fcWnte tlupctt DafI? KetoS JLtO. Tuesday, July 20, 1943 t ' IVIC HOUSTON Local News Items . . . of or ify INCIDENT WITH GEN. PERSHING Story of R.C.M.P. Is Recalled by ''Clack Jack's Death Imp No Loss Though BURIED TODAY Prominent Local Ex-Service Man Laid at Rest Haircuts Higher GUEST SPEAKER AT CITADEL Thick Butt Shinsles Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker and family were week-end visitors at Lakelse Lake with Mt. and Mrs. Robert Gordon. Baseball Tonight-Savoy vs. Merchant 6:30 p.m. (it) Mrs. Russell Cameron and little daughter were week-end visitors In Terrace with friends. Mrs. Hans Koch and two sons left yesterday afternoon on their The death of General Pershing In Washington recalls a true In Last evening the Home League TORONTO Toronto barbers have .not experienced a falling off in business due ,to the recent ten cent price boost, a spoKesman announced last week. Briht Green and Green Blend. Sf( 0.75 per square Mrs. John Laurie returned to Canadian Legion comrades and friends in the community paid final respects today to the late Victor G. C. Houston, a resident of the Salvation Army had as their guest speaker Mrs. Col. Tyndall of Vancouver. A large ,tf suK-k of Koll Roofing, Mineral the city last night on the Princess Adelaide from a trip to Vancouver. Just Arrived! At Brownwoods, cident in the history of the north west and of the days when, personal initiative and resource had to be so largely depended on. It gives a glimpse cf the and looui-oiic oiujinj crowd was in attendance and return to Terrace after a brief visit to the city. of Prince Rupert for 23 years and former Canadian Legion president, who died in hospital here on Sunday. I Lambrr nuiiuuig ""Pi"1" another shipment of Hcel-Hug-gers. AAA to E's. they listened with interest to the message of the visitor. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Capt. Jarrett, and the Home League Secretary, Mrs. J. Wilkic, led in work of the mounties and pome of the duties undertaken just as PHONE 116 carpenter s Union meeting Wed. 3:00 p m. Wm. Page, office representative, In attendance. (It) The funeral service was held at First Presbyterian Church which was filled with Legion C. W. Nash of Highway Construction Co. arrived in the city & McCAFFERY LTD. something that was all in the day's routine. It was in 1879 that Corporal Daniel Davis paraded before by air Monday afternoon from Frank Dibb returned to the members who paraded from the Canadian Legion hall on Third prayer. Mr. Brigadier GUung-ham introduced the speaker of the evening. The message of Mrs. Tyndall Vancouver on a business trip cuy yesterday from a week-end Colonel Irvine at Fort Walsh to Avenue, and other friends. J. S. Wilson was parade marshal. Tht LOIS NICKERSON learn that he was to escort 1100 Indians across the border from Mr. and Mrs. Martin van Cooten returned on the Princess Adelaide last night from JANTZEN lllll . - - TOPS IN STYLE AND QUALITY service was conducted by Rev. was "Practical Visionaries." It told of the possibility of having a "vision" and then being pracJ trip to Lakelse Lake where Mr. and Mrs. George Dibb and family are now spending a vacation. Waitress's Union Meeting tonight at 7:30, Carpenters' Hall. Fred Antrobus of First Baptist Montana, back into Canada and see that they were safely placed a holiday trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Church, assisted by Rev. Chaties A buying or placing on a new reservation (Red SPEEDY TYPIST St. Joseph's Academy Commercial Kesults Are Announced L. Lomas of the Anglican Mission boat Northern Cross. Mr. Lomas, tical enough to see the vision realized. She spoke of Florence Nightingale, Elizabeth Fry, Catherine Booth, the wife of the founder of the Salvation Pheasant) near Battleford. These iijureen R Indians were made up of Crees, shark was tic CC-dz . Mrs. Harry Hanson and family have taken up holiday residence at Lakelse Lake. Mr. Hanson is back after spending the weekend there. uriace on Members please attend. (Hi George C. Mitchell returned to the city at the end of the week from Lake Kathlyn where Mrs. Mitchell and family have taken up residence for the season. Canadian Legion padre, led the graveside ceremony at soldiers' plot, Falrview Cemetery. Honorary pallbearers were W. Army. First of all they had a vi st Maureen Stoneys and Sarcees. They were Canadian Indians and had been over in Montana where they had The following pupils were suc cessful ia passing the commercial examinations and will re J. Ranee, Hugh Klllin, W. E. Visit Ihp nrpttipst. store In I sion of what could be done for the people and then they mado their dream come true "by being practical." The speaker gave a glimpse item about water. The was about American authorities. Corporal town for "Gifts Thai, Are Dif-1 fprpnt" ThP TntPm Pnlp Gift i Davis was to meet the American Denning, S. A. Bird and C. L. Youngman, all former Canadian Legion presidents. ceive tneir stenograpner s diplomas: Course I Lois Nickerson, Hilda Potterton, Joyce McDonald W. H. Brett, M.L.A., returned to the city by air Monday afternoon from Victoria, where he Jantzen sweaters, in the Int.n Thp T.phpiip nf Mprrv Work escort at the border point south of the Cypress Hills where the Blackfeet had theii reservation. Shop, 211 Sixth Street. (169) Sacrament of baptism was administered at morning service in Active pallbearers were Ralph! P. Smith. James Nicoll. W. H. of the Salvation Army. The i usual Jantzen quality League of Mercy is a group of . merits There, he would take over. Irene Klldal, Dorothy McLcodJ attended a special sitting of the Lucille Steffens, Irene Oulton.' Legislature. Johanne Kofoed, Margaret AUenlion Gardeners! Monlh. Uii column nil montn uoiron. Bookkeeping Judy Curtis, Murray, J. S. Wilson, Jack Scott, and Alderman J. R. Morin. During the service the congregation sang the hymns "Nearer My God to Thee" and "AbidJ With Mc." The hymn "Jesus First Presbyterian Church Sun- day by Rev. A. M. McColl to James Robert Tough, born In Vancouver September 16, 1944, and to Ronald John Tough, born In Prince RuDert May 12, 1948, y Kjse pumic ly meeting of Prince Rupert Horticultural Society is postponed until July 22. (It) The west was largely untamed in 1879. Only a few years previously, Sitting Bull and his Sioux had wiped out General Custer and his commat d, in Montana. The Canadian North - women who visit hospitals, shut-ins, and those in need. Mrs. Col. Tyndall has been a League of Mercy worker foi 26 years in Toronto, prior to living in Vancouver. Miss Fraser of the "Northern Light" bookroom thanked Mrs. g.on lo Ter- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon Betty Wide, Josephine Jordan. Lois Nickerson receives . the speed typing pin awarded by the school. She mastered 76 , words per minute. Lover of My Soul" to the Welsh U E Bazaar, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L ol this city are leaving Terrace . ... ..... . ohi.lll.in oc cf 111 ciY VPi.r tune "Aberystwyth," a favorite of the deceased, also was played by Sleeveless and long sleeve pullovers . Cardigans in pastel shades of light grey, powder blue and lawn. today for Burns Lake to spend, loxign. eiu tigmn Avenue Col. Tyndall for her message on behalf of those present. Dur in-law and daughter, Mr. and;iro nf nttan mnkin7 a sur TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! ing the evening, Mrs. A. Perry Mrs. W. A. Antilla. it ar, Nuvcm- 1 A Bazaar, I U MM, NOA organist Peter Lien At the graveside the "Last Post" was sounded by Legion Bugler W. J. Ranee. Corporal Davis, R.N.W.M.P. met the Americans. There were two troops of cavalry undpr a young officer. sang "Out of My Bondage, Sor vey of subsidized steamship services on this coast for the Canadian Maritime Commission, re Father S. Mclnnes, professor row and Night." Refreshments were served by the Home League in the Roman Catholic scholls- VANDERHOOF PAVER SOLD turned to the city on the Camo- ladies. "Where's the rest cf your ticatc at Ottawa, is arriving In sun today after making the troop?" inquired the latter. To the city on tonight's train from C. G. Withers, local manager B nic League j 0 b in , Sons of j round trio to Alice Am and of the W. HH. Malkin Co., re The annual pet capita consumption of fish in Japan is about 65 pounds. the East to conduct a week's re-reat for the Sisters of St. Joseph here. the amazement of the United States soldier, Corporal Davis said there was no one but himself. There were 11C0 Indians Stewart. He will sail tonight on the Coquitlam for the Queen Charlotte Islands and turned to the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from a business trip to Queen Charlotte Is cr,3 0 D E. Sale i it RICHARD HUDNUT HOME Also the new; kniLted casual sweater, a new jacket that is ltrng wear ing, smart" in appear-f ance and beautifully tailored. '. , '. ,i ' I (most of them up to any mis- VANDERHOOF Announcement Is made of the sale of the Nechakp Chronicle newspaper by H. G. T. Perry of Prince George to Norman E. Kerr cf Vanderhoof. The Chronicle was purchased last year by Ml . Perry from W. J. Rimes. For several months Mr. Kerr has land points. PERMANENT (The improved Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Naden and chief) but it was his, jo1) to take CHARGE .iM.uml turns j nrrupi imprt In thpir famous ! I; tfit.i a strand i New York Salon). Complete Set! family ol Vancouver are visitors them to Battleford and at all with Plastic Rods. $3.75. Refills1 in lhe civl u,cia' during the stay , cosls teep a wide berth between ire J.-cd on cer- D. A. McRae of the Ford Motor Co., after a business visit here sailed by the Catala this after pfc iiic switch- j of LIFE? ol tne steamer uoquiuam ""uhem anU the BiacKieei ir.e available at $1.75. McCutcheon a noon on his return to Vancou which they are making the Iatjians were huni y and dis- been acting as Mr. Perry's Pharmacy Limited. (171) of this ver. manager at Vanderhoof. Are you (toinn through lhe iunciionBi i reidUe aae' pvrrnKl jKH-ulmr to women 1 round trip via the Queen Char- j satisfic(i Some wtre already lotte Islands. Dr. Naden, now,. ki ri0selv at t-.e R.CMP. Mrs. Jack Marchant : to 52 yraJ? ioe thw wake you mitler 1 -i. 1 t v W lnlrlirtf trom hot Hashes, iwi to mtwui, 7 Advertise tr tne Daily News! cuy, wnu imu iu cmci "'-i" , regarucu as uuc mv. I'.uwt, supplies, tal at Terrace for a serious op- , olliK)pi-uic specialists in Van-1 eration recently while visiting 1 couver. was a real pioneer boy corporal Davit, nowever, fin flirunR, lirea: 1 nen in- ivjitiin m. 1'inkluim'a vt-yetat.le omprmnd to rwtiv uch lymplomK. I'inkham ConitMnmd also had what liouUtr call a atutuftjiuc tonic etlectl LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S V!Zl there, has been , able to leave ; 0t Prince Rupert, beini the son isned his Job. Ha delivered hospital and is at the home ol0f George R. Naden, early dayeVp,.y onc at Red Pheasant Res-Mr. and Mrs. P. Van Stolk. Mr. j realtor of the city who has forurvation. TU-re h-sd be .n grave litXK & Tucs t Floats -2. 2:30, t v hour .fli u.s from ifPSiill Marchant has returned to the, many years been residing in apprehension. Some of his fel Vancouver. British Army Is Moving Storehouse MOMBASSA. Kenya "Opera-' t ions Igloo" is today turning. t some 36 square miles of water-! ; less African bush into the be-j ; glnnings of what will become the ; British Army's largest storehouse ' abroad. This Is to become the j reception area for vast quanti-! ties of army siroes to be shifted soutn from Egypt, India and ; Palestine. low mounties doubted if he. would ever make it. The tame of the young officer who had TavWI city iioui Terrace. Bishop Anthony Jordan O.M I. is returning to the city at the end of the week after an absence of two months during which he visited for the first time such remote missions In the north fe ,d i 1 .mwwwvvvrWrWi; ? NEW NUMBER" ? : ' A :;"Chicken in the Rough' : ',' to take home Ja ? CALL II EI) 705 $ 'cwc centre:: DIM N (. R O O 31 ."; IliSWWWAWAWWiV. met Davis at the border was Pershing, who later in life was to command the American forces Peach and Apple Crop is Higher OTTAWA The Bureau of Sta HOTEL in the First Great War. - 10 pm. irr 16, i ,'-a!lier I'- h1 ern interior country as Fort Mc- tistics announces a heavier crop of peaches is anticipated in British Columbia this season. Thi.- Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 WK BinlH FRASER STREET . Prince Rupert $ Lcod, Fort Ware and Fort Gra-hamc. Father J. Carroll O.M.I.. par-ifh priest of the Roman Catholic will also be true of apples, ail See us for your ! Preserving Supplies ..... . m i- Il A I ' L ' I O Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For Ail Occasions provinces to snow a more boua-tltul yiled with the- excpetioa oi CITEESE returned to the , Church here 111 I I V II -uTrtsh Made in citv at the end of the week af-1 Ontario. Cherry p oduction ' . . -IT. I II KI IU x- 111 TINS, JAILS AND JtAA, uiiAJn CANNING MACHINES AND l'KESSUKE COOKERS British x. Columbia us w 11 II be Ko somewhat Ol less. SHINGOLEEN i DAIRY S SERV1CB i 1 ; WE DELIVER ill xry r 3EER PRICES IN THE IDEAL FINISH FOR SHINGLES. FENCES AND ALL ROUGH LUMBER CONSTRUCTION j It is Durable and Attractive ? THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 225 Third Avenue rhoa Ml . !- ter spending a lew aays ai i-,e-jac. Next month Father Carroll will be leaving here for Fort St. John to take charge of the parish there. THREE PRIESTS COMING HERE Three new priests are being posted to the Roman Catholic Church parish of Prince Rupert next month, it is announced from vicariate headquarters here. As previously announced, rather Francis Rayner from Ot ONTARIO UFPED TORONTO The Hotel Association of Ontario has asked for permission to sell eight ounces of beer instead of nine for ten cents and to boost the price of bottled beer to 25 cents Instead of 21 cents. INZIE rURE to'K may let r FABRICS tt'KS that wia ! - V M M E U 1 321 SrdAve. 1 Phone 31 McBride Street FURNACES! FURNACES! I ji!""! un It'i my 1 I 111 ll Mon,M'1 LASTS I ,11 LONCER on my J These Are the Slacks NACEO! F OR II Most birds, constantly active and sleeping little, burn themselves out in a few years. That Jack Built tawa is coming next month to 4 7 i i wui ana ceiuni rri I' I ibe old iyin tb btlr I lk nnftlilv lk IcU It I become parish priest here in suc-i t Father J. A. Carroll HOT AIR AIR C ONDITIONING 1NSTAL KtiW THOM SHEET METAL tTD. Skinny men, women gain 5,JM5 lbs. Get New Hep, Vim, Vigor transterrea to r oust who is being John. Father Edward Green i -nmwm to Prince Rupert from Bla k SM 253 East First Ate. 'J FAWCETT DEALER Burns Lake to become assistant BOTiv hnilK. nil !! '"''"V What I Ihrtll Ail up. uk i stsnr'l NEW ROYAL Savti m tlra tnd 1 rrk loo. ... I'd rilhtr do 1 food job wlib Moiuicil I becouto I know il will I itouu Miy beautiful lonfr." I From 19 18 iuny. I mm. vitamin IJ; JT "; vfj v.ni nrora parish priest here, ine u.u cw priest for this parish is to be Father Augustin Royer, now at Fort MacLeod In the northern Interior, who is being assigned to look after such missions in Alice Arm Stewart, this area as and the Queen Charlotte Islands, working out of Prince Rupert. M1'!' .!;, ,", Uhninii . urn Hi ' I '" Man-tailored for lovely Jills. Smart in Tropical Worsted, Gabardine, Wool or Alpine. Along with the slacks choose TWIN SET SWEATERS, PIXL-OVERS or CARDIGANS. You will find ypur color among the assorted pastel shades. Top this outdoor ensemble with a colorful 'kerchief. SPORT TOGS (A FULL LINE i Suits, Play See our Bathing Suits. Shorts, Prints, Skirts and Blouses. linn t frnrrfPtlii'K IU '"1 r. . . : . , il ia vtt'I ui-e'i i"r. tut ,i. in. '."' . ...,. ,n rit' BlAf omu Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 HOTEL r. A Home Away From Home SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O." Box 1M feting a Turk air - Foam Cloning lido Elastic Covers Wains - (N'S 'tl'PR) For BEAUTY'S SAKE check your cosmetics before travelling oat;. It's th e BUDGET with Sweet 16's PERSONALIZED PLAN NO CARRYING CHARGES NO INTEREST - you pack your Hand Lotions C Colosne 0 Powder Puffs Face Creams Dusting Powder Face Towdi-r Rex Cafle . . . for Tasty Meals n.onSucv ChowMcin Lipstick, Nail Polish. Comhs, Curlers and Bobby Vm Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7 00 a.m. to 3:30 am. KWgin felier GORDON AND hinting " " 813 3rd Ave. E. , ANDERSON LTD. I 216 4th St. Prince Rupert, B.C J