1JACK McNEIL Prfnce Rupert Dfifl? titan SLta. Tuesday, July 20. 1948 v - i i Uu Recipe ' t PASSES AWAY PAYS VISIT FROM ROME Ohlates of This Vicariate Welcome Superior General ' Twentv-one Drlests nf the EMITHERS Jack McNeil, prominent pioneer business man A Delicious Cool Drink Directions: Make tea exactly as usual . . . While? tfill hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice . . . Add sugar and lemon to taste . . . of Telkwa and the fiulkiey Va.- Sauerkraut. Apple r,,M. fat or dripping. ' .i!in(! water i,.rKraut. add (at and 1 ,.r nvcr low heat Romah Catholic Church led by j ' the Bishop, Most Rev. Anthony Jordan, gathered at Lejac on Eraser Lake last week to receive j a visit (ram a distinguished j ley. succumbed In the Smithers Hospital yesterday. He had been found on Saturday with a bullet wound rn Ms head. The funeral will take place Oh Wednesday, i i : ecclesiastical official in the person tif Rev. rather Leo Deschat- i- Atld supar, ami wra tll,ti. Turn into Hi rl,.. cover With she- les, Superior General of the oblate Tathers bt Mary Immaculate, (ram Rome, who is on a tour of Canada and the United States. It was only a year ui?o that father Ix-sr-hatles, who is 1,j ani t4 r jiul bake in a mou-I def-res '' T: . - I Indian Drowned At River Inlet Divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised of the drowning at Rivers Inlet on July l'i of an Indian named Harry Johnson. P.M.L. 7, police boat at Ocean Falls, has proceeded to investgiate. Suites six servings. 'fp' i il,t HOW CAN I ? ? ? I By ANNE ASHLEY i-rn Etiquette j a French Canadian, was elected to the post. Ah axldfess of welcome to father Desehatles was read by Father E. M. Lefay of Kniithers. An address was given by Father Uesehatles In reply. rathef Desehatles came to Lejac from Dawson and from this vlenrlsfe he proceeded to yimnp; man has ...,( a few doors from Six More Young " Priests Coming I Six new Roman Catholic , 1 priests, young men recently pra-duated from seminaries in Ireland, will be arriving in Prince Rupert in October to take up stations In various part.i of this ; j vicariate, according to an-! r.ouncement from vicariate j headquarters. ' the ifiil upon Whoirs Cream, pin .25 ,li,niKi he expect .,;th hlrn to .he lW.J Hi ' . .'...... Cggs Grade A: ! iirge, cartoned, doz .65 I Batter First Grade, lb 73 . jil y. Any Bin wnosr is wirth cultivating ,t,pft to this, unless withboard operator to say, "All rlfihty?" A. No. Neither should a saleswoman hof anyone Use, Q. How can I clean old coins ? A. Apply powdered whiting with a damp cloth. Or, if the coin Is placed In a raw white potato and allowed to remain for abtmt 12 hours, the original lu iter will be restored. Q. How can I remove medicine stains from white fabric? A. Paint the stains with tincture of iodine, then soak in a strong solution of ammonia for 30 minutes, and follow by washing thorouhgly. How can I remove obstinate cigarette stains from the fingers? A. Use well-soaped pumics ftone and hot water. The lighter stains can be removed with plain lemon juice. ,,,1'lnnii Is In pro-. . . . ki i party receives mnnj SUCCULENT FARE In Puerto Rico, the Christmas dinner consists of such native dishes as chicken with rice, port: meat cooked with olives' and raisins, and roast pig. uii' .should sne uunl carry the bmi- milk Evaporated Milk. 18-6z. tins, 2 for 33 Case 7.75 Cheese lanadian Cheese, lb 53 Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 59 'lour, 49 s, No. 1 hard wheat 299 Flour (24's) 1.59 Coffee, lb 09 DeLuxe Quality, lb 1.14 Tea and Coffee Juices HfcAVY SMOKERS In the U.S.A. the yearly consumption of cigarettes Is 900 per head, arid the manufacture of cigarettes ts about 120,000 millions a year. i i f.iihi'i' or her bro- H.MC.S. CAUGA-Cominjr to Prince Kujit during Port Day ami Carnival Week for three (lav visit. ' form (or a mi THE MARKETS I o i Hun? icienmts ttnti I , ,t Hf mi libornofin 7 . ... produce convenient iirlf in die I9) t ntini tricnuiti tianei cxDrrimrmiril m tr, Heir. Jjhofiionn Tneir oh.er. fanven.cn II rn hml Taking Care of Cardena Calls SYNTHETIC FIBRE Rayon was the first man-made fibre. Tomatoes, 20-oz 15 40 oz 35 gallon 59 pples, 20-oz. tin, per tin 14 Filling (iap During Absence of ( arrlena ( hiliotin Has Full Tourist List RAILWAYMAN HAS RETIRED WINNIPEG Brinainf! to a close a railway life that datt buck for 39 years. William H. C. Lu(?an, machinist in the Fort Rouse shops of the Canadian National Railways, has retired under the pension rules of the company. For the last 13 years Mr, Logan lias been an active member of the Western Region Federation of Shop Crafts and City Merchants j VegetaDIrt Celery, bunch Cauliflower, head Swiss Chard, lb Parsnips (unwashed) lb Turnips, lb Mushrooms, lb .... . Head Lettuce, bunch Cucumbers, each )reen Onions, 2 bunches . Australian Onions, 3 lbs. .46 .40 .21 .09 .06 .85 .15 .32 .15 .39 .11 I .t.nfC nlt of 306 40 oz 35' Orange, 20-oz. ... 15 Blended (orange and grape fruit, 20-oz 18 j 48-oz 38 ! Canned trail , Apricots, 20-oz 33 Cherries (fancy) ?.0-oz 38 Stop-sap service has been arranged for Rivers Inlet cannery points during the absenre from service of the steamer Cardena which sustained damage last J? "' Bab, rood, abbae, lb City merchants are asked (n future to have copy for all display advertisements Into the Dally News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation wilt greatly assist the mechanical department In keeping to the regular hour for publication. week in a stranding on Lasquetl Rhubarb, lb. Miir? 1938 lias been its president. f L 7 use .10 .15 Island, north of Vancouver, ana tpinueh, lb. which, it is expecled, will be off Beets, bunch WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Develoninir. Printing Knlareinir QUICK SKKVTCE ' Amateur and Professional Supplies 0 exclusively ' .... rerch New C.P.R. Agent Loganberries, 20-oz 41 Peaches, choice 29 ' Lara .15 . .27 the run for some three week Turnips, new, bunch i Coming This Week undergoin repairs. The steam- Tonialoes No. 1. lb .0 .33 er Catala, coming north this. Jtw potatoes. 5 lb Pure, lb 29 Shortening .33 The new Canadian Pacific Railway agent at Prince Rupert, rC bur"- "wU with bbi. ' ht- old. Of 5" d theit ' D. H. E. M.u Lean, w ho has been week, win add waanams in kiv- canned Vegetables ers Inlet to her regular ran andl pities, gal next week will make the calls at i Green Beans, fey all Rivers Inlet points. Frank! Jo 5 peaSi fancy' Waterhouse freighters will lookMixed vegetables after the freight for Bella Cooia i )ire(j RpeYs 2 tins Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe In Prince Rupert Open from 3:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. stationed in Juneau since April 1947. will arrive here this weekend and D;.vid Scotl. whom he but passengers from there will, Wax Beans choice ... in the meantime, nave 10 una , Aixed Peas and carrots .... their way either to Namu or pumpin Ocean Falls to make connec-, rnr rhr,in : succeeds, will pioceed next Mon-I day to his new post at Seattle. Mr. MaiLean will be relieved j from Juneau by If. H. Davies j from Victoria, formerly a purser on the triangle run. Mr. Davies has latley been in the ! Skuuway office relieving the .2o .Oil 25 ZV A2 .72 .43 .3i .4 .24 .47 .Vi .43 We specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY FOR outside , orders Phone ' 133 CHOW MIEN . 1.99 .17 .14 1!) .25 .. .21 .18 . .16 .. .24 . .24 .25 .20 .. .45 .24 .25 .38 .45 .23 .29 Corn Niblets faked Beans, 20-oz., tin .... Baked Beans, 15-oz., tin .... . .v., mmona " .aeon tions witn other vessels. Water Shortage So Cannery1 Burned regular af:ent there who as bien on vacation. Soap Soap, face, 2 for Laundry, cake .. .08 Sunlight, cake Soap Powders, ar?o ' Glace f ruit Cherries. 'J!b pkt Almond Paste, lb 'oconut. lb Fruit Cake Mix, lb Dates (fancy), 1-lb. pkt Seedless Eaisins, 2 lbs (Seeded Raisins, lb 3helled Walnuts, v2 lb Shelled Almonds, '2 ib Shelled Brazils, 2lb ' Jams Pure trawberry, 24-oz , taspberry, 24-oz Blackberry, 28-oz Cherry, 24-oz , each, 24-oz. .pricot, 24-oz Soups Canned Soups, .13 to 1 Meats Ham, boned and rolled, lb. .. Ham, reg. lb , Bologna, lb When the recent fire at Hyda-! burg. Alaska, which destroyed a 1 cannery and warehouse, broke out. it was discovered that the SEA LAWS The earliest collection of "sea laws" dating back to the 14th century are contained in . the Black Book of the British I . . .u .Ireree. TrJP Fiuit Strawberries, I kt Bananas, lb pples, cooking, 2 lb Fancy Apples, 3 lb Lemons, large, doz Grapefruit. Texas (white), 9fi's. 3 for (pinki, 90's, 6 for Oranges (Navel) 25 Dates, lb .... I-rest, .VT.ik Local Quart . Pint .59 ; .44 : .46 ; .60 ! ' .44 .40 .! .80 j .49 .28 town's water system would hardly work because of a long dry spefl. Volunteer fire fighters, using a small pump in the cannery, struggled valiantly, but this did not go far enough. New Stock of WATERMAN'S Pens and Pencils has just arrived. A fine graduation or goine-away gift. r DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Heinz nibv Toous BLACKHEADS iimpV li"lv r.ii dilH"Mir bj thu MM mclhiKi. C.t two imlie. ! nil ur omi"-" n' pio" powiler Irnm ny aruf Bore, uprlnkl "n h.t. WK rlolh. mi tw vully mn blokheal will b .. .22 .12 Classified Advertising Pays! THIRD AVENl'E . BESNER BLOCK T!.TjslifJ iu KPll. i7trrci.il jjfci. pi"" iina vMtiit.n Iofri to t minimum, nr. .11 iimiroiciiil aflurr u id..! and til nuirdirnii rf Vacationing with Y oar Car?, Welners, lb Garlic Sausage, lb Bacon, pkg., lb Bacon, side, piece Cottage Roll, lb Liver Sausage, lb Spare Ribs, lb TEELELACE .72 40 .40 .45 .45 .to .70 .45 .50 .58 .65 . .43 .SO .70 Points to check before you leave to ensure a carefree holiday: . f! j ENGINE TCNE-CP Maximum miles per gallon of gas. Insurance against engine failure. 'Fresh Pork Ham, lb. t'lE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . ! Bee Your BRAKE INSPECTION Safety and Confidence. WHEEL ALIGNMENT Driving comfort when at the Pork Chops, lb Pork Tenderloin, lb Pork Sausage, lb Steak, T-Bone, lb Steak, round, lb CENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bulrk Chef. Trorka funliae Oldsmobil G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY ll wheel for long distances Prevention of excessive tire wear. And last but not least a thorough LINDSAY LUBRICATION and know that every part of your car has been correctly lubricated and checked includes under-car inspection. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. PHONE 866 O errace Machine Shop & Garage NEW SHIPMENT OF Sl'P-F.RBtY TAILORED SUITS TERRACE, B.C. It's TRUE ! You can again find that favorite of young and old famous Jell-0 regularly on your grocer's shelf. IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men' Clothing, Shoes . . . plu.4 S new Self-Serve food Seetiort with a Free Delivery A well-groomed appearance plus that feeling of confident assurance that springs from being comfortable and correct Is yours in any of our new suits. OTHER NEW ARRIVALS AT ACME INCM'DE A new range of gabardine and worsted SLACKS, casually correct SPORT JACKETS and these ever-popular CROYDON RAINCOATS. Your choice of seven wonderful "locked-in" flavors STRAWBERRY PINEAPPLE RASPBERRY ORANGE CHERRY LEMON LIME So quick and easy to prepare, so thrifty too, you'll serve Jell-0 most often plain, or with cream or top milk. For special occasion or for a special treat add fruit or whip the Jell-O or make a Jell-0 salmi. See recipes' on the: packages. We can supply all your needs in ... . BUILDING SUPPLIES including WALLROARDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT&CO.LTD. (HE SKEENA MERCANTILE in the Soabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting Y Wbti W culy Si MO ? ACME Fishing Sightsooing Xeeha air transport ltd. "Serving the North Since 1920" Phone 631 652 LUMBER PAINTS CLOTHING STORE PBONES Jtll'O I trad-mark owntftf by Gnral dt, LimiMu COAL f'race: w. H. Martin, 23;. E.iT. Kenney Ltd., 35 Prince Rn npi'f frryi Punprf. TTnti!. 466 A Product Of Onrof Foods