PROVrriCIAL LI2?.A:n, VICT37.IA, 3. C. nit i onr.iES DRUGS Daily Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHOHE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVIII, No. 114. . PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1949 PRICE FTVB CENTS CABS M k A r a South viemiaciini mi asisr llim north ood li Voi rei we s ar $1.2 it $: Fraser River Dikes LEGION TO AID L C-nl VOTERS' LIST 1 ly jaiiix IMPERIAL VETS SETS RECORD anding To Sponsor Dominion Day Celebration In Prince Rupert I- . ' ' t A. 1) Holding Back Water Over Danger Level While' continued summer-like weather throughout British Columbia is sending the Fraser River in the southern part of the province to still higher danger Saturday a early Prince Rupert branch, Cana dian Legion, is joining other V , sht. struck a reef Islam! in Dixon's :4 Canadian Legion branches In a ,.jC on her way country-wide campaign to have the federal government extend - fishint! banks io ' ,.,..h of 38.000 the benefits of the War Vet-1 levels, coot art; itrji'-unj; i m. , eians' Act to Imperial military veterans who have served in Bulkley and Skeena Kivers in central isnus-n v,umm- 3, S jrt it actual theatres of war and who bia within bounds and Canadian iNauonai iwuwp nfficps have at least 20 years residence .Seattle ve.,sel San-l Llnvotr. was uc-.;oatcd from her fith the assistance power tug CRC hcr to the safety r The Sandra- L., , emertteney pumps SMITIIERS HOME SAVEVI) SMITHERS Quick action on the part of all available fire fighting equipment and many willing neighbors with buckets saved the beautiful seven-room home of Jack Hcalheringlon, C.N.R. brake-man, when the garage he was painting caught fire at the week-end. The garage was destroyed. TORNADO KILLS FIVE AMARILLO, Texas Relief crews today dug into the debris of a tornado that whip-sawed ' through the southern part of the Panhandle capital last night, leaving five or more dead. Up to 50 houses were destroyed. At the airport 45 planes were destroyed and damage was stimatcd at $200- INJURED GIRL that there was no danger yet. The 8keena rose another eight inches at Pacific in twenty-four hours. Once creek west of Terrace was reported to have flown over the highway but planfes were strung across to facilitate motor travel. In Canada although they did not have Canadian domicile at the time of enlistment. Initial phase of the drjve is to obtain names of eligible veterans or their widows with a: view of making an appeal to the government to have the bcneii'ts Prince Rupert provincial riding and the city Itself can anticipa'p a record number of votes In the provincial election on June 15, according to final figures contained In the voters' list which was before the court of revision at the week-end. Total names, according to the final list as prepared by Returning Officer Oordon F. Forbes, Ls 7.094, as compared Willi 5,447 on the 1945 list. I'his year's list will contain 1,647 names more than the 1945 list. Half of this increase is accounted for by the newly granted Indian vote, which accounts for 800 names on the list. There arc 4.931 names listed in city polling divisions this time. KETCHIKAN CHOIR, BAND uito port ana ub.u in.0 was being dis- IS FLOWN EAST FOR TREATMENT Twelve - year - old M a r j o r 1 e the plant of the rji and Cold Storage of the act extended so that for on the pontoons of CONFAB DURING U.N. ASSEMBLY' SESSION Major-Gencral National Defence College oT J F M Whiteley, commandant of with Warren R. Austin, Canada, left, carries on a conversation U S chief delegate to the International Tribunal during a recess at the United Nations General Assembly in Flushing Meadows, ' N.Y. iiK-k l)ere repairs Thomas of Terrace, who was injured 10 days ago when she was-struck by a logging truck, will lifted. Canadian Press reported today that the official gauge at Ml.-; sion registered 19.3 feet today, more than a foot over the minimum danger level. The rate o! the increase is slower than last week and most of the residents of the valley arc confident thai sirani.iin. Capt. ms crew IX men receive trea'.ment for a fractured pelvis at, the Mayo clinic at Rochester, Minnesota. Mariorie. who collided witli txats unci rowed to 000. - RAILWAYMAN SEEK MORE MONTREAL Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Em FIRE HAZARD mer members of the Imperial forces, now exempt, may benefit. ' They are being asked to t contact Legion branches. j The branch also ls seeking information concerning recipients of War Veterans' Allowance who have no other Income or unable to supplement their present allowance of $40.41 a month. j ' The'matter was brought up at the monthly meeting of the local! amp at uoose uaj nd. where they ra- IS EXTREME into Prince Rupert LABOR COUNCIL BACKS PROTEST BY ALDERMEN the truck while cycling to school , on May 3 was brought to the The CRC was VANCOUVER 0i The British dikes rebuilt or reinforced since last spring will hold the river back. Further east the Similkamecn River is almost as high as la;;t .line im uic ti'Mii; ploys (CCD today announced their intention of seeking 30 percent wage increase for 25,000 members when the present agreemnt with the railroads expire. city shortly' before noon today ir. the Prince Rupert city ambulance and placed aboard the od in freeing the. Delightful Entertainment at Final Session of Festival Columbia Forest Service reports serious fires still burning in the Peace River area and on Vancouver Island. tout midnight Sat-J branch Wednesday night, at Canadian Pacific Air Lines plane Objection of three city alder- year. Railway traffic has been disrupted, some roads are cloud irtivcd here in low Here ' for Sandspit and Vancouver. A mixed choir of thirty-five hlch a considerable amount n l0 civic employees taking ,.n; ul the fish was; . .i, nmninvmnni j h i 1 h ' Burnine south of Gowicnan st-dents from the Ketchikan of business was considered. commenced. She . BATTLE O FSHANOHAI SlIANtiHAl Flashes, of and at least one family was forced to evacuate. City Ambulance' attendants lh school and a 20-pieco Canadian Legion mem ved to the dry dock drawing holiday pay for their Lake, one fire on the Island has j . .. i.i. iwiniri-Ariv consumed 25 acres of) i .,.. 1 1 T..V.m.1 U.iilru gunfire, which could be heard r " -r - - - scnooi oanci camurea vne en-- Ihusiasm of the capacity crowd bcrs, Alex Halg . and , Edgar Wood is lilted out of the liquid, i""" - , 25 fire at the week-end, can be seen left here at midnight Sunday rw,W ward, were annolnld to serve on ,. n.imPr. Tmrirs U a and Hint I timber v.....' and at least auciuung inc imai program oi i 1 . . lit: I l. V 1 . m t : 1. a v ftv n a t dtt '1 V A stale for Terrace, reluming in time rvupci ine music anu uram.i r i.invji uw Keu uross uioou uonur tuin- Labor Council at its monthly nunvrs ai u.B ... n the afternoon, jr not more than impairs to tin: vessel ! In the rich Peace, River area of emergejney has been declared for the young patient to catch I Qn Fine Sunday rru ay niyhl. , . JmtttP nftr the meetinu had The choir, comnoscd of 2i meeting Thursday ninlit. The meeting "condemned voted unanimously in favor of a el f Northern British Columbia for Canton . he ,U P- . ' Lasl week cndpd and this week Rlrls and 18 btys under the di here was not clear Capt. LI n von lpft On the 95-m.le trip Irom ler- b . irt Prince RUPert. in surw- uractice of a rection of Mrs. Margaret Wen- blood bank being established In the city. ' FitfVSl John district. One nasi American air, tines-liave. can ni by air for Seattle employment 1n another line of gert, treated the audience to race Red : Cross Outpost I'os- ' shiny wea"rher; ' with enough" ni pital, Marjorie was accompanied,ze frotn tjme to time, to A donation of $10 was vowa sst mettl. more than 30"minutea of hlRhr wiped .'out. a logging camp and sawmill and is still reported .out. of control. work-while on Holidays irom ins regular Job and moved that the by Miss RobB of the iwspiuu raise tne flust xhe sua was.. l ..iff Miss HKi ..r. Robb Di.rih etrtt ' i- i -J i. delightful vocal music. The to the uona ciuo crippi.-u nursing staff. con first selection, "Beautiful Sav- circus lunn. secretary notify affiliated unions The fire hazard is described as tinued with her patient to Van couver. ' , . of its ,stand. ' extreme." STARTS The matter came up in dis bright, the haroor was Dim hii-yesterday there was no 'excuse, for anyone to neglect going '9;.' church. Score went driving if along the Bkeena Highway and there were boating parties a? cussion of city council's attitude lour." (Chrl.sUan.sont opened In order w sumuia"- tojr-with the entire choir hummlm? j wide interest in a Tittlng obscr-ihe air and was continued in vance of Dominion Day, July 1, part as accompaniment to the meeting moved to call a con-, I usia Walther's solo part. "Lord ference of all other local organl-. Dies You and Keep-You," (Lut- 1 ZHtions at which delegate would . P.i it lati hor i it 8 F ts- Li pe. :cr ;ht .m. 7!l V.' uir '. 72: p.: T E D FLIGHTS regarding an application by City Clerk II. D. Thain to take a por I Halibut Sales American ...... n , i rt 1'ln FOUR BROTHERS well, Yet at no time couia me tion 'of his holidays with a view FLYING NORTH .irr which will pro heat have been called excessive. j l'loneer, (u.uuo, h oc, iut, i, ! Booth. in netinc as election clerk in muml trips a week An American plane, carrying Prime Rupert and five passengers, stopped here PREMIER HAS "ioltc Islands points kin i permitted the choir to h-. consider plans for a crieorauun. lustrate beauty In harmony, at The meeting will be called at an the same, time creating an at- cariy date, mosphere of deep reverence. j The ma, lrr of holding a Cana-By way of sharp contrast d(an igiun picnic was turned tlirce girls of the choir sans ovrr lo t1P entertainment com-Sweethearts," (Herbert) and BuUoc (or rpport at the next overnight Saturday, bound for Ketchikan and Dillingham. Al by Queen Cliarlotte LUNCH DATE the forthcoming federal election. By a narrow margin, Mr. Thain "s application was approved. The Trades and Labor Couucil endorsed the stand taken by dissenting aldermen II. M. Daggett, H. S. Wlialen and J. N. For man celled services , to Shanghai. Emergency steps are being taken to evacuate remaining American and British nationals. BERLIN "ELECTION" BERLIN Eastern one communists today reported rolling up a huge "Ja" vote to give Russia a German "government" al i.s sack before the Paris Big Four conference. The first day of balloting was yesterday. The single list of candidates on the ballot should register a solid "yes" vote. , FINAL GAME TONIGHT WINNIPEG Eighth and extra game to decide the Memorial Cup wi.l be played here tonight between Brandon Wheat Kings and Mont-ral Royals. Each team has and one has won three games been tied. Should the game go into three overtime periods tonight with no decision, a ninth game would be oduy. A J. Spills-'jiiniuver. oresident aska, from Seattle. Piloted by Commando, 43,000, 17.5c, 16c, 13c; Atlin. An'.w, 00,000, 17.5c, 10c, 13c, Cold Storage. . Boris, 62,000, . 17.5c, 16c, 13c, Cold Storage. , Senak, 49,000, 17.6c, 16c, 13c, Daly. 28,000, 18c, 16c, 13c. Roval. maiiau'-r, has been Ken Armstrong of Dillingham, tiie plane carried his three brothers Breck Armstrong, of, '" nlPPting. Solo parts were effectively ren- )o(.lU vt.(rans WPre 1 pa.t few days in el wlili li.i inaugura- dered by Lucia Wallher. pricd to membership. They were Escondido. California, Don Arm and viewed "with regret" the Tan spirituals. 'Carve uat h, n nnmhv R. A. Coming here this week-end after a campaign tour through the central interior, Premier Byron Johnson, in addition to a public meeting Saturday, will address a luncheon Under the auspices of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce.;. Yaquina, 45,000, 17.5c, 16c, 13c, strong and Richard Armstrong, of Dillingham, and George Nash, f will cany passen-. r(,ssul," and "Olc Arks A MoV- nouclas. A. Marshall. Co'd Storage. eicht and company ; i ruin i cave the mixen ' .t.rin v of the same Alaskan town. They Sandra L., 36,000, 18c, 15.5c 12c, failure of Alderman T. B. Black to vote on the matter. Alderman Black failed to register a vote because lie felt that the, matter, "had already been hopeful that a con- rn,rs further opportunity to - ,' ' ' t. wniinms left for' the north Sunday morn Cold Storage. "ined from the I rxhibll vocal versatility and mrtw ing. ' ' ,i, , . . from in the 'jii - me iits " i , ..... Trinity, 57,000, 17.5c, 16c, Uc, Cold Storage. A n easing vioim s ! v - - ' i.. Air nnrl VarirttUP. i dCllt. Alaska. 62.000. 18c. 10c, 13c, dealt with by the council anu need not have come up again. Tim meeting endorsed a reso Pacific. nreceeded tlie two final selec- 1 ftiTlsirlln- i. tt i nmis island potn.'-s. p(l to lie in Uic i:i-t cliwly with the 'iiailiiiii Pacific Air ; to Vancouver. Masonic, 53,000, 17.5c, 16c, 13c, lution irom the Vancouver Trades Hons-"Down souin iuuu... ton) and "Battle Hymn of tnc Cold Storage. antr Labor Council condemning the action of employers in sign it? I no wold). il tri-wcckly fliuht' Republic . .. n.....l.ll.. " i ..o-.tllf nl LHP ivrwuui" . ta-l. Justkatla. AU- , 1U full Oimshcwa and olheri c"'r. , . . J i w ,.cc ing ' working agreements with unions while negotiations are under way with other unions which already hold bargaining . The company's-;-'- tnal m the norlheiTi , ,... . ,tU;ined, seven ; UlP direction THE WEATHER Synopsis Cooler air is flowing over Columbia from the north-,0ct Tnmneratures are expect Caradian Brooks Bay,' 60,000, 17.3c, 15.5c, 12.rc, AUin. Florence II, 20,000, 17.3c, 15.5c, 13c, Bacon. Oldfield, 22,000, Co-op. Viking, 18,000, Co-op. Slrafen, 22.000, Co-op. Skeena M., 10,000, Co-op. Teeny Milly, 23,000, Co-op. Shirlu, 12,000, Co-op. j Signal, 41,000, Co-op. Embla, 25,000, Co-op. tat plane "Tslmn- " . ..'., .nirihnted 30 rights with the companies in question. A resolution from Fort William also was endorsed. It urged r en HASKDAM, SCOUKS SUNDAY American New York 7-6, Pliihulelphia 0-7 Cleveland 0-0, Chicago 10 Boston 3. Washington 0 Detroit 9-4, St. Louis 3-12 National Chicago 5-8, Cincinnati 6-5 St. Louis 4, Pittsburgh 3 Philadelphia 3. New York 7 Brooklyn 0, Boston 4 SATURDAY National Chicago 13, Cincinnati 11 1 Philadelphia 2, New York 12 St. Louis 4, Pittsburgh 3 Brooklyn 6, Boston T American 1 arrived here lasti nMv and pleasant niUHHCS Ul - , ,. m ....,.i.,it. For a Dana m - ed to be slightly lower wuay. Variable cloudiness and a few euici i.wiii - - .,.. f under charge of fel-end who will be in charge of op- scattered showers will be gen the government that the use of police as strike breakers not be encouraged and that police ac consisted fo only ai the beginning of the - schco it exhibited considerable term niiu, ii. . onen 112 eral over the interior 01 me province today while little change tivity in strikes be confined to ""w is known en Tramp, 26,000, Co-op. X- -i . i;' ' "- ' "" '!-. sl, having operated ,cc Rupert for (J.C.A. ann ictm.. power with a march their program "Onward." and following "Land m with another march Liberty," the band switched t c . . !,. ,-i.,w "Gloria" fron. " '"lee summers on is expected over tne coaai areas. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast-Clear today. Few fog inV,oQ r.vpr the open water. the protection of property. The Laborers' Union reported that a satisfactory agreement had been signed with Columbia Cellulose Co. and that the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers had concluded a satisfactory freighting EISLER BEING HELD PRISONER New York 5, Philadelphia 8 Boston 4, Washington 5 Detroit 3, St. Louis 8 and The Hc thc First Mass Teiiin-r" from crea 1 aircrurt will be dis- 0 MllCC Runert. ml IS -...!.: l0 J f H S .. i ens mi. " , ,-imi Winds northwesterly (20 m.p.h.)? little change in temperature. LONDON A London' niagis- settlement with the city council expects to rnaln- H. G. Archibald, federal mem-1 irate today sent the communist uorc c 'i a year-round tion" In conclusion uiw.j- instrumentalists played 'Trombone Toboggan" and selections . . r ninnfnrP TRFF FALLS ON to ber for Skeena in the last House, 1 leader, Gerhearst Eisler, back to Rradually extend Lows tonight and highs TuesdayAt Port Hardy 42 and 58, Masset 40 and 52, Prince Rupert 40 and 55. addressed the meeting. He spoke1, jail for at least eight days 10 Alifo Arm Qi'il TELEGRAPH LINES await a hearing on whether he will be returned to the United Slates as 'a fugitive from Jus -h.m.o. r from . band d the Later, btwen plays entertained the audince w Walt, a d "Summer Evening's the choir again sang BaUie ami Hvmn of . the Republic 11(1 piiinis. a,l-ill also oo uvait-""ler work. Including "l!hl lmuliiig. Survey of the inadequacy of government provisions to take care of any unemployment crisis and on conditions which had led up i 1 he nshestos workers' strike A tree which fell across telegraph transmission lines just west of Terrace on Sunday knocked out telegraph and long .n..i,,no rircuits for part of the N. R. Coylc. C.N.R. safety inspector, Edmonton and E. F. rviiv snfot.v Insoector, Kam- tice. Eisler was refused bail by Bow w have been ar- ri.' . ..v r y ? ,r 'he snmn,..,. "Lord Bless You ana without accompan- in Quebec. loops. arrived in the city on Sat day before they were repaired io may iv used urday nights train irom uie interior trip of on an Inspection LUJn with by a line crew. r uriuci 11.1.0, survey work tit,. t r fl uiv.'. n V -t.. . ,,J Street court which ordered him "remande'd in custody." He. had jumped $23,500 ball in the United States and fled as a stowaway. He now must show cause why he should not be tradited. Although the Kctchika pa ti-'P-tswere not .d lnm Co. of Ca.ii- local railway facilities THREE NEW CUSTOMS MEN Hi ii completed today, siowea uaii for about a half-hour this mom-. Ing. ,,,, , ' U' owrinu 8 10 me MllCh mn lr..,l In . ........ 1 ttnif to aD- of , ul:'. not able to amr-7 . LOCAL TIDES Three new officers have enter Nnn : ''"5" uuu u" near in hcu class. bhj Eisler's counsel, Dudley Collard, f the Canadian uif norui const. . t fnrf thpm on m'1" t,a Anntewhaite, Liberal can Tuesday, May 17, 1949 r..,.h.m(i hhr nil. vsLcimcies told the court he hopes to prove .'"uori will, (i, ,..i 4-13 194 feet JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE Solon Low, Social Credit leader, poses with his family on the eve of the big federal election campaign which will see him cross swords with the leaders of the other national parties. Sitting with Mr. Low are left to right: Sharon, Mrs. Low, and Kenneth: standing, Carol Morton. High didate for Skeena in the federal nnd P. H. Linzey left VyUolAJitia n 1 , - caused by transfers and rcbigna-.that the defendant was charged 17:41 171 feet in( "li. com- "Slllnff rt,,ll ....t with an offence of "political ciui.piv..., - - ... tw U:05 4.2 feet on the Chilcotln last nigni, oi and ic excellent prformances : he had was glad marked that he of hearing had the opportunity both the choir and the band, R. D. Cleland was of the evening program.- tions. They are Norman mc-Glashan, John Davey, jr., and Peter Lester. " ... character" and, therefore, Is not extraditable. 23:20 10.0 feet ;uP"t, Masset and '""Plied. Alice Arm and Stewari 0.1 a campaign trip. 1