Pavlikis but tne latter's snot - William Goeta, ho nrrived ir the rity recently from Vancou.! Prfrue Huprrt OafT rc'ies Monday, May 16, 1S49 i - . . . . i"h"iujr . was cleared by Eby. Play was even and fast at the ver. saaiea iasi mgnt on the ear t. . ,,e1 it nun .i . . ldr last n!l,. . . right and rebounded irr.o piay.! start of the second half with v-iiHi-ouii jut nuw Arm where rtt)T. s 111 ith he was formerly located. i a lfift on . 1 Bouiter saving irom fat Wilson. -wi luniv,.,... - MACEY'S EMERGE 1 AT PINNACLE OF I MIXED LEAGUE ' Maceys XXX won the second half of the mixed five-pin league schedule bowling with a "Buck'' Eby was now on and cleared well. Morgan in the field, was clever and gave Van-etta a nice opening but tne latter shot too early and weakly. '"V.J C"' . Then the whole forward line of Owens, Mercer, Pavlikis, Currie total of 56 points at the week-, Cornwell set up his forwards nicely but Dunbar cleared. From a throw-in Pat Wilson had a eoDd openi.ig but shot past. Eby was clever. Charlie Sunberg made a nice run and centred to Pat Wilson who headed the ball down and then drove it througn for a clever goal. Boulter had to save again from Sunberg. Yeiland made a good run but Hebh cleared miahti'y. Ward hit the corner of the bar and upright from Wilson's nicely gauged pass. Alexander beat his and Vanetta combined in a beautiful passing play that Billy Sunberg just checked in time. Boulter cleared from C. Sunberg and Krause from Vanetta. Ward took a corner well end, achieving a winters ambition by topping Headpinners, winners of the first half of the schedule by a margin of five points. The coffe shop sextette also claimed five other honors in I r. : It and then just drove a high shot FOOTBALL WAS DRAW President' Tram 2, Yiee-President's Team 2 In th second of the preseason football fames between tbe President's and the Vice-president's teams a well fouKhl contest on Sunday ended irv a two goal draw. Once Wain there was a good turn-out of spectators and the display of football was even belter than a week ago. The president's team was hort-handed at the start but their nine men put up a lighting game. Both teams showed some neat play and Krause was iven a handful when Darrow Gomez drove a free kick hard into the goal but the ball was scraped away. Owens crossed a beauty from a corner kick that Cornwell headed away. Bitty Sunberg blocked a hard (drive and Pat Wilson had hare! luck when his shot hit the up- behind. Cornwall's free kick addition uj Knocking over the was dangerous and Boulter had most pins 115,423, as compared man and fed his forwards well. Morgan and McKay came on for to be very alert to save. Krause .with 113.517 lor Headpinners ' saved from Vanetta who was ana ior lungpinners well fed by Morgan. Dunbar Season's honors: m ' try- Ladies high average. Bertha Dunbar, Maceys XXX, 202. j Ladies' high single game. Maceys XXX, headed away nicely and then Cornwell scored after some clever ball control to tie the score. Play became faster bul both attacks were checked by good defence play. Krause ' saved from Owens and then Banish "caffein blusM Switrb to POSmuZT Som. pple jffer .leeplea nervoUfntlf pre,on from drinkwig w ' k too much tea and cufl",? aw.uh to Poi turn -can t upset nv ,! ' or ""tt- o, i, lh too-hv about one-third I Bertha Dunbar, 879. Ladies' high Bertha Dunbar, the president's team and Morgan made his presence felt away. Krause saved a hot attack and his defence was in a bad tagle until John Wilson picked up a clearance and scored with a good shot to make the teams level. Shortly after, following up his forwards he got the ball again and his Ion? shut under the bar gave hi.; team the Ic.d 2 to 1. Yell'nd find Chuck Sunberg were combining smartly. Morgan fed ! three games, 1 Maceys XXX, T m.. . In a 858. Boulter from Pat Wilson. average, Jack' hot attack Krause did a ereat Men's high J.4 job in blocking Vanetta 's close- ; Paul, Pushovers, 220. I in drive after Pavlikis had made' Men's high single game, Jack; Paul, Pushovers, 380. I : j HISTORY-WAKING TRIUMPlf FOR MAPLE LEAFS Ted Kennedy, captain of the Toronto Miple Leafs, poses wilh the Stanley Cup which the team won after a 3-1 deciding game against Detroit R :1 Wings in Maple Leaf Gardens. Toronto, Ont. This mi'kes the third year in a row that the Leafs have won the world hockey championship. ill I tmJMfiJIHh HEALTH W j ' Men's high three games, R.; Tubb, Overwaitea, 897. Team high single game, Maceys XXX, 1,527. Team high three games. Ma-I ceys XXX. 3.998 . " 1 Johnny Comadina of Head-; pinners came within a single' point of Jack Paul's record fori high average. His average was 219. , i In last week's nlav inrtiviriu:i! COMES Fit We are pleased to announce that we ran now supply BRIQUETTES - A'o Slack the opening. Teams: President's Boulter; Dunbar. Hebb, John Wilson, Gomez. Currie, Pavlikis, Owens, McKay, Mercer, Vanetta, Morgan. Vice-President's Krause: Billy Sunberg, "Brick" Eby, Alexander, Cornwell, Greer, Ward, Stanstead, Pat Wilson, Yeiland, Charlie Sunberg, Robinson, "Buck" Eby. Sid Woodside refereed. M. Kalverson ard L. Pa i kes were linesmen. THE STARS Boulter gave sound service in goal Dunbar and Hebb were PIONEER . B. Windie .. 145 C. Bnckson 143 E. Knutson 179 Bennv Windie .... 106 P. Menzies 18(i B. Moxlev 181 152 123 177 137 214 Clean - J. Urauhart Ill 82 127 J. Jenkins 159 162 134 M. Knutson 103 124 134 Low Score 144 134 162 Handicap 147 147 147 Totals 983 897 974 MACEYS XXX I. Dunbar 236 218 170 I). Uzick 151 149 192 J. Thornton 94 229 75 H Price 200 183 187 A. Matheson 205 214 221 B. Dunbar 211 294 285 honors went to J Thomnsun of Low Score 116 , - ii Handicap 34 35 171 193 105 184 132 141 i : 35 9113 173 143 1'.3 184 229 204 You cant buy hfi; bargain counter! Gf Is the result ol da care and proper treatment when It it Depend on uslo pharmaceutical n4- HOURS: 9 a.m. to p.m. Daily 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and t pan. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Ilolidayt. Maple Leafs who bowled the ladies' high single of 289 and to Bertha Dunbar of Maceys with 820 for three games, av- Totals 909 1022 BROWNWOODS E. Clark 159 240 G. Hull 116 134 E. Hull 57 97 F. McKinnon 126 145 C. Maundrell 213 161 B. Woods 302 225 CALL 651 FOR ALL YOl'R COAL NEEDS The famous Foothills Lump, Ejjg-, Nut and " Washed Stoker Coal safe with both kicking strongly, eraging 273. Men's high scor- (Continued on Page 7 ing Honors went to T. McMeekin Darrow Gomez gave a sterling of Headpinners with 377 and R. display. John Wilson played 9 Handicap 7d i5 Totals 1048 1077 IV, hard game and scorers with two topped the Shearer of Maple Leafs w;tn 890 well taken tor three games, averaging 297. Sport Shots i HOTSHOTS M. Fudeer 144 220 162 i D. Schwab 117 146 181 iC. McKinlev 192 179 174 R. Suden . 147 167 1: 3 ij. Fleming 149 134 193 PHILPOTT, EYITT & CO. LIMITED LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES goals. This defence did a grand job when the team was short-handed. Pavlikis, Currie and Owens also did a great job until the eleven was complete. Then with McKay, Morgan and Mer- Continued on Page 7t It is reliably rt ported t:'.at Low Score 103 82 81 101 tVwrp u-ill hp CinnMuT f'lilhnl! Handicap 1010 101 Maple Leafs 3, Malkins 0 ( default Maceys XXX 3, Wingers 0 (default) Eiownwoods 3, Pioneer Laundry 0 Dodgers 3, Bo'ks 0 Pushovers 3, B. C. Messenger 0. Silverstreaks 2, Kingpinners 1 Hotshots 2, High School I Cioverleafs 2, Headpinners 1 the Totals dj iuu iuu . , . , ., ... HIGH SCHOOL- l"am Irom th-2 city in I. Dunn 133 110 81 the various competition? thi.i 1 38 1 89 W. Garbutt 186 year Thjs sh( Wg Q iM .1 Skeena Construction & Cabinet but there is always th1; dilfl- TWINS' Mother Says NOTIfK TO t -KHUTORS William M Furls... I.a..l lu,li ul notice is hereby oiven that number of players during the Duilders and General Contractors all persona levins claims sumtl.r N0 team can and Ovrrwaitea the estate of WlUtnm MrFarliiiiH ofi- . Alice Ann. B.C.. who died on; or wh fewer, than stvent :n reg-taxntt tcember 19, 1M. are requir- istered uV.veVs. 'Thn' inav ne'-d I FLOOR SANDINO AND "CABINET WORK (default! . Pinbusters (default i. DODGERS S. Ramsay ... V. Menzies ... E. Anderson G. Anderson I. Garner E. Garner .... Handicap .. Totals CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the NJLA. Plan 20 down pi ' ed on or before the 8th dy of June. ,.,,., .,; . . l-w'y- Team entries are to be 183 '161 iM9. to deliver or send by prepaid 162 149 letter lull particulars of their ciaims in by next Sunday, also p!yr 148 180 dulv verified to THE TORONTO . '-traUOt.S. .. j.,,,,, . ! i 178 199 GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, 126 202 Administrator of the estate of the. While there ha be"n no njecl-j 205 178 said deceased, at the ofllee of THE,1!g of lhe piirks C jard to date1 138 156 205 147 207 123 balance In easy monthly ayment orer a period ( li 21 VuJ 997 1023 1090 CORPORATION. 590 Pender Street yeara. Free Estimatees FOR FURTHER INFORMATION BOOKS E. Sweeney 163 51 102 3, PHOise CLACK 224 f.0. P' , muui xttt luu i t-ij II- . A. Fetherstone .... 89 215 106 ' H. Pluvm 151 64 153 request to tht City Engincr-r's department brought t v-ry ready and speedy reply. A grader and toller were run over the grounds And the surface has b"Vn very much Improved siru'e. This cooperation of the city authorities is much appreciated by the Football Association. West. Vancouver. B C. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the suld Administrator will proceed U distribute the assets of the said deceived among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the cUOmfs of which It shall then have had notice. DATED thus th day of Muy AD. 1949. JAMES A. MACDONALD. 470 Granville Street, Vancouver. B C Solicitor for the Administrator. (M .lfi.2:ii J. Goscoe 110 144 113 Low Score 138 126 161 Handicap 134 134 134 Totals 907 884 903 At Goodyear' request, Mrs. S. M. Marrj, 139 Boyton RJj Toronto, made the " Twin-Test". Hill (left) had NKOI IIB soles; Bob wore shoes with leaiher soles. Photograph bet low shows results. Rupert Motor Dr. J. D. Galbraith returned Ltd. f ' if j to the city Saturday afternoon j by uir from a visit to Vancou-Jvr and Detroit. 1 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "AD MINISTRATION ACT" The two ictive Marn youngster romped and played together all day long. Like other normal lxys, they gave their -ihoe plenty of punishment until Hob's leather-soled shoes had holes 'n them. But not Bill's! His NF.OLI7 E-soled shoes , still had plenty of wear left in them i zUer the test! Yes,- it's a proven fact NKOL1TE soles far outwear the toughest leather. Start cutting family new shoe and repair bills with NHOL1IE soles right now! They're waterproof, healthful, gloriously comfortable 1 . SUMMER TIME IS STORAGE TIME FURS STORED REMODELLED 9 CLEANED AT REASONABLE PUKES 6 GLAZED NOW OPERATING FROM M GARAGE BUILDING, FORMER LINDSAY MOTORS. SECOND ENUE AND FIRST STREET. - PHONES 566 and 866 AND ' In the Mater lit the Ustsite of iu Clerf, Jeee.meti TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Kis Honour Judite W. O. Pulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 9th day of May, A D. 1049. appointed Administrator of tvie ertste of Ous Clerf. deceased, late of Terrace. British Columbia, who t!'-d on the Bth day of December, li4M, at Vancouver. British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said TENDERS I'nrefouched photograph taken af'er lhe twin-test shows holes worn in the leather soles of Bob's shoes. Bill's shoes Rot Just the same amount of wear as Bob's, but his NEOLITE soles are still in good condition. CEALED TLNDEHB. addressed to - ti the undent nf-U and marked "Tender for Surface Treatment. 8ml-thers AlrKirt." will be received up the 12 o'clock noon. E.D.ST, Tuesday. ttate are required to pay '- i ' Without . amount of their Indebtedness to May .ti. i4a, lor aurfuce treatment I me forthwith, and all persons hav- ol the existing parking apron anU ' ing claims against the said estate kixl strip and certain an as of the j are required to file them with me existing runway at Smlthers Airport, properly verified on or before the Smlthers, B C. at she tame! Vl j 30th day of June, l4'J. iaiunt? which distribution will be made ! having regard only to (such claims of which I shall have been nnttficl. I DATED at Prince- Rupert, H. C IMins. aperiflcationR, labour conditions, form of contract and tender forms muy be obtained on application to- the Chief Purchasing .M;ent, Department of Transport. Bill Scubv Furs ' T.M. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd. LING the TAILOh NOTICE! Clothes remaining in this and unclaimed after one year are to hep sale unless customer advises us to hold Please give number. LING, THETAILO: 220 Sixth Street-"0 ! this 10th day of May. AD. l'J40 m 302 Third Ave. Box 13G2 ERASER ' Ottawa. Ontario, or from the Dlst- GORDON -FOItBF.S rlct Airway Engineer, Department of Officlal Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. (121) S ( V Sh ingoleen TEL BROADWAY CAFE s, Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Property Oumei r- 2 e 4 SIIIXGOLEEN is AN IDEAL FINISH FOR SHINGLES FENCES AND ROUGH LUMBER. IT GIVES NEW LIFE TO OLD ROOFS AND LONGER LIFE TO NEW ONES. MADE IN MANY ATTRACTIVE COLORS, IT WILL BEAUTIFY AND PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. TnuiBpcrt. co District Controller, Air Services. 119 Pacific Bid., Vancouver. B. C , upon receipt of an accepted cheque made payable to the order of the Receiver (ieneral of Canada 1nr the sum of l()00. This ihefjue will be returned upon the return of the plans and specifications In good condition. Each tender mut be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered Canadian bank equal to ten per cent HO', ) o fthe tender price payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada, which cheque will be forfeited in the event of a tenderer refusing to enter Into a contract on the bi'ftls of his tender, if called upon to do so, or falling to satisfactorily complete Mich a contract. Cheques of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned. Any tender not accompanied by a accurlty deposit an described will not be considered. The Department does not bind Itself to accept the lowest or any W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 .K FRASER STREET "JIINCE RUPERT FOR ... , GENERAL CONSTRUCTION MM V PACIFIC HOLLYWOOD cafe REMODELING and ALl. CEMENT WORK, ROOFIN0 Contact I NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION' PHONE 563 FREE ESTIMATE3 COMPETENT MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY BEST FOOD BEST COOKING Stevedoring & Contracting COMPANY LIMITED OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes tender. F. T. COLLINS. Secretary. Department of Transport. Ottawa, Ontario. May 7, 1949. ' (114) CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY ; AT YOUR SERVICb CHOP SUEY-CIIOW MEIN General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 787 Box 1193 ... ..,t. BRING FOR TAKE HOME ORDERS 608 West Third Avenue For Outside Orders PHONE 133 A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEW8 COPY IS EARLY ADVERTISING