Piinct Rupees JDailg J3cto jltD. Tuesday, July 20, 1948 ' i . 'i til 1i , The S'orr Of Thoi Sv Di-jmlfii Men And Wo. mtn Who Dtd A Thou- jJU nd Dinger! To Keep I Amend Unconquered... Xt -rvV). Aj They Drew The Mip 4rSkjf ,' , of A New Nitior. Acroii Vw ft m The WildernesJ In Line. .e 5Cy V Of Their Own Blood! r lJj i,f-SA NOTE Jf KfMm'-' I This is a JCs4fl.'1 A, 'i ' starts I 7 p.m. f jEjjhpA ''AV &' " : SUMMER Und erwear FOR BOTH DAD AND LAD Shirts And Shorts And Balbriggan Combinations n 4 r to--, ', ; "''-' ft? - v, . : -:,. v i Complete varied stock of everything in Men's and Boys' Summer Wear All sizes, too RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE I ts ? ' ' I. - 'i ; ' Kv , ' y. j " . - , --r 'f'-'r1 w"' "' Tn-m, am. forS IN KLTERT'S tVERY EARLY DAYS A tranquil day on Prince Rupert Harbor away back in 1908. The vessel lying at anchor is the old H.M.S. Eem. engaged those days as a hydro'graphic survey steamer. From here were made the first charts of Prince Rupert Harbor. CAR LICENCES INCREASE IN YEAR TOMORROW JurfXuf 'THE MA(()MHi;U AH'AIK' r ii It: ENTKIES FOR I Ji.s.s Prince' Ruperl Cm! Ml ST BE TI'RNEI) IN BY SATl'KIMY Ml. Prince Rupert is experiencing something of a boom in motor nig, me "u.uuu ui .nunc ences issued in this district in- dicate. Both private cars and commercial vehicles are far more numerous mis year uuiu I So far this year there have been 886 licences issued, although because of faulty plate surfacing, a number of these are replacements for plates from which the paint peeled. About 25 sets of replacement sets have been issued so that the actual number of vehicles which have been licenced is 860. ' Licences are distributed from the Government Agent's Office to points as far east as Terrace and as far west as the Queen Charlotte Islands. Passenger cars dominate-there were 533 sets of private plates issued this year as against 353 sets of commercial plates. In 1947, the total number of GIRLS! GIRLS! SILENT "JOE" Premier Stajin from whom eastern Allies are trying to get an answer on Berlin blockade protest. EXPENSIVE TRIP aska Highway with a Life Mag azine photographer. "The expectec avalanche of tourists to Alaska has not materialized," Derk-.n says, adding that he had "great difficulty' Vv -"if1 TWO ENTRIES FOR BEAUTY CONTEST Two city entries have been received for the Famous Players beauty contest, preliminaries of which will be held at the Capitol theatre here in August, J. Harry Black, theatre manager, said today. Deadline for entries has been set for' next Saturdry night. ' 1 Winner' ( of the local beauty contest will have n expense-free trip to Vancouver for appearances at the Pacific National Exhibition arid iij Famous Plav-ers theatres fttjl may win the province-wtdfe'.iirauty contest which will in ier a glamour trip to Hollywl. First en'tr.:Vis Miss Gloria Sawka, H-yVajdJd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sawka of 704 Seventh Avenue West. Glor' i works as a nurse aide at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Miss Ediih Jordan, 17-year-old Booth Memorial High Scho1"! student was the second entry. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Jordan, 1103 Seventh Avenue East. Mr. Black hopes to obtain nt least 20 entries from the city and district. Entry forms have been sent as far east as Smithers. BLIND GENIUS Johan Sebstian Bach lost his eyesight three years before his death, but continued to write music and dictate his compositions. iSoic Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL MASSETT STORE CHANGES HANDS After forty-two years in business, the James Martin Company Limited store at Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands, established in 1906 by the late James Martin, has been sold to Kurt Lindner who' will continue under his own name. . The Masset post office in the former James Martin store will be moved early in August to another location now being built on the main sireet. Bishop Suspects Big Contributors t NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. Bishop John Cody, Roman Cath-elic coadjutor of London, Ont., speaking here, applied the terms spiritual frauds and religious phisellers" to persons over generous with material contributions to churches. COLORED RAIN Blood-rain or rain the color of blood has fallen in Italy. The red color is caused by red dust from the North African deserts. IS Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, July 10, 20, 31, 11 p.nv. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince RuDert Aeent Third Ave. Phona 568 NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable In ad-ranee at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to ad-ertise in this manner In the Daily News are askd to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Waterfront Office Is Entered at Week-End Police Monday were investi gating the unauthorized entry at the week-end into the waterfront business office of Albert and McCaffery Ltd. where a marauder prowled the premises but, apparently, took nothing. There was no sign of forcible entry. ALASKA HIGHWAY j EDMONTON, 0" A survey j sponsored by the American Automobile Association indicates j that Alaska has been over-rated as a land of opportunity and the I Canadian-United States high-' way leading to it under-devel oped as a tourist attraction. This verdict was delivered by F. C. Drekin of Washington, 'D. C, field reporter for the association, who travelled the Al Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong wilh this sentence? "We are very pleased to know that you will come." 2. What is the correct pro nunciation of "satirical?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Plagarism, plaintiff, plausible. 4. What does the word "infatuate" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with ma that means "containing an authoritative command. Answers 1. Say, "We are very much pleased." 2. Pronounce sa-tir-i-kal, both a's unstressed, both i's as in it, accent second syllable. 3. Plagiarism. 4. To inspire with a foolish and extravagant passion. "He became so infatuated that he lost all sense of propriety." 5. 'if TORONTO SCHOOL tp a purpc ucDr 1 LHtnLRJ ncrvti Thirteen Toronto school teach- ers, in the course of a holiday jrjp to the Pacific coast, will spend the noxi two days in Prince Rupert. They are arriving on tonight's train and will remain until Thursday night when they will sail on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. The party consists of Miss Marjorie Ross, Miss Anna F. Warren, Miss Winifred Weaver, Miss E. M. AUman, Miss E. J. Cooper, Miss Gwen Wood, Miss I. B. Henderson, Miw; L. A. Castles. Miss Margaret Stevens, Miss Hutchison and Mrs. L. R Castles. NEW YORK BOYS AND GIRLS HERE Seventeen boys anti six girls. members of an Adventure Trails will sail on the Prince Rupert fr Vancouver. On p free and easyi camp-by-the-roaci.side, trip, tney are on a ie,isurely tour t0 tne Pacific Coast wlth Jack Anrt,P(ls their leader. They are can y- mg camp equipment wl'h tliein and come here after spending two days at Jasper Park, I Unre f 1 H th.ii ,,r,,, i- the "" J k u "8 -c w Mlcli uwu isauu, aupfi-uun ! screams-a system akin to ra- oar. IRON FIREMAN STOKERS GET 30 MORI HEAT SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 214 GIH iikrks tin: ( hanck of a urn plates issued was 671, of which party from the New York area, 402 were for private cars and are due in Prince Rupeit by 269 for commercial vehicles. night's train and will bf here un- Increase in the number of til Thursday night when they ' ll? 1 lf An All-:xP'' Trip to Vanwvr.l1- Jl ila at th tl,,(,.l I . , MJI nnding bonanuexouristsonthej"1'' lice.d this year as com- lU pro chajH-ron. The B.C. FREE! on a four Winner with eh.i-r..:r. Ca day tour of Hoi yit l- ill? h 4 f Hundreds of Dollars WurUi o! M M IVMjMj Prizes. LOCAL 1'KIZKS COXSISTINCW COMPLETE WEARING ENSKMC Donated by pared with 1947 is aurmuiea io the fact that new cars are be- coming increasingly available and they are being purchased as fast as they arrive at local dealers. able distances apart." Lodgings and meals are adequate and . i. in i reasonaDic, aimoucn camp .. .. .. - snouia noi do more man iou nlliCS apart. Fnr the business tn imnmve. camp operators and government authorities must do more to better camps and develop scenic routes. A railroad into the territory is also a necessity. The Alaska Highway does not serve scenic sections, he says, and scenery is what draws tour ists. "A good tourist road as well as market roads to help agriculture is a "must" as a good tourist trade is needed to j improve the ecenomy and gen eral ponditions in Alaska." route. "About 95 per cent of the travellers on it are job seekers." Those who nave made a success of life there have had to resort to back-breaking methods. "And many Americans who moved to Alaska in the last few years have failed and now are broke." i Travel nn the v,ir.hu.'pv i nv - ' " pensive and is for a "selected , group. NEED 30 DAYS The minimum cost by car is $10 a day. The only United States tourists who would be interested in it are those with upwards of 30 free aays and "considerable money." Nonetheless, he found facilities better than advertised. Tra vellers are carrying needless equipment such as tents, cots,'! extra cans of gasoline. "There ; is no reason to run out of gaso- line anywhere along the high- way. The stations are reason- WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT w The Time is Short Get your Applications Capitol Theatre to enter the Miss P.N.E. 1948 BEAUTY C0NTES Fishermen! JI ST AltltlVID-A I'opulur Radio M.ulr (or 1 Small and Powerful 5 low battery duin lu 7-tube jH-rformanre. ( OVKRS I.OXO AM) SlKtltT W AVI , PHONE .CALL WHITE hi Your Host U ITM. 11 d.m-W r,anl"rt for Lnncri,(,Bf anl rar' . Cliiii('sf r RROADt : RUPERT MARINE REALTY For Gifts You'll Give With Pride Let Your Jeweller lie Your Guide RUPERT RADIO & ELECTt J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY . . RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 975 , , i: ? vc.'-X' f ir i ..v By reason of his experience your jeweller should be able to tell you the quality of anything he sells. That is jour best guarantee for he make himself responsible when he makes the sale. our jeweller knows that you expect anything you buy from him to be exactly as represented because most people do not pretend to be judges of jewellry like they are of other merchandise. You can buy with confidence at Bulger's and you'll find our prices about the same as in other Canadian cities. . Your BANK Uses Box 1321 When your house nerds a new look on top or just repairs (o the roof and gutters, see Mitchell & Currie Limited . PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors HEHSPAPE FADING AWAY Babe Ruth, once famous "King of Swat." He appeared recently in Yankee Stadium when famous stars of former days re-donned uniforms. Ruth, stricken with a throat affection and gradually declining, could hardly make himself heard as he spoke hoarsely into a microphone but he was given a great ovation. " -Do You? 608 3rd Ave. .4 r -