23 23 Totals 1247 1187 1071 B. C. MESSENGER L. Swatneid . 149 81 98 T. Smith 103 178 120 H. Svratfield 173 174 158 G. Smith 179 158 115 Handicap 74 74 74 Totals . 678 665 563 MALKINS J. Schlld 149 14T 200 E. Schild 87 153 150 R. Clavering 188 148 210 A. Taylor 185 124 252 Totals 609 572 812 MAPLE LEAFS R. Thompson 150 202 239 J. Thompson 227 111 117 A. Shearer 147 i.;5 i23 R. Shearer 285 349 256 A. Hampton 63 78 73 H Younn 193 138 112 'Wanriir-an .... 122 122 122 Totals 1187 1163 1100 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" See Our Window Display of SIMMONS and RESTMORE Bedding 327 3rd Ave. West Phone 775 i mm 4i r irJPAKSTHIWWUD the best value 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies i mi r-v 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weatbw Forecast II '31 Message Period 7lRproried Interlude 11:45 Medioda 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies P.M. Foundation of The World's Most Complete Travel System Canadian Pacific rail lines stretch 17,000 miles throughout Canada from Atlantic to Pacific. They form the major link in o chain of world travel service. "Keeping 'em rolling" calls for terminals and workshops . . . continual upkeep, modern equipment and experienced personnel. This rail network 're linked with Steamships, Ail Lines, Hotels, Communications and Express to make Canadian Pacific the world's most complete travel system. I can't 7cn get them off!" !ueen Charlotte I.unds. Advertise in tne iwiiy News! pp city Saturday afternoon by from San Francisco where' attended a church conference. RAILWAYS STEAMSHIP AIR LINES HOTELS COMMUNICATIONS EXPRESS BLONDIE - ppiii WHITE CIDErNJ fours like Cream! (Try tta small sie.) l:3S;i- r " I I PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. t VA PQ R AJ ; 1949 it lh year to ee your Canada . . . ask your Canadian Pacific ogont for full information. By CHICK YOUNG 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Intermezzo 1:30 Afternoon Concert 2:00 In Lighter Mood 2 :3G Musical Program ' 2:45 Commentary A Grant 3:00 Musical Program 3:15 Serenade 3 :30 Divertimento . GETS WASHING FAST! t- -ft H UB Q l; ' S3d : BENDIX automatic Dryer Pop the clothes in the porthole and set the dial that's all you do! Safely, gently the wash is tumhlcd in a satin-smooth cylinder while clean, heated air blows through. Like Bendix Washer, the Bendix Dryer shuts itself of when the clothes are ready. FREE DEMONSTRATION EASY PAYMENT PLAN COME IN TODAY I McRae Bros. LIMITED Tforden's IRRADIATED EVAPORATED MILK 'If ifs Vordm's, ifs2TTobftgood? WRATIIALL'S j K3NESS AND OR DECORATING PER HANGING 1 SIGN PAINTING RAHMER ONE BLUE 836 RADIO CLINIC lsfactory Service CALL 53 rond Avenue West HL'XDEIDE TKIN'S DEALER onth Avenue West ACK 890 Box 296 E0W CABS Hour Service PHONE 646 and Courteous Service M TECHNICIAN ' Voicing and Repairs KE COLUSSI one BLACK 756 '2 10th East 'IDLING WOOD Sack Delivered Saw and Operator 'fable for Hire B & W TRANSFER Green 188 OWN MACHINE WORKS :s 'or SIMPLEX GAS and N'S DIESEL ENGINES Service and Parts Tiers and users ol in- lnSmes are invited to room to view our vart- and talk over equip- r0R Ynnp 'tiCRETE WORK J, it. SAUNDERS . f3rn Equipment Wot Quaianteed lutin REPAIRS bo "trodden BmIi f Wor. Bole. HOSPITAL BeoenA Av. PHOTO FINISHING De?elopint, Printins Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving r Beauty Calture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7C5 P O. Box 1401 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 528 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert. B.C. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHAPTFFKD ACCOUNTANT? HIS Me".vi'l3 Strert VANCOUVER, B.C. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 Well Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Srrrice Cratinf Packlnj Cartar Prince Rupert Florist' 300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tei:T77 Flowers lor All Occasions BB I iiiW IF 1 COUUJ HAVS A TMA MYSociAU AND BUSINESS jM !4 TALKING TO VOUR FRlENPS" I ?SzJ, V vf f WAS TOO GOOD I 1 I TELEPHONE PUT UP IN -,. AFFAIRS HAVE BECOME r- WOULD VOU LIKE A X CZ' 4TTl V. TO B6 THU&.'Y VA f '- A S ZA jnL6XANDE(?.l Jp STRIKE 'fT OM H '' J- ALEXANOEI? S ' f KITCWF.N MATCvy ., THEWS'; NO PLACE ( TH SEAT V- ' ' will vou pl e ass ) v - 4V-, flv r- '; -r vE T? 'sc J1T 71 M ti a match?; y rr Alz zy fmp For Building Supplies PHONE 363-:- FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS REGAL "PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Box 42J MITCHELL & ; CURRIE LTD. Builders and Cen tractors .iiifttiiM!iiniiiititHiillllll'IMIIITmlH!l1WWIfl m : . !' ! 1 i 1 ,1 i; 1 l.iiiii iii.iK..! illliilillllllllilllllllU!S!llllli:illlllllll lnaie News! BLUE 789 RED 51S ,Us In tne OallvNi.W