TToihtij in ptrts ! i A'- Tuesday, July 20. 1043 JACKPOT AT LAHSDOWHE VANCOUVER. 9 Hasly Fleet, ' a 134 to 1 shot, yesterday seoreo. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT . Boston o.'f A m. fit- Loui, i. Kinoci nniet in the current LAWN BOWLING Dave MacPhee's Rink Continue, t nheate n In ' Outdoor Trundlinf ' MOTORS DEFEAT G. AND A. 14-6 Cleveland 1 j1 Halibut fishing was closed for L owne racing meet. Ap. the 1948 season from Northern ic 1 Joluey ' Marwln Moncrief. California to the far northern P""1-' ,, M ,,,iri . . old gelding; , , rode ronp the live-year Bering 8ea at midnight July 11. . riav ,.p! Victoria j s' Yakima ij l, Spokane 2. 5iiinel: 2c pr word per tnawtlon, minimum charge, Me. Birth lfottcc: 60c; Cuds of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, MarrUtga and Engagement Announcements: ti. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Classified Advertising la payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Following recent civil service examinations, an eligible list of fisheries inspectors for British Columbia has been set up. They will be given a training course of four or five months duration under the. direction of A. J. Whitmore, chief supervisor of fisheries. $260.50. by far the large, betters ing of halibut caught incidental to' mi'iuf! return of the meet other species with set lines Moncrief had ridden only two became invalid in anv area at; midnight November 15. The previous winners this year. BIKTH NOTICES FOR SALE General Motors moved up 'o join Canadian H"6tonal Recreation Association In second paction in the city fastball standings by defeating Gordon and Anderson by a score of 1 4to 6 la last night s ' league fixture at fivro Park. G. and A. move back closing of fishing is the earliest in the history of the industry. Duke of Edinburgh UUSSANICH Burn to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. (Tonyi Bussanichi 1000 Hays Cove Ave., at Prince Rupert General Hospital on July 18, 1948, a son. Shortly before the ss Cardena struck a reef near False Bay last week, a small passenger. Tommy, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. FOR SALE We have several moderately priced homes fur sale some with low clown payments In good locations. Call us for information and inspection. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. Eves. Green 297. 171 H H Lokken. manager of the Qualified Stoker Fi.shing Vessel Owners' Assooia-i NDQN Duke So far unbeaten Dave Mac-phee's rink is scheduled to meet McMeekin's outdoor truiullers in a regular fixture In the Canadian National Recreational Association Lawn Bowling League tonight. McQrelsh and Paul rinks are scheduled for the set -ond event of the evening. The standings to date: MacPhee 4 0 Arroll 4 14 Macdonald J 1 3 Ross 112 McGrelsh 2 S 1 McMeekln 1 3 2 Frew 1 1 Paul 14 1 ! to share the cellar position with Cf 1 CO-OD. oajn ihl'i c ouicwi uvai iimi Edinburgh is a qualified stoker Tne game was a genuine upset Shields, enroute to Tallheo. near, been fishing for halibut-in Al certificate to prove,. tne hm,efui O. and A. team n.,n i Pi, .ilu hep.'im enririxnlv' iLi than ever hefnre The date, aid 'ias a r-1 Hifh recently had been reln- ill Nrt rfnrtnr uas nvailnhlp and I fnr the nneninar of the next sea-Ut. Describing some of his ma NAVLOR Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Naylor" Jr. lnthe Prince Rupert .General Hospital, on Tuesday, July 19, a son, Robert Josenh. lt) time naval experiences to a , torce m the interests of league Tommy needed one. A physician son has not been set but prob-met the rescue vessel, Cheloh- ably will be May 1, 1949. sin, and the boy was speeded to Canada CluB dinner, he recalled balance. The merchants surged a voyage during which Chines? , Iorwara- ju the opening innings , FUNERAL NOTIC E Pacific Fisheries Commissions: stokers deserted the ship. ui-,Hth a nnwer that inspired a FOR BALE email 4 Wartime house, shingle siding, excellent condition; complete. with linoleum in all rooms and installed oil burning range. Owner being transferred. Some terms available. Full price $1900 Apply Robert E. Montador. (173 did some history making recent-1 jirers and men were called on, major redistribution of playin'j ly when the International Fish-1 to take over. "We were all giver. ;Ilrengtn am0ng the Oeneral cries Commission and the Inter- j a ct.ruficate stating we vers j,jolors team, national Pacific Salmon Fish-, qualified stokers." the Duke said. K Key t0 tne oeneral Motors hospital lor an operation at once. The lads father had been unemployed and has just started work at Tallheo. Steamship Movements McNEILL Passed away in Smithers Hospital on Monday, July 19, Jack McNeill, pioneer resident of the Bulkley Valley. The funeral wUl take place Wednesday, July 21, from the United Church at Smithers. eries Commission both held sll!1 have lnat certificate. ' ' redistribution ,Iic,rihiitinn was was the the removal meetings at Ottawa, says Trade Football Schedule FOR REST News. It was the first time bothi- Daylight L-aving Time For Vancouver Monday ss. Princess Adelaide CARD OF THANKS FOR RENT Furnished bedrooms, one single and one Sport Shots or Gordon Carlson from the mound in the fourth inning Carlson walked four batters In the first inning allowing twj hits as well, all of which occount-ed lor four runs. By the fourth inning, when had met in Ottawa at the same time. O. W. Nickerson of Prince Rupert was present as chairman of the Halibut Commission, as well as Olof Hanson of Vancou double. Kitchen and home pri- u p.m. Kindly permit me space to express my appreciation to your ....r-ii tha irntlAral ntlhlic Glihtilv Cud- Kerand Round. Julv il 120th Battrrv v Hioh Rchnnl vlleges. Phone Blue 716. 174 1 Tuesday-ss. Camosun, 1:30 A rain of seat cushions In u. ln'i,.'.n nartici-iFOR RETT Flat, fcand Block. ver. Highlights of the three day j p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert the molormen shifted around, O "K 6" , v . ... ,,-, conference Montreal's Delorimier Downs sitting included a Xonafit. ADD1Y Max neiiuiunri, cants in the recent ,tf) 1 12:15 midnight. i Friday ss. Catala, p.m. ler. with Premier King, a banquet was seen by sports writers oi . and A. were leaaing o-i. oruir at which Ray Atherton, U.S. that metropolis as a significant J simundson went on the rubber ambassador to Canada was pres- prelude to last week's discharge , for General Motors and in the ent. The dinner was tendered of Leo Durocher as manager j succeeding five innings he held July 23 Battery vs. Legion. Aiwust First round ot 8tu-.rt Shield. MoblrV T August ti HiKh School it Lenion August 11 Hieh School T 120th Batterv. August 13-Leftion vs. 120th Batterv. ... . ,u August 18 Legion s. Hign FOR RENT 2 room apartment.; July 14 ss. Princess Norah. 801 Borden Street. tfl From Vancouver game on my behalf. Thank you one and all for the sportsman-like gesture. (It) BOB MOXLEY. Sunday ss. Camosun, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide. by Hon. Mr. Mayhew. of fisheries. FOR RENT Three roomed snitp furnished, with private minister the Brooklyn Dodgers. ine cushions were hurled by out. raged fans when the Dodgers, bath. Apply cottage at rear of p FOR SArx School. . , . Wednesday 6S. Prince Rupert Auuust 20 I Win Jiaucrv s Hioh Krhonl. Washington Block, or Phone Black 490. 109i playing an exhibition game with their Montreal farm cub, saw fit to bench Jackie Robinson af- Capacity list of 106 pas.en-: e.ers, all round trippers, wer; aboard Union Steamship Co.'s vs. AllKUSl Z lZUin BtttlCIT FOR SALE 1942 Lodge Specia. Deluxe Sedan.' Nev ly painted. ,. Excellent condition. Apply 13 Taxi. tf) WANTED rourtr! ol Legion. , Semember 6 Final Stuart Shield. the merchants to five hits. In addition to calling Simundson from shortstop to pitch. Motors moved Windle from third base to shortstop; brought Morgan In from left field to third base, put Gordon Carlson in right field and moved Spring from right to left field. Tilings went beautifully after that. Whatman, who pitched nine innings for G. and A., faced 51 batters, allowing 18 hi He 1- ship Chilcotin. which was, ter the popular ex-Koyai secona in port from 2 o'clock to 6 yes-j baseman had made only one ap-terday afternoon northbound pearunce at the plate for the from Vancouver to Ketchikan ! Dotlger3. The passengers were laraely; Baz (Montreal Start O'Meara, from United States with many j who claims Durocher telegraph-from California but there were led instructions from Brooklyn WANTED Oii burner or late model stove with oil burner installed, must be in A-l shape. Box 1551 Prince Rupert. (109) 1 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. July 23 ss. Prince George, 10 a.m. July 19 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. For Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Sunday ss. Camosun, mkl-llght. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Fort Simpson Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls FOE SALE 14-room rooming house, partly furnished, for $1300; immediate occupancy. Located on Fraser Street. Red ' '61S. '169) nis.n several Rritlsh Columbians I to null Robinson, sees the inci- out three batters and i inrlnrlin? Miss Ina Anson. Miss I dent as typical of the erratic struck build. Rr,m in Mr a Pnlriwpll 'hnnHiino nf rhe Dnrieer line-up i allowed one base on WANTED Car batteries, cor radiators, brass and copper; paying good prices. See B.C FURNITURE CO., Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Complete contents ; of 4-ropm apartment. Phone Blue 416. 169) I Mrs. Edith J. Clegg, Mr. and Mrs I that brought about Leo's dismis-j Carlson struck out three bat- Monday ss. Princess Adelaide Ernest Dann, Miss Eleanor J I sal. ' His strange manner of ters, allowed tnree nits ana six Ely. Mrs. Edna M. Fowlie, Mrs shuffling players, his indecision j bases on balls in three inningi. Isabella M. Frost. Mrs. Gertrude and, undoubtedly, his flouting while Simundson struck out one. Gill, Mrs. Olive H. Horan. Mas-, of Montreal fandom, had a lot gave up five hits and two bases ter Robert Hunter, Mrs. A. R 1 to do with the decision to get, on balls in five Innings. WANTED TO BUY 4 or 6 room p.m. house. Centrally located. Write Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, FOR SALE 2 H P. Water Cooled Fairbanks Morse 'Model Z" A-l condition. Phone 530, Dave Jones. , (171 Box 1587, City. 170 10 a.m. hi m, ' i " Hi v J J o)0MED mm Laicilaw, Miss Pearl C. McDon- rid of him," writes Baz. 1 Fnoay- -ss. Catala, a.m. July 19 ss. Prince Geotge, 11 HELP WANTED TOR SALE haw and Used Fur GEN. MOTORS- AB R H PO Admitting that Leo won't suf-'B- Simundson, ss 8 2 S 1 aid, Mrs. Marguerite Schlesmger, Miss Edyth Somerville, Wilfred S. Smith, William K. Thompson, nlture and Hardware. Slightly uaed Bedroom Suites, Kitchen HELP WANTED Smart lad a.m. leaving school to enter ap- For Ocean Falls Drenticeshlp to automotive re-; Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, fer financially bv his transfer Lambie, cf 6 Rinrnnlfnr Thoriar.ius and Miss across the river to the New York Pavlikis. c 6 6 5 Christina Ward; Miss Mary E. Giant clubhouse, Baz still feels Windle. 3b, ss Melbourne, North Vancouver; The Lip will lose plenty of pres-J Morgan, If, 3b AND iyraw)i the two Carlson, p, rf 6 H. Okell. Vie-; how the no matter finish in Major and Mrs. 6. toria. tige. clubs each rot National, Dominato, lb 6 i League race. He points to a fall-j Glen Carlson, 2b 5 ! ins off in attendance at Eb- Spring, rf, If 5 pair trade under Provincial 11 p.m. Government Apprenticeship j Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, schedule. Apply in person to 12:15 p.m. Lindsay Motors Ltd. (170) j July 17-ss. Prince George, BOYS WANTED Boys desiring rm A,aska News routes should leave their , Thursday-ss. Prince Rupert, names at the office as vacan-j p m cies may be occurring any da.j ror Alaska -wecjnt;s(ay ss prince Rupert SALESMEN AND AGENTS i midnight. ' Sots from S12.58; Bed, complete $15; ad Carpetin good shape; Occasional and Kitchen Chairs; enamel Wash Basing ' $5; Underwood Typewriter in perfect shape; Office Chairs; n'W unpainted Book Cases. Other useful household articles. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. (tfi FOR SALE-rDinette. like new. One Chesterfield. Dresser, 3i Bed. 1350 6th E. After 5:00 (169) OCMVfMD Mill I'll ON ft 654 For KICK Hotel. . -i A rr'ua Is WEDMSDilft bets Field, caused partly by the j 51 14 27 I boycott thrown against the club jby the Catholic Youtn Organlza-j O. AND A AB R H PO I tion after Durocher returned Stevens, c 5 0 0 4 I from a one-year suspension im- Laurie, 2b 5 111 1 Dosed bv baseball Commissioner Whatman, p 4 10 1 rr lnformifiJi 25c Prr Dozen Paid for Ertplie July 23 ss. Prince George, City or DtpalT-j PROFITABLE W ATKINS BUSI- Thl drmiarmnt la nil publtahtd or lljplajffd brtht Liquor C.)tilnl Boardnt i 2 p.m. NESS in part of Prince Rupert rsiNct m oy uieut)eniuimlul Biltli Columbia. Happy Chandler for consorting Dell, lb 5 2 3 7 with known gamblers. "Rickey R. 8mlth, If 5 10 3 gave him his cutnce to redeem Quthrie, ss 5 12 6 PERSONAL available for industrious man desirous of getting into a FOR SALE Girl's C.C.M. bicycle. ' In good condition. Phone Blue J 825. ' (172) good-paying business of his FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in himself," says Baz, "but he Specrs, 3b 4 0 0 4 mulied it miarrabiy." : Cole, c 3 0 10 Chorus Dink (Montreal, Harrison, rf 1000 Gazettei Carroll: "If you canMoxley, rf 2 0 11 GREER t BRIDE the Interior, . stop at Telkwa Hotel, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, Just half way to Prince George. (tf) . FOR SALE Chesterfield suite, kitchen dinette, bedroom suite. 1 Phone Red 516. (169) Prince Rupert . 1 C. W. Nash, Vancouver; J ; Fraser, Oceanic; R. Ellis, Oceanic; J. Doyle, Vancouver; L. Syl-vannie, Ocean Falls; W. N. Lucas, Pasadena. Calif.; R. Hanson, Altadena, California; U. C. Gii-ene, Vancouver; A. Robinsoh San Marino, California; W. Rob ertson, San Marino, California, J. W. Decker, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Ventura, California; A. H. Quan, Vancouver; P. Olikawie, Vancouver; G. Cape, Vancouver; John Redden. Vancouver; Mrs. R. Ponga, Massett; oeueve what you hear (and youj 39 g 8 27 own. Suitable for man in good health nearing retirement age. Average daily profits about $10. For full information apply The J. R. Watkins Co., 1010 Alb-rni St., Vancouver, B.C. (17?) probably can', the only reason o.M 002 402 024 -14 BUILDERS ANP CONTRM LOST AND FOl Nl buffet, like G. and A 401 100 000 0 FOR SALE - Large . new. Black 385. (169 Branch Rickey reappointed Durocher as manager of the Dodgers this season was that he felt t.e had a responsibility to him. Ke was a hot potato and where FOUND White kitten. Suite 4 Seaview Apts. (169) Repairs Construction A MACHINERY FOR SALE floor Sanding: a Specialtj FOR SALE Second-hand 3x12 ; planks, $25 M.; also fir or oak i barrels, $1 each. Apply B & W., Transfer, Phone Red 182. W (170) FOUND Fishing rod on highway. Apply McKenzie Furniture. (169) else was he going to get a job in baseball? ' ut course, there is FASTB LL STANDINGS 99 Taxi 6 2 .711 C.N.R.A. 4 2 .667 Gend Motor 4 2 .60? O. and A 2 5 .28 Co-op 2 5 .286 P, Phone RED 561 Wagge, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs' need to feel sorry f?r ?ur" METAL WORK ache.r, wha managed to land on TO ; SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) J. Nelson and family, Vancou PLUMBING Installations ana FOR SALE 4-room furnished house, newly decorated. H24 Pigott Place. (173) ver; C. H. McCorriston, Massett; R. M. Stewart, Massett; Mr. and his feet. Yet only a few days ago 7hen his jot at Brooklyn was insecure, we heard it said Mrs. J. Nellson and family,' repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) ICaicn Co-op REVERE WARE that for years he escaped pun Prince Rupert; Mrs. A. Gilling water, Prince George. ishment for actions which could luASititd Advemsing Pays) FOR SALE 6 -room Wartime house with brick chimney and level lot. Sacrifice at $1550. Apply Robert E. Montador Ltd. . (173) have caused his banishment from baseball. This year when Drop in and check over the New Com he was behaving himself he was Steeplejack and Bridge Painter Invents Time-Saving Paint Brush being blamed for everything Stainlens Steel Pressure Cookers other lines of Pota and Pans. FOR SALE $50.00 Pays. 3-piece . chesterfield, 1 dresser, chest New Device Tested on to work. The paint flows f ror.i The Inventor also claims that New York's Triborough Bridge gravity-feed bucket through a MEN'S FASTBALL SCHEDULE July 21 Canadian National Recreation Association vs. General Motors. 1 July 24 Gordon & Anderson vs. Co-operative. j July 26 Gordon & Anderson vs. Canadian National Recreation Association. July 28 General Motors vs Taxi. July 31 Co-operative vs. General Motors. August 2-99 Taxi vs. Canadian National Recreation . of driwerf, 2 tables, 4 chalrsJ ' PHONE Phone 119 WRITE Bx 1127 Apply' 1805 8th Ave. E. (170) BASEBALL SCHEDULE not oniy aoes tne brush save time, but also saves wear and tear caused by cleaning of ordinary paint brushes. light, flexible hose directly to bristles of the brush; a simple shut-off clip on hose gives complete control of the paint flow. A new dipless paint brush was recently demonstrated on . the world-famous Triborough Bridge in New York City. This brush was demonstrated by its inventor. Russel c Engren, steeple- July 20 Savoy vs. Merchants FOR SALE One chesterfield, kitchen and dining room tables and chairs; bedroom suite. 1539 Overlook, after 6 p.m. (170) July 22 Moose vs. Savoy July 25 Smithers vs. Rupert July 27 Merchants vs Moose July 29 Savoy vs Moose Aug. 1 Savoy vs. Merchants L1 . ' T mi . , Actual tests in homes, farms, factories, under every working condition where paint Is used, show an average saving of 38 per cent in time and paint. These tests were made by housewives as well as professional painters and contractors. AL JOLSON AL JOLSON .. ALJOL IN HIS tATEST DEC( A AI BI M-v1 24397 "I Want a Girl." Jack and bridge painter, who proved he could eliminate much of the time, energy and material wasted In painting. FOR SALE Kitchen set consisting of table, 6 chairs, sideboard, and open-shelf cabinet Price $50. Phone Blue 416. : (170) I This new brush gravity "Where the Black-Eyfil Susans 2439Whii the Rd Rd Ri.bbin n,p, FOR SALE One Royal Portable Typewriter with case, new, $75. Box 870 Daily News. (174 Along." AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH . . . a pound of cure. Our regular servicing of your car keeps It in A-l condition assures you safe, smooth, carefree drivin. "Someone Else May Be There 24399 "For Me and My Gal ." "When I leave the World Behin 14400 wTheref a Rainbow 'Round My "About a Quarter to Nine" f Lb ;L;l-woaULVl' : m i 11 Ill, iLv .r.f lit Lei, us service your car every 1,000 miles. It's the wise thins to do! Call 83 for pick-up service OS- DECCA ALBUM NO. A-649-NOW t'SED LUMBER Flooring, 3" and 4" Fir. Shlplap, (short). Demension Lumber 2"x4" S'W 2"x8" Selling reasonable. . NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Second Ave. Phone 563 jl 'IB " V 'Sins